Truths of life theme of retreat SEPTEMBER WEDDING in Knox Prenbyterian MEREDITH Church unittd Cathy Lyno Scott and Nick Pasia- MacIsaac axc wicz in marriage. Anglican Chus Meadowvnle. Weddingq veddîng Pasiewicz - bcott A tandialit doable-aisg hta taaamny at Ktn Paanby- nattas Chntah in Milton oas han tht satinag tnt tht oadding rt joninsg Cathy Lynn Scott and ta NicnhPasitoîaz nmaatiage. E Tht otdding tank ptlam Saturday, Sept. 9 and oas gin tnndantad by Han. Tato Ma Lamis otth Ma. Radoan as tht naganstit and tht Haty Roaay Pt, Chatnh choit paaaidtag tht a music. Je Tb bride lsthetdaagttttatfasn Ma. and Mas. John Scott ot Prt 3130 Main St., Mitton. Tht htt gromisathesnnoftMr. and Bat Mas. Water Pasitwinaatf782 an Adeaada St., Oshawa. sht Baidat attendants intadad T Jeaune Hyatt as matd o a banna. Sha is a tatnd ot tht haide. Baidasmaida er Jannie Btankttok, Chatyt Faitoso and Anne Babdan. Sarah Soatt oas tht onar girl. Jobs Scott, taitier ot tht bride, gant tar aoay itt martiaga. Groamnatan oas Mite Radnihaoinb, coasin ot tht garo. Tht atues Otan Data MceiSl and Jim Coattnbh, friands ot tht garo and Glass Scott, haathaa ai tht hride. Caaig Walnhaa oas ring heaaatt An tsasdsg dinnat and danne taloaed at Miltos Lions Club Hall an Thompsnn Rd., with 250 gueats ta attend- Anting as mastna oi natamanias ior theaaatning oas Harvty Btash. tht haida'saunnit spatial gatsts aI tht oadiding inaladed the gtonms grandmaothtt and aant taon Winipg and anasurtand uncle frnt Chicag. Othat gauts nama lom Petteroaoght, Oshawa, Miltas, Kitchener, Hamilton asd Toronto. ltoasaso a spaniat day tan anotheaisoaan forthe bttdt5 gtasdiatkat, Alian Coap. Ma. Catrp aaithtattd bis Bath 'Living'y program Tht Eta Pht Chaptat aI tata Sigma Pht Saaaatty hntd a meeting Dat t0lat tht home ai Aict Fatta. Sandi Taggat and Noama Stanley oagastttd tht pnograam, antittad ..Living" Eanb membe buht bin anddis- cassat a nat, hobby an spatial itnt item. On Ont .21 acotm Hattonnae paaty Oas en- jayad at Janis Caulttans home hy tht saaaaity, theîn bashands and latanda Eta Phi mnohana tnantd tht Ontarta Att Gallery ia Toaonto an Tansday Dat. 20 and thisowas fatlood aptotth a business metitng aI tht home ni Sandi Taggant ,ELECTRICITY ,Is Our Businessî ~Don'be a Tik,eathi eltrîn0ty. C al an tLt5tt5 ne SFEATHERSIONE 8 78-6378 at e- - thdlay an hat waddittg day. Nae nanpît spant thatt îtymontin Jamaica and utned totlait patsidtnct rirta the otddiýng, a snllannoas shoota oas ennhy Mas. Hath Fond and s. Potly Strab. A poasanat toatoas givenhy Mas. ggy Bennett asd a kilahen dltnnshaona givnnby unnie Btanhtanh. Tht pot- ts ai tht grno atse tnidtd a shoe fna tht de and a stag lot tht noto. Mas. Baatab Battny. aloi lhbr hide, aise gant a rht wadding nake oas de hy Mas. Stan Patan. Maclssac - Gris wold (itant Angttcan Chaanh Ltoyd and hntdasmatds wr oas tha sttting tnt tht caa- Mas. Lanata Dykata and tht dtatight otdding statico at hade' tîstet, Mat. Joan Mertdith Ana (Mtaay) Grata Waarea. Boh Mcntnth oas otd te Johneard Chaatas bestomanandthaaushtatatttt Mantsaan on Sept. 16 etingt KintîaoftTorontotand Tht hrtde is tht daaghtan ot Bill McLanoitan ot Milton. Mm. Etint H Gatsnotd and Attnteptinntoltnoad t the tht tata Howard Eadga Grts- homa ot tha hride an Apptahy otd ot Mittn. Tha gtro ta Lne, Miltan tottanad hy tht tonalf Ma. and Mas. C dancitt, Tht hrtde anS RusettMantsaan. Toronto. groolaftttoa shottatd Han. Peter FatS otttntattd Stn trip tai Noatharn Ontarto at theadoubhtaringntteony and wnltettpatîdncn and Mas. Jady Hantat ptayad Meadowaaia tht nagan. Tht hrtde oas goton ia matataga hy hat haathta. --Mltoa's advanna nOtation Pter Gtîtod. Tht matson potts ara tata Sataaday. Non ot hanna oas Mas. Hitano 4 and Taasday. Non.? Oua Lady ot Vinttay Chuanh oas the sntting fna th Caihotit Womestt Leagoas annuat twitight ataat and at tank suppar on Dat.18 Fatisat Harold Bediord, S.J. was tht spiaital diteatar fon tht netatat. Tht timatahîn Oas artsngad tasuit thenn ienstant tht tadies as math as possible. The titst cneniama oas snheclied toa 5.30 in tht chutth and tht pot tank distaaa an 6. Tht sacond nontattnt iottoad at 7, whiah mas gtvn doonstairs inthehbaisementhattandowas totiowtd hy a shoat qaesttan partod. Tht aetnat oas Blood clinic Nov. 16 Mittn Red Camas has an- nouned itanttloaathland douoteinfi ottt ha hatd ta Hoty Rasaay Hatt, Martin St., an Thatsday, Non. t6. Ctinin boots otti ha t ta t and 6.30 ta 8.3t pom Tht quota fon the Nantohat cttin is 300 pints and anganînets are haping att donnas ntttcicl thetdaten thain natandar and show ap ta ogint tht giit ot GUS GDUTOUSKI n REGION 0 [ ED 0 ,, A: "quia UMVC»MIEIM "Well Worth Looking For" 1 KLEENEX BOU.TIQUE j 2.