4 The Canadien Champion, Wed. Nov. 1, 1978 Estabinhnd 1861 Published bo Diiis Printig and Puliîshing Company Lmited T J,,,l, o noîher Roy Dono. Edio,; Piaul BelaneJr. Adovnsng Mq.er 191 ihain Si. tant, Milton, Ontario L9T IN7 Phone 878-2341 Region wants out The Stegn o0f Halton bas agreed dozed tin the nante of progreso have f0 port with ifs mosf historie asset often becomne onare too late that in to the town of Milton for $80,000. deotroying they have aino bot their That's the price tag nosc on the character-the thinga that made county ,s original court house and fhem unique. jait on Bruwn St. that served the Milton Council is wmsely trying to total county frors 1854 until the new co-ordinate those groupa which cously administration building was have expressed interest in the built on Steeles Ave. iv 1962. preservation of the buildings, vo But of course, in parting with it Ihat some total concept may be for whaf somne consider a developed. If non't always be easy ridiculously low price" f bey are and it nonit be dose for the initial a150 passing along the responsi- $80,000 or whafever purchase price bilif y f0 maistoin and preserve the iv finally fousd acceptable to the heritage feafures of the property. ton. Original market value appraisais It iv going f0, take a lot of vision, had the property iv the $400,000 too, by those groupa thaf they may range. but lv attract tlval kind of oee the potential beyond the initial mosey the site would have tv ho dollar commîlmnesi. levelled and develvpmeni zoning Milton, though, with a wealth of permitted f0 allon erection of history, seemo iv ho comscious of is facilities thot woutd ho com- importance. Those new f0 the comn- merciatly viable, munit y offert are more ap- We'v bee imressd bvthe preciative of whaf is here thon numvbe peopeso hav thoe those who may have grown Oc- out a of tepwohe v prsrvto fte customed f0 fhings over the years. out bou th prservtio ofthe Generally fhough, there seems f0, buildings. And il is encourogîng o lv h a very clear consensus among sec elected officiais conscîous of aît groupa that the county house the veed lv preserve a handsomne and joil are properties clearly set of historie buildings. worth preserving. lnesîtably there must be prac- If the preservotion effort is suc- ticat and positive uses for the court cessful, and practical uses are house and joîl. If can't ho atlowed developed, fthe fown wîlt have f0 survive simpty te look attrac- asother gemt of which it con be tive. In il thcugh, are the seedso0f jusfifiably proud. But if nilI ail on attraction 1h01 nitI honefît tht depend on Milton and ifs cifizens. community. Those centres thai Obviously, the Region wnos ouf of have otlowed their poot f0 ho bull. ifs historic conoiection. Meet candidates tonight Your opportunity f0 meet the porfunîfy to reolize thot thoae candidafes in the local election iv seeking office are normal, ordinary tcnighf îWednesday) ia Milton Dis- cifizens who are prepored f0 offer trict High Sehoot off8 p.m. their fime and talent in the infereot cf community. Somefimes ne for. They wn*t' ail make if f0 ycur gef thaf, as ne complain about the door f0, introduco themselves f0 you actions cf elecfed officiais. personolly and fthe meeting see0Dm Attendonce cf the meeting iv a tike an ideal opportunif y for leost your acknowledgemenf that cîtîzens f0 identify their favorites. ycu are interesfed in coho oporotes lnformed votiof iv as important your ton or ochool syotemt for the as voting. This is an opportunity f0 next two years. And if offen proves ho înformed. If's also an op- f0 ho a very înferesfing evening. Lite expectancy The Regîve moved tv ifs non "green" heodquarfers on Bronte Rd. souf h of Pctermv thîs noek and perhaps thotos an indicafor of hon quîckty thîngo change. The original court house and county odîmînistration building on Brown St, was huilt in 1853-54 and added f0 ini 1877. If cnfieied in use cefit 1962- more thot 100 yeoro. Analysts at North Americans bave f0 ho omoof the mosf analyzed people in fAo greafeot vcrîety of niays. A receot article suggesta a non way f0 catayze a market. The fnv tradifionat methods are by gev- graphy inhero and hon many?) and hy demographics I nhat are the oges, educative, income and oc- cupotion?). Tht totest mefhvd iv by "psycbogrophics" whîch desanihes consumors in termis of hon they fbiek and a15v hy their attitudes, interesfs, opinion and litestyles. A recent "pvychographico" study in Oklahoma came up with veven distinct "poychiogrophicO" lifestyle groups. Yvu might ho interesfed in the clasoifications. * "Middle America' . These are hîghly ambifivus people, the "climbenli"nho nant f0 do thingo and hotter thenselves. a 'Movers and shakera" represenfing those diverse in their hobbies, active in athletics, exercioe, parties and club meetings. . "TraditiotOlists". They dont exercise cor do they porticipate in Tht 1902 building on Steeles Ave wco in use trots 1962 ont il 1973 nhec regional goveremeet nos îctrvduc-ed and tht goverement oas moved te renfed beadqoarfers in Buriiegtoe aboutîtl yeors. The reeted premises nore in use then about tivo yoors. Non tht region bas moved sf0o ifs nen head- quarfers. Aey prediciions; on ifs iength of adequacy? it again afhietic eveeto. They eeîcy reading ced are neil teformed. - "The Drudges". This group stayo af home and ifs cveraii feeling iv fhct 'lite iv pretty dotîl". The group bas ton inforesfs and makos ten purchases. a "The Disenchanfod" They are dissatisfied and frsrated nifh lite in general. o "The Esfoblished'. Their modian income hs slightly belon average and the group i basically conservative in opending habita and tasto. a "The Work Ethics". They depend on TV for entertoiement and check pricos hotore they ahop. Non juat nhere do you fit into thse non ocheme of thingo? Philosobits Dy Edits Sharp. A hacteanr neont quile gefs onerthan ide0 that hesOiahingof auty and a boy ion- il is tac, bcd se, many mate the mistat ot taining pie miii min tm n hnespect ahey moot, mises !ts neaOly homility ahey reafly oeed. -assnis f E i~ DROPPING SILENTLY fromt fhe frees aufumn leaves make a thick carpef in shades of gold, russet and red on the foresf floor. Sunlight filfers fhrough the Woods, silhoueffing the naked trunks and branches. Sugar and Spice Bgy BtI SmIey ' Election statements to the press Iftyvhhave esericiigit.ir booîseda ingChaoteli Thetten h ecoe ws an qecoserageof inter Argosbachfied were rlithe ctry, copy ofMactean's magaine, you hove font tous 00 spyhbegonngs abu h ntona s ad aifewgooiiieaaues. ochocy oul oice te difttrencn-aiice Oni o hmi neetnnouvstall conimeniaoncnh pr or ai se 1le a ri st M h y gr f f c c t vo, loitheosamnetretmeti 1have. a sari oo tht CAnee coter torite. Eseto tond dayttnrctiOtiia card, or aphocy- oAiico ceiifisain, or a cissote teilon, 'iiof me of the icAbuics hanfaîns in tht ihooipiot1cancetioe îin igriap HecA. ton oly li9.95 ($52,50 ai es avn, i cao teceise 70 issuesofc taclea's, PLUS a 10per cent gutacited ieimecsaovgo PLUS a flt-coton 70 79 atendar t' al gneai pince of acsoeriîco And ouAh a gocdttaion. Il ou don'ttgllhtnhemsbcihnts, youdo't et ados, ccd cdc oa wha a magaznce gels ich on, cvi readens. And 1 ascndenoioed the stighi notvo iesperaio in tAn naît campoifc. Tht iroitt ocam isie ofCacada'o Wethiy aNcocagaie"cre nctsaciiy