COUNCIL IN THE ROUND is thse format t-t-nw Qut-en Elizabeth Wuy. Tht- cir, ct-ut-cil chambers t-f Halton Region is iaking in allows t-neryone tut-e- eneryooe t-I ils t-tw building et- Branle Rd. jusi sortis of the Luke a coffet- break durit-g cunstrur HALTON'S NEW regt-tnai t-taquart-trot-ias an st-s mot-t- Following tht- open concept, both fit-ors has offices are separated by partitions. The top flot-r t-t which Is plot-ted with trees. Tht- ct-ut-cil chamber mith everyt-ne, it-cluding press and spectators, everyo-t present. 250 at Acton Seniors enjoy zone rally -elconosiderobleu opae. cerlooks lhe eozrtyr it- designed in a circle bt-stg able 10 Vît-W Geographics to brighten Christmas A major t-dusatalloa tht- notet set-ions0 ut madt-uvthatbooks mayhbe programi is t-ol uodeeway. Canoda. deoppeil ott at thîs -ewt-pape- lasot-hed by tise Mississauga Tht- mt-mht-t- ut tht- otfice, ut- any ut the tuiiouit-g Cootil Telephone Pioneemm Missuit-uga Coaneil hope locations: Bt-assoita Phone of Aserica. t-seryote bas us-dcopie-suîii Store, Beomolea Cette. to-oipetate sn the plan and Shet-oay Pthone Cetlte, Ibis et-up isopt u heip hetot- a colvriul. t-duea Sht-tvsy Shoppinîg Cetre, or assemble a minimum of 5,000 tionai Christtmas vn ave tl you pt-ete tht-m ta he used National Gmt-t-aphte t-attht-tn people. ptvhed ap. plt-s- -aIl Btill magazines. Tbt-ough thse sul Arra-ngeme-nts hast- heen Bat-oet a8 45-5201. opet-atios of tise Mit-it-y utof ______________________ lt-dot- Miaais and Nortbero Denelopmeoi, these magazines wdlih eailifedhby Et-kimu outpools lisruughou -n h 4 ADVERISE IN 8S7 - - - . - - -4numries ail ý, geiardien centre Coloueal slay plastis and st-tamic s, esseltt-tg ilfor plants, terrarium, indoor plauts and assosot- SPECIAL' HOLLAND BU...... 20% OFF Comlt Lndsopmng Soio TRACTOR WORK il SNOWPLOWING il SNOW REMOVAL Open 7 Omys A Wsk 87143100 MatOaaSATURAnsa n 0.Soas vaassaîv s a Smenircîtoets of Zonet13 ht-Id dhu at-t-uall -in tht- Actut- Lt--ot- Holltos W- oeilay Nos. 7 utl about 250 attetdîtg. isîtludiog 40 fronm tise Milt Club Nu. se. AI] tuais t-hait- ott lot-th. Bet-- Davidsontt ot Attut uvo t-n lise t-hait- Clore Bt-td ot Aidet-ot t-o lie t-t- pt-t-t-dt-t ut tht- t-ut- Mt-s Sam Fit-uit- ut Miltut înt-ouaed lise est t-pt-aber. 5tts, Lucy Tut-tbull tramt Missist-ta dt-srethdoa gond uvrein1 tise cause t-i Senioruetls She mat-ated lu ibaoin iree hua t-at- pottat-tut for st-t-iuts in Mit-si- mtaugu and alls pt-tsst-d tht- t-ut-t-il tut- a dt-tp-î- cet-t-it for tseos. Tht-st-tlte ht-ame a r-il in 19i74 and t-o appt-mîatîut. a t-com at- nourri in bt-t but-ut and bt-t portt-it honet- in the t-etlte. She stresoed t-bat t-set-y memht-t-shouud be a "tl t-mht-to- ut fleur club an-d aubt-d a il t-o itItm tht-m-- t-ve i Hliet- set-uto misu at-t lt-e lut-tuit- But-lit-t--us Aldersisol and ut-ht-t clubs pt-usîdtd musical enttetait-mettand the Milton- club choi- sang twlue. Tht- Miltot- cub bt-i a pot tut-h lsuiet- on Noun. 8 wits a finid lursui despîte it-nese eu't- at-osd Get mi-limisktes mett-sltded tu Mro. Luut-ked. Mms seaUar at-d Mes. Mulot-ty. Aller lte tut-th saime piayed t-at-do. and Mrs. M, Dat-st tsuwt-d bt-r Avn pt-tducs. Plasor tu-inlt-it-d lut- tise bilsonutNov. 