B1S Thte Canadian Champion, Wed., Nov. 1, 1978 r~ EVENING STAR REBEKAH LODGE No. 79, Vice Grand Pearl Maxwcell, Warden Mary Milton instalird lvs officers lest week. Picticrcd Brcwnridge, Outside Guardian Mary Pollocka, in the front row arr Righf Supporter cf the Noble Conducer Lucille Cole, Color Bearer Doris Grand Shtaron Hyde, Financial Secretary Helen Tondul, 100cr Guard Edna Waldie, Scece Sup- Joncs. treascrer Marguerite Teasdel, Noble porter Emma Paupsi, Junior Past Noble Grand Grand Ruth Allen. Vice Grand Cathty Goulding, Helco Varley,' Chaplain Kay Clarridgc, and Recordicg Secretary Harel Pucdy and Lefi Sup- Rigit Supportcr cf the Vice Grand Irene Gilbert. porter Margaret Reeler. Second roc, Scece Sup- Absent wav Musician Marjorîr Powys, porter Nellie MeKinnon. Leil Supporter cf the Ruth Allen Noble Grand of Lodge On Titoenday, Oet. 20, lte electeli and appointedl ot- ir of Eveniog Star Reitekah Lvdge Noa 79. Miltovv vae ntalleA il, t heir rcspratiîe offices by Sitr Jean Reid, District Deputy Pcesideot oi Toronto Centre District No. il. Il oas an aopreosve ceremony undecthe gidance oi Staff Captaio Pioer Sattle Titomas, P.D.D.P., of Eveoing Siac. Siscer Helen Vacley, NOG., oas escocteli t0 lte cilice oi lte Jr. Pont Noble Gcand ity Sioer HancI Body, Depaly Macohal and nivier Kay Clarcidgc. Assist- ant Macshal tv rereive thc charge ci ltai cilice froni Pinter Pharon Hyde, P.NOG. oi Milton. Thse reeted cficens toc the yeac are, Pinter Ruth Allen Noiteîr Oand; Pisiec Catity Gooldiot Vice Grand; Pinter Paonl Bondy Recocdicg itrccciacy; Sister Helen Joncs Fîvasaci Necetacy. vicier Marguerite Teandel. liesa- Tise appointc! cficero are Sîsteen Lanilte Ccir. Mary Pcowniicdgc Docis Tonell, Ray Ciarcidgc. Sharon Hlyde, Margacci Perler. Mary Pot- lcki. Edca Waldie. Pearl Maclocie Ponwys. Sister Jean Reid,D.DP., spoie t0 lihe iveiciers ccd îaished acressful yrcr ta Siicer Allen ccd her citicers. Pister Reid was presevird itilian critid cocsageand a gi front Evesiog Stac. Pister Titomas, staff rapicin, rcoimestei on lte efcint ioacsec sn iicit lte staff peciccsced titeir dalles. Tise icslalling staff cossisled of memisers of Evening Star oi Milton, Verdan ci Georgetown, Mystir Lisit and Prcspeciiy Lcdgen ci Toronto. Sîsiec Heles Varley was pceseted wt ier Pasi Noitle Ocasd's Jewri ccd il was pinced oniseesyiser moliser, Sisiec Emma Paupsti A fiçsdship cîccle a formed on lte Plooe ccd Pister Reid ccd Pister Tisomas ocre pcesecied gils fr00 lte clati. iSister Reid presecird ranis croiser ci lise staff cils a gi ci appceciaic and renrnco Tise solcîsi ici lise evecing w01 Sier Dcrciisy Sisepiterd and pianist asSister Annie Dccii RUTH ALLEN nias installed ao Noble Grand of Evening Star Rebekah Lodge ai a ceremony in the Lodge bail last week. She is pictured at rigbt, receiving congratulations fram District Deputy Jean Reed. WORDS TO THE WISE _ Ili MU"iTERIU7ZE NO.0 :ï4Li..l rummm u