B6 The Canadien Champion, Wed Non. 1, 1978M Christie Lime Kilns to stay-final vote Tise CCristie Lime Biles ait Ketto Cave Cern grante o Ila of exemotion, followingao meeting of the Ballton Begin Conservation Autitority on Tisorsday evnong. An contier motion Cy tCr consevatin oreas in- formation edossltion odnisory board t0 demnoflî the 'orot and centre kilosand Ormce off the rst il was defeoted hy the Aotboriiy on a narro'o Autimrif y metoCee have nwagnelad 10 i#c off 1Cr to kuilo wCîcC remain in reaoshile siaple 'itC o ebato finir fence ond psoC doon the hued bilo oCîsC il nial in reins. T'o ni tise tree kîlns repemeet eignifiionl bistorical valse ondl remoîn in gond tbapo, orgurd meoCriioorîng setention of the kilns. The isuefiit ose eaelier tis montit. aller membees ni tbe advisory boardoagrerd the crsmbling ClInt poséd a thert Io 1Cr siofet ntie 'oho wander e On Thorsday esenîna 1Cr etire Autiiority tort te, Coitir the isseout gain. "Ifi hnp o cansie fit 10 lencre to ni lise kilts ond nt tear thrm dom,' etoîrd member Gord rantz from Milton, oddisg ICol 1Cr kils liadt "suficirst uniqortes 10 oetify their existence. Bis vîros ore supportr hy fr1100 memme Jîm Watsmn, oho demrd lise bistorie kilos 'moreim portant thon 1Cr oid joil. Thse views of thr tw0 Milton repere soi e re met 'o 0 opostin.irom vallon and Barlieglon metoCer Joas Aifioghom. "fIe diffieuli iv imagine simenecnmingoupoith $4,000010 reminre tise kilos,_ ciair Mes. Altisgitotn, in respocor 10 a suggestion 1h01 the ilnscoutlde restred at o future dote. A dollar a day_ At 1Cr Lui of 1Cr centoey a mati migCi Cave Cern poil one dollar feor a0 COour day speol isaulîog romks trom a quarry on tise escaripment iv lise Chrnistie Lime Bitos. Ia report lv ihCo nserva- tis Areos Edusolion Ifon- matin Advssny Board of 001100 Begior Conservation Autisoiyoonseriilg lise kilns, a Crif issoey os tri- shld fi 'oov relaird 10 HBCA staffil Gyorge Blosk, 'oCo once norkedin th1C operolion. Assordisg ti lise report, the flîv kilo 'oos Cuill in 1800 T'o more nere addrd 10 lise 'oesi of itiin1903 adll Tgisre kilnsnwereausedifor neoscing lime ieomn lîmnsione Tise lime 'oas oirnooeeîied bi trainto possig faoies in Toronto. Limestoor 'oas quarrd mrot lise rscaepoeOt. il va'. lînsi dynamilrd. 1Cmn filk inoosmaller piersvby men Acorodivg iv a report pepor by1C RCAs diemve orporiitns. Y.S. Kongos and Mia Lane, HRCA grophic iltustrOlor. tise estimoird csc ni reine- strustîna 1Cr cl ond 'oeil il and removina 1Cr centre oe, 'ohirt la olredy ini rins, old C cimse 10 9400000 The cosi oi restorina ony one il and romp and estimoîrd at $80,420. Teoring aoO tCr bitos down wosld cml $12,000, thr report statei, Moille poîfn Cil oa sil- font cftoin lib fence 'osfd cmit $11,6w. Mec. Alfingisato sald Oi fila lot Cea rnt any Cîstorînsi tociettes interealeai in the resoralion pmssiblfilim and 1h01 the isutCority aboil "f we iln Ihet don we could discooage*dCloe off the option of Cfui mtomes in 1Cr funue reCud the kilos' engfed Terry Marn nien, OaCvlfe reprosientalive. "Tisere is a ltl of mone iottei here, and 1 dont Coow Cow 'or con manage tw0," sid Ross MiSer, in vouiport of Mes, Allingismn s Kranto argurd fil b Il feeai the l'o biles, 1tre Aotiority would be able 10 boy tome