ïIu ftanbiau h iupon VOLUE 15-NUOES26 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESOAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1978 THIRD SECTION - FEATURES i Hafton's ll2th annual Crown Queen, honor plowing match winners PRECISION tn adjusttsg equtpment was mucli tn evideece uit tise Haltos Plowtng Match Saturday as competttors took putes te make sure everytisng waB working perfectlyi hefore plowtsg. Tise attention te detatl patd off for Murray Breckon of Burlingten whe was judged tiheesi ceose class. Ssery andphots by RedLamsb Tise cuowsdsg cf Heite's 197-79 Quees cf tise Furo ea higisigs cf tise an banquet stuc tclomd is aitettn Plowisg Match Satueday. Once eaan Nancy Mcficson nf R. R. 1, Milton eeeved Ose tiero. Thse SB-yeau-otd quees delineued tise speech she gave attse International Puoing Matci leHuron Cccety ibis peau. Miss Mettience sea former Miltcn Secs Qcees aed Ose 1977 BSheslccue Onteuio Lessie. Sheheasheecoa memseucof e sumiser cf 4-H clubs in Ose pest seneraltyeaus. Miss MeKinece mas preented it the traditiosa ceose, ashi and Bloeree as welas e tucphy, chaum aed choque. she le tues puesented puesens lu peuple mise had hetped hieu. Sheowitt uepeesent fiton et Ose 1979 Inteunectionel Plemîsa Match. Tise tceditîunel puecensa- lions fourlise hesi plcscieg froet tise day's cunupetitice were esen smede. Lceuy ficerd ot R.R. 4, Milton welied aayoit the ttos's shae f hnore. fie ueceived Ose Bien Mey Memeusat Tuophy as Ose contectant wiOs Ose higisesi ecmhseed scure et heOs fiton ploseise matches end Ose Lloyd May Memoulal Tuophy feu Ose hesi ptewed tend hy a ficton nempenlicu uedeu Ose age of 18. fioaud atmo pteced fuetinl Tise Cleis 4 esent: Open moueted pleme, twu ou moue tuueoos. This categouy mes open te boys and giuls isetwcen the ages oi t2 and 16. Plusi puise was $0. Hiordoas one ofanume cf ycueg plomen mise distieguished Osemuetees le Ose dey's ptcmieg. Glene Wiltkinson ut Neunal ueueined Ose Judge Gleouge Elîlit Memouiltrlcpisy an Ose youngent ploomen le competitice. Ie Clans S competîtion wioiese open lu Batue Junior Formeus and t-fi Clubs mebes undec 30yeaus of ege, John Reid ut Rfi. 2, Georgetown caeu ficcc Becîdes Ose $40 cheque ise aten uecetned tise J. E. Wisiteloch Tuephy. Second en tise clanes mon Tom Wilson ut Rfi. S, Georgetown ced Buien Wingtîeld, senofu Rfi 3, Geougetown. oas thrd. Wisile Huard ceptuced ticet place honoe te Clecs 4, tise WENDI, tise duchshund appears almosi dwarfed hy the furrows ut the Haltoe Plowing Match Saturday. She is uwned hy Menica Boots ef Burlington. Musician, 80 steals show THIE TWO BIG HORSES of Andrew McRohhte's plowtng team drew con- stderslile attention uit tise Haltes Plowteg Match Saturday. Tisey were tise only teasi judged. winning first place ie tise eategory. Playing Ose hbonec" os oeil os lise speoun, Thomas Brad- ley puoved lu lae une ut tise stars ai tise fiton Pîow men's Asociation banquet ct Ose Masonic fiaIt Setucday. A meouer ufthlie Miltce SenioreCitiens Ouchestra, tise S-yeeu-old tîddleu soed hic cepeetelue was moue thon belt tise violie He and lise ocstrla played toîce duing lise houques. tlels, jigs and oallas Oece played ho lise Il meohber A scrîuhImacd playerand a hass laisrmusiciao complcied lise ochstra, ohics deaics is maino slceugis leîoî liA dlecu. gullociels anA buian piciees. fiaci performance deî applause lcum thc capeulit audience. eventuopen oyuog plomen and wmn between lte ages of12 adi. TomRiunson of Cook8tooo came second and Gies Wdikison ot Georetown placed third. Ttseeeus onlyonle eof. horsesoloich actually plooml ibsis peau. Wite a second team put on an uppeorance, 'they re unable to pull a plow. Plommng officiels said tise secnd teao s o entered for shsow. Ancty and ilbert McRobhte of Mount Forest plooed lient and second respectively inClass 1.ihe isorsedraon sectison In Class 3, open ploos, to furomu or msore, eues spit: John fiagouof Funtihli ploced luet iolowed by Keith Robinson ut Cuuhstouo and Lloyd Reese uf Wellandpuru. Tom