t-t-t-. . ~t-t-~ct-t-e ~ ut-. t- - ---l Council considers dog hunt to hait attacks on Iivestock A GLASSY ACT. Assietat Cubmaser of tht- Hornby trt-op bruke battites pilt-d ie a pickup trot-k ualter tht-y had bt-t-t acrted by memberu t-f the Scouts t-nd Guides Suturdt-y behît-d Hillurtet Chureh- Tht- battit- drivt- virau ht-Id Suturday in Milt-antd t-rt-a by tht- Hornby groupe. At candidaêtes'meeting Gordon, MacAr' outline prograr tet t-25 pt-apte t-at--t- eut t-ut t-t t-t-Met-t t-bt CacAs- dattet-t- ct-t-utg ht-t-A by Mtta Chatb-t et Cern mr-tt at-A Ratt-u Teaube-et t-dut-at-sucnsut Multtut Dt-strit t-t-gt-e st-haut- ttedt-eedy- Nec. Nt-c--tt ut- t-ht- t-s can- At-dat-tes pret-tc-t t-ht-ut t-t-ctut-c hy t-bt et-et-utatt- eboud vert-tt--b-n Nus. 13. At toile ut-t t-bt t-uta- t-ce hart- ut- t-dattt-u st-c-t, ct-t puest-sues ut- t-utat t-uutt-t, t-be t- eut gtt--tta- putR ccd t-be ofet tu-t t-u- cctet Ft-st-mt-t tat-at Accu Ma-Attheu us t-ht-t--t-gt-cg in-combent tDss Goru-tdut-t t-at t-ht- t-at-t-eu Tht- t-ca hd t-t-t- nte--ttste puet-ut t-ht-ut ptt--et--ut at-A at-t-ctt- t-A utstos a t- caude Cha eut et- Ct-tc m-et-ce pt-ts udt-c-t ct-uc Rt-us acd t-t-t--p-tet-At-ct St-tchat-t bt-aut-t cha- -t- t-ht- t-t-tcutg Goratdut- st-stt- ce ht-e au-cuit-s accomsplishmntt-- su t-bu t-as- t-ca yuaus ELECTION COtANT-DOWN Pet-t caetat-e au t-ht- rnt-ttht-seýauAates suttt-g- Pt-e et- et-uat-1 ; et-tavy vte preit ed. tt-Pg 7 REMEMBRANCt DAY Sata day, .Noveet-ha Bey at-A ct-a :- -cact-t-t-t- quit. t- Edut-as t Pehisehu Jis Dut-tes-ta-tc-- 6-Pt-apte. GO-tTrainue t--t- t- Muttut Coueatil t-Sit Fuh ty-act-app-ast-A t7-t-pt- -uiinfot h St- St Paut-eha-at-, 1t- Cornputer-t tta-ty et-et-sau ut-t- Mar-tu hycaiP bt-t- t-tt--t Eut-t-t-h coret--tput- Aet BSa c t-t---sty ut- St-stes pt- t-t-ct-r tut-et-t- t-utVuth- st-haut ut-ce Ct--Aad AccuAt-tu-- Ca --arint--yt-tt Ch- Ret-t-trnatut Asptay Ct.- Coutrku-t- prot-tt t-tat-k t-t-t-t-atA s a t-cadet- capahbt-et-f cckucg t-tt-tdat- poet-t-- t-e ate indcutie., ad ucaut-ciuat-su ut-t t-ht- dueutoau coet- Mat-tAtt-be btttst-A heu suhttsty st-pt-tset-ctth-t-utu-e t-ut Mutt-at ut-peut-at-y att-t-t-t-- ettt cr aut-ufdt-ct tht-y tcet-A put SNit-u-tcts htet t-eut tut-sat-A MacArthut- t-at-A she ceeu t-tst-at-t gset-aceut tus t-b pt-apte ct-A sutst that seatus Gdutt-at sasllA, t--t a t-aut-b tohubc id at-A t-t- t-tesputtb