uie beoeeil detinife eleps are Lainai Tise inlernm oofd provide lime for tome 10 cornte forward with suggestions and possible fundiog for tie restoralin projecl, sitai oflier mem- bers. Tise outlo Heritage Foondalion of fihe MinlrY ot N.alt Bosoorces maY C interested in helping tond s resoraf ion projrct, bol the soîhorilfi has 10 commit moiey proCabiy o third of thse cosi - before the fouit- ciriginaliy, 1Cr Coins Inn 1Cr dynamite 'ore drilird Cy had ils one mon turnng lise drill rod 'oCile onotisen poimnded il down o thlie six ne eigCi loit sirota depuis OY 1907, dyvamite Cotes sere ililldvith an airdrll using aviteam engise and vmp- Tise tyrolien rmcs 'ore colirsird il aotlr 'oeker ina i'ooolisorse-deo'o cari, and isouird asess o ranîp ti lise top ni lise Cils. Tise Corse and son 'ore Casked onilo teopenkiland Che sivuirs dumpedint01 il Tise kilo sas lired sy Wod. Caeroningseods daily. To vlart up a kils in tise sprng, nood nov piled îosiilr lv a ns-el vis lent ailheC lire hlis 'ThecWood'oas setion lire and lie orsi of lise kilo tillnil nt lvSone i toîib 36 Cours 10 reocis .001 Faihenheit, 1Cr Lem- Manual labor ran kilns Ceae i Ootundo liecil tis hu'ra ne sloly siohei thC 'oood 10r hm betollv 'ih oCîl oee isol undhot Tise ohr six days, l'o liremes noeCed il isnur'sis t10i he 1Ckilos oporotîng Ailen lise intil fiiing OP, nWoows added ist tise fine Cotes os l'o aides ni lise il Tise rssonpmenl also yirldrd thesrneeslnfo Ivo 'oCîis'o05 sollesîrd cils trams nf Once lise reqoied tempera- lune 'oos raoild lise fne- mencemed on tise pnngnes ni lise itones ily lmoking liseoufh Ct1C fine botes. 90Cm lise st15m 'ore 'oCite-isol ond tronsparent il ey're eody isibsedron Oneriiemon 'o Cod o vision proislem, soulil drirsi isy liseir odon 'oCen lise stonrs'oee eedy, sbrles lise report, 'oCisi s oOitn Ce Y. S.iSlimlKangosnand Mia Lave oi SIOCA staff. Brios lise hîln anaro long rm nld l'o saris or ltips" wisrn 1Cr lime 'oas redy, smail do'o isoles 'ore opened and Oie hot lumps Oi lime fr11 loin 1hecr t. Tise lime sas sired antit col Tiser 1Cr sari, 'oCîis 'ons or mrachs, wsnnent do'on lise Cil 100 aeomp Cesîde lise irait tracsI From lisee, 1Cr fîi was lipprd is o atrain car Tv gel tise empiy melol car isoCk up lise Ciii. tCheort 'ou CilsCru 10 a hornse. Walksî Cesîde lise irashiChe Cors il ARTHUR A. JOHNSON ou0 OPTOMETRIST 214 Masn St Milon 878-3673 GUS GOUTOUSKI REGION Chkr*obticj timp- ki{n: cîoE,o-teckAioi) CHRISTIE LIME Ils 'ere operated hy mosual lubor and horses sere used for hauling the rock aI the tors of the centvry. Rock f rom the lime quarry on the escarpimesl was dropped ino the top of the kils and the limne drawn from the bottom. Bvrsisg vis cordy vof wood every day. the kios orere fîred ap tooa temperatore ouf 1,800 Fahrenheit. Illustration by Mia Lune. Drumquin Bazaar By Mes. Cecil Patierin Congratulations t0 lise ladies ni Bethel U.C V on thmir socceisîni Conoaron seal Ct. 28. A longe sotoCen oltended iv pursisoîr [eno the macy soies talos anddenjoya ie lunchi. Mrs J. Griffin 'orisomel lise naitnsoand opnied 1Cr balon Briaird CirOidais grmetlsgs and 8000 siises Lü Mes. FranC Vielien. Trafolgar Bd., 'o ceiereted Cen 971C iinidoy Ohie poci wuerk. Mn. Vielr dom Cr on or, and cnonys maising cookirs