Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Dec 1978, p. 26

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.......... C2 The Canadien Chamont, Wed., Dec. 6,1978 Between the WVillows A winter long remembered Milton Then ResE Dy Meu mithinoa tom bones tbings tinrted totham oat.O etemottdS ay ýflnByr et,,sc Alm ehltrbcelebratitg Dad'sbirthday, e MansntMS hr 26p547ebdtiglttPstehi Igor~~nd aroand thentsuii go msie b11eanc mm basmpteted love betore Stfront maci te shinglon. Bot a So' ylte adndel.ttogtttI om agiloc.A o lattelot n the Hock, ITINO " ba8igmlhmt0 liti mact erin m r ba1ae h, aod. it mere bore enoogb, tiny, mtnddricon Slais cor tilterinit in rt-p trmoyeo. anl ocmon, Plobrit and electnociaon mere bonkeit udrbedttg,"aii' ic motaaedbcoetSe boo ideanda lor teir Tbroagbont the mintar me regalarly rececceit notices tramt Itat mot te yao mevon. ta Suldn amprto retemomn dntinding on tl mas contrr ta Jimmryl Watdle at Oar gara ge mas not inolaled and sonoembat dirtt Wr reaaotocior thnmeb e r e wPocPe shop e i n hegm derided to bang on, nonethettns bou0r hoilder lonnedous a toto the ntooe. No action man tahen ta eot Ste dr ar- nee onStmi barnoBtnnantoce idhae e ov 0 hbt.iPait'tUnifie We eglthelitre going it mon coontortably maron, Laeabdd15ivligndS mtthon aboat fIce leet train the oid borner. Sot, at the otber Sp thin tione te second lone ot te boace mat olmont litie vague in thnte ond ot te garage mhcob man oor nleeping aires, te tea- licable. Wit te belp of Ed and my old tooi boddy tHagli bdiStothi io prtrboeeobool on degreon F. Sol layero of blonhota Robertson, me lagged Dur nstf throogb the rond and ap te sped rnpeaated ov d m ee et s oe datrornml temPOrary IsIacrc The garage broome a garage and Jimmny mon a mohn ayadS eotinOîng ohores on te booce, me protactedoorocars for yeaes IonEtiimh origdadtenee rlmeeentoallptaok itolnit andsiferrats mocedtinonder involved inoahittertl nvrhad trouble going tlosleep ain myd Stmdr Son. ~te boniness ta lis INncelbraad hemnasmit ai th Irmonngo Wr onrd Mont ol lin lamine ta baîlit a large. Iolly oloned-in Jamnes st. TIsai moite tather'shotne, a short driveîfron oorlot. bacb porcbmbtobhprovidedus manybhouof otlessr eln ro mwe NewmYearseourehlder EdLavereauandtasractous anresoon dpir, ta tto oed ode ncoedo 'ponerO 10 prlpo lbîrcocios ome asmweliord ontaeadombanh Ronauldnil eetd Wie ntee s oe r tote gi are.n orote posome.dr Memorirc o1 ooe Ifurti home ..and tbe gond timon me loctio bas been bei stoegn w elAtOan d S iargeteyold th tbtndd aared mill necer fade. I don's really bom mbether or not INaldie gaveup theh caveeno tt lwcold Wiebrddd c o l br rn y0op01poaboebcm ortooîy or edon t Thon cor bave a cn e. e bdee dwrtnheei wam yun d olesdtdahv h er mbich ittusteaton anI Rack to home-bote on te m0rnog. soorligbted aod. Sut Id sore reoomn dclt. - ut0fuiofno ger ale, ina field of ild daiiesr. oOld bring $800gran more pleacore tbao aopchampagne in a îeiylandocastlr e.gal ! o, nging loodlp or listroîog e nambrada f f IJIflfl M f ~ A Mmepncdrheld maoy myntreon and yoo hinîrd 1h01 orcase proond mota ildo, rmab ecen ser Goldclocha if An $»t grant 10 te 1l N me mere crry lochp. Language Steritage - When oor litt1e le gs mere aohing. andmwe coutl malh no mnitlee ofMiltonmwlSble lorîber. or'd nil domn and eagerlpy eol tbe tastp sandmichon for eqoipmenl in Italien NIno Gordon ofthbehoote. andthe BonoIflhe MontsPonal. Italien Canadien CIa A Iriser toonar Faiber Remembr the dap tbe ckp cdeol dah d n a Il on no I mac iooodd ttrogglicctthroogb y0e lbrrapy brgaoîtoîalmitb inreasintfoe . We lourdoanîdhbarn and The gronit mat Pro Asd tehoI sam