Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Nov 1978, p. 34

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CI The Caeadian Champian, Wd. Non. 15, 1978 I HALTON JUNIOR FARMERS planted maple trees at a pîonee cemelrry Satorday afteroo at te corner of Eîglath Lîne and Steele Ave., just cool of Hornby. The project is part ot their community better ment program. Cecil Patterson is neen here on the machine used le dii the hotes for the treeo, white Ed Bird, president et Halton Junior Far mers, and Tom Cheeceman lower the tree int the hele. Feed advisory program saVE b> Markitah ifoe larmiersarepoef savfcgs of OIp 101$10f per cac usafOf thc Fred ,hdcsarf P'cogi 000 oiired la ohe , i Ocar the ycagroco 'afylfofi lori 1ho ,2f00O ffcfaooir>5' po'odceosaffh carnyclor-faouaood eati- ons, says Stewart Ciesxean. yrogracf coodfcafoe. -The icd adooosory yrofitant belys fcrnors icyoO berh per' f offac rie ad cuf calrentc aond 1cedi .stss fe safa, Raton fcooouaion fegics waofha ceocaf aalasisof l'aocrcowncfeeds Farcers. alth foc assisfance ofimon- Istr0 extenon peesaonnel. faitefeed saooples for'fesoo aI thc Cioesiof aiGufelph. (foc' il fheifeedtestsaronge frac, $7 loo $16. deyrndooe on f he t, ye fol ocolynis reqaired. L.oboro,rytests inctade tess far doy trae, c radc yi'clcon. calcium5. yfasyfo'O5, rnoesiuoff potassiau,and trceominrais. Las yea 1fr fccd fcaofOg faharaocy foariodfs, morecfhaf 6.200 ilthaagf fl os posible Oc 1fdaaisx r hcrs 00,a f ccs'raac ratpfion f' flaifaf il0estIfs' o f, hefafO yof'is Ieaasoiof aî,,fet t bl acthrain pr'aorn Se lId ,ocafer ffc locoopate putedsai te aoar Sr vir Crrec ieAriceul0hr0 Ihese raions ao'e devefaped la malle the focst possie use 001 Trea t catie for warble by Dec. 1 HtNlark.l.Leahy foflemeo caf der a D fon t is the choance tub ne o otf eets froc lIerstcoo t, aehe conteot waîfoe contrat. 'Treafaoent lofaes ,oflebefoeethe Dec. 1 ctiocras oo.eeased rate of dd n.dfa says JohnoForscfh. gainoad ed effcieocf For MsrtoofyaAgcuco flicebeef iodusfef freameef fare aedl Food hreft calle ineracsoeducrd finacaloss 'yecoaliaf frotdanifged carcasses and faffferrieoooosaeff and Indes ,ilel-lytrat atlefor dSeerai systeoffo insroti a ie nfof fthe deadlor I ides a rer erromeded tor i-fOf cosîrra, insecticides. oarbfe oorof Theor incfadr I reaffoco, altte,1he deodlioe Gi ahex fa hp Warote Kotter. ,'.o,,eomecded heeauae ('o- l. Negovo,. and ho geah ofasy have oogefd Spoffon f 0',, of freatloccf. fithe aciaats ffalfrf ,r depending 0,n fhe acooal'a o,oiai ccard acoghf. ranges trom zf f0 b0 tsilog fhr geabs af fhaf cents ,rgect cause fofoaf or, mold *Ffi ai ofOslO eftrfece parafîsis tri fhe 10004 ný O ir" feaacoordig tuhe quarlefce paino Me aonimalfs crght." says Mr. F"oocfh Forsyfh -Rrad thelabel and \naI noofs freafeff n la ofe wintutin. I, en, lier .ld l ie ' t',For detaitedfioformaton fofftfcfe fis fea hoar' alooartoe ocfrof. ocst iIIffo'eff' tff, f.,omake sure the IOtario Mffoatry of 1,0f,' ,f arc tioo oIfflo t Agclt ure frfforand F'ood Fact- f o fientafltfer Dec. f sife No. 420fbh655. War on oalrl'oau hav onooulfrd a arfies 'lits F acfsfeef ,et'frfoaaef as' Mtr ,afalab fteff lol fIMAF Preseason Offer.. .Save $30 on a new John Deere Compact Snow