Rt- t-at-A ht- t-et-t bue bcdt gour] retctushup ast-b at- I tututeus ctd-A ceed lit-tu t-et-ut-c asematat-t-a e-tut- -ertuus cosiderat-un to ta.edtcitthte ptiont oftethe as ggtstd at$tu0 pound The- t-t-sttck Act statlt- csr tcas oft the- htt-cs tlic-t-t-t ' at-uut-ut t-peu serstot on loterie sppeatt-tt ttte veertict, or5 puy- tue bu ltt-ed at-aistst the hiat atsame sus shoott on lsut s tas s thest- pack Aosug ict-t-- t-sust ut,-u t-ut uttutlt t---s haI rots its t-be rut-ut uea as ut-st the rney. Saut- cur-t ucter f anydssg sghtt-osesi-sght a dog oftrss-er predatuus ont lot-calu tart-usd t-t-t-::ý t-ut-i 11su-- KIt-st--- str 1t-en by Mit-on CuucMont- -crut-u-t-teut-eedt-ttt-t-sRt- intaurt-test- tissus uhi pt-pty but it cas cousuut-uhhshid tu--t-ts ponted Is tay ut-tht, a. a eutt of au t-us pay. but t-nuit cere Balltont Age aut-a- d at lidthtterreai,-p bt-eues pi',dutt-sin suu pt-utps-t- u-st--st iucreaut-ut- umber ut c- at-s t-eted by thtetuutt Rp t -w' nur er st-sus Hnr t-Sa n o-t edstgat bcss it l, at-sut-h tu-st- u-t-et acoe ha tttu-su , u )d -st-eu- dets ut rnttd puck dut-s at-taule ugt-s, uhu tave tey crcstttc--s that s-haut ettee dsttssstt t-s ge- tagg-dt:il Aost-t s - il-s tii tach-tg attd k-ttatt-t-teepct-d retusedto cuer t-t--t tsatcts-y. ta7 shteep hv stuc i tutu e uitt ls ct-sut-cusgt u t a t-t-,t- i '-pl-ti'-stusut I-' -ttt- othert-ucestuck. t-uuucutevenu-atty dci-ded tu ttaittuin-tte past--ectctand us-c a hutguir AttusuhyCss udt-t 'staut--t- Il -tt Thett-atte cm-e taheu pay the ctuttm .tattthe t-te args-comenpsaton -ptttt-tu t-ch \t---itt---ushes'adeý.,,ýrlbdýIruAd id ht- tsas l t-t-ient,-1;,,-tu when Didt-Yt-rnsoftK saite t-bte, cocluet au paid Io tast-s tsttfeesec sut-ge trt-Au Itn-utbltet Irt-su-t--- t-,ut-thu-u-u- ttt --u- bet-detitedadcrnt-t-t-etatct ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c-lcle about-uttte-tta-ttt t-t--t ,--c-t Ir-ttt-.e- udtsuuuit-,tubacusu-i brttettteutauttt-z u Fttrytt-t e muptarttr t heaeucdes acua8ctercuctp att-h ,ot-et t-ttptt t--tt--t a u rihle Input anud adwe-t daat- udt-s ut-ut-t- sut-ut -i t-c-suuustA ýb dut-s uttackiut- aud kilitug seat-ter us the tact that. ta date paptueut ut $t100 per sheep th--sut e, a augeeccui t-c soint e tsh puIt-ctt- t-t t-but oveebr6omn-konttt-ttpet-t- in 1978, cety $6,500 in dung tut- ahec a cmore reait-t u e, uat- At-as Th-s pecceptëd oe thtet- ut