B8 The Canadien Champion, Wed. Dec. 6,1978- PRIVATE Milton0. EXCePOi.naI LOTStOsl-12cel vla e 0EGT 090 "10000. 4080203w rlei bungalow OA o fI 0Evetn ceH y2 Copac no 3 bedrmn la,48040e2 large 00 est 8110 in 00000ia i ct Altnor centre a or 0, feterino x ,t ,000 f imshed p nsoso Constron ,oLfd $530190000 00WpI000I gihsO,4 do0 0e garge Lo 156' x 1271 Iem 8700 16 1oî56 980 baisement20bath10000.open $65 0 N5agents pinose 08 a - i_ 0022 , trpace wioîlslaoelI and 12380'or1 624 4712 NEýARAOAu 2 si,35ey0, a vsxodbA0000 st000 in1 rec 304 3 bed000W, 25906090Whous 00250 ri O WEa,1 posaetieor W111 on love'0 y000,6, 2 acre lo. 0540 00040i 0100 tr 0nto 0o 14,0 îh Asoîng S37,000 Financing s80000000 Ltd. 8530190 Or $4,90Wih vilable. 877 007. avertiras 077081670 0 56-9000 Low Sown Payment 20304 10190 3000000000lAc OM 3tles 878-28887B-88 tnlomhroi 00003 alh ancsPrvesle.10001301 BOB CROSS (011 0,ood Real Estate ani Insurance Ltd. 84 5-4261 dayo 3287 Main Street West, hOK 6, Milton, Ont REAL ESTATE 1 - Homnes, duplexes, format tomohooses, condom- Limited Realtor and buildingstfor sale or lease. CAMPSELLVILLE NS A CE COUNTRY "I0 aam NS, omrAcEnd dotalln (11 S 00,0 mai ,o , nA 2 General: Auto, fîrEI, theft, bonds. etc. t.c 9haut lite: Ail types plus estote planning. h..se -75,000. For Personalîod COuncoDuS SorVîCo 131 0 A- Campoooloob vll '235,000 .55,000. ICs,,.,,1Faim01000a6&4b"' Asking Il25,O00 16Ac.oo.îOo,om,,4000 u Cou Jim Watson Res 85425 _A 14 1777 A. E. LEPAGE N T R I 0 LT D A STONE ýHOME - CIRCA 1810 HisoriaolO000orgenOYie,00 aload a hall wih matchiOsans, 2 c0ar gaagedattahait OoootiIOOOtedan,625 soi" of Escarfament '2% miles font40001000 Milton. This5000000t able 2300 square tact ome with thrm bedîooW9 and 20ba0h- 10000 00000 ban iil W605010,6u nod partieleîonc ta70, mi îo igi rerofIIOIOAOhigh eiings and pine pifooI00 Seidom di0 a om0o 0i cr780a,0071000004hd0 -oOO colono h.0 moarktbut the ov000s0WA81W000 CoIIJ,,,ossfo an p. 98 ACRES For less than $1888. per Acre 12 Mile 0,00k f1.0.03 thoogh ira 001,10 lai0 Excellent in vesien oetelOOas0appicationî001 Pesaoi 0eng made t BROOKVILLE ESTATE 134,900. to 139,900. entre Illoog, adjoining Park Etschool. Tolo 00,10 4, V0,mile Imm,, 000 401 ai GulphLo. Un, intoboogsNo.30, FOR0F000000 INFORMAT10N CALL JIM NEIL Country Office, 335-8897 BuoiiogtOn Office, 637-8245 087mt0 Young people conduct service at St. Luke's seaniag., judi canard on ail brttans tu slow their aUsie t 2, day by da Bn- mg and sot to givro Up ýhir blog iest irosg Thoe modern 8008 Pre- ested by the y:thlbul comir parashoe told of 0502 besO=tïlmente and words oeast anod abe saggestodi the interpretatOo of the songil =m aed the beliefs of ise borised tbeir voioms lentbuoiastiC praise. Carot Munro 204 the service eitb Lyon 0ates aod Rtues Otes readins the lemons and Wendy wbeelband and Mars Simmo preseoting suitablO. theught-provokbioz 0010021000. Rick Fatz of Toronto asd Louise, Redotone of oabv00e assisted ith the gitar ad drum, and emendyjua soi10 lit okvllOotie e5 0080100 dom ias oe more - plaitd 10 boparo baSth cto Ooe os rat Ofltl pt te ated o YE oet prie cotretin thetcso "i pO Je. sud 0 Obte pEmm t t oaft mtor. A=.E. LEPAGE rem bnd T____ Ar1111eTIcREommend to friends 59900g $r3029O0 .1 TS SidIsosn so EXCUSIVE HORSE FARM PICUREYOURSEL $DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR$$ Loatd n 2 er ýn, ca o gnte olin N FRONT OF AROARING FREF AC ONE OF THE BEST VALUES 2 sar hme( omli