S ThieCanadien Champion, W5e., Non. 8, 1M7 Milton ta Toronto in 1.981 I Ail tabout/PeopIe I $70 million to be sper Halton Board of Education bas named a new for Martin W. 1. Dsck middlie on new GO Train ser scis Mton. Rail Collard begins his new dutier there on .Jan. i, succeedong Sandra Birth- rimer miso is retiring. GO Train nervicr between nillion for niaterial acquiti ThtexaOrl ai Taranto stationl eqipaiesi Mîlrit ond ToOoOIo ua oderwan. Henry nid TATOA experts Renaissance fotinder and local avangeliol Ken Campiel of Milto as 05lving fun witl thle nwsbers game tant week, afler a TV drbotr witis Use outspoken Cisarias Templetos on lise Ontario Educatiossal TV nefwork show "Speaking Ou". Tisey discuased tise subjeet of banning objec- tionable books in Bchools. Campbsell cslled for book selection policier in public Bchools which wotld empisize nos- controvernial literalure, 10 avoid offending parents committed 10 Use Judeo-Cisristisfl ethir. Templeton sid Usere should be no censorosip of baooks in the system.* At the end of Use show, Templeton isad a sligist edge in the show's caI-mn vote, 323 10 294 vates and as Use two men left tise studio, Templeton told Campbsell ise isoped ise would remember tise vate and cite tisese resulla in future niben clairs- ing to opeak for a majority of the people. Tise next day, tisougis, Use final tally of tise votes came out and Campbsell wion tise debate, 80 to 538. iTisat representa 61 par cent wiso support tise Renaissance position," cisuckled Campbsell. "Surely it is time tise public scisoot system, res- ponded 1 tisat nearly Inia-tisirds majority and establisised policier reflecting respect for Judeo- Christian values in marners and morals.' Tisis column didn't set out t0 publisis long lista of namer, but we're going tut change tise policy tbis week in order to tp tise editorial bat of grati- tude ta thse many people involved in leading Halton's 4-H clubs. Saturday nigist tise top members ouf tise clubs were recogniced. but nibat about tise leaders -many of tisem 4-H graduates wiso stayed around to iselp Use young people in tiseir educational work. Tisis week People stutes tisese leaders: Bob Lasby. Cathsy Lasisy. Ken Murray. Russell Murray andl Tom Panker. Adtos Caf Club; Eneiyo Giiiier, B111 Jackson andl Doog Mew- hinney. Beef Caîf Club; Allison Amos. Dos Heaths andl Bil Stokes, Horse Club; Lorne Eusa, Jim Llvork andl Bert Stewart, Senior Dairy Caîf Club; Ken McNabbl andl Jeff Nurse, Junior Dairy Cati Club: Lyie Stokes and Ceeil Pattersoo. Conservation Club; Doug Gardhouse andl Dos Harris, Siseep Club; Ken McNabb andl Jeu Nurse, Livertock Judging Club; Billi Lasisy and Russell Murray, Tractor Club; Kaj Hansen, Johns Nurse andl Ceeil Pattersoo, Field Crop Club; Mark Leaisy andl Lyte Stokses. Maple Syrup Club. Hata off, al Helping Hands ask for financial help Haltsn Heling Hando, in cludînil the seperulion s ordr 10 eseet its budget, sà Galilie and Milton service' eeqaestiog $2530 tramn Milton ta matie ibeni elîgible foe rl Coussil. Tise reqamit tas heem creased provincial ioodioî bsrned oneei mate inca Budget oa evce Comitr. ousekeepisg and bain in aleter taCoacil maintenance services 1 valerie O'Huru executive sroior citizeos and 10 directse-irýeantie or Huilas physîcally baodicappedi as a Helpiog Haods i HHHi. said alternative t0 instituion, iliat Oie figure uld repre- cure. Mes. Oura saidllisei sent 20 per ceai ofthieir airel19such people in Mîlli buodge, andtforms ahasison 0115 rrgolarly recrior H xhîoli tise hulh ofthieir buodget servces la liased. Mrv. OHara suid tisai antier 30 par ce01 of their biudget comms fro) ,,=aidoationsuandmiscel- lae us uding, but the direeily tramn the Mînîsiry of Communlit and Social Ser vices and is calculaird on tie basis ot local and prîvuir tusiling. Mmv. O'Hara said 1531 tbe GUS GOUTOUSKI liacis nI a United Play in Milton torves HHH t0 seeh REGION other boris oi lundîag, ti MILTON TRANSIT lo