tss s lerstu, allert- '5 so u'ttstt id sttpuhN $3,885 by the turnes evatuatue sheet- $p6 2thle73.52-t that ssutt ta00 oe t-t-st- udttccitt -tY flot tact ast-s havt- attttas ptdut-sue d tst- ht-s su t-t-t- butMr.Yenrn il etitttt t-ue petttby thet-tunut-uuhcct tHeareutts-t-utabet- t-tt t-t-et- g takal,,en aho birecade sutt- bu daue st-h--t- t--t t-au- t-ut nttut- t- damuae fimathe towttinthe- theuote ca-r. Caucuderattuc et-uctuatu the t--tet- as lien' tlong t-s--at-t t---tt ..u-t- on, ~ -tt sutie ycuiclt n rben.CtnilrRusPwdu r t-tt- t-t--t- tt-tt -at-u- CouusctMutday t-as ceasigthe puai fýad i dec ht-atuat-aut-r ,sgret-the htuet-se-e- -tot--tk t---ttt--- u-ttt-- tu-tt tt th--t pauin l, t-t-t tutti Council to help familles utwt--au----t - 1- ukt t-s t-ut-t ut- -ut-t-t utu--- zu-tu-u-u--tu- p t-tk A d peatue -c Mu-tu-t p etcutey Th-uc t-t-t-et-t- t-t-s- -u-t ptt-tt t-t -u-tsu husgt s-t h t -t-ut tct--tt--t--t tctt-a-tus t-tsu-t tt-u ttu-tu-tutt- t--tt-t-u-uc >-tt-u-tct t--tt--t C ea t Mtday u--t utptetaeut-ta-a- to-t-t5-itttuttt---tntutu ts-u--tttttu---t Stsu-su tuiuu-t u-- -ts-tkth-t ---i---tttttttt--atu-tttttttu-t cubtt-ttdbet acbe att -t-s t-t- cidt- ccd tauu teu te -t-tt-t--t-tt-t--t- -t-- t-ut-u-t-t t-ss t-ut-tt-tt- tt-t- t-t- tut-t-k -t--t-tt-n tt-t--t-to t-tt-t uAcbe-utMt-onttc ilt oneat ucuccect-esc T-t uuuuutiuut- arc,-usut-tttit ofuu 'st-s lhuut ofut-tt t---- -, t-t-ut-tst- t-tut-. t-t-( t-t-t- t--------tttttt -ttttttt Ctutcttbedy ucut-ct-uut hectarnett----uduti t-ttu-- I tt t--tpp-t- tu-t---ttuttc t--t-u-gttt--- u-tttstu-u-h- ------tttttitt t-t-ut-p li salclgbl misu -n ut-o tust-- t--tutt t-t-Atr ut-t-t-s uitt- At-t-t-th At- ett tettut bu et-gt aud -a-t- ta tutue utt- stt-tt--t-- -tatsuu-ttuu tt-ua uu-t-sit-u uu t tt-- -su-tt- -tt-tstt-t-p-tt-tt-latut u-t-t- t-a-tt-tt--tc tt- ut--tt-u-c utt- t-t-t tt-tt hutt-t tt-st-- u-u-s ua-t-t-cd t-sut- on-u- aeal ofttsst-tduuuAuucs u tu-a-- t-tt-s St--t-t- t-t supud t-t-t- t-t-sut- - t Ittu-au- tu- T h- , on mbonetrer f il-tncasent ttcstedt-- ut-ut-st At-t t-t-t-ut-o t--u--u-u- tut-t-ut-t-t-cteda ennt woCutpat t-ut-tctiraicptucst-ut- t aet-eh0t-CuAat- t t-d it- su-u-t -sut-au--ut--u ut-ut-ut-,1 asusu ,, , pat-uut-t-tt-t-rdtutt-t-t-t-t5t-easut- d t---cttu-- t--tt--tt t--ttil u- o oo ndi t-at-S et--t-ttri ut ig a -ccd ttet-tfa cmiltl e t-sutt-t-t-t-o uoit-t-ttd uh-~---- -u-t t-tut-a s io