Five new candidates talke town council positions hoenwfae vn cse oenai c lnh fnot omwhit eJohnsn nqeahod Twno athomloa leco Ko ano und Rose Harrison. Canadhan L.egion on haciog Be11 Tefephoan chiden vhllanns ucesu serveit on Ohe (nMilo' ocn o h n ylhy Gbons and Wu d past eoorn Jin Watuon in They vquooaod pant Dace Gautoanh ul pronident ni Marrito Vmy, O.ey havo estend toOlfree daalng tothe inher necondhbd forecoard. canc hefore reg nettoyas he epresono oi Dor tocdsOvandhO de Sylva, Gord Cartwrght falon Real Entole LtdIA., n ~a MiOv CamphellviSe &94 enchaoge Shomwas deonted in 0976. government. Thyaergoa üniýMMan Hnonoand Ghbbonueread Dn MCoeman. Chairmasni ovte Milton Gary and Laura. aras a the saame tmne an A native of Egland nhle McMSOln didv' ha losGsGu OsiadBl anuuki defeoed in-w cofsevencanddates vyng Rearnod taofficetrain tho Dstric Hospital Board, ho Milton. eecevedhar educationithere. contest Ove election-h ,hot Ji- Ken Word for four poton inWard iuod erecveterans Gordon hasnilaohel a variey of Johnon la a teean cama Preniden of he Nanaga She laa eahe itErnest C. inuomhent Brad Cie l ot ha-mng fice run for weva Area Ratepayers As- Dry Sehal. wm ace o med. MeS MILTON REGIONAL INCUMBENT Jim Kerr looks op tronc explainivg hic recordivg of the votes ait the polIo 10 his rival Gus Goulounki at the lions Hall Monday nighf . Kerr wcc the firof prorn o1 inicran Goufounki ho hcd won. Kerr Winners - howy Bcirnai ieh tutun piot: til dcvitdcirtu lo ci iitit maaj iln itonentiiiipigil ccd pchic , lui liner Mcovnida> cight meintgsci il cloci headiioaclocsit ai o itîî nhickicf mas nci pet iîîuccHatihlc fhgmo imtodltcihcccîookicgtheli cla acmot pcîdo an the iticý i o in ontoipat icinlocurner.lcreds. co-oOletic Nfacî hcari wrei MI cukrvandcdaipag maritl.pitiviiping the courir tue aerof ti ho troul cected cidoh îîyuîviorlty victcciDon Oc Wh cdtdcioi maute dc, Wricgwt cei, 12 Ait 'toetCauig aa cicitoon DoiivtGordcuto id kvo hin-iloduial chs il thehv ocicoclnitoccocaiht ch n1ikicg c,,potgvclcemut acc c i iaîif D uinevc pî i 13001 cip oiýýCit Sicii omlîuttiiiil. cuouidvg u îich vg hoioiivc l. io i np a ý htcci o do n .o l 1hm vuciais piuirdTît ors h leic aiîcad icclil cum co lo ca onelc le ivelAtei'vi p[led lpeii dîîivîoxtîcc an o i;clIcvywiiupiomn fihiu lieucs ac icdc. cclvay doc ca ipiiwuvdr.lo iIi o d toi ai or itplp h ff îitO va tui-oit camikî mar' hc smIîcc onîv ip ohdci agiciatrcch ,uh 1riiîiiugin Do,, a do'ic e 1, iîad ce icn ut have olit pel cci il. 'i siiitivdcc Oc toc hcliltne i)m hu ad tic2 pru,1. uta iiî edsh 'ihvoiicmeoditciouh i an e a tpic 11 uou' c h ctheou %%tclo clic su ci hncad uua pcuud ici ii elcîcllv iho Gel tkicgvo'ut andmeingl schcc cborpd ui ho i'th po pl îcaied il T ictdîlîdo ncet tho elple c dricgicfcditer octrming schoiiilltuicdlvntcc iWci lii'icgh tho tics in addition h çueocîgcand thec cih tic fulolcvrhrvndocampotgvivg cult scuceclcsomcd in il pal0 ufft 20crdtg ca u', ilicuil Wr vent lhcogi the Ooiccchaveatioiticlit ccd ilIon lisclandcccfrdut îCapable'acdidateo b iîd îuurcccrame. occdicg ii) culh plute iddicglial ir icd flts mll0 Doitvs. Names oCrie ti lv cav prae clii tpeacoicc povcmilccd ii i lid rcio' Bln hi. a iî'loal \isittic ektcf oiiuii lucci.O 'Iif ccc abct 4h per cent îi'ual 'îcîuite iChabrs.o allhcacohîîtdovc' checclui alrIiuugîîcrowuct doîrcird vîird, addîcg ihal the lamiy icibleti mniciipolotioc clo "hltind the lîîcv ciii li iuuuvrcîî glu icI in rincdve vdc ic ote- us cii.custvd-uoplforvucilcio the' ficcl dccc o uitioc hîtuoo es ca inci a defivite cinpotngct ,(lec,. ocylcuvout Jouint ilrcpîlothe 101011s con-1 hit' fiîoîî acdii cuvkîv 1 ldrvoo tir woucd mic, Mr. an Nlvc ilon tîuiî a cvpcgv ,o i. c., quck lii poin t outi th luucîgelt ii 9m$2iitvlýhCtvmportance uit vaichct Itcîioiuioctifî c'. forvcpray peronict icotc ith hob fil a t hor e pîuilovc Nir lamuinavt cl. Witelcdirtiu tir cvu Mftitn cs ctli ae m paîgît a, a iiovepunel ou c loi people cti bihei l iot cîcg uIiscî'cdcd hîokry lct ihoîr Cndidates,' h sticks lii ho Nfvi'plictcd linticvniutolhe'hctpîofihoî Fils %ole agceed, "'tichave lvîod. biîchccd tivod ccd t hc atle opprehoccîcee 1hrc ohltîirv in ib ics chcoct the lie to Yci ccv 'lecionnev, tlle eny cinpcgn toc itihvinohrdid ici ccrsad c-cced f'cioerd ock"i«ho vmcd apoc int crilingliout suiimodcup hr udras. catd Nici White Aicl onc the scelle c hiler întccd ofi ceroti copîng icr hcdrad.OcsO'pOcc'Oid "ciole for me.' AnnI Lawonc wol ilo the "Vi e ue sincocce odd dare ofItircin herchetîis cf nasseilibisciie.'«cniviid Whectern Ui'vercity in Lon- Mcc White, who lt iOc don Canîdidate hald hovolitici Anc cs a scond pocc LOCATED AT HAIR PLUS BEAUTY SALON GUELPHVIEW SQUARE la Permanent Nouls a Ear Pierclng PHONE BARBARA PRESSWOOD 877-5376 koem hoors hefore the resi hall [bat Gouloonki hcd h kvoming which woy [he vo key poils. they di li cme asagoiaiu it hr and her facilc ,rkgcsith hr tmil and te, toinds the li-yeav ]onc reident a ha ccid okgud olmmutiitY roh ad oucil exprience though sihe did sonne doc- ockicg. Mrs. Hfarrio v vid e had counted on herrcord past a'hiemnt io in r reeetint he local uncil chambers iteh, tcpped cpolis this tino, Ahsocricing a ' key rnpaign asGord Krcclo. haplaced scond in the -I stcod on cit past record, I Igues li mut have heem tng soncrthing right. ' - he id off o.ards. He ran the mrpaign htrnceli. rtying cetîh hecccommaity,hrc Ccinpaigiig tor Rick Day odg Io therltplce ine nthe ihreeca ace )rIwotii sin Ward One. rtuding chaîrman of the 1975 ieD vpoica 1v Rotary Cloh Eanter Sonitliona. Ho in also an expert on Campaign avd prevtdent oiflifâ a n hoie l o theOntrno the Milton Chamrof aot e a th nai Commerce 1975-76. Ho han Municipal Board (OMS> WOth nerved an an advianr ta th te garHa cham at Ste hoard l diroctors of fhe oar ahg optSt Halton Revcory Hanse and F. as a director ofth3e Ontario Ho organized and chaired Society for Crippled Chilfrev GIIORD, Ove Group Uinited andftheOntario Chamhor of AgainnnfRural Dumoping. Commerce. Ho is an activo Ho formod tve f54 Coan- memhor cf fhe Royal mittme nhich vilanoccmnloli Ward Three candidates ues Ove dinpatcher told hlmt ihon haaen forfunato an nfhlat regard, hut it coutdl go. CHAMPION CARRIER n opororîng hîs or her wv ltffle lialesn. Plooso holp hy poyivg prompf y onhen Ohey tait vo collncf af the end of each movfh. rheydepovd onyoa . If yoa'rO movivg plea50 puy pour carrier p-f0 date. debate iss The final afl-candidafen said meetfing hoforo Mooday'n Mîllo municipal otanction mon held tarit Wedvnday eveningalit roaok- chan ville Hall in Nanvagameya. The meeting. mhich was orgavizedhbyrfiring court- ciller Ross Powadioh. nomr speeches gicrc hy oach of tho candidates runoîng in the Word Threoeoaesfhhetormer Towcship of Nossagamoyat- Jîm Watson ccd Bill Johnso for Rogional Cooncit. Ivon Armstrong cnd Neif fohason for scholhboard trusteeand Dov Gordon and Anne clts were posled cf the MacAirfhur for movor. cales hiro, simply by Local coonociltors in Ward le was forvivg af a feW Thre oere acclaimed ta ,heur positions Ropresnng lhr Word on vovf yoor'n coicil willhb rd Clemnts ccd Don MoMîllan. Thoy veeivtrodacod f0i f3e galherîng, hut dîd vol npook f Wte adiae or luith thce hrlp oils hic îl Thiree gave hoief ntofomevîs Kuren and iwoci, hildren. ci thoîr viecc Rîch Day. o Petelrcvriu.acd Paulo. icr Wardone candidate for local ho eslimatirib ho ocked cnc omcil andcGus otouski, a ovr2.100 dituri danîng hic liard Tovo candidate for ihrrcrrhokcinpaigl rrgîovctcoonccîl erefhe olP "Il v' tha haid-lhr cndidafes prescrit. oiiipigcmascracvlricllycon Mr. Pomadîah commonted issues and nching prionalduringtghe meeingcOon h hrioeii 1hr ihree ion- piilitc' recepfîon gicon f0 fhr didato'.