Dorsal Park Rosi For the COnVeniOnCO of EloCtors on Polling Day, Monday, Novembor 131h, 1978, the Dorset Park run of the Milton Transit wiIl tixttnd ils routel for this day only to tho Polling Stations a1 the Milton Momorial Arena. Tho bus will be runninç approximately ovory hait hour on itE normal route- Dated this 6th day of November 1978. C. Thampsoc Cleri nihedufird 10 he inauguratrd in he spoîso or fall ot 1901, pendisil completion ofthile necessary wooh MakinO the asnouocemrni nias Tom Hery. information oltîcer it Go Trussit. Ho saîd more 1h00 $32 million hud bers earmarlied forthe commuter projeit and anooher $38 milion had hren ullocaird t0 upgoade Union Station und is approoches. The GO Transit and Toroo lAesTransit Opera- org Aoihoity (TATOAI bas set asîdo $30,913,000 of tbe $2 the CPR lite beixers Milto and Toronto and the balance' $1,353,000 for the cmlot O engineering. projeci management and accourtiog. The tour-ye projecti s being dose in concert mini Canadian Paciie Henrys"'id upgradmg saine of the crussi ngo wemi ai Cooboville bas already hegun. Ho said! the improviat af lise Il e and tbe improse- meats t0 Union Staion arr lied logetber. Comimuter service t0 Milton canol brii natif both are fiiishrd. Remembrance Day Saturday matios celeboalioO of Benirnbrance Oay centres aoound11a.m. trisbSaiaeday, Nov fi -be asniversuoy finieand date ofthe sigaing of the armistice ibai rndrd lise firsi vorld mur. legilo oflîvialo, oih assis- Treasurer in Milton for forum About 701) persons. includ- iîg buioness leaders trai ii iai ia beeîî învvîed tu ohinch piiiiviia Ilerasarr Frank Milei- cil] we Tbreveniowili luko place or Oednesday. Nov. 22 ai i Oayeischinn luI on Siroler Ave.. Milton beginig ut i p.m Thr ovronn il brgio oi Mit Miiller delivorioli a sboe lalk. loliod by a question and-answer session. Kei McDiinald. oaci of othlb tornoi. said bhat tbe peum piiepove ibte rvenîing,owhîc couilalso be dusribed as iiheanpii sesioii" wa5t aiioo questionis tcaim tho fliu asvoppciedii a speechiby Mi Millr. Mi, Mi.l.iiiild, wo direvc. mif tho Oalti BulingovirogrOssu Cosrrvuie Associaio I oirci the evnnîing w s primarily aimedi ledrs 1-ihe business vvomunily liallon tiegioli t0 tbe <cnotph in Victoria Parkhon Brown Si. and Mayor Donald Gordon xiii chair the service. Tbe parade leuves ilhe Legion Hall ai 10.30 a. taoreach te rPOb il for the salern service oi renir- heancc. Eirryonr is w Earlier in the don, ua ni. servc isplanned ai Ee grenciemelery, where a wreatb oi ho laid ai t neoil usi illîe tht Ointario 'ti gales. Ldliol îogasiaens soici the brie cremoon vouldilasi aboulai The Legion wil cap offth du3 wîlh ther ossaai dinr a tho Lcgîoîi Hall baurdu; evriîing Poppîrs are on soli ac stores and sonne membr bave bren srlling iben on lb strets. The Lcgiov also spon isored adispluyooiucrei ment andi mrmî,rabîlîaa Milton mail lain weehesd. ststiosxilenalte iltla liusdte sprlng wtsere it wlll lacale tise an isreased nuesier of cour- station in Milton. moiers aiteaks limnes. Casing He naid titres sites liave ta million, tise concoSsel wilt b'e trgetd inctade retail stores, otfices, Net Aprli rjce ts a mezznine, tickt bsottins li se msi nle a dela. and a xaiting taciity. xli lieemade and constructian Situated in tise otd post nf a station wiul talax. oltice adjacent t0 Unian Mitos xil lie tise termibnus Statioan, thiestructueism h ao tise ies G1O rail service. camplets. Going east te sos will be ltn Segionai Chairotan Meadowesate West, Bireets- Bic Morroi naid! dniing a ville, Erindale, Cooville, receni tur af lise 000 GDixe Road, Kipling and tdieu iaoiiity, "Tis wiii lie really Union. sometising.' A osr-xay irip ns estiesaied "There is sa mch, 1can't to taire iseixeen 40 tO 45 helieve fi." mnutes. Henry naid the nions is Henrynsid!ithefantst ise necessry because Union theieepr:uGolbusesohesithe Station sa already uperatioti distsc iseixeen Milton and ai capaciiy ai peuh iOlt. doxntoxn Toronto laabioutan Hoxever, lise main pari of bue. the expansion xiii be ther ap- Milton la already esien- pennces ta tise station lueSl. sineiy serviced liy GO butses. Projecied 10 cmit 80 million, Henry nid iliere sa express ihis iothiexork xhicbisavitsl, service luve dons a nieei lie nid. beten Moday and Friday. Once finislied, il ail lie Tbere aretfur tips eacbxay ablr ta acenninodule the atirshiatsoo. 3,000 to 5,000 comnialees Tisen lisere is lise senen-day xhich lise Milton-Sireeisnille service. Gn xeelidayl there fnue wilirîng min te ciiy- are senen deperiores froes construction niorli on lise Milton 10 Toronto aod riglit fine îtsel xiii op5rade ithe returno lie naid tractan and soîlohînti Satordays iliere are fine Next blood clinic Thursday Nov. 16 MilonsnrniitOa hi 6.3010 t830p. ni and the quota dor.c, i Thunnda iv 300 dvnativons. lfii î Nov 6 at theHoly RsarY poinioulherenivplroiyvof Hall on Martin si. frer parking ai thr hall. Theiasiciinic in Mionoa pOr Crass sponsors invir lirld in Auguot and Oeil sort ndand helpswrillthiehlobai. deparires and rentras an Newdonsirsare aways we - 1 iore10ot n on Bandays, tise tirips boni coule, to Milont cinr eltotesin maya. Mlo' ii lcinlsi He saidl the espess bus Clinichatrarr2 a 5and Monday, Nov. 13. service wosld lir drastically eut once lise rail service hegins WHEN FALLING TEMPERATURES Alitoug Henry sni t oa nil ihe palicy of TATAO 10 MEAN A RISE IN COSTS rocs buses dcaing rush bote pariadeo, ltir srrvice was . .. CALL a p-nmg need. mr ia -- I E 1 E . Go Train service 10 Milton .90 BU Lf R lias hemn tsihed aboutisince O Ic ait goes oeil, Henry saîd A f ilutlieiy hrcomne rraiy ta TATOA officiais anlicipale 10 tise nuniler ni people otite I the serviceitngroni ta .000 y ~ ooiy operate duninitherush TATAO spoliesoan saîd, "Enenioatty nie coold hune full service aloni te fine, libut.4 2 lînancialty wercanitdo inighi 2 orloilermocUseN. aI r Unon tseti onus e o 5rrdao aliead ot scbedule and $4 Miton million under budgeti, TATOA spoisesesan said. 9wiî3a i n qCiafitOwd I -M 17 WILSON DRIVE, MILTON 878106 Tues. toi Sat. 1-5pm,: orn bapo eent SHOULD YOUR TRUSTEE BE FULLY KNOWLEDGEABLE ABOUT TOWN PLANNING AND SCHOOL NEEDS? - BILL LAWSON IS- RE-ELECT BULL LAWSON Halton Board of Education Ward 2 Milton Phono 878-6629 Ut As an eletted official for 13 years, I have tried bo establiss a tradition of being ACCOUINTABLE DEPENDABLE APPROACHABLE RESPONSIBLE RE-ELECT MAYOR DON GORDON en Manây, Nelveillir 13th. 1978 IF YOU CAftE FOR MILTON -VOTE IF YOU REALLY CAftE - VOTE GORDON polseopen at11:00 a.e. and oloseae &WmO pe.. jjw md &aep yeur oves open for better serings On fine foods il compare yer prea. Bravo Plum 28ozei TOMATOBES Bravo 13wc, Tin TOMATO PASTE~' Bravo Solid Light TUNA7o z.ou Bravo Plain 14w .Tins SPAGHETTI SAUCE Yorl es Creamn STRAWBERRY or PIESI itre each No Name "White Slicedi q BREAD 3oaves 40 oz. Retornable %q w Regular Pre-Pricod 9 Special Onv Plus Geposîts Frozen Pretto MEAT lb. pkg. RAVIGUS Donland's Creamery BUTTER lbi pkg . 2 Lmit: 2 Per Customner SCLISWEOFL FOIR YOUOR FREIMER 5aBEEF HINOS hb 1.39 OR SIDES lb. I1.9 Cots& Wîapped Inciuded Phone For Yoor oder Before Novembr 11, 1978 B p.m VenetiaO Average 1ilb. Eacis BABY CHUBS MORTADELLA oaci el 759 JuugJ CHICKEN LEGS g S BREASS lb. 99q Fresh A" Fîers 5 CHICKENS lb la' S w îfi s B v T h en P i ev$> o COOKED HAM lb. 11709 Swîf's Leanî WlîoleSliah Average 101hb Eai.b ByTherPiece PEAMEAL $ BCON lb. 1,1 P004 CHOPS lb. 1e.59 OR WHOLE LOINS lb$7.49 Aveagr0i 12 los. FresbLean CHUCK or BLADE l STEAI<S î .-rsh Daly Sioneidei's Siore Pack Smohed 5Slcd Sîde, BACON ENDS lb.7910 Sesîftis tooerseei Vac Pas Slîced Sida 4af BACON lb. I19 BANANAS l ot New Crvp 7Forda WhitenSize 48n GRAPEFRUITS 4-o49' Surîhsi 3 5 LEMONS loi lîtONS 1 BLCalfri BRAEKb 9 NoPE la On7rî Tmm t.-rUoTGAS l NUABGA IlandlPg2 o ea CONoaaaPG' NINs i CoOK Onta 19e CAULIFLOWERS Ioac:h3 NO. 1 U.S.A. 'I e e a f 0 e t v s e p: t