THE CANADIAN CHAMPION MILTON, ONTARIO WEONESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1978 sea~~Co~~',eeos Mi. by OFS...........B Ron Twis wils for Tam... B3 SP1ORTS WalsMy fim .......B Promise fuffâIid Flyers sting Dixie 8-1 club has new firepower THE OPTIMISTS' ATTACK is impressive to Sunday afternolons and Monday evenings. Hoose watch as they corne in on the Georgetown goal in league gantes are laye Saturdays at the Milton recent Tri-County league action. Rep games are Sports Centre, some on Suîday with the house played at Milton Memorial Arena Saturday and leagoe "Select" teamo. SPOITH PETER McCUSKER, CHAMPION SPORTS EDITOR The Ontario Hockey Association has dine il The feague coul d saspeid Sf. Mary's for their sm0. In the inleresf of promoting and actions, as rules are rules, They are mode f0 ho oserving amateur hockey in Ontario they'vo played by. opped on the toes if hard working hockey opte who puf op the money and hard work fi The OFSSA. thaf 's the Ontario Federof ion ut litfeoms alivo. Secondary Schools Athletîrs Association, utotI ho lie case l'm tolking ahout involves the Milton holding their provincial champiînshtps fur cross adents and ail the other Intermediate "B"' country Saturday af Scarhorough College, parf oms in the Southeri Countieo Infermediafe if the University if Toronto. Milton i if ho 1Hockey League -wilh the exception if oe. sending the midget hoys' feam and titi in- dividuals, Roy Poloni and John Phelps. ta ftho St. Mary 1s ts a neitromer f0, the league this championships and ite at The Chamîpion wish ar, along with Newt Hamhurg and Waferdown. them luck. a boague meeting if stas agreed OHA Inter- idiote B teams coul d carry one senior calibre If id ho inleresting f0 wofch the groof h of ickey player. cross country and road running in the toits over fthi sext couple of years. Brion Kerr itonue The prohlem came up receof Iy with Sf. Mory's focal mon itho initiated fhe Milt on Rîod Rosiers they had two cusident senior ployers aid they Cfloh thiu year and roceived o responue trum anfed fi play hîth. local runners which mode the ouffook for t he They mode f heir requesl fi the boague and l fthre ore O if ftaefeiusgrooe' as furned dos. Sf. Mary's took fheir case fi Teeaealto tlne on unr e OHA. coming outoffthe puhlic sehools os otef I. smef y Wl. ick,oand their uhowing of mojor evoîf h The OHA then osked Les Murphy to make a such os the Kiftchener-Waterloo Oktîherfesf 1l 0f the league ogain hy fefephone aid the meet and the earfier Erindale Col lege meet. ague corne ouf sfrongly agoinst the Sf. Mary's confirms ithaf l'm sayiog. fquist. They had their rotes and itere going f0 Mil ton tuoill sfeodily impoeis pouftion ond ;ick hy fhem. hopefully someday iteI heohfe compote itith the super runners f rom Georgetown. St. Mary's reforned toi the OHA agoin and Georgetownt has houn devefoping ifs sysfem for tked for a suh-commiffee ruling on fhe case and yeors in the publie sools wth odvasced oey itere gronfed the approval f0 sign fthe programs in cross country and if certaisf y hou rcond senior ployer. shouen henef ifs aI the high ichoof level sn the pouf This alloues Sf. Mary's t0 carry titi local senior feue yiars. ayers plus t he oie senior permitted hy the The Milton Youfh Soccer Cluh uvill moke o ague, making fhree senior calibre players. presestafion fi t he Toitn of Milton on Mosday tus, plus hoing allowoed on import goalteider evening aI 7.30 p.m. at the Tiwi Hall. The MYSC ardspels oe ting- stckedhocey cub. incirporofed part if the toen's crest in their logo Russ Laie if the Tridents is ongry and is goisg and in thanki. witI ho prestenting Mayor Donald 'fer the OHA fi see ithat Christmas preseots he Gordon ueith a plaque contaising fhe MYSC an gel for the resf if the feague. cresf. MYSC vice-presideif Reg Griffin ',oilf ho Whot if means for Tridents and of her clubus Is making the presenfation. hal fhey'lf ho facing a total if three seniors aid This is fi ho dine juof hofore t he soccer cluh's hree imports on t he Sf. Mory's cluh. annuol general meeting ithich itilI he