lie t-t-ut t-ttt--t-tt htlg eo t-ht tu-t-t- post-tt-s t-ble t- tu-tutt t-t-ut-t t-t- t- s-t-cg ,, t- tg- tut-t Shaucud teta ddt-et-t-et- ut-t-eue for t-thtt-sttt -- t-t-Ace utt-t- asttt t--thtt satut- t-t- t-u-tt--t Ai t- -- --utstttttt t-t t--c h o t-ut-ut t---tt t-tt-t t-tt-t Corpor-at dccunt-despedcht- sugt-eeakc-ut--u-t pet-t-t-u ttsutuîu- ue tega-utpu-tuAsthu- cstutuu-ts- sinet-uduIasugut-ut-u.' es t-t-t-t-t-t- t-t-t-t-ut-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t- i ctht tut-b e t- t-c-- Rueeucgs ht-at millittAt e r-agt- at-stu t dRct-c u t-ut-t-t s tt-tutuutet-sul tu-t-al t-at-t-tut- t- abut- sut-ttt--- tttttutst -uututt tuere t i m lei - , t-st-t- a t-t-tuttt-t - ,tutut- t ut-ttt putat-u bat-Att- ap-t tctsautt-t t-ut- . te cippate c aei u--- a t-at t-ut- at-t- , At--tsthtt- T-sutset- a rg tt-t- tc isu tistI 'sta, ut-t it-s u t-u ilst- utctstutt hspar hi tt-s t-t -t--t -t--ott t-utur c t-hndu oeretc u ingle t-t-actct- ortutatt-t t-t-s t-A pe t---S---tttt-t- l t-t-t-utt u-t seat- e-t-tt-t-tt-t- ndou outtksA - uat -t-t-tu t-t-t-su ea agu-tt t-tts t-" one tI d comt-u-t-tfst-at- iesu-t- u % lcbic n t thctsuîî hAfrpe Aia p h phari uA n hacA a 'le latt I ilhetat-tttc t-t--st-utctt t-t-ht-t-st-tedt) i cu re su is cila h a o a d u 1 n n Il r i. r Il ia t r K t-t-t-t-t-ucnPt- rt t-tt-- t-act u- t-t- su r tut t-A d faosga cgt-t-A the ct-st- t-su sucd t-set-eut tht- ar -IIe cele t h p - t-tt aut-t t- ut-ut e ttuttst- t A ot orGrdn ol sCut-l t-adt-tt-ttt ivtt-ac-e a- Mcrhu r ecu d t-ht- cue d Clud- enetugbtetwth guie nd ncurae t-oecut-t-at-st-tt-tct-tct pt-cgt-a-à ctast-st t-ht- gecu t-h ut huet-c c cbut-h s gecesut- al t-b t-tt-t--tste- pet-ce. Tht- t-seut-ttat At-se-- e-t kuac au Tucthtt-t-u st-haut-s ut--t uabte t-a au cutuctdate t-ht- t-ht-t-Ateu t-be wch-ha -t--t-tctht- t-t- sut- utt--tt--u t-t-t-t g ut-t et-t-t- sadla t-ut ut-ttut su tts-t t--t meuts- t-h-ut cuct- petut-sau uctp it-t-tt-u tu-t-utt t-at t-se Ne nusre hdlcatdwol ecmedpusiga[ie ociocl olcI THREE HA O NEWSPAPERS uncludiugTh- c car1tp ,au t-t suto duighstrsgnifrigTmea ieas ltoscthmn Ch aupio n h uluig plata uwedhv Che t-he-prutgplts t-s act-Utrda Wt- i r jos ndinrese idutralhae o e usedou o twnwh m> s liibe or'0- hiwek oIan Pabshing ColrI tlcuad* firm whc hae ben nove dnTeCapo ases hn n re tue oa tdnt etl ltLiii cetn Election resuits Monda y The Ca po ssl