Thrower Compact and powerfa Heavyduty 3-hy cheels. . .1y6 iqat fuel tacfk .20i cul Of e ecds Nov 11978. -LAWirN Ar«(4ARflEN FQtK lPMErfTî (EN-TR E 100,. a li aBh.el25ssd Dell eRdý Omtao MOar 8784121 878-8121 hioaofgof o Oeols andl cfa'od soopplccoccîs T sfsffrno and yera,.of f00 ycciereci5. he sa>s lei teofthe feoiccaf gos oceofocoooaocecoecffhsl (fa Sericec Agec hclsrc.ffhe ,Oari Jerseys win in Ky Loocoo F110 f Rock Jersey Fare'. llcrchy. one ofloovef',coacfo bee ,'shifotocg af the .hcerOO Jersev Show on Louaosvilce Kentachy ceeh. Rockt la icoeles cncl thetfinst proce senior yen cn cit. the second janiooeyerog ad a12 the ico-yeao 01 claso, -Ontaeio ' rasao'ee F Miller oooff speakin MO neai W5edcesooy. Nol' l2 mting.oologo - anca ara ides o cfo 'o 878-881 World rye queen ~two years in row Forethe second year ina roc. Mmc. Margacrite LNornglon of MilIceon la e woeld championerye gracee. She -'on the honora Titars- day chro the Royal Winler Paie openrd in Toranlo and file lOdgrn pîcited lier samtrple of rye as the alt in te Modeetf c, Mes. Norringlon doesI' can 10 faite any aI fhe creditfr be ineing lte corld croco twice in a rom. 'Mother Nature did! att lte scori," ahe dons. f'e hase cery goald soit here. she eaplained. There Osas plrnly of snnow ast cieter. chich protraîrd te fields and helped lier and iter husahand Walter f Busf Norrînglon groof the ouct standing ceopin an eiggkacre field on fheie la-acre faec, Crystol Mouant Parc on. Apptehy Lîne. R.R. 6 Milton. "Acycoy, c ere gladi 10 oie t foe Hall,,," shte naid. Sharcg en the glory na r Walter. ber honkand. chose S yr sicplr ocae judged * second inthe .sorld coye- f filon. Bath f heir samples carne troc the saine field, bt Walter saggesls hils cite cas peehaps a ltttî core partie- ca in etecfieg bier eelry. The Scronglons itace itee eclericg Royal seed and grain fodgong contesta tor lte yast ll years. esee stece lteir dooghfer Elizabeth con a 4-H graio chocyîonskip aI the OWF aod f aiked iher yarents f cfo o'ofe cf oig f ou Adslyeîae eîkhons i pol«fosn s ci n the living rocs rit 1fer home. pu- The timing ryr cas dale les, o 1.20 grain comptes la] serc, f eacos Royal. Il drg carne front, a filîinita dli, roadaced a cropaof 45 hochets Rye raso' fthe onlly waoer for' 1he Mion facîly ihis ernc year - he Ncroingloas cocoa the' tlofa eîghf prîces on eighl lilectiees. The atrs w 'llin- scoale, proces. asths andi oo, sececois in nats. conter ansi held lasf uded th i Ilo epriel citeal classes. simienne framt England con te cheal crama tis year, and lte lubifier ia itaeley came ftra Seatlaed. The cols champiansldp cent 10 an esitibitar tram Saskt- The fuoner brings Mms. Ias la al trpiy aindsce seeled tadaoy fWedaedyf aI the Royal acards kginquel. maadjacent ta Ratle- naePoint Park, itas alsnays produced good crops and for cany yeare ilcascoered citt ritorchards lutent Il Oaa ocned ity lte itarlley tamily. The Narriaglans more opeeating an ice cream parlar le Milton citen titey decided 10 hay the tarm la 104. Par cany yeors tey cere dairy prodacera, cit a iterd of 75 Ayrshire coca. Ball Snte laIe QUEEN 0F THE RYE: Marguerite and Walter Norringtan are ahewc with samples of their rye crop, which wen thse wortd championahip