held op- stairs in the old Milton Fire Hall on Mois St. A Lone helteves t he four itin, one-loso record if nomisafing commiffee this year hos suhmitted f. Mory's cortainly doisit itorranf fthe OHA names of people itho are ready f0 stand for ecistus. positions on fthe executive uehich itilI make the "If fhe OHA itonts fi go this itay, uehy not open meeting con more smoothly. hii leogue up like t he Infermediofe 'A' The mojor portion lil the meeting itl hein- ague'," Laie tiod me Moiday m.orniig. frodocing the sewoly itrit fin constitution aid hy- He questiosud the use of driviîog ail uver faits if the MYSC. oufhers Ontario ond faking the fime fi attend ague meetings ithîn their decîsions are nof r e h l l ospof id. f hînk the OHA should reolize thaf they do sot Qo n flH L to r fond. orgasizi or sef op hockey cluns fin tis province. They simply set govîrning raf os, diclote leogues, change them around ond spend aur moîey. Laie soid hi fiels fthe OEA should have hacked fhi leoguî. He said f hiy are thon fio help hockey cluhs along, ho compeitiivi, etc. Laie is hoping fi set up a meeting itith the OHA aid a feu, leaguî repriseifatives f0 inon the prohlîm ouf. Noue St. Mary's has the powter fhey'vî requesf- id. aid heen givîn, f hey are ni longer in my eyes an Infermudiafe "B"' cluh. 'They shiuld gît ouf of the league and play ithere ever fhey can, in senior, fnfermediafe "A". If they rangt play the game fairly they shouldift ho alloueed fa play atolil. fGrue Shott os "king ut the 0funai" ai at fou tho to hooîg, ai fhoy topped Sohroodo Constuction u- oi Suidaytutouoogutlaiiogthe uudîtoatîd toost place in the Witet Ooks Hocey Liagar. Thron ouauiuiod goals on the fial[peo idthe tick for fGoue aid rpai Wtona [id the way outb a goal and fo assoîfu. Bih Baker had a goat aid an assit. Kevis Seid. Mut Shuliot and Las Gtirard atîo notohid sigte goals. Keilh Mitohie, Giii Hotdoidgu and flou Giard haitsingleaists.i Kioîy Davtot oothîd the oneîShoderoalO [romi Susty Chaproau aun [.0001 Susseltus Totoing duoond Mssiauga's Club Claioe 7-t ou huodayîs itch af tho Mitton Sporfs Centreon Laurier Aue. Oouu 0000, taeop uufh f o big goals aid ai assit ReidNelson fired f00 goals, Oteot Austin and Oauo Kelly eaoh liadt thoe osisfs, Dessos Powlîo and TerrvyAdam iaitagoal and tait îfach. Sauedisg ouf the Russellt ioing eu Bra Bennett Sadd tA Aue oAcir goal. Ho Pee oli Mouskei Mtuf[ont Ptyoo are high afler an01 dreusinggof tho Ottoto Boohivoî 0f hfolton teofoitutl Aooîa Froday ou'oîîg, hooaking a sluoup uhih tho tiait uaootod frou thei open- tîg of fheîesn Mttita'oti Sou Smudoo dtoootiîg a but tc hohid ftuoo Muoougatl on tho Dituto net and assostion uî cithoes Consitetnt stfOout Suid Goudoug ououyod a tout poit evonng taktuguo goal and oofft ig up throe. ttau Tuoner and Sou Allen attu dtîptayod supeolative play- Turner baid 000 goalu and Ahllen notohed a oookot' aod three assoutu. Th ong aoaotod guatod tug utt'ugth Flyot'u have hoou lackig oas toud on foni Sachs. timpoo' hrou Netu tîg. Sachs stoppod au tDtxte uttoitptutuore.' Ptyouî oiprood thott pouoop[ay. seuoigun throo attootptu aid eut thoto pou- hittomiutef t,12i up an nt Syt ho ond ufth houpoig peoiodPoooetdbelia ['dtiott. Tho, tîoooased that totu t- ut tlccnluino Io utames aod nooohîd ao[ho paor in the tftual minutes. Flyers have staotod to put thtogs together as oach Doue Pofîou had 19 ptayîo'u dressod lihi1 the Flos ulaînt for the tooooo Peters said tho hoys piayed a staote gaotoand onyook uooosooy penalies. He comoplimeteo the pooeptay and hou effectve tlvi Foula, scorisg thou tim00 comtpared to tutly otaktîg tour attotupts in the foost 10 Attitude had sotoothing toi doowtîh it Potins satd Flyers tout ot [ho ice wtth lireand drive Fotduy 0000000. Oîforo ihis otght, hoe said, thuy ooootally roady to play. Sonne of [ho discipttooîng rueo scurotooheoshaping a cubuhspirit andt il shoutog at cominogout.vith theoexcep- tion ut thoso o ho have uuork couottueutu ond injuroes. Attitude is one part uft[ho garnie. bot Pifer aise,1 shufttid sust ineto aod had scouutod ixieoi ît oaolttoi