BIS The Canadian Champion, Wed. Nov 8,1978 'Champion correspondent' Veteran Bill Shuker always in t (Editonos Soteo Thi article la eeprittd. vîth perm15ision. front The Journal of 'Telford, Salop, Eolood lhe stot' i abou t 1007006 Mflvo ldenI lltî Shuker, wo, livo0 and ooorbod on Milton inthe earit days of ihis century7 tho-v rtourod ta fils hoe il, Sioal, Etigiood il. 0 go. has hooo cotoOpoIiotvO oegulati$ ,h il "ieCa pion-he colis, himseit our Erighoh ~correspondet'- aod has maode treodo ,olh Mitoniaoo Mi od Mils. Joe Waters who ,isit tl,oin 19771 ) Il hou ooib paol a Shl,,oi sbop and hond a litt- green voot standig ovlooto d,,iit filai a chil hos [ef t-, fvthe a>- hlvCo105î ,1 Shaker, revoollo W. uo, has mtade a vonlvo oi 11,000 litie gree0 70011 Raui 10,1,105 as MobRitetaifl filen0tov a f the main$ occupaions of tho Cid Spper oh,, Ives in ,, sotail cotage ai 40 A,,,, ý Road. Shiforal d He Î bOeome a lai,,îdok oftSintrai teotiigîtong tho' utroots poshvg, or puiiîvg. hou sec final ,111116 at a nid, pravîs torfc eo-oiand Il mer othe specillttmaîde hardies tirput the fiitOhin seat ontop (i he carI touches olîItIheclasses5 as Ea one ,1ti mdelu ofan fil gt,,o0o, ,iî,l appie box re0i,,îcned vilh h rt t P. infevtd the hardboord He takes,otsaine sine distinct-, gre,t and ofth1e sialo a416 th, otînm Stke 501, o 110010 00151 adduoha inctrop lie hvards -to,î,t,îun,tIîoufis t 174 voters at advance A totalof17000ioes.or.Oît >er foI povn-a 0000 one per coont1o1 the 16.060 statistlu haove ohoovn 1hat Miton reodents eligihîr to oe per cent 1100u Il an vote or 1he upooing avneof ii ar oml monicipal eieclivî, tored ru hr1,01 puîlls oe per out Saturdut ai three ad viar le ,'tiiî't 11 one vnepolio in Miton depul to't11,vo viuo and Town0 vior Cam0pbell one poil cel Ahîther Tboetpo seul he ched 0,11 a,ce poil. thelast hove ko, Inaud ho. fhini fur 5 nei %londav' olcivi nout omOpared with precolos lîclî ,t',u Tueoday) he He often f70 the Senior Cîti the dîooblodt 6,0,, toiding r bout of theco lie il aWel lie vasoburin and wao edovl St hodreov S n, veog pul lie rîft Shîto 18 t0 ovrh in S, t,îîckioyoc a Champion n' teri hip 1 cart Ho oned front Canada i1914 and joineo the Royal Enfinneen wbiob flous blet bis nicboaOn, the Old Sapper. Ho 0070 active service dueing the 1014-18 tirer 88 Ypes and tbe Soetee. One of 618 proudeol pusueniOns la the Mililaoy Modal ,obîcb be ws awueded lubter be roeoed a etoundod cueteude under bouoy sbeil fire. IP1 A plutre of biu old coiet- paoy hangson the7Ilof b.s t iny silliof 00070 but Mo. r lill alioo. But 6e l8 boot kono in -Sbifna as the e-landlord of the 130,000 Ion on Vicoria Roait, S611001 Ho 7085 tbero 8î for aler 2lyeis wibt iswif 1 PolIo. lenbetn used ta oOeal fo toc e6 patata and con0 baroont and spend Saturday nigbts in 1he 13010000 wilb McCoresO uith1e piano. Bot ho oas ooluolan o ta01 about bis lifo and sas more intorooted in sbowing off is oooooy of oe ad cerfs. There are vue tous etodela fro0t0the do-Lue t10the7m0re buely vbldeo' trolley. Eacb one bas îts avri lîtlo specîaity. Porbapo a sPecial bange or0a parltcularly looO olta boob r081, or sonotips witb special place orebîs alkinf zens Club and stick. One evoo bas a nueboe tlub aod sure Ipiate-SOC I. i