B4 Tite Canadien Champion, Wed. Nos 1, 1978 Milton BowlawaY ta help Big Brothers lia, h1goaaîoo of ilton10 33 lai'ti aaîîloghl asi-O days Boalawayasmet-lasaoellt we i- asi ai-i- anid ali-o lour- irgaosal Big Si-oihera s inas i-arn, Agonaîso sad iti-s ullemplto setlopOthe c-tbrity muiting a living. bowI loi- Ibeli organiontion. Ho utarteil youOi bowling as Wiatth laptnoetaillais thal town, or aI last gnoahese local ceiobitaiessill bomi and tivity moaisgltomui-ds itlin sponoshiipu selîcîted ity as loay. Wtes ite came aict lc l eaess and ySC lte si-ose tey had li111e. bal memiters willeuaisethe fundu IodaylteYBC'eestael,OO itased os mit lte celebitîies in Ibeli- baob sccoant, itave a score.yeai-od basquet and itaoe Agozzino ookboaeithe loal thinsn Oiey sevecereally bail Mais i aliey foui- yeurs ugo itelore. andl lis yeue opened opera- Nom ite aas 10 btelpi Sag a s Septembr miit 12 Bhes. Local celobities, fas an-pansen of foui- poliiiciuna, sporIs people and Titis- are 010 - bomes ite lite mito asoali lite 10 Milton on li-ugues andl 225 cosîcibt ir time la itowl ildi-es invaivead as Oie loi- lte Big Brolthers sitould Youth Bowing Coicil oi-lO- reave tou- sami- andl tlir mentpitone samitei aI Milton Titi joncs ar Ope0 fronm Bowlaoay. Minor atomns split weekend contests The Docs andl Dents played le-i-m Jaon Neisiy. fr-ont Ors la Ioeagae gantes Ios merit, os Mallon Si-pI lte pressure winng one and lsingone. In as, ni-amplos wnith samne fine Milton as Titui-day Gi-orge- ioi-eoteabing whaie playasg tw htout Oie Minoi- upltolti-ar oianial. Wane- SAoas 3-0 as Jeff BrahteIfoled Rasera oaii-i lte Dans anil theilto SIaSabtneis as lte Denls' linal goal on a posa Georîigtonnets wite is hi-sm Dm0 Gi-essa as i-hi- ta-mmaei-aenl aitadmith fialainute oftheaOe one-goalainhtr', perO d Blair Leosurd aod Dose aond adiled amo as lte îtail Dallans iaired ahi- sitlla Dose Dillon and Deosas playasg bitiits a si-iy om- isolas oSai-i- te gonlleniag pi-ovnd dol-ose. lIi-1the osand DentandO BietGervais sol aii- laîrd a tourier- of yeells goal loi- ahi- mîi-i- Georigeto-aa aahiamaYs. hiei-passedltoThori-s hi Saîaeday alleronon te the coi-cr- Ihes Thorns lias aond Gi-oaa taeiled 13 spolled Hîlso in lte aloI ani Br-amni ai-d came amay Scot inaihed off the i-ya53 aah a 5-0stout y playîsg i-lay gond yosilaanal hockey andl makiag sam ine Pasong piays. Stuai-t tai-si- led -Sillaog a bouse. a cai-,a Millas ath thi-ei assa510 la-e-Io or a i-up'l Let Cham- ahi-e Ti-as Tiger- Colo i os llasailieds lfidi a itiyi- papi-rd as îaa goalsîandhaed quasly lor you aari-ag Scott Hilaaonadd-d a singeand an assasa Groîl Poalra opi-urd lte- Fl-st das o aine li-i 5 scoiig sn ahi- li-s Beii lai- ail: Gi-s 21. Minor Hockey HousE David Jaoson mis lth NIIVIl( F tll. SE mai-ismaa liai th, la Miltoa Maaai- Hockey i-holsli-ii-isa aih a Pair a Assoiaio oice itourse fIai-s. li-agî- i-lai itns a-i-i- lti- Tt-Lhe