tho eek. For isaoopto. Petiou kouo thot the Dixie captato tokod tu tug thi puuk. Eaity on thi looaid Ooîtt Pattersoî laid hou, out atuîg tho hoards and giffoot ood ot the ruhber ti kuou sott aong uo had the horsii, not if thoy du [ho ooght fhing tl utit Pay oft, Poteoo saut. 0000 Turnurio outh cooditd wotfh ipeigth asult on Dixie'tfhhlts goal at 172f ouofh Mtkî Katapaca and Goothog assisttîf Itou Smoutders gavo Ftyeos the odgo and btîo Dixie 0000 uoth wo goals. the ttost a 1.2 fr oui Goodin antd [ho seuod at 8.55 fruit Marty verrier and ditiîuitai Moi Murray Boit Gouhug ooarked Mtlt[ons [tout pouuîip[ay goal earlt intheosond piod Dhiie's lun goal came uhooltu alter uoth Mfark Kooth Yut'tu and Chut', Bucher Dave Turner and houutder uuood tuomoreoon the piod as Turner 'uood hoieonud ut the ooîutug frunt Sou Attleu and Stutdoou Atloen and tiuodig asuotod ou Suldeot t t,, ctt n, pleto, hou 'tllen ottotn "o hou tu', iu tgtt vtoth ttte ,tttt ot hoott Patter'ont ttt t17 tattod his firtou' th Be',[tt Altoet ,tot i,d,t tttt ou i oItho' .,ao eh,-dtod ttt, oc1: ;t the 'ie -,pere,,,i,'g ce0 hi'.s ot' uîot ituttuhol' lo, tl totu tot Show of strength for Legion Atoms rhoe,'ttutoot' "iottou tao, Eliot and [[oe Miofott t ogttttt.ttto JeOt \ttod ptavedex motuontt o",plottodt. oat',uo'oiI uIl initdr the' ,Otth o 10-0tttto %l t ,', t to oto barog' tot pucku uhut. and Ftunootugo 'otto ',tt dl , lrigo ol koop tho tall: Mtilton 'ot tottooal tut t t oou gtotog tttgher hatuoda, *%l'i Leogiouaoosounttd T,tt1aoto'ootg otot1o 't lot,' goals lt the upiug Ohe Mitontt ittttttt lt,!,,titlt ttttttt p t, Oth rttdd Hure Goulpttot' eek, togtottO tttttinttg troto Bottdiand thot [el[ to- to thIottil toini ILoeo' ttuoî Shaw routod ft, t-t, ot-t looutoi lr, 'toto' uuu',utoduand Eric toto' takootto' attot tog, ' itotdt'gti otthed the thood toto o. attdottttt'tte tttot ro,~t, to dothoueotand th, toto ptottht'tk htokt' ttotpupu CodttoII, oo't tht toto' hantotot uddod 0000in htoto uutt'to liai atttt. too' eottci peotud uOth tufoko nimbe ltutile'tt,0 toîtt t tt't'.pa anod ttayioo addoîg th' tooup duo o'Ot,' Io >ot ttilt huu [tolPapu aid Tridents grab league Iead with f ive straight wins RvuPeter"O1,ta',k thouh tht' ditionof ut ho Jait Huuo lourd tho Tridntuare hopoot tl' o The rocuk glop C'hio'ago toau, uoutd hc o otlodolfi itsar'k aid agai itchod ontutu tho 0000e if0 tia %00 , oc had a lune on tho hi( posttonu mitttato tho poitsfuu'tohMiltonua[o18 04to Evonsuasvi'il Iu o'hart'toouttod. "Cottigutttotuuthathoasthoiton the fhttd bt ttw iuteso A hom 000' tt-t'oto ttotig F Stroogoo Eoottttay" « oîf top tof theostandings. andu to at. Toridentsuioahedoa Tridett hodoot totu o' u tot 0h01 oootaotout', ap lo ut ho cotintu okg asauni barr ooageoft uoig tuput tht' tout nooi-oto' l'o,, 'toto ,q %fllftntitotodouto -BO'Tri *nc tu oyuuoup thit'oyou guitouoon tttt't...u.ot"d tzi tho tt, dents as th.'o clutu souIe )laveoukooputorkgtout tu Lyuuuunotohod htotoecond Lto'uot.t'ukotu tltut ompt pouusot,tuttttttplac'otthe ',[uothit'o. b hatduofthe goalfttouLoukitandfot 'atou[' pottoo.a thttoto toto [ougu itthttte otuoandt 'otandingu und hou thoytil hood attha? JohnuAototd .toe as totto'tt'ît lot a\kýp fosse. refoetoo'the icutu otinuai tuk theopassutouLouat localtfan hu \\utoypo ooo.poooot h.ottdoa roodouts otttppod poerfuoorc152 fhor fls ih t tuguoliofthe goalsott.utotoout tothm an %*th,ttoto7 .thuthuttd IfttuHuuto' porspoctive oouig and aoitetoatoo ar utot [tOhuuortooa'. torol o ott, il.urs74a ot n oout tstatt[tu 00touhok sure To, hoods lot tho ood toght soto0les tot pot., tOoh oooo Totoudatott'ttoog dent', koopuwokong ooth oheo uuouttutodPahdela 1)edi tod .oto, bao'h itotho' posttotu uttitudo that ou il Sotthhotot.a 1 000n ltoot'tpanitlits t.t'ooO o ýo pto[og the'clubhop. i [ouudo Ou hoobrek ohe goalamnt toIl utetd Stott'dav.ootto toto conclusion 0ha0t ou imit oututuiand uutuoooed too Sp r s c goatsandoot%,uoul asitoach casier tucotiue plu0ong the at toua3 ohoto Mitonvs S o t c tuol fft'ooooo cr'o'dto't I.,,,'.o 00 gm uad hutotg too 'lion hu'thadod mith 'gooOoOtg tