Between the Wilow About skunks in suburbia Bs îles ern Oecr,,eio 1lbad lunchii<tewtioteToronto thaormer busesnasctote and long-tnesend. Dear lied: le t970 t teued pleasure te senntsusig a ntsam cm prests for 0cr saunac and gresebecte tOal 1 mcc building. Thbe scone oct ssoessary te the treatment cf scebrai pclny les my tivesns.e bgsrseuse at my celp secetin in an otbeccise oery buty die gisisg me great joy tea be cbls te pubkatfresberose ogioe mymwisesonChristmasflay. ThOr ponnîbddiy et us explosion erses enteced My mnd. Somseeoeeeigbt adeateniegenoiseamabesed me remmy clesp. libteoseebokand sesymtsndemnbattered. oe the greebous glass distetegraed te powder aed tbe garden tnuisdetesbdleseuteisbed. Thecosmpresser laneddines ,vaim my eetghbberc garage. '[Os etest et the explosints an de transport truck hait rammed ioto tbsir home sng ai] tour ws o c rask.Th 'bompress reclednsbbtr aso Tba osb uos.e nst bllsd. Mp immedîetsrrosiiesoeans tsget destairetebers my son mecs sleeping ai quisbly ac possible tu eeifdtey mers ta le. AtersOobo<ng o iebs etssoh1nsdlu stntudingtina pontlofbleedý M 'vonOd<()ie ontttdacusoîdseplydilap- piesredto beesearlycsoversd. I haid ntspped os gleno ond dîde't ers beete il. becune t uon tsyteg S nslc soto rrcbmysns Hadtttey bees in grectes daner ttey csuldseot haveessaped besauteeoflbets ossebrel palny '[bosb Hou. Lord, tes psstheslteg tp sens. Tbosb Yec, Lord. les beng tee tee My tede needed Vos Se had tesetesdudih a prtall desteyed bose. seigbres m ecs upsit An teîl, cOr bcd 10 look alfler Bruse and Duonsan, suir boys hos tere est capableeof leekieg aller themorlve ils top of l obe vsited me trequsstly te beSpital. Sp tunt, out orsi dreply. usulde't hsal. Gasgrene detsloped andbad toObeorapedsmsay eery turs rth1e lonit dîde't beol amputation tean tbs oslp alternatie. Oben il ineally hsaîrd sumerout skie grafts urs ettemptrd te fil[1 lorge bols sn the colset tep fot Houses.r Hou rsltssdbiiîimpotat itmwao th etultae otfmy amdlytatlgsIml si meginemy dfe huttsg tooe wItlbthrssîssald< Auts and gel ousrsrahied tbe My sbîs for gcafteg soed intherrtgratiirmeîoîviblerfor oslya Oimitsd Oims Ose eemg cOre ood te bada chosme- tattsmpl e graSt or uanst hestoed sii t cîd: -WOat Sae me get te Iose Se tbenurnrse etlsu ork situeplasedlbhesnîonmy ltit, 0010 ber obll asd getîs hoode site uesbed tsssstnbly manipulait îeg the îlot usorbotg tes tus boucs te make sureatl air posbstttwers rrmtsdoandfitlrd therdsspbe Tbthtmsîthsgraltitgmvas aotusso1 thooobysu Lord udbhallenio hrrt, Wbrosoeî sve toîmy romsosemeesuorîlhdrtr oster Soat groeîeng t ,ollsd Ssr Ossýtos" '[e 1mb. Heuunsg Or, haod acomplished noethîeg winch the doesr hadt et- temptescrslimes,andtfedd i thoeb Heu Oirat my îtap en the osepital mas fllid mîtO Ouppiness T[Or cosnradsbp ofet nuses, staff asd t0e lovs cOeo y mouttsgavemesuesOnsgt<Thn bbYsu God for ssing usnOrsugotfisIryig iermewichlsfttusmdtsfew sensahlotfmsmorîseadoagratrlovse frHou Olur rigObors Oad o tsrrtble IrîgOt on tOc sîgOt sos sheex ploimon As ou rssvat sIner my rssssesy. t purcbaîrd supplisnts buidaoterostsam ompssce Arcîsîsgosms ith pipiog t masc ooilcotnd Oy a couplsf ur netgbes ~Rusell, uSaI r osudoingigtedOthoos pips"l1rplsd: -i am uildingoaii os en îtos mpresoos my Sept eed a saunao'Osslccut tuned anda arcosV h ard. 1steîd: "WOersaresyou gmng [Oer tsrsrsply: SOs'rsslbng<" 'hs (siter s usîtrot chare iîth esrcsos te ]et tSsm Onsteoout Hîurhloe'guidnce.Ohegond acsntesof OumssmO<ch oOoogieshmctchsday. Thsr rssnmasy uOodostbmkow ooiloHoih ()nessltyourschldse RuîselDusheng. MosbOam. (Intacts lOs Iî'ttt's io liot-d ath voforlt tOre oreSûrmn mhos do t keom fioit