OU R REA DER -S WRITE: Al byoyDW ýeop1 Irresponsible treatmI ent questionitaire. t do helieve there was ireesponsibility on the part ol your sespaper. stase surety au netsspapee ahould permait aoyoae tou ad- seetise a atateaient or a nos statetassi which ta poteatially dastagingt 10 that peeson wittoat maisingeretain uf te tacts. GI couse, this ireesponsibitity otd hase been mueh moe serious sitould I sot hase tees acclaitaed to thse position of Trustes. Neserthetesa, Chee s noa qustion that the odvestisetaot has itapagnei aiy character. When you have seeedas lng and as diligently on behait of tise OSpusate Suhoot supporters ut ii Couty ast1 hase, and 1hat inctudes 14 yeues olten tCee oas nohbonorariumof tnyklund,itslasiocktsg tu sme tisai sush as incident couid ur.s 1 oulad apat Rhi notas coet s truta you oi appear in Chia issue ut "Tise the eseoneous inspeesss advertisetaent. Deas Oie, Fasilser ta tay telepitone cosnversation oiCh Rap Douas segarding Che paid adt- see tisesset Sp Che Ontaeio aSconarY Puonts Teachees' Fetieation: Titis ad- neetiseteent , pu udtl remit, itidicateti a "No sespanse' by tas tai tise questions posd Sp Che Teashees' Federation ta asyself and tous oChes cundidates tue trusteesin Cthe tios oi Nosetaier 13, iPta. Thtefactare, 1Oas nevr asedCths questions eiCher by lettes os an pesn by anyeepesetatis'e ot the Teachers' Fedesatian. t hase today discussd dts siattes uiCh Diane BasSoii President ut Che Teashees' Fedesation. and an apology foretheseeoetaitlii plitted an your popes. hopetully in lte saine issue as say lettes tai YuU. Tisese s tnt siasi point ut thisnulia in atatittg hua ireesposibte Che Teacisers' Fetterationtases inapeetittiag somthiae ut ihis natue ta appear in youe neaispoper without Chorougisty chssising Cait Che cadidate hiait rsceived thse questions und liadt cisosen sut Iu eespond. A sitaple tetephose sui wuid hans stade it ctsae, i mycase, tisait 1bia nese ressived Che ta gisi Yu John Tying policemnen's hands Usas OSrea nbet cnrllsto Wisy are os poyiag lur a police turcs laits etuuitrtie shuti when al] we seem ithsdigatty is tying tî seces tu lis a chais utf tireur isuoda esesy titas ihey uttemtep 10 dis- tesetted ut ous potice tusse ail charge Rieurs dalles? ctîihîing us the isuodwagua t ast reterriag tu lise sces attegatios issutatity" Whai arc site pot againat Constaisle Putsich Wood tue, ut- supposeri tdo, usis nicety lu pi lteptiot lu subisde a drushes diver. tise paîsut cas white tise suhîso Wuldusepreeer tuhave thisan ois,sy and punsiîg?Wuud yuu' his ouuadmoissio, as suifr immtersed in .tcobol tisut lie suatda't esseairetes asny fothe evens leadiag upiuothe ateged (Mrs incidents, suosing aouusd tise atreets in a 65l7 Elîlo Nab dog owners first Tu Tise Editur: Yu Nuselohes 8, 1970, edîttun ut Tise Caaadien Chatapion reports Milton Coussit as considerisg a dog hut tu haIt uttucis us tisesiocis t agres attacha un tisesioss ainsi be stopped hut t ltis Ms. Puuadiuh uhu ta suggeatiag shnsting tiese doga teants toi use a tîtile Cougisi tirai. Dues hie sunaides teist cas huppes il tisep gise souste teigger isappy dogisuters a chasse tu open lire us suais poosr uisng dug whicis ta ruaoing suais tais aniteal acensa thieîproperty' This cas happes ua dues happes taure sua tisai enes lieture noiesMr. Pwaudîuiseeatîe quite euto tisese pos aniteais are droppel uffitnt the country hy peuple Who ount lto gel rid of tissai Wy otgo alriiese csaattres which eali tissasetues humeau heinsa wo dro Challenge for council Tu the Edîtue; Note tisai thes obstructive lore ut Our couacit lias lieen quelled. il ta ti lie hopsil that the bsiness o utsitestillprteeed in as usderty. digniiedand positiveteuaer huseduonihe tried and truc preesîse ut ohatas right. salier tisan teh's riglit t sissselyI asis tise teteers ta dedisats theseslves lu tisai sesponsiiiity. Phyttîs Fessier, Milton, Ot. Friends at Harmony Court Senior Citizens Apartment building aaid a fond fareteeli ene rFght last week ta Mms. Louise Hyntead who is leaving to live with ber daugbter in Northern On- taris. Mrs. Hystead teas one uf the building's firat tenants and was a highly respected resident - sbe spilI be