-iNTEN.VSEU PAPER 9 0ý_ CR 7 TOWELS 2'. LOIO Mn FEVERTESTCOM mmat Iflffi INTBCRtii5T E.ayMtUaad Satans 13 Hoa aFsaaa, Rtsal. CHRISTMAS CARDS MultL18on MANt8842 Tht Canadian Champion. Wed., Nov. 1, 1978 C7 1r -tb uA in ' 1-1 IlOA Icf»f, I) In th at notatannc Fa. Badfitd spaha an smt ot tht gaa undamantalt Maths oi t bta uats i gaamnd wark Dj- asr *Ofdn 3 th piiue xecse fSt. Bazar isc sse I meeting Ignatias Loyota. Ha disaastd tht natgin, paapana and Mtttaon santon Cîhozns Ctah toatoea Milton Daparttott toa hatp dustiny of man, an hatd an tvnng mettng Store. Aittseniorsareaasktd ta mothta Msan ant haaasimptytfar Ont.1 tin theKnoxChanh httpanîthhbahîng,ncafatnd meetings pasasand aiches hut ta Hatt wtth a goad attandanna. knîttad gaadshtdtgt stvtn ithatty. Tapnana Sam Finoopaoad tht met. A aog hnatnag sestaon oitt Bingo a lat;imotat seuis itpa- ng otth atlo t an hehadtinthetLtgtaaHalltone Jan Has ant foraaaayanetosetat ht mnmberanandntaîitoas. Happy day toa the aatt toaa oaaks. theahingot ortsha mustputhaist thngs Bîthdaywasang te Ma.A. statngiOnt.3 ttysttdayi. asîstiag first, hesaid. Fisher,.MaA.Aoma, Mat Thaacouraeisfrtatseota gtad ta h In hin secndn nnn trvng and Faad Edoands. citntns,haut aanhhas tt pt whahane Ft. Bedtoad dtsnasstd Mas. Crawfnord was at tha toraiataatia std. hattat. an matantl paohttmns that tant piano. Non, 7 tatheaZonett3Hotty Zinaaoni today. He dtptaatd a tank ot On Non, t. thaaa ns an open on Actan at tl Thasa boa. Mat. ptayaa sa aotdant in asa tints. haasa at United Sanion Citi- atang ahaaid hatng tîtta an Mý MeNat Heataaahdatsannthetim zensthaadqnattttat 3505 lunh and hnaage t tt, pattanteýot tht oa dont hy Lahathoat Rd. Missangî hopad tor a gand attandanna tht CWL and stattd that tanan 1 ta to ta 4 p ae t otm tht Mtttoa ctuh. Anyonot G nnthing siaadhbeattotd to Mat Mar Bradleytshond oîthmt goandoaaeding a IM impada lis oak Tht ooitils'ofiSpaitandtt aitde an attaîthat EdPar- L panhtamns ni teenageas nana coi.oyed theaiannty sonnnafn n ai 8ti78-5859,Dan Paaaott aisa disaassad. And ttoatty in tht htachet and aootntsda at 87a-2296, Mas O. Edoaads e an agawhnsaoanyhomes An atterri- metng as aiti78-267 orSam Fontat att thaaattntd oith dtsaap- batS ta tht t.ngiot tail 87804907. tin, ha made a staasg appnat Wadnasday, Ont 25, A Msta Gattoway and Mat, fortptacand taaqattitytin dscitntotashaliaothe ari ftA otm the hlrn' h tht tamity. banaanoen Non ta in tht Aidhantity spoka on tht neeanS jz n transpoating and cidren ta at the Soctaty's as entoyed woSb ettatdt nathong hor and Mtldred Donca Memberswn r Stan Ifl are feeling cluding Mr, M an Mat VNaigs N ood ,and NIrs t the full ON STORV ery week eanpioni SGEORGETOWN MARKEET PLACE Caressable--ý The Look i oosaiforcasaal, nareeanminao dressns ..tasi gond fahr n vntn Oe ALWAYS BEST SELECTION AND NEVER A COVER CHARGE FOR THE LABE PANT SETS ON THE MOVE SAVE YOtS KNOW OU R QUALITY 1 YOU KNOW THE O/2 FANST5T SKWEAEST R/2 P E SV NG FASHION COATS FOR WINTER WARMTH AT 200/o AtG Our naw coat collection ns second to none Et includes al1 the favorite styles. \GLOVES & MIrrS Great Selection of Styles & Colours ALL ONE LQW PRICE $99 $1SAVE $1.W0 HAT & SCARF SETS SA vE20o of a super selection of Knits, Boucle, Acrylics and Blends PANTS - PANTS STYLES GALORE Values up to $26.00 ONE 10W PRICE $8.99 EVERY PANT REDUCED AT LEAST 20% dormi sets Soft, warm, Cotton, flannelette. Petite rose prints. Reg. $7.99 Save $2.00 BIRTHDAY *EO PRICE 59 BLOUSES Styles abound in thîs big group of wardrobe Basics . .. fromne made-to- play ta great dress-up look. One Low Price *.9 YOUn DO NO MIVFVTý- 11 ~1~ ----------