G1oils loir is sosevryday epesiesse. PIrate cslaer s an olvierOs wa Ool id bat dose les psu Wrstetti <our estoetoandsndtil tsheStANG P.O. Bec 57. Avios. hîtos,,, 1,7J tIM2 Wr Sud est met formaey moteetb, msoemas a grect deal of toobtgop tado. Andtmeetalkredbhtbespesd ofpro- tssneteleosctienees. "De yo semembrer thc limte me mesrd cIl] nigbt dscelup- ingesix, tull-oleccdc 6cr DonminioneStorem?" <'Yrab. Andtbessecuatccpecvsnncpebedltinbhecdcitemy offise sent mcreieg and lcid cusc cu0 Uitsh linr: 'Ync gepn gel My teteicise snmmecialc readp yet Hase te tabe Ibent mtttbeslîeetbptecm." «lneser terget tire epressin on pee lare. ':Wstl peu noce settîdet priel tebal yen naid tn bim. 'Dîde't de mucsbgnnd-cSURllbd tentatt rn sctsb. Fornsuse .bn eR ehcd the dcmeehiegn tinbed by nomri. Patrons arond us. ie thc lcnscrstaurant, mcnt base teeedersdtebatteeelacghngsncpsccisly about. Bat lookmg bab se tse yes spent ie te adeetisng en dcntry, mmlt nslnhdinctec dltaseca tcnep nids. tInsabout tbheetnyteas tbsep osce<nnle. An limre ors on, te tcyed (rom ssmieinrieg abot coeb enperisnes.and tuseed tnete ttngc. Mert. and btn tietî Pal, lise inn bnhme te Etsbisnbe, ubisb. oesctbeyeaes, tbey bavetoceed intsc veilabtecbectplce But latsly. Obey bcve bren bcgged bp tomne mml un- metsemeeud.siskn k aend rcs . «Ysuteoutdet beieed,- ncid Msct "'Meeetberenigbte tere amabened about 3 am. bp atloudCLiM, CLUMP, CLUMPones o f m <Patteascectain smrbedpcwacop ttee Sbecaeticsaed tedeath «Sasmîec.lbhat<nmbhat i in, ransc.Mectseanoedbhr He mas sîghl SOben be cunbrd ectside, be tees in otitre toseetbelantseigedtfaitdiccppeareiestbpreabeoftbssoot Tbe nbueko aresetbtnesee. A tamtly ban moed te ondes tIhs flnc of the shaege-bous, benîdrlbhsu<mmteg pol. Fellemîeg tbe wiue source, Meslhccsdeeidedtel]cavee el eeeagbaltone,auneItbesoredsquaters lee etpng. ~Lvingubher ysu do, Don, ync must hcve a brl etca pcsblem beepiegaeîmeltetctefthbnttcs.<' *Net atollt Os Ohr mouetat. cil thc sellers hcce tbnir oms littîr dees n te bwtdn. me den't borIbemic Tbey den't botber Oc. But Oen me tred en Etobiseke, est 1cr lremi Mert and Pal, stO was sot the sase Moe ahout tlt asoîber ttme. HoIy day for Baha'is Os Sueday. Nec. 1l ba<ain te sier 300 esuntries tbeeugb- eut the uscld milI selebrats an important boty day. Tbe date marks 1he annietsry ofthbe bitt of Babc<u<llab, tbe Psspbet-teundre of0te Bcbnst IOcau<lab (trancltrd meaeing "The loey ofan Glid"Itean bocnl161yecscge en Pernia and despite a litî- tîme ef pernesutien. tortcre, împeuomenetaendle llfa legaey tes the spiritual eed social guidaceoflthemworld milenud. dcels 'TOs Bcats et Milles ced iOnsr lrîeedn udl selebrate 4 ' tbin rossI mith a pot losb and sne conmen a thr neyer Community Cente.e GUS GDUTOUSKI REIN s Mlton Then and Now The çall By Met Robinson Ite erly dssadee et thie seetosy mnaso people in thin asea teerequtte usil îelessesd cbouttsonditnthe Cecdcouwst Fes mcny pence people bcd been getng trene tbcc rec toiteectblobmwcnonidered a tand cf grect oppnrtmnity. Thoe newt mecteccers kept cp their onntcs ith tbis aires.Tbelr familscnd teir ldfrieds cnd cqccintacnen were weli iefesmed abot tifs cnd dssclnpmentc in tbetsne ccrrecndicgc. Lettes meltiegmwan ns lent art in Ilence dcyn. ln cdditios lOess wern tse ssite eads pncsible by tbs scilcecyn. Milten peuplr menlteîttfi sirecdccandeelties eshe in tcrncamesbckte tcwen sit tem. le 1911, les instanoe, Jnotn Pccglt mîntssed je Milton clih bin danghter, Mec. Hagb Camp- bell. Se bac tied ie ilton je tse Ins befnre gning oet. At thecage of 7 Oc lourd tct 1cm ot bic termes friends ie Miltes cereentili lle lne lspcing he mas geteg back le Vacsouver, a slip le mhisb be huid grent fit. Sente Miltniann tere ineetn'ed in ths menement et tarm animclc betteen thos creacand thestest. Car lcds fpeng attle tesrenfleabreagbtt ineerm the ment. In ths spring itwas nt sncmmon les WlJ. les wr(M6 Martin St. tee5 or noms etr decler tegoteest initb a lreigltt sas ccad et bernes. Thecsaleeoftesternrea etcte eas pro- moted ints ora besace et ils pers et precpcrlty. In1910aecagentstcp qoarterc le te Hem Royal Hoen (163 Main St.