coes 7011 Most of the conooy la .eatly inloîthe stavbodu7000tina sbedal the veh orminibu battnofo bis 70011 kopt 600700 obaeae- gareo n 00 habll- and bas lived vofnoplttd ath1e mtomet and le in 16e 10700 a atels of tîtbe indicatlOlue on Wybe Place is planning 10 mako more. ated uithe6 old Wboo Me. Obuber o 001t cawic li w7r6106 on 70 t finbs lateot mollet or ie odd n.0 poobtof blo catil in 1he alowhen beOas goetil diretionof oth16 aut Wales asa soopu, you cOOld well ttodbhie dbîln bondoe aI the Senior Social Club in Canada tor wbere 6070111 bo studylof the mabtot con- bout moines ut deaugbts or The Cooudîao trytOf htO lOObOathebraffle ouspapor. Ho eît as theîr oportdoot 05 60 loue6, sendinf construction underway Kilbeido si likeiy have i10 kilobon and squad rail0 station. own fîro station in opeatton The noostattion oili faoete a Att ofth 160000 firefighters byîbthe nw yea poper,watetanker andu a il 60 oluntoors or paet F011070108 nearly 00600 pick-uptruck, accvrdio ta ti70e men,said Mr.Edwads lion0l00070 undeevoy 10 oullîl Terry Ed7000dO o70ployees ut tiîs 1ilme0 1he roral area of North WorkotsisalîlheOlsit to A ditrtovolutOerchier Bueboflon 70116 10s 1101 tire monîbo aoo The prelob steel aod dopuly cbîot wilt bo station. buildingO Fressures 70 tort by oppointodl for tho Ktîbrido Theosite ilsa.3 acrelotl fo- 2teet adtire1ofic~iels ox-unt.he sentd sied on Kibrido Rd. FI010 pool the station fi, be coin- Prior 10 the decotion 10 Kllbride Public Svllai For pld by 1he eod of the 0000, build a 1100 stution in Kil- GUS GOUTOWI 16e pool 1700 and o hall yoaro or in therIl e weekof thîe bride, the town was seriOOd tbo city of Buelingtoo, 706106 0070 0000 by boit, tho Buoboflon and RGO serves 1he Kiîbrîde ditriect "T601 lis 1he tentative Milton îieltOs.EG bas 6000 actionly oeorcbiflf date," soîd Mt. Edouords. The distance 10 KIlbedn for apioco of land. but700 i owa ddîngfit a6010 offiiii open- 600 Secomo a crucial facoro oalyreently ftufinaloP ap- toovos iîbolvo hrîd inino(ire cooouagound i a proval vies oeolfor the sprint. decided taboherual partoo pront locat1on. White orkcvontinueson the the 10000 obould haveoil070 Toco ottier locotions 0000e buidinf the Bueiiogto lire tire hall. in additon o tho peiuly natal asvoleong doporîvîcol i0071 n 0n0th 0serice of the tilac olite poosîblitios, but cal, vins 160701 vfti Ovning tîotiîhters oolîo latie rojeclod lten il 700 1or the Klîbrde unit t000d the sites wee0fo, sasi] w0l me001 701511, thte Kil-a teoaccommodatloa lbreeday bride districtl are bivng -Il wao ao160 708070 station1. lî'aed andilits epeted oeekend and cowds vert In addition 101the buos. the filatv730oen io etuaiy be tured out on 600800 conroads building 70111 have officos, a wor0060front70th' neore i0 n balmy 7000 ber. [ ~chuet~~re "-P TRINITY MI! TON GOSPEL CHURCHOFD CHRIST SATiIHALL 1412 Blitani Rd. We CHURCH ,,,,t,îîss Oî.C- 000,0, R-. uS F .,. Suîtdov. Nov. 12, 1978 Suoday, Nov. 12, 1978 Sunday Ncc 12, 1978 1070000il-be Schoot dessala 1100.m ,70 h lî l l,0l111 i ,,1 fallaOî i iges Gvoon M -o,,,,, t, .î'ý P ' *.I,,, ' 1170070. Manin ,000000la8d wi b polk- i01"7 l !