wlileil îlte beocy let. -ny lhougblo go malched file lightncog flosh throogb the tera. aod listaned 10 trom the Federol Minit aovrStle a05 toanolher Ic on g. longogt. Imatcery the rain bracing open te thatobed rond, Tbrc tbe son mould blaIr tor Mallicalton ponng ten, and aMont reep Sonday %r moold board the cre ohog h lus n ed u hog h e rs nder the Cultural E atone slretor. and hetto the lamihiar crip 10 Moncycide, lo theriver. ment peogroon. Ourespeccal place. The Nombr ta palloîrd. tey onp on Toronto, bol me cao The classes are donig We atmops headed righc o he bbck ofl the streetcar. so recail the conl, clormwalrrippliOg or 00e lie lest, anmve teaeh the Italien lango pon coutl tallIon pone oon version of 'Oliver Tmist' and me seorchet foe poIlbmogs and rare mater creatoron 0ne day cbildaen of Italiatn fai eouklaaghaaonouchosmrmaotedmîchocccaroocîclloonmch yootowam tothe othersaiderandmwacndltoous.admrestartd lherebp preset'ing carioaclp. then the streeîcar reoobrothîe end ofthebrinOe, cryîog.aIeaidpoaoldn'toomehackh heritage. mie yen inagbt ooe hottîr ofl pop foe usta1 share. drhap. cheapn. or moold ta001, komicc oeil thal chose leco and Now xarching Mult ibittat lTe location on lance St.wa gon One amsSt. hetmeett aaimano0tdntoh Bnotta, are to btuildittga abla cnonUse New Rayal HOtet and chate derabte ttitarica tai -m fie big cttea. By MItf when te be aSaada a ettarce were butt Jinti'a tan, James ery hta6 bltactlt Alfredt, mon in te bausttess hetpittg ina clver the dnarla a faiblir. Aitlived ai24 James Si and ia leilS.' tatiter liveit at 26 James. rin ictt Jauat The grandns ilm aod Att have made Wt lus inaicototith many intprovemeata in te doabte bonat tah taced Main S.- tince tedaya whent mitamwakpthPîas Dperlp nom nccapied a boy. Jim,tfor mr.ttPPeors wththe P, t. Chtmtdt. ApjtarettY, Ro.bertas Co., Svet aI 24 Jamea, and Att, [iea mmee opt tô fie a who tfnmwed ia te toatatePO of hia tatr dapi, and hae inter and grandtateraaO bîachamllh, livea at 26 in te tocation mon James. t wtt qaite aarpriaed cohen Att tatd me tce.tliving SIa te huilding hadl once lieen te bone of atrthon bcme George Brown, the tirni mapor ot te Tonn i dinpte, ha moved of Milton. Itbait Seen ovoed by hia poand- Prtssetltocat on tather fromt the prnperly on Main St. which mas made samce limre a nom occupiet hy Knox Preahyterlan te prient cbarch Charcb. The thnp n te nem prier ta the mocing of the bailing tu te pi intact aldaougb Att mont aide of Jaea SI., St iabn a lvaed nnu lusinela inSthe tie. te omernaide oftar intae a trplette thap in inmn that t can reonember qaitle maill Il at mportant phase of lite locats eot teen te gronery store aI the corner ai Main St. lDad Hewgiltl and te on history homne of Williamt A. Pontitio, pubtiahler of The Canadian Chma intinedyM think ltw oatM toir to Watu fa nnmrdnan, livied theretnir any yeus.i hanbelle tomedeen in eecet year. MMa pale g Dr. SYer hnaght t e PIl - - t tr y d th a t wastomradtmttintt e tdh."eb. bied bailt at 21 Jame S. ise Brawn bote mot have basa maved tu James Bt. hp Jhaonp Wa.tdle &bout te pear 171. Affta tather moa inbnta ete lime te taralfine mat mnned arnot Ste! uessit. He maslut sa~ety idiot day in a Caitt tabaut te tirt aImyor and hit h om e le d m e t th e R e r fo . tP a i 0 ft 12, Loi 13, ad Part af Lot 4 were ocqalred p te tuotet Ot Kno Otteis tront William Lamen Pater EAger (Ua- marriedi in I66, The porchoe Pie mat $5,000. Partial paponat at 111510 mou allomeot hy Mtr. eager la exehonge ta te demi ta te onagregttiot' motte prmPeetY on Martin SI. bolide te aid cherch bidig, mhlch la nom incladed In te baSII ofthaeUnited Ato WOt'ier