ait the Royal Wicfer Fair lonI week, for the second year in a roc. Her entry was firat, hia second in the world conteat. fl MILTON BOY SCOUTS Paper Drive This Saturday, Nov. 18,,1978 and the third Saturday of each month 8 a.m. to 12 noon RA INOR SHINE Please tic your waste newspapers securely and leave them at the curb by 8 a.m. Sorry, NO cardboard or glossy paper (magazines) can Ile accepted. PLEASE NOTE: THE NEWSPRINT WILL BE SOLD FOR RECYCLING 196ft Ilalton Regian Canaer- ration Aallmrily toit halt Illeir tarm for Ralllesnase Paint Park and titey were left wilth ton litle acreage lai con- tinue dairy larmille sa, ltey acilcsed la grain creps. Ttseir entrira htave won maey awards in corn, cob crn, citeat, liais, rye and itarley classes ocer lte years. Three years ago Ba mot rsrecitampiomitip inRy and la 1076 kms entrira mon tiraI, second and ltird priem in sait miteal, btthey didn'l claim lte world champion- skip. The needs are omr cially cleaned. itetoee tkey select lte rInes. The Norringlane eelered lte Teira Petkas variety aI Rye. Mms. Norringlon noya itle cornes tramn a long lune ot larmera. Site is originally tramn Belgiam, and soya iter familycere lemish tas'aers cto grew, eaved and sld laa foe caey generalis. file met Ban white kie cas ocerseas daIglt scn world war a.d.. loa allaas a ar bride, 32 yeara The Noreonglons are tke second Haiton facîlylticlit a rnorld chacpionskip ai the Royal. William "Bill" Breckon othe Bronte area ws aWorld Wheat King in1954 and a disylay aI Olntario Agricaltural Museeuc aI Kelso coccecorates lte 'ELECTRICITYit 'Is Our Businesst II o0c'tbe a T'olfffcel0-th Cal arc eaOOf fo, FEATIIERSIONE '% ELECTRIC s 878.6378 IGuns stolen at residence 1 White no one bas turned in cal. Ragar wer olea frant aay illegat tirearmo ta lte the oetec f Sam Milla Of Milton detachment of the 251 Main St. N., Actoo tant Halton Regionat Police, week. smoeuatawfutty stale a lite valae ai lte guas la tee floas tram a privale reaid-$28 dence. Thse malter la ander le- Police recetved a=eata vestîigallas. Lee Entiald oaa, arlge-h amer la Amnoesty 12t.aaa sloaleas and a .22 Monlt. TRY OUR PROUDL Y, WEINTRODUCE THIS EXCITIVG NEW FEA TURE A TOUR DAIL Y BUFFETS, SERVED57'09P.M. Mondajrs - OrenfériFaaifa Tsaaodys - Fromah Wedriasiy - Grena Tharedaye - litallien Poiav - &lWdh Satarsava - hhaee Ssesday - Of caui,SOWOY à* "Fafoi4 Day- featrinaong of BSagge *FAST SERVICE *GOOD FOOD *ECONOMICAL, TOO *BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY (Special Chi/dren's Prices) LOCATED AT THfE ar, FIFTH WHEEL TRUCK STOP 40 CHISHOLM DRIVE f(South weaI Corner of HwVs. 401 and 25f MILTON -PHONE 878-8441 TIfs WednieSday, treat Voursef f o a deiclouS dînner that's packed wittl nutrftion. Colonel Sanders' dinner for one, otith three pieces 0f ffnger f ickf n'good Kentucky Fried Chîciten, golden brocon french tries, iKttky il deCict ulic 'f'Wed. DAY Nov. 22nd )NLY YOU SAVE 55c 0~P elng I crearrVÉole slaw ano Greciana beau Calanel Sandoîs' boys and girls B log t'Sthe pefect n daseeit nahe tf fyer flot, 'o ad.. to budget stretcher! COM UNT Y chi Main Et Commercial MCOMMNITYMILTON CREDIT UNION KfX 8784171 Lý amumumma

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