si03-- Whie Ihals lied lte Litle ais oser lte Olue- Cait Keia F-i-n 2-2 Douglas Cacaos Gi-i-sais and D3aid Hanaisa ssoi-od Salt goals loi- lte had Sol slamo asi-alsitin F I-ieae wSile Jasas Laa- thee goals rush liai the Lion reote i-th-lOe pain loi- mitei Joan Clasde- Pasoite h White laits. os Wednsiasv loi- lte Cabithis mai-i-n Si-i-d liai-i- gave Man'os Titi-Ci-i-dia Unonoraamd Worildlthe-i-unaiousd wlh a i-ialla i-aid dasidoda in lth 2-il ais Choas Rigit li-om goal airpatina Salui-day a Seanatand Bradit-Dabia îSyslcf n - 1 mis OsE acsoiasled loi- lte Mas's Mibaa Dasîd Molui- li-d planas. Joi-dy Mas- ,and Chrs Bakla-lah ast ialli- i-hi-isac îesoird te shuloul. i-mI goals and Tiîn truabada sa clair Puisa soeied soasied asingleîfor-the-mîî bhi-r mus andl i-nrd te aie-s soucI Eic Rai-p a gaaineih a 22 daiih sisi-edlBruce-sLaPoisli-inalO Biti-o aka s halai-day. Ren 'do3iav i-ai-si- Br-adley scored one loi- White pÉE;os b iaIEF îlaks bat lte i-ai-aae- Oas oi-ih Rlecsîi-îshaibî naîlid by JelMongomery- aI Cas 5-1 ln i-i-rOi- hou! Si. Claair ho i-niai-i mas bei-I eague i-layo aaitisiday lai ahi- li-sa i-m goals lit Miltoan hi-ai-i- Cea-- sasail rilgoi Sihibah 1-1 Ti-oo Sheaeni-s Tai Salaida> as Gaocy Wousd Simi-S. Nai- Hîlaon ai snii-i-ilh iaiig goalli-asl Bian Paupa- i-ire lter Mark Fren-ch inlteopesiag sai-ded gaalg-liiislfor-Brua pi-naid Chi-is Cooarni-ed ahi- mite Bably Blylh sounîrd Ii shutast OSaS-ai- habri-e lai- Favs A3a3M HOLaR Lceai 4010 dada* I ne Proî lai-ilare ni-i--i-i a aEhili-ati-o laim a 5-0 single-giialsaolai-yaver itlî- ai-y oivr liai-y Fuels- br %,inai- bouse roague piai nl Siaoday J-Il Marno alaiaîohaisan-i-i. s aaded hy liai-ma-o Ko 5 G O Bal-s J-Il Fr-oeIl a ,amaided lte goai-sndi- hî,aîis itah a shutouUl BSA came upi a i-h I-mOtl goals Io ara oae-fronoa behiadaîs.1i2 ag155- Mallon t pi-os-i-iy Mlark Roeyaalds as i-hoe U O TUK ,aio te day mi-h a Sal trik USolaO SK perforl-im lai- lirthe inisers a-th RoSert MalOugi gi-ait- REGION bing anassi-L 1 ~~~Yuth Bowling News By Lisa Morton BANTAMS while Sbareen Brown scored week in the seniors, Yen guys Danny Fargiorgio itowled a 22e. Wanda Hlawkins tbeew better get bowling! igi single for te bantions a loely211, Ken Bron had a TEAM STANDINGS: îtis weob wien behad al0 209 , Tim Brown 207, Fred Paty'n teasmwon l oi- 27, andl 168. Tamely Bougfaton Bromn 204, Kevmn Cloialn John's team woon 2 for 24, scored theibigla forthe girls 203Sand185, Annette Brni Iàsasteam onl1 fur 24, wita 170and 12, wle 202, James Gilbert 100, Diane's team won 5for 21, Cafhy Verslraete rolled a 170. Matthew Corsoan 190, Ge Butcb's team woon 7 for 19 and Ni-il Haigi tlhrew a 169 and Dolson and Kevin Veestrsete Patti's tesm wnon O for IL. 128 andScotRaird had al14 rai-h rolled a 186, Bannie MAJORS and 155. Tamsiy LonesberrY Burnett 180, Colin Baird 175 Phyllia Frenman scored 157 aod 154, Tomi Howard 145, and Kino Robolacti 