PernuofSt Marysowas judged lu lae the isu ie Clasu 5, wtucs mas open tu those betweon the agesuof 16and 20 Tihe caieguuy descripioun o suctrined, open. Mus. Theucua Sislee of Caistor Centre came second andGary Johnson of RR S Nousol, tird. ierb Jarvis ofAgcourt ueceived thse sd'ee tray lur coming iiusiînClass 6 hcs was descrihedas Trctors i sud, open, three or more iuuuoos, 14-ich plume. Clasel o as loue ou mure 14 inchiplomo. Fois mas Hioward liunofiGuelph and second fiaeley Pickering of Oukoillu Pickering, ohouse cap- tured second place in Clous 8 which oas utilily clous, two or moue iuuuus: 'as presccled the Itnational Haccesteu Company Special Award This is pceseeled lue the moit plooed land in lthe ulîlity clans hy a isaion compeioc using a muned plm oîh, Ilcune or more fros First ini Clans 8 was Murriay Brechun of Burlington Keith Robinson of Ri 4, Cookslown ses jodged 10 la the lcst in Close O iollomud by Lloyd Reese of Wellondpucl and John fiague of Foushuîll Clasn 9 ns a icaclor olîlily ctOss. open uplil. Furoscan oi la louched by isand. toot ou stake. No coachiug is peumitled. Thse lime lirai s une houe. No stuom collines allecdcd Satucdav's match, alîhoogs an aoucd toc au antique trco as puusenled lu Keits McKenzie uf Actun. Florce McCann and Bessy Wilkinson of Milton upsel lthe muen t0 capture lise houaeshoe touuioamcuîmhics mos iseld on lise grounds dourig lise pîooico match, Tlsey huai out Mauk Leahy ot Milton and Beul Oucîdson ut Acton lue ficsi place honoc s When Dacidsnu came lormardlo rcecîccthe second place pusce monu>, lieluened it ovectoise Fuccou Qoeen isaidisuowas gclio -toc old" lue isis Suid ut non- sense -and wancd Io seelise muuey givn lo soicone youngec. l.ahoflcnougislancdlforthe Stories and photos by Rod Lamb ploing was a cciticismi ploming îudges lecelled ai lise seeoic mas situaled olhe taum oA E Cookc lSpring Loam Fuemi seau the in- tersection ut Bell Schoul Lise and Number Two ideuuad in noutheun Buelingo. .ludge Ray Montague said lise sisoctage puesenludl sctticiee landlforaillofthe plowing. ioweceu ise and lulloo îudgu Lucue James said lise qualily ut plooing oas igs Muniague saîd lise plooîng isegac ou lime and lcnished eacliec iisuo especled. He said thse"soit lentiself lo gond ploig. Plowieg officiais saeid iisey were pleasedoîlit tise toussai ut spectoués and lise numhec ut uenns in thes4-H com- peion. Tise matois sas lise tcaio oc thc Halson 4-S Tcaclue Clus acisiecceeni dayý Among tise speakero s ieh isanquet cceue Mary Pichet oho cead a culecie ut pueco dealing ush ltrun lie and lialon MPP Julien Seed, Councillue on McMillan iscougsi geeios leom Milton Hc cepuesesied Mtayor Don Gordon oiso mas unable Inattend. Tise plouuîcs pcescnicd loue scisolaucips Fuoc QJueen Nancy Mcinon wu, one of use ceci pients as oer cc oi Fish of Oakvlle, Jamie Fishercof Ouclingcon a Wcody Lcinood of liakislle Saioeday's pîoîin moatch occucccd unde uocskiles Il machud lise 112th liue had isees held cnHIo The firtone ook place in Nulsos loosshp. lIe, i louis and aorodingo thil pluti eo c ,ecretar *u %h re coher Jacs Tacvl,îs 1 i cîldesi u.ontinious paig inatch in anada SPENCER WILSON uf Norval makes au adjestment lu the pluu of John Reid et Georgetown ut the Hulton Plowing Match Sulurday. Reid was ce ufthe many yoaeg plowmen oho entered tise annoul eveel. and was tops on lise 4-H tractor club. , 1 t LAUNCHING ioto lis pitch, Bert Davidsop re- THE BUSINESS END of a horse-draws plow is flot as glamnorous as the pae W o iow-ou n the horseohoe pitch n front end, but it is where the work gela dons. Working lis tearo is Andrew COlr.iaiflent at thel Iaton Plowing Match. Mcflobhe fromn Mousit F'orest. He won first prize tin tihe horse-drawn Deapite lia ftne formn, he and hts partser were plowtsg clasa. upstaged by a pair of women. THE PLOW of Jay Kttchtng of R.R.t Moffat culs deep te Class 4 com- petton attse Halton Plowing Match Saturday. Tise sature tsf lise sosl lest itseltE ogond plowisg. Community PERSPECTIVE -~uI r 1