18to b-e iditt Gr-aham Huit ai ut- Poul's Ut-ite-d Chut-th. Drumquin Euchre t-y Mrs. Ct-til Pttt-mos Bitlday greti-et and emod wisls lu Boit-h Fealh-rot, Janet MuMiliat- and Mille Jtome. Theut-t-kyeut-re at Hort-hy Cammsuliy Cetre oas bt-id ut- salut-day uti t-lottbltes ut- play. Wisst-m ut-rt- Mrs. Marika Bit-bard- t-ut- fil Ed. Pamsons, M-s. Kt-ith Webbis Mes. B. Featisemton. Et-t-ml Matit-. Miss Elit-l Brotitotide Mit- P. Pt-at-mb and Boy South. Aooth-t poty min lit hid t-il wet-k. CFL ETMES MOATORS ON MîTE 5o uniLe rut I 81P232 t' 1 lt- il t-N ll enfnabiani ehompxou and Mtltan Deug Mott-t Milton Mat hae eae ap toiupruide aitnew motherswit uspcl BONUS appa-tuuiey. m A t-et-attn bot-at pack $ 1 5 salut-dat ont-t $5t.0 foe nly. mvt-n tui nt-to babyl o, levtt all su iedralteg nous ie Tht- Cat-adien Champton, niervin stîv u loth blinit-notice ta, The Chamnt-u t-n pîik a t ctei asî-unu Io Miton Dog Mari asua eote.VstteD Mat-t in Mitlt Mati tohaua t-tP- otaus Piack. Prtit-tations, in t--sl Ont-lt- oitt taI t-att- Ba aCI; (8t Pt-t--tt Bain, Ohamt-uu ICl t-at-sie B-a0 sua- lt-t Pt-a-- t-ts -ufs LSuouns t-ut savteus ut- st-a-a Thia ut-t-t limt-lt- tO o u Omit-th-t- infat t-dotttos tlt-one Bous t-at-k ptatlt-a at-lot-nov haut-toi-). The Canadian Chamption. Wed.. Nov. 15. 1978 Il Obituary Charlene A. Ford Descttbed as a odet-tai chot-al tork oti chu-th oife and tothe-. Chae-tA. chott-s.andvpi panting.O t-be 1 For-dpaoot-d auayvons O5in sang as a mitt-to sop-rano Milton.vvloist wtth St. Poul's Uitied MutasChurth choir in Milton bt-fore tttr Bot-o Charlene Fat-lov, i htetomatt-age. and afterward Milton on Des. 24, 1898, sh- she va olotst at B-th-t sas one of tout- childre, the Uted Chat-oh choir. Dram- piliers b-tog bothers Jack qu21v She was asoloist al haSte of Woodotocht, Gor-don vtanyfurttions outsîde tise of iton and ste-Je-an, ov* ýhurch at-d was inoolee nte of St. Catharies. She vias vtht, vhes'h actîvittes as eductated inMilton and evt- oeil her marna-tge, oas, templvt-d as a milliner i lt-osn An teevoplished urtîst " t l paiots, sh- OtoSept. 191 2 tlsine at-t spteialized in laodscap-s. Cla-entie Fot-d Sr mt-t-t ma-t-ed at tht- home ai ht-t Fvsteral stservce as at par-ents nitonv. an isde l 51eiet- lasetal Hott- in en thehomntaotnsv Fai- Mt-ltvn ott til i aod ite- t ot-d Fat-ms) at tlmagh. Tht- metnt vIs in Esttet-ren fumily tnsladt-d six sons la territery Rt-s Joht-W. Geti > deceasedl andt-asttttashven fins in charg- and pol culor design at ttmogh ht-att-tv att- Not-mon hlt-mîîîgtvn. Coltn Mat-shall. se. WorkMeo îesidt-s ht-t family. he- Kisth 'vît- Htaroldl Dowsey, lion. maitn tit-t-tv atet- suiv and John KeIly* aod Ralph Ford.