- 1( î 1S u îsLand'sSalait dy Tîuesdlay We..,,,î,y 8:to m-PeaI . h 7 0 WednescdOy Club., 7;300p70 BibleStoOo Wed0,10 ay l", ' The Churchns of Christ sauota ScollîL 1 11 THE 0W,,,, l .1 c,,I ,PRESBYTERIAN EMMANUEL CHURCH ANGLICAN CHURCIl BAPTIST INCANADA OFCANADA CH-URCH KNOXCHURCH GRACECHMRC MILTON ORAG CIIOLH H~" t7OMo,,Sl E TlIM,.î M08 RvT,v,J L70l Sooday, Noo 12ý 1978 Suid,î1 N,,c 12, 1978 878 BISS Tî,îîIy XXV il,1 .lu0,q0,,0 Ch." Dirct.o, 111 hcîuîc All,1î Ml' I ' .A, ile, Redoîvd 0700.1'. , .. I lî Ir 9 30 o Sooday, Nov. 12, 1978 Schll i1100 am Rc.cnenbran,Se, 10 30 vice, IýI,111 of Flaque 00l Sch 1000 t,îuîtuAOolî 10730 aî O , I 630,n . o., ,î , ,îî, 'I ST JOHN'S Wednemsiîy 7 30 Fu, NASSAGA\NEYA MI l- u- B It1, OSTON and 9$70 a17,,.lII OMAGH ST 00006S 'CHURCHES ST. GEORGE'SRi, W R 125 B AU ,c LOWVILLE 87804428 11 00a ob 11l,1B0Fil,1 , Sueday, Nov. 12, 1978 Cv70nl,n oî ,,, HIGHWAGO OSPI'E BOSTON 0,,,,CH-URCHl.I.. 9 30011 Wca00100010100 uî,0 W~ ~ ~~Clc I '111 îîtlî0c PRESBYTERIAN 1'IoMC, î 1'I MG CHURCHESOF 8182064 Il061îOl 00 100 a 8110hi erie CAMPBELLVILLE En Surîday, Nou. 12 1978 1Chluch SchvOl NASSAGAWEYA 9Ol 45 , ISavS l co70n, ami O7, ull amlya Sunday, Noo, 12, 1978 100, MIiI v"" lS9thAo,îoeîoaîyof 1101 -.,,,,,P Si. Davîd's, Ca70phticlile ', on1 vlle, W cîîdî 000 110, î.nî, î îî toy 11 t,,1 ST. PAULS GunolPînocWol Fu-111,.ll, Fo I F-L 0111111' Op 7730 07 Film PI ,11 P-I Y"î.o vcl,,,, e mur bu00 001. THE UNITED 0,-0" a,,nd S-daySchlool 30,00a CHURCHOF CANADA Al"l g101, ',0,,,, Main Si ai James0S __________________________________ Sooday, Nov. 12, 1978 The family that prays tagether, FvJMFde stays lagether. 1 Nursery80110170i TREMENOGUS BUY 7__77__11 3 500 c I ofliin sol 0 2 0501 dire- 0kichn u t o e aile ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Fvo150 ifAcr GEUSti VIEWal e oiosOffy4,oto0 85,00 32MunanilDi itn HE e i Sunday, November 12 VIEW OF GEORGIAN BAY bunogalowon quie santal:7 SATUROOS. Nounlber il a, 60. lolbl iî~ ld unOl a1hon os SUNDAY. Novol 12th. I. : 501 0P.tO i .m.-Rev. Robert K. Shorten, Po , ,,ccdoo3 500700 E.A. MITCHELL LTD. B.A., t.D., S.T.M F.,dnls .olOu TrafalgarSuare, 310MainlStreet Eat Theme: Life and Its Promise IREN PRIE Mit1 O8 o68841 ý518) 821 360 gr 1519) 822 208668841 SpeciaimoSiC Repteseftttînq Helrb Neumann Real Estole 518., Realtor. 5-43OotLn Cornehome 3 country! Rlght In the Heart of Milton. As the louves f ail... Thl la your Ils opportualty to buy la ouf Luzurious Condominlium. OnIy a Few Left! Why now i. the right time to buy et Luxurlous 8S1 Miliside Dr. itee a bayeras market. 5. Umitu are lour boing eod bebeu *Prices are coatrollind bl the building coute. ,lnbetry of bousiag. 6. W. are .early eold eut. *The experte egre Chat putce 7. A famtaestlc laveetalt. mcreie are comimg. S. just a fallu loft. *A.lH.0. P. (Asebetud Home 9. Futly rogistered - ail111 paymente fatuerabht Programme) 8% tOl are applied ditecttlitmotlgU pprove bupees fa enili avatiablu ou b. Toutera althongb mout caatuttud ne future buildings. Tenter. l,* Now futp negisteeed al07 - bo.878-8787S veain*e 844 -749 6 M liside Dr. E~LL KILBRIDE io Iikely 60 have ils new firo station f00 tuant L Orson -8, 8088.8l bythe new ycar. Af ter nearly seven yeaes 0fý Burlington and Milon fie Planning, construction is now undewuy for tht answered fire calis in the Ki Kilbride fire station