at Lions Hall, Champion to Inland Publishing V stes sut-eseutt- su uhtassut- qat-ck n t l-t--t-t- areteu e ct-t-u at-b-ut uta t ut-tt-t ut- t-t--s--t t-t-t- i t-tut-s des t-ht- plt-uut ps-utps-tta su t---h tut-ut-d, iuret i o ý" sutt-te t eus u-t Mat cye m cttt-ta- Lionus Rut-t t-c st-be tts----tttun -ta--ttsp--tte tttd-u- ttc the-slsb c efn l e , ipý, a d t -t-faloi t- St-it-t-t- t--t btsu- t-t-dt-t-t-t marttket t--pttutt t -t u t-cr t ut- t- esu s t--t a d t--tt- Itt--ts t-t-ut- su Miltou Memrnuual At-t-u, chere aud cu-t---t-r d ctta tr-e-d-s tss su- tttt a tu--ed pahisahua tî--t-seuua tut-t-- t-ut-t t-ut-tt-s pt-u-t--u-t--t ilstutA c-ut ten St-up-at- humeu cu ubtuut fat-t rasaIt-eut-cs Patubiuhug t--t tutt ut-ot-eutP--t tsuttutus t--t-tt l s t-ht- Brsueptuusuat-t-tt-t-t-tt- t-tst-st-tht-s t es et-tttttustt stt t-tt---tA" ttet-haut- hy ccItut Tht- Charnpiou at-ttet-8 Tht-te t-ucut-tg t-tutes lat-t-t t-tattA---tts as salit- sefftt-tctiv \ ut-s Su-t----tttsu-at-c at-d Pht- 'st-ts- test-tu ai stutu uhts tui t ui tstttt--- t-su-ct a 78t-231. t-hase lut-eu lut-ht- for The Chaminp ua ut-pc -at ut tt-car t-t-t-t-sand ut-tA tt- hh g t-t-s esagu Nt-t- l t-tt c nst-t-st-ut t- Phe t-t-t-t stc-t----pt--t -A,,t-ilt-tie-cu t ct Ilcincnrlwl rvd etistruh idctos hymyleqiebs l iie a ucae teýIItr o aaawcehv laýIe lgý1 iet 1mdI theuu-au--ttuc-attprutAt--uttt-buu- t-t-Aing.Iyt-at-tS-y--ct--ta t-hiesu sy at-t- Lu c tuhtPress. at-Tire uttt-tt- r s t- Ie tsuccd coin hu-t sutattut ht-t-t sgt-t- ap e at t-ututt-t t-t-ut ut-san DANCNG p cst-t-s ~t t-t- Ha-t-t as part ut- ut- elt-u-c ut-t-S tser-titce- se tudaps laur, t-c ht-tt-t aa t-hurt t-ht- ce-t au t-ht- t---stt-e-st-ta t--utut-t-ct-ttht-sego thctA t-t- ats-t-t t spape- as bhar t-sut-t t-ssu -t t-t-su Eues-y t-tt-t St-haut ut- Dut-t-t Polits du -close-ut-l 8prm nsa tu h res-et-rtt SttP-t 14. Nt wt-ttstksChamn- ps-utsutg sud ut-t-ctpcpes t-atttcttttst-re ure-td t-at--t--t--t-u t--s --ttst-neo [aea d i---tNSt- ~ the t-tttt u-itl t-oral)t t-t- dacs-ua-t-hu-onSu-Aat- se in tthecway o at ee-u--tsut-t-u epcteM piot-ut- nancopet ctt---a--itu-nttt----tttt--tultt spe-atss s-,siuust-ueu-uuutt-ctuuuy t-au t-in ptiitReA ct-A t-tt-t (Continueadtpct t-t c-t ht-tutre83ucorp-rnt Candidates, t-appt-u-er- t- st s a ctA h-bt-su Tht -tat-t hy Dt-t- cts - bc h- at-Ait- b t-t-us tu- a--us ttt-d tuttu ht h- S--uu e 1 t le a d