larcbCm ton Dich and Ohiu masy friesnds. Birthia greeiega 10 Wallae SCepen, D'oaie Curtis and Robent Bilman. O.HA. INTERMEDIATE A Georgetown chrystoe Ra"Iders Port EI in 7:30 p.m. Gordon Alati Memri Anie 5225 Sm,.n "PEPSI NIGHT" The finl 280 aduit ticket purchasers vil teceive a evocher redeemnabir for ose -6 PACK" of 10 oz. boulfeeof Pepsi from the Hi Neighboor Mini Maln Four lto of lime 'orre meili naothritoiing droon esrry six houes frent sorce, as tome industiies rsCkîilnse. which deal intlime. TCrhlnslosard i oCo is uring the fient meeting ni Thsios oCre nninn Oitlate cnomittee metoCers, Arro. 'ocre nwned y D. ci. Bilatwins ocs dusieo dersos. MP froto Arion. Me ol thefeietofCrsi on Osd Bc- anlc' qosinr Christie lised feor l ime sn e ae ac ol Kelso. tailer movingî esto ird au c iene w o ml Guelps. The fuiprovid~ ed u iideman' homes suiei maiking use the kilos for gatoos ni distance ni the oporoîton for hieond-seek ils rmpnyeeThe fence would have 10 Ce lits mploees. eresird ifor enog aoay CCristie Kiins were in ose iromtoh1C kilos toLiaot nof 0 uit 1929. By thîs lime 1Cr filrocks 'Osld hit imone drmosdifor lumoplimehaud outilthele, sid Mr.S decersrd. Tise nerry Kongos. Rbnertson Kils, winhîi proi The kibis in liseirsourresi duced isydroird ond grounil site prmentoarrol dangerito lump lime. odopird 1Cr visitons. "TCey have 10 come Christie employers 'lie dose Ceinne somrhndy gris Bobertson Bitns ceoîd il. said! Millr. operon in 1901 Tiry s-re desienyrd 10 elimîsair lise danger ut romks lollîso ovn -Mee tise elesiioneoandi- 1Cr oerniy rail'oOy irooki doles ait tCr lirsi puhlie Aller lisey shul doos. 1Cr meeting. siseduird foe Cisristie Kilnv 'ocre porill losigsi iWedesday) i thlie dismanlird iv solvoge oie CgsCnon'ls reusoisie ports. 'lo ni 1Cr tCree Cîlss ore suitl stonding, -Poppiri orr on sale in buaiorn astaof disepi lol stores, in odvonse of andoiaonzad I spers-y. BRemrCnoc ov. 11l eees tooesilnsd hos Insusq f o h ,-e"" oe d Atmnm wï ou 10 00 .. TO E 0ninnCoitttio indw POe CLort A PUBLIC HAZARD in their current state of dîsrepair, historie lime kilns aI Kelso Tri be demot shrd uniess funda cas fie round to reconstruet them. Besîdes the one shows re, there are two others, but one os atready in ruins. The Christie Kilns were in use fron 1880 to 1929 -SHOULD YOUR TRUSTEE BE FULLY KNOWLEDGEABLE ABOUT TOWN PLANNING AND SCHOOL NEEDS? - BILL LAWSON IS- RE-ELECT BULL LAWSON Halton Board of Education Ward 2 Milton Phone 878-6629 fi ANNDUNCUNG NEW EXTENDED CLASSIFIED AD SERVICE HOURS TO SERVE YDU BETER MDNDAYSîo11Ç TUESDAYS 9 A.M. 9 3 8AM TILLI TILL e P.M. 67 NOON Our newvhours willtiiake it 4ee fo the9- 5workng womanor manto place a classified ad. Monday 9 a. w o op.mw and Tuesday 8 a. w ono We nexetended out classified ad doportment hours loi accommodate Vou and the commun it more cosoeniestly. D878-2341-2 FOR LITTLEADS. .AN #D SIG RESUL TSI ehamupiofl your commulity newspaper 191 Main Street, Milton, Ontario The fegiosai MLn co 1 n Administron oOffices àMO VING"" Effective October 30,1978 1151 BRONTE R01l> OAKVILLE, ONTARIO 16J 4Z3 Milton Ares Resdens Shoald Coul 827-2151 Public Worke - Aller Hour EmergencieS 827-9013 The H-AL TON HEAL TH UNITwiI iso1 be located in the New Building November 1, 1978