The Canaedan Champion, Wed. Nov. 22, 197Mi Final score in the 1 Teesday night gae inMilto : N OTH cUs voe acs Nem Hamburg .. to esy ss1litio STUBBORN FIRE et a t"rsday ngtkept firefigh before itwus under contri United Way tops ita goal Tbe United Wey campalgu in Burlisgtes and Hlamilton- Westwortb bas cofleeted, i centributions and pledesa total et $3,657,212 wlscb la tO1. 4peeet lof is t978galq of $3,0 0 . t la e 1056pe cest incieasse over the amosst acaeve<tin 1977, and almeot double the ancrease of hest year's campate General campalgn chair- man Jios Carmas, vice presi- - dent, Marketing and Strate- gi eores for Westlisg- S bosse CanaW.da Limited, said, "Ina year ise tbtsone, tbet is atremendos cottunity accemptisbmest. Everyose ahe eostributed, in ahatever way, shotdflet very proud. o Te secrease ibis year. is higber tbas tbe average in- as ~crassetfor theprevieousthree campeigus. o, despite ceorseig econotc cod- tieus. the rities ef tbos area h ave respeuded geserously te EXTENSIVE SMOKE DAMAGE was casased in a Tuesday morning fire the needo. Cosiderief et the home of Archie Metcalfe of 93 Hugh St. Firefighters were forced to teday's eaesesieecirale, the smash a hole in the watt lt dossse the fire which spread from a downstairs geal an reacbed aas eue thilt shed through a watt into the upper floor of the bouse. I tbee5bt vies beyond oc gresp, abes an set il." $3,OO0 damnage in house fire Assestimaed 3,000 damage The shed is louatai tahud arruvedavl mnutes ofthe thresgh the aI te get huos wa casait Te artial;5t tbe kitebes and a thun ea and umasbed a hote tetbctîre. to alocalbhome, alter atteispts minues, tir ad spreed ta thue a bot ater pipe througb te mcsuato os stehoO llion Regienal Police,. as Arebie Meteatteuof es1 llagb home.DIAE St. oas oarssing the water Accsrtbsg te polie, the ITR EIT ppe intbe bacb shedeofbis berne suitered extensive homse veitba blaowtercb,awh ock umbdaentle a sect io of5te aiell mugbt fion. Mites Frne Departmest G o g t w ~ ~.Chryrnier Raiders MilRons eNo. 1 edveriseg medeum. Fort Erie Geiilng the message home depesideblv FRIDAY, NOVEMBEfl 24 -~Gilrdun Alcunt Memorie Arrane $225 $1,25 ~ M i M dSENIOR CITIZENS £Be WEDNESOAY, NOV.2 SIIOPPERS DRUG MART NIGI4T 5305Bbl'lvm Fir 25Op.a..55,of adýI lIissdv M lsm a e o c er 8s0OnorcuOdooe-uob0ver sdcnv5huefor$2.00 oth c vse of sOssOr Ban Victoria St. garLage hy Chartes Restîvo, housed severat cura and ters buuy for an heur, other equipment. Conaiderabte loau resutted. ol Thse garage, owned miLi.JYN OPTIMISTS claimed second prize in the theme float division of Milton's Santa Claua parade, with this Sesame St. entry. Optimists rejoice as Debbie Van Hattem of the parade committee (lef t) presenta the trophy. Judge Jim Dilis watches. on PROU AT Populer Banh of Nova Scolle Financlng Johnson Bros. Gairage 295 Main St., Milton 878-9942 of thie os0-aazn -M e rs Madnl' gos s Ji ods utIG S os aaua Q U ET, REFRIGERATORS, cauctuaETi sasGte, AS DAYERS, mou DISHWASHERS soe:T. -- pfon chtiues -iibe Paudor cab" a AND TRASH MASHERS Ca Ca Cecetin 877018 KEIYINAIDR- IS O M INJIIIE ON Tise sm Ti450wAV MUFFLERCENTHE Oms ANDs Is INJUR ON 0«,d asnd aerreeSd by jsue eulghbsUSsd bmlededs REFRIGERATORS -tosisse. s m. 4e butes yss t5conter sel hiems YOUR PROPERWY *'ha-'ay~met~ce~ Avean tad MAYTAG W ILL yQJJ EIE ne' ..Pvuediv AND IHAER ]RECOVER? No isallai CI,a,ýp .C,ý,h -WE RE WAITING TO HEAR FROM YOU" Gelting bit wîth a personat injury or property damage dlaim these days PL ISha aN coutl ha a rude awakening. Voue pre- U sent liahility insurance may not cover thse cosi of oodao,'s inflated medical bilts and property damage settlements. m f l r e t é Te keep yoursetf adequately protected, ask your local Economical 56~ MAI Insurance agent for advice. 701 MAIN SlT. 6 AI Il BRYA MUUA INSUAN CMAN ST. SOUTH N DAY RESIDENTIAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE appLance cemr HALTON HILLS (GEORGETOWN), ONT. BUSINESS 877-2491 RES. 877-0049 SIX DAYS ONILY-Nowembir 27 toDecember 2,19M8 ,A DM1RPLU REFRIGERATORS AND DISHWASHERS SIMPLICIT GAS DRYERS AND WASHERS