eauýiP,,, ON A COL DWINERSNIGH WE HAD O OOFFER IN MANV AOAY vin. OIm la s hi.,..it buit 3 ed oomie , steaon2 190 sqae e t o ivn 2 sorey 4 bed,ooW mi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c.veovadsoa lyonadano om.lrelvnan iiros atalfi polA MOEMUST BE SOLO QANER AS MOVE IN FOR CH-RISTMAS -$63.900. ACTON -A LIVING BARGAIN $50,900. A TRANSFER Park Manf,,,loo,10oi000 poOe, -m, par F,eplac a ao000100from ivioom2 0WNER bsth, country kitchen Askx,g$67,500.Call Distor ai dng o l f-rd backytnd. PRICED WANTS TO MOVE THIS WE MAKE LUS AN Lawrence7 F0R A 001(0K SALE SO DON T BE A SLOW 0000010 PleaOIAI MagKOooW F000" Pleaso 0411MagKe,00 500 OOWN 3 007,00W tcooW IMMACALATE"1 As,ngilAC S $41 SonCi0_1.000005001d. 1~'8 1.6 00 ACRES 00 viril, conside 1 yeo000009020 Asking $54.900. Cail INVESTMENT vr0.07'2. 4AAaimens Iw stoes wth god eragesps Onthe foothiliso t0he EscapmeW001 Okooheh, 4 Main SI oo Aski.g 129,00 Ct COent, bedoWoWO, ,îgouod0 pol Gtithmefr ar Law,^n^e wlh in lews LO l ai $18900 Cot Oenzil For conWfidenltiel evaluation witbout obligation please cal> us MILTON 878-8101 TORONTO LUNE 826-9218 Te"o Sandeoson, Mgr. 1-244-4149 Oenzil Lawrence loge Winther Duncan Archibald Marg Koarns inoemi 878-9543 853-1990 878-1728 878-2764 842-1232 Pl '~C ', 205 MAIN ST. E. MILTON PlC Coast to Coast Open? 9to 830 Mon. te, Fn. Bat. 9 tc Ca state Cosrtc BFçg Estate ServiceRelEteSrvc 1~ Milton Towers Rehlor Luxunious Condominium 150811 Avallable et Milton'@ Spaclous Conoinium Si Millulde Dr. ln downtown Milton 2 bedroom apartments $38,000 - $40,175 Bluy Now Move ln for Christmas and let us talle cure of the chores Uise the tirer party rn.for yeur panr ait ChoisOosos oettheO î03îîBuses.dtt"G ri Ternific Oppartunity Clos toboL 08, ad ftoo '1020 THIS IS A BEAUTYI N400100 b Etqa0117y 015015d. th0 lovely 4 Phone 878-8787 Even.ing. 8447496 ba hom il lioWnatatvecld-a eta MOdeIsOpreMon Thoors, 2.f.O siae wths wakqdsanet ManSreFltesi IPOLZLEU. A D C:22 ONRA 64TR E For-bdroo 2-tore, doblegarae, ýI wsh, 2001 Bq. F2z. "THEfall Forbdomotwi fouinar fiepae ogh'ahS7,9 PINE" 1 inirlplace owe level,80110 main0 ooudry 739 5 j' OVER 60 HOMES SOLD &hNa"~ J/""e /Vw &eften sigl amily detaChed homes on large lots. $6 A 7 ODELS TO CHOOSE FROM M(1181 Iromil 6 * 5 MILTON . W -jE DERY D.Sales ofic La ie I i ERRYRD.Milton phone 87&5717 - ~ ~~HWY. à NaaL teaTe.lua t ;La Homnes M'st àiIa sua. il te 8 i LiLted _j - - - - - - - - . . . . .. . ,,i eub, y0000 v02008 8a i0 Palermo S nda 0000200i' oyfal pro se tu, God 010,45 Stwe the 70900 ple of2E d = O.f" Paul tiailos. 0 antin d obohor leaderb 8000 000001 10hOS in0Atio arn od lîowb onosultationt 0359 mOo. 800000 o125 le Roto, the 0ev. W. Or006 eV"I11 51981 4806.4 . Noble. osducterd the evno IrmmrOS<50 2146 ing service. 300 O 26000 6090 By W duolsa, th.yomnol 01,0 o erlooking Fal Liens, 00000 d e 7d iosn.= 102 Mill S5. W. 1i322 . ,me.se ni! dedloatim, chat- 1 0237 leoge alu Od jo th 2e con- OZO 504030boogiOOO o gregation. The y0008 people n'0I0i50o0 o0n000 plannad the service in li 20000a100d000, eotirety with Carat Mosro 86090090 fera3 0o0500000I00 reopoosible for the final 816r856.96020. formoation. 10023 Judi Oates wasthe speaber S2006,090. 0011 poioo b apn e athe service anld lOkeoOth 000004 purchaser. 3 be00om foot lifta everytoing coodd be T0020ho050 A10t0 COn donc in a Christian oay, Sbe sIt.00ion Liq. 803.0190 01 said, "The way in wbiob we 10005 0 1??9 d a thing, or tbe way in