< te The Chtampien Os adosstîced lotsno les n( Brcndon. "Lots trem $100 te $150. Tssen t / 3cash, I 3Oie nie mont, balancesie rigltteen motOn. Lots rIoce le Corporo- lien." Wesbern larme tere ceagîeg barde al, ste prises. Ils S. Zimmermes tebo psoo- ticd cccadeets n eMiloe tebstes and easly cpctng rered toe OrWes saO TOn Casad(ae Champion, Wed. Nos. 8, 1978 C7 of Canada' o: Pl Po, I.. oe P, log( Cokohn on flic < i ,op, - ,o g plcnio,, lOsOoliai bee good tais lollowiog fat osoho t os '.adoos an spos rop s xetd t. erar 191 ieO put( a noui eset li'Os Chiton ' Zomsm hon Sakotchewan fo rsli1 per scrs. TOsy areslt adstrit otof cls(esohai.oand hrooght otosal> hall tovrsd ho Siti 't (si <soetvei fli- arlwvs î i shsosc exu Oi, sA ,,h ot.ýi M0Oiton psoootd ooooabhoriiroopsfisheWst. During Jul andOougousC t eeCPR a dotersins the stý ,,s oftstsd t hod breti thesam ni 91ohMien(Os ro<lotoy odcrrtisd tho! borvst it 'thesgrtst s ross evr Os h lar a it n bs are tHootisoWinnipegoand poit t of Nt,,,se J. Mtas> rit tirs y,,ir gO r estes stae in the West. i es look iig<odfnl,,kIint,.,(,s andsotd fi cur ti i ssialae dots cosons. (los,, Exusionsll,aSc s elles Excursion or adlO(o Io (hos for tOs Oo,,vst <oi «lgai osd in steilo ad %eIsnýa (iiý,tonsafassh. The (IIi iodssgo(o, pesssngssss(s o ais o ailsî o t imesc theoo %vr llie too sossi igeoeturstrip -i<oq,<te vvitt(« Ossgolassratrs Osb Ilocinoo 001 loalne0 sitm Ilo, -ot oh (Ooo lo, oen tr <ths wst fi, h oont or mo,kes theO mir t - tsd Oy op- po t riis t i ,oioi r e t r s ws (ol,o((po<<o(s(oiooo , 191iss ri, G, Ntot<ssstsoflis finsrol Logot and MoKni,(ailon, ehron W0VtHesent a sopy et Ose Vseon Nsws and bit Oms en. îhocaîeocdesrpetiolfthslfruitcrmteg opnertuohseinetherOoeagoe Volley. An a formss ooier ot tOc MOilton C'orling Club Os tees plesesd (o tend oloeg osd tbat a corling risboocs biegOlt i eron. lenOsdesdo lots 280 1911 peoeit tw eOsosbsd (o Isase Ocnt IOnsr maoonrof (Os 5(gg(etiOtOm lisog Vo ,loidoldlos bouscinetuF B Smdbhand fluat Os Oas mo(t'(g to Ntrios. OC. os tine holosdoo of t Oo, oss I HOolherabs, Oarrstsr oao so leaoiogltooeoîolsof ne oso nomsnToronto liesgourgomsito itoosJoo hsss hs<iten'dsd(toysocslo hos psofssion hOîtO ver> (<Il te I(o orgate il. (Os lsodo(g men t ooho arrange(] atbaquet and prsîsetoi<o((O t h ( tl Gibo titre (olloo<tgsisenog n o.oof both«llOrhso rielodgs Gorh<isO mas uhoseoo asd sseecOs Lobh ol (Osto -s prsso(od odltsofinoclb og J 3A Elio,o K(Cpo( fouiolsd(o(stssrur(cortonsssote< (Osuit <sr heyari iOsî rsponed 000i hoîlf oyprop( ((5te ords ( tOaeko rit Canadaot tto,(Os ssvigopoes od (Oau tOs toast (o Mtilton AO,o( a îssb lt(ss (Os \thodite tbosoh Osld o (oositsh and yrîseltionta( the llo((,osorkts Mr ltolosoaks Ood o(ened (ficio dvShoolîasca Oov and hard hese it foso <(e((loi sotos ("ers i pasents Ood î«so i<htom ii (10. Itead (if M,,oss O,ý i settied o, Saskaoon. obioh Ood pople. EàL 3OCTI RC DRXY ER IDUBRUI1» DO ABOUT 3 LOADS ON GM FOITUENEGYCOB-T 0Fr i SAM-SIZEm' LOAD ONMFi ELITIOITY AN» fl OtAN SHOW YOU NOIECGM DRYI TRANYITODI# hShllO GRIS appliance centire MAYTAG -INGLIS - SIMPLICfl' eurlIsgtss> 534 Osait OSest. Georgetoun «O1 Main Street' 505,005 23 Mais Osent Rant