sccilts uiipage ados, mootiy tîquot ccd ifaretlts, aitm hati and qcanten'paftn. c capte or ltte sttlfprnoincai page0, ail hic val oi 57 pages itotl Not eough vovethe teipaylfot the cofltnhnnahsvof avait 4-odd editots, a gagg te airser chers, ccnteopcodnnto. phoicetaphtns aîîd ediloriat assistants. ti a ti remvr cîih Noi lhAt i cccid bouter me tor mote thac one minute and a hall if Masinavos wn ey hoyp. il'oo icia, tisA corporation, .itA macy irns in the lite, nool of ihels highiy profitable. Through c jodicico conalvon ai chîeîcg ccd pcisoacov aiciolsn Mactean's maocgnd iv consioce the Caiiadian govenntflthe ce ty Io kicck o hecconry lis only tesi con- pelition, Tînt, magazine ced iteaders' Digest. My assocaicon ihcibispair begaiiai a tendr age, about 10, hecn1 eceived a commetc iv go out and Acotte up voh' wai aooy saesmaciiieo.oand stii am, and il wos Dtpteooicv yearn. bal os 1 resai, i sotd vwo ochocnîpiions iv Choie- lainetand one toMaclean'stfieids of icy ivoiher. i teceised $15in om missions,oand hat was the ed of a pten tiaiiy greoi carter in publisig. oi course, in those dayo. o kid dîdolt hase a chance afaliolt the pion. Macitaii's. acd ciher pabtishiof choies. aoui oecd inlv a onici t iow a highiy- iraieed ieamof biuhsiers iv onul cuh- scripiiono. 'iiyowere peesovabi andifast- îoikicg. mach tike tht encytioptdio oales- mcen clf acoupie of decodes lacet. They'd Ait the towo tîke a hurricane, avait Tctsday, and dept Feiday alter- noon, laughinglisheopen drains,wiih a lt oi lot.t leosiog Aehiod then a Aol oi hoacewises wondering vagueiy wAp ihey had signed up forigh ya's ofMaclea's and 16 ytai's ci Choietoine, v tot hoo A il hadn'l cool them a ceoi, ha ha. HeoeveI am wiiicfit etivid buiness anicositien lie. Il Macitan's teose me atone. iii do tht came toc ihem. Lotos tilAe ac objective looh ai cAnir neomogoîe, ihenocn-pareil, acoedîng Ivnc um ts ti had, cectiy. Thene iv a oieceg lendevcy iv ho smiatcas,as in his openigoeitnce, -The CBC iv the cideol whore ce the bloch." Somnhcciy iryiog co imitat Tîme magaaînn'o otyle But, on tht whoit. the mac is01 badl Nor havet1anytressocrtioithent a weniy magazine nan age nic'A c cteAiynownmagain it.ihdave n d nseryting ivîcinstantdadia'v minues cnd honorable acsociaion mii the maga- aite in 'o beec seeo oc TV, ibere 100 aiainly zine and lais ier, buom lth advtnis good anatysiccof proviînciaiandfederat "People" an lis headîng. There'o a ltofv caiesy hovsionesofv prncig vnt yettow and puepîn and orange, whith oa jasenite and liîghiiy anoyig But ihete iv sonie tirt-ciaso ncing Peupe liseaaaAiel ad Modecai Rîchier and Allitn rcthtningamt oeidom polt alontc'tcnf Theias ofitoseiaca abrasive cotumnistiecir ncouver ciAo receviiy ocggenied chai the Toronto Ango- yodts and the redecai Lihetais once ai- ierly interchangeable, and chait i he far, in isocomnentson the arts and enter- iaicment. TAis is whent Cocadians shine; atonre a nation oi crilico, whelhnn me kcoco anylhiog about tie suboo ce no1. il os roihen cecA on sports, but ihen sports are acfly dead, tacepi ton nuitr stinî nOce the hcnty-hcnty'n c'en. on the wbole, lelos gise thet hing a chance,lforacnnhvotoc But n acocam 1going tco gn upfov0issuesn How doi1gef my mney hoch ifi1 die ort hey go Anoke in thn eci netho wek. Turning the Pages of the Past Fncm th#ie of The Conadien Champicon One year agio Fmthie Non. 2.19t7 Issue A freah accident nenlted in a con- otuction laioiiiy ai tht site oi ft nec Ontario Hydto station on t Filah Lint, sodAh oi Main St., Milton, accondîng f0 Haltc Regionai Poticen Tht accident oc- cutttd whto Gneg Tînchatil, 32, an enginent inoni Auburn, iNw YotA oaa sheching a tiited cchit in a testlaneaand a 75.pound "itravete" onapped anderten-0 so.A io-pocnd piece ci Olyîng mets] sinact Mn. Tiochonit onthe udeeof tht head. Aittice hîn insialy. Pernanent transotaticon 10 t. M. Decyto Schct ion childrn, living in ane Mltomne croc ciii At pcovided anfit a atm achooli 0 opened ini Timhtniea attes in Seplenhtn ti, accordîng tu Bi Lawoon, Hatton oard of Edosatico trcstee Depiietaenhnasyrainso lew neil cgc, progreso han heen mode oc expansion ci the Gito Eden Ski Ares. Bilt Warick, dinecion ci conservation services ion tht Halco Regivo Conservation Acahonily IORCAi, tld HRtA ocenhens At cooldn't gîce a dtfivîc date ion compietico oi ane pncject GO ti nxpansion iv tAn Milon.ftnetic isie hon heen gion t grenn tighl hy provincîiagovrnnmntThe annourcnnt mon made in tAn proincial legisacioe las1 Wednnsdcy ho Ontario Minien of Tiran- spatcico and Commcnications, James 20 years ago Fnom Ote ne. 30,1958 Issue Former Canadion champicon, figure sisal' ing preonaloss Smih omcf Guelph noili Aetleaching ligure siiacing in Milton aui minlen. Ht locis; lcoand ic pnodoting o line amateur sbaing tannisai netlnPring. Aclonos population jampedoonrthan 4,000 math thio yean. ClenO Joa Motteoci reports. Lani weeA Itertoional Credif Union Day ciao cninrti hy ane Oise cnedfil nions in Miton. Goncpsare onganiand ai P. L. Roberton's, Holy Raay chancs and Onltio steel Pnodcs, milh mmbeshipa lolailing 400. A atm tint departimtotol etig sYtlnm a inlncdcd Ay Milton Fine Deplirmntt tosi neois. A switcbond ta ane apaltrnent aoventhe Mois St. tint ba dotse temOtis il rings t pitone in ane home ci ooth titemoan and o paone ofit liitlm ane many hast answered ane cati. Flying saccenn? J R. Tanner, of R. R. 3, Miton ocyn An oaw scmne Sunday acOnnoon caoai 2.30 p.mn Ht soid tht dises; loobed 10 At aout t site of a dollar. Humalt peoclicîng miah gnn on mailboxs, signa, trees and pillesin Nassa- gaweya area ae alaming faniner. Sgns oi manioc destruction appean otmcoi doity. Several maloxshon av o eeplld. The nigos Ating soc op ane nalot aretote earcicg againscihuniing. An eciapen irte Brampton neicnmaicny pîched ane mrng car 10 thumh c ride in Friday ai Henhy. Bi Benonett et Milton pickedcupiteyvcahand gavehimanidtc Milton. Netiday, the you as backin the nelonmaory. Mn. Bennettit a prvnca constable here Hîn con oa a gttomicg black one, wifh aswhitechier Trafalgar olf and Country Club boas asktd tocnship cccncii tu hoid a tcpxcnr piebincile. 75 years ago Ftaai thenOt.t. tg903istue on ednesdaycoflaiaaeebHary More, snnof H.E. Moore, hardwarenmnnchant, GabviOte, accideciolty so hionseli ahoon bisnieft ar ithaomottî22calibre ifl. He oas mia sct dter boyo, and, as aney exprened i,he wsn ooci ihate ile ohen il ment off. Enhibilo in ahehail ai 2seny fait lait inth counly hase Ano ien ihtaent hy misalht on deliîhertely nivien hy parties oben ahe tim cominne o moingarticles. Theease wiah which ahin cccnc os ohameial. Ciaima agaieni ahe etaat oi tas. Harrison, iccohen dealer, who myltnicuaty dinapptoned caiu iv iceen 060, att being fled daily. Hîn af11cms are an mach cictot shape n asc sinppcned, andF. H Lambhennnoeiversayoithere willt ie mach for te cmtcn A cat-oad of5Western HcnnS er sltnd her n Monday, hringing vnny god pices. Thent mac liot lacfu dcing ane nvenieg when tht anîmoto cent being iaaaved and lobeti amay hy tin ornets. Fire brootin the fnm house ofHny Foiey, nean Wtendcwn, eatly os Susday mnnog. Tht lamiiy mas atleep ai 1h01 lime, and as il ao a frame structtr, ane flames meel lhnogh i napidly. O fanr had ane fine ptognenoied whn ane memisots of th aniy mnnn anocaed, tisat aey had ilO thone ta taon even mach ai lsefit cintisiag.