missed. Mrs. Hystead used to work at Dr. Stevenson's medical chii and Milton Private Hospital on Martin St. and was there for many years before il closed in 1959. We see tehere the squash team from Trans Union Fasteners f(P. L. Robertson, Milton) recently claimed a court victory oser the Procor team from Oakville. The squash match was played at Cedar Springs Racquets Club in Burlington and after eight matches the Trans Union crew was declared teinner. Players on the team were Jies Brannagh, Dave Lepore. Glenn Snowberger and Stan Fay. en byth Tremaine-Britannia Citizens' Grup recently held a draw toi raise fonda to help f igbt the regional landfill lucation at Site F in Milton, and s sisceeely, firat prise spus $3001 in cash. Lucky wisner teas a Mrdle long-time dump fight supporter, Gladys (Mma. Martin ut,: Robert) Marshall teho bas been sspplying Mitton baigand other assistance tou the group for esrlyeara. Hatsouff to Mca. Marsaull for doing uhat site fe11 spas beat-as donated the prize back fai the fond. T-B officiaIs were ecstatic about the gifI. tsi uetusle Electorate changes h evespuse ut "polics ice uttices sse stsp in tis kiciig Yuurstsutu, W. G'Mattey Cses. Milton lisse duts utt, issuuîsg tull stil tisci oui hase lu sursive Che sesi uap thep issoi istu' Mr. Puuadiuh auyahleissîîîssa fts mteru'isushot 31dugs,big det. tonderîif he espects a isupisp tue tisai' t uts, issu a tasser wo shut a lurte cuout ut duga. ut- tisougis lieasser tuai use tîsealusis Suste looesaadusuwittsisiuosa asses's scupesis oh lits fetradts dut isîinseasus Tiss is uhai happeneil 1000edog usilules tetos' doga who humteit arusd Ihîs arcus ite pasi 55055. Tuuopen seaso us dues pocha is lu openi sasususnalduga. Suresipuithout tes oucis imtaginatiouscuucî cati deut wiih the psuisestat the sousce i.. thsedog ounes ohich uissiuuaty are tise seat caîpsits. Reg Teasdel 136sKing St., Mi!o Appreciated Il's Voutb Appreciation Week, witb the local Optimîst Club holding special es enta. Il's a good time too for us aIl ta, realize and recagnize the involvement ut yoang people in many wortbwhile ac- tivities and efforts. The majority ot yaung peuple are the oses who stay out of trouble, who are basy growing up and learning, tehu appreciate sume of the good thinga that aurround then and wbo can often ses things te've become too jaded to notice. MEN'S DRESS SOCKS 2pI GIL' SnowmiobiIors' $ 0 KNEE NIONS SOCKS 55C 02r? SKI SOCKS ~~ 12 30 I 43 ro25c.. aaly balet zcfory" 'real estate agents' Monday'a eleutuon sou the Gutousii presmden of Haltun deteut ut regionat couniciors Rteal Estate Ltd. Jon Kerr and Jao Watson. Wisen they osen't iusotsed Quîpped Councssîtu Osias oti poltico, huis sel] Tst 'ensan to the pess,. lits sut estatuý a change of couneos t s Ua Kerr oas defeated isy Gos change ofTres]estate agents, The Canadaen Chaumpion, Wed . Nov. 15, 1978 5 FOUR PEOPLE were rushed tu Milton District AlI four area peuple have been treated and re- Hospital following a two-car crash ut t he inter- leased. Police are continoiog their investigation section of Steeles Ave. and Martin Sf. Moday. ittu the accident. I 1979 Spirit D/L The Look Saýys SporY ... i PLuew d Reg$30. &uurious W1oui Regm $34 uQ Ibur choiceilSat, $22nah Thes swaateos Ches speaat p pced tet au Chnistai saetns Puai iotls "l pstaidi 5splenid earnts Easis slytidaith an oaaslguste su peaet a5ve iaaOt flaussis andl add oasse Ins taisais ibraspo 0Theavelours; aso atllaurChrisltmas satio Soit and taxuSas cotaa polyestes fainsst in anY handse haozotal strieosit 055 Onasyting sizedOS M. L. XL. il pose shsopping faino osa sCistaspyos' SpraiiatY find trey'resOth st VauiS instate ReasnaS hseY Tatum lu, segutas prSoraid Meday!le a '5GEML CORRECTION NOTICE PIsase Note The Follossing Corrections in ZELLERS GRAND RE- OPENING SALE Please note the following correction on.. COPY READS 'Facelle" Bathroomn Tissue 8 Roll Pack .88 SHOULD READ 4 Roll Pack "Facelle' Tissue .88 SZELLERS MILTON MAIL 5ONARO is SOUTH Spirit DIL (4i2) The Price Says Value! $4,,87500 AMC SPIRi DL Lei u'Vttf1,11e'tt CLEMENTS MOTORS MILTON KNITTING YARNS "«*Bouquet" FLOSS 0 knitting Needies el Pu' I"friondlv slavica et the Craff Fi mi