164. highisingle for the majors ibis Troy Newton 142, 143, Cara Jon Griffits mas hlgb for weeb mibh a 294. Tony Ceelan Scragg 135, Bteyen May 129, tie juniors mith bis titrer bowledhbigb for the goys uatb 125, Norman Laffin 129 and gamen wben he scored a 582. a 265,278 and238and aioliad Danny Halls 125, 121. Sandy Moore lbrem a 581 a bigla triple wits a 781. Gond Danny Fargiorgiais gond triple, mbiie Shareen Browns bowling Tony. AI Hardimus games gavehbima higlidouble roled a 561foritree gaie. rolied a 21,257 and 256 fira asîh a 374. ScotBaird scored Slevin Chisn bowl ed a 5W, total of 720, obicit mas as a 315 witle Tammy Lunes- Tim Bromn 526, Tom Loi-be very good. CItris Conner beryitoalddthebigtdoubtle 51n, Kevis Verstrante 510, thre a 248 and 22fora 665 lfo- the- girls o'hen nb he r a Wanda Hambins 505, Fred triplemitile Hal Gios bowled a 311 Taomy Bougitlo rolloil Brown and Colin Baird oui-b 204 and Mibe Kew a 200. a 302and Nil Haigtscoi-edua tosuod a SOsflat. WINTER GAtES 297. iTroy Newoton 2852, Cathy TEAM STANDINGS: For the lasI Imo meebi, the VerisIiaol25Tom Howard Colin's Ieam won 5 for 31, Youth Bomlers hav-e iteen 2W,. S10500 May 254, Kares Keais C.'s Ieam, won 2 for 24, bowling in a tournamenl Fiarioga 249, Cura Scrogg 247 TOms boum won 2 for 23, called the WINTER GAMES. aod Daooy HîiIs 246. Kri sfstinmwons5lor 21, Thte Bit tee girls and Oie TRAM STANDINGS: Sbureons tram won 5 lue 21, first Ihriee boys mSs more Oie Cathy V, s lears won5 for 23, Asooetes Ieam nI St for 15 Sîgitesi for Oie Inn moob Ber- Ti-oys 1000 won 5 loi- 22, and Weodys eam wos2for iodmwillbe goisg onîo bowlin Fi-ankie'ssaiOOwo 5or-22, 7. the nextround. For tba- Dawn's loesm won 3 foi- 21, SENIORS temu Oie wieners are- Daosy Cai-as Ieam wos 2 loi- 19. Diane St. John bowled higit Fargiorgis sobo bomled a 736 llanoyHi.si-am won05 f1iBl.usiglelforthe seniors iis for four games, Tummy e Mik O.sleam woî2lfor 18, oeekmben she threwa erri- Bouigbtnn milS a 606, Sleven Si-ails 10020 Won3 loi- 15, fiec258and 208. LiuaMorton May milb a 599, Tammy lIoen's Irais won I loi- 15, rolloil a 245, 1900usd 257 wite Lonlesberry wiOi a 542, Scoll Ton' al Ira st 5u for- 15, Patsy Little s-oiedua205land Baird wiO a541 and Nancy a CaIty A. s Irais lost 5 on 13, 242. Marii VandeoHeuvul Veentra mith a 519. s Kathy*s Irai loui 5 loi- 13 bosuled Oie bigit for Oie guyu For Oie juniors; Oie wm- n alsia. Daony F0' 1030 wo3 mith a 224. Laurie Caleman sers ai-e: Kenin Cliohoina e for-10 MichaeliV.'sleanMWon haud a 216 usd 222, Wayne iolo benled a 1150 loi- sio d Ii 7 o . Shaoaos bals lîsI 5Iai- McDoagall 220, 202, Pulti gamtes, Oandy Muni-e malS a * aod Taaaaay's loamn an 2 ies 212, 204, John Fremas 1135, lon GiffiOis milh a 1105, loi- 4 202, and Cliff Coanor bail a 200 Colis Baird miith a 1067, JUNIOIS flIaI Sllure-n Browon ith a983 and Sandy Moore- buse0 titi Liuabiorton boled igb Wanda Hawktinoith