- hi' ocptoned candidates hy thr audieoco. icttco inghls iccry. The meetiig mashrisâtond Feilcccwivnec Ocian Pon- hocinrsstîhe, aithoogh miiac.iiirihoied macof hic mrmhcicithe audienicedid scesin the oloclicl Ioi thr aîk comne pvching quostions effcrts ofi hic aci Ecetpn cio acide corîrfp of sahîefs. Galhrcaith it Miltoc An ricihatici cupfportei. hOer 10 pol lisfrned fa sihe pentciav. hcour on the ho addts irloplîcce gaiherivg votes lOno ici thoconcerna ccisod "I1 ccc a vert toc hec cn the qocafiot cvd-aanor compeign." he c occlîvod. period. hy hofh candidaten addtng hc hcd retirdcpc andoaudience atikr. masnthe porcovat cisii'. to on- duplication in rad ramesniv tact oîih the cominonil. thrftooîi Goaloankinsalidhe Uctîkr tho icctciiy tif tie hod hoon in contact with the Miltcc candidates. ho diii notlofaal iamhulance dinpatchor, poil ciii sgiti a ho sid the duplication in "The r co lu ouvpaign_ coadiiamresnoch asthefivo itig icmeeinvgihpople," h'irc i n, the to Fîflh hc ecplaced "Pecple antitc Lvesccatd cause confucion. have the tippirlictis ca tIh and pcccîhly resiait iv n ann tiîgcoec 1ih 1011 necrvicol dealh Goafoanki dirnctoron landause wth the Ontario Garbage Coalition, an nîfahont of Pollutin Probe. He lamarrned tnMary and fhey have a daughter Lynn, 28, and a son Malcnhn, 30. He workn an a statinnary engineer with fhe Ministry nf Envionerent in Blirlingtnn. Jonhnson fil 56 and livon at R.R 2 Rocknood. Hintonnina mother of three 'I of recreations. Married, ho in national salon and mnarheting manager for GBF Filing Synfoms in Misnisnauga. Htn omito teachov or Rohert Baldwuin ichool. The fifth nom memher Don McMillan lives in MoftaI and worho in ald estate in Haf ton Hilîn. Ho in a former clorh of Nassagaweya Township and nhip ional 'o ta eand nentn tOtoan vitan rohred Irnn cnundeil thin year Aithough a plait nieovhr of t he Hof ton Board of Educa- tion for Wards one and Three. fIvan Armstrong ad- rviftnd ho feit -quite relhevod and happy" with hs ovin. Worhing with hisfanoily.hoc spent junfabout everyven- ing and weohendhknoching on Cloorts. TUE ICE BOX 151 MILL BT, 871-3454 Open Tuesday ta Saturday 9-6 Thursday Et Friday 9-9 Frozen 5 lb. Bagn of POTATO PUFFS 12-59 HASH BROWNS 5 lb. bag "1.49 NIBLET CORN 5 lb. bag 2.49 SLICED CARROTS 5Elb. beig 2.35 GREEN PEAS 5 lb. balg 2.49 FRENCH FRIES 5lb. bag "1 .85 FAN TAIL SHRIMP4 lb. Breaded 1118.00 JUMBO SHRIMP Peeîed &Dgveincd 3 lb22.5O HAM END 10lcheisdase f $21.45 BCNSchneide's Fresh Sticed l. .9 ORDER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS - TURKEYS. TURKEYROASTS, HAM, SHRIMP&LOBSTERS "1CABI1UT SilUFFU" ) CONTINU ES WE ARE CLEARING OUT AIL PRESENT DISPLAYS TO MAKE ROOM FOR 1979 MODELS p I TODAY!, SAV E 35% EVERY DAY AFTER WE ADO 1% OFF UNTIL WE REACH 50% OFF OR UNTIL ALL STOCK IS GONE IOIIIVO ... DON'? ITil THE CABINETS YOU DESIRE COU ID BE SOID TO SOMEONE ELSE THIS OFFER GOOD AT DUR 3 LOCATIONS thetuaifet &%nswer LTl BRAMPTON GEORGETOWN MILTON 456-0580 877-0244 878-9775 Squire Mous Plaza Guelphview Square 246 Main St. 239 QumS St lt (mut ta NopIons IUtvnt) (làled the Ce & B" Mac u nt) Il savais ta do your own installing- we'II show you how I wcald sivcoreip like ro fhank the cofivo resideofs in Esqaosng Word 2 for acclaivig rve vo the ofhice of Rogiovial Coorcillor. I hace worked for poo. fulit rme in the pant avd promise fo do wo agaîn in the fuatare. Please dooft honftafe rc colt me or W776619 onor loal adregional con- Russ Miller Signed