ao10 Mentrdea St. Cntintad on Palle CO Coin- lang- b ot vidait nricb- neit ta age ta Milies, their Good Insurance by any other name is stili good InsuranceJ Thle followiflg facts are truc - Only the namne lias been changed to, repreSent the principalîs. ClefientS and Noble lneurance Agency Ltd. Noble and Poppe Insurdince Agency Ltd. & Saine Address - 16 Martin St., Milton New Phone No. - 878-7217 Saine People - Roy Noble, Ron Poppe AiIeen Brouse, Kîtch Bird he most important time of ail toi save electrc"ty. The dcmand for cicr- frrit in Ontario reaches ias pcak early in flic cvcning ton CGId wînfcr wekdaya. Bcfwccn 4 and 7, everyone's asking for dcec- ficîfy. Many faciories, storcs pnd officcs arc still opcn. Stect lîghls are onTh kida arc home from schctol, parcnts home froca work, cvcning mcmi arc bemng prcparcd. And the hcafing sysfcm lias fo work harder. Il ail adds up. Demanda for clcftc- ct havc heem increasing ai a o pc Ihaf can no longcr lic met. The raie of growfh must bc reduccd. You coni hclp by avoid- îng the big jobs like haking, washîng and drying bclwecn 4 and 7. Maire sure Ihal unused hights, TVs and appliances arc off. 'hkc il easy on flic hot Plcase do ail you con f0 save electricity Il*efuimedepenIs onl it. milton hydro 258 Mainlit. your hydro Phone 878-2345 '. MOV UPN MANAEMENT ifoit want the ceca tv, scope and icmof a managemnt cr on busn oro goveomecOonder As a professioail A Management toccocltant. 000 mill havce a rare combination of hiils chat arr I greot drmaod The RIA cîodv program provîdes on ch more thon an in-depth grace ofaccocolcOS Yeu wil isetogainla broad range ofmanagement insights anA chilis SoOoomilibeequiîped t0 wark ccc h cither mmbrc of the management tam in planning actîvîtîrc settivg olbrctives and monitoring recolla, Unlîke the tradilionai "coorekerpiot- 00000 nIant, thm RIA bas his ryr on the foture Acd your future miii be oclîmîtrot E very orgaciaioc oreda ectior managemenrt And'-nombrrcpOa a part in almost vrv management droc ion That's whV sO nanV RIA's have achîrced seniormanlagement ranks - andwhv voit can loob forward te oinog them As an RIA. you con select tramo the wcidst choice omanagement opportunîtîrchrecaosr Vou îlikhave cîccdîrd thec folI Management Accounting Sodv of Knoomîdger Considar this ilaCt too. Ooly the lIA progroon t designeit cprcifically for the hroad opportoOities ai tbe Managemeet AccocotOS professior. Il combines rcrnîng lectures or home study wîth veut practîcol on-te-job roperiroce. Sa il helps 0000 core long belore 000 gradae. Start moving up nowl For more information, contact: R. A. Eîmanoki,.1 IA. 41-6780idays 315-8887l(evga Toront Officer btewHall or Jean Bur (416b 3638191 dava) HamilonOffice: b odent Allars, 525-47100 (days) The Society Of Management Accountants of Ontario Co ~ - a nadssOril walipapSr sondesand fLiL COE" £~~~ ~~ L@TUmuer.,c. 1me-t .0 pÇ~,,-~Ep7p.yCHfiMA a ~ - ~ SPitL Strig Flar et ste c/) Charon B atel O ~ edChemt ,O'5 OiOOiNc0dr winterO Pcdbg Gonrs 0,tcWraile Mmcv ~ ' GhOmO oaPAN -LR=e WAL oVSRING ,irmcon,,,,ac Bracelets CHRISTMAST ~~~~m1~~~~~ Cnt MEaae r iLTNT.. SEE ond Cher s,.-ý 220 AIN STREE7 T Auprtihl hopPls M.rdut TodiEX T h FI.vII HAE A ac C OMP EhTE UtN F Motel WPEl POIN ET A IN tTREET Migre TONbe .m00M00.2 ANSI8890 e97li mooa t. __ _Mato * .tutO.edll-. __ __ __ VIct ouCaao mu11 HARRISNr &TATIONER l2MtltIeeOl Mo »MI 1 ANS.E 878-447 MILTONg 878-«e! Dj onfith act W^ rotE .Ieoac a Hta 312 WPodRr Ma lobfNCR SI~ MAGM SmOESToîl, lAIN osE 00E (dîô)875 892I 7s4l874 tocARD Oc- &OO iaetreltnbifoobDeum_ Continued on Page CS

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