a90.. * high loi- i-he- junors ibas meStiple loi-lthe seniors wîi a For the senirs, t iCmiO rs P-mhen shihold a 257 and 692ianeS. John scoroda are: Diane St.Joh itOOO a r176. ion Giallso osas high loi- 633 for Ihrei- gamen white tol of 1310 for s games, ahi- boys siith a iailui 251 Palsy Lith- i-oled a 616 Lina Morton wilh a 1278, Palli aind 175. Gond baowling landy li-ipleý Patta Gies Oirem a 00 Gies mîth a 1216, John Fi-- and las. lllhii lanlantis andl Laurie Col-mas had a mas with a 1165, Blac Jen- t sore-soi-re bowedby Tom 6o3. Il tanksasOioughOthe ningnmital101and Clifl Laocki o-hi-n ho sit a 245 girls dîd ail lte moi-b Ibis Cossor ath a 1026. HALTONCREDITUI3ON Oeinberll Ladies' bigb sigle, Pues GriffiOis 229, ladies' bigb triple Mary BiaseSOS62nen", high sigi cioBlidor- 316, men's higs teiple Joe I3aamos 728. GIber top singles Joe Diamen 292, Franb Hume 279, Libero Marebesicit 272, Mary 5irisbe 220, Anna Rota 204. lIber top triples Libero Maecbesicit 693, Mibe Belsederi- 682, Lucias Tielemuos 6w0, Gerda Siecers 561, Pam Grilfititu 557. Ted Sievors mon 5 loi- 31, Henry Vandenheuvel 5 or 28, Pi-le Vandeobenvel 2 loi- 26, Barry Villeneuve O loi- 25, Joe Daamen 7for 23, Franb Halb i for22, Gue Tielemanl0for 22, Tom Bouufield 2 for 19. LOW\/ILLE LEAGOIR Ontober 27 Ladies' itigit single Lisa Morton 229 & 213, ladies' itigit tirie Lina Morion 627, mens =tgi single, Bill Shawm 303, men's liigh triple Ed Morrisol 702. On-e top singles Rd Morrison 276 and 249, Jackt King 287, Bichiard Geiai M ud 206, te Plant 241, Devce Cheal :, 11I.ss 2000. 679, Pal Cburchill 656, Dace Citeal 649, Bill Chui-chill 632, Jack Ring 620. Witiskey Snibeaswn4 foe 27, Wbo C fe r 2 3e0, Far- mer Jackns à fr 2, Seenilles 2 for21, Fire Balle,5 for2, Moun Machine 2 for 20, Bore Lasers 2 tor 19, Bill5 Raiders 5 for 14. MEN'S COMMERCIAL Ontnber 24 IGA bas nsm mon 43, Citai-les Hotel 7, P. L. Robertson 32, Miltos MUleC 31, Milton Bomîneai- 30a McCuaig IsurSs-e 28, Milton Gresstouses 27, Milton Mutiei- 25, 1JCIO. 24, Menas1 21, Flyers 20, Sutherland Waterprnofiiig 17. H1gb Average Peter Vandenbensel 242, 01gb Singles Jlm WilIsneIl 3M floai, Jobs Machinnon 221 mîi htandicap. t4igh triple: Peta Vas- denbeuvel 047, and Warren Marling 814. Ward 2 Milton ENJOY A 87-69Pale Lin d MILTON FIVERS0 DRvril Every week one of our kogauain osnAlno nuae re customers is going to wifl Shawodle Ganere, who added Patc polte p two tickets to the following firropi-on the CeftiLe00CPMY1 week MILTON FLYERS Allen aloopaorh RonSmuders and home game. g fler thes younga eem Woit as. Pran COVERAIL Check the restaurant Tis comfortasie aIll cal style Plyester- foto detail bas299eat ECk5 paei for Oétis ... 10o agTesA .pnncle stays Green Sizos 101,2-$ 9 5 53 5 M IIO Là C3 UNrTED CO-OÇRATIVES OF ONiTARIO MALL M[T [tirs8789M -e 28 BRONTE ST.i MILTON r ANN Vote Nov l3th 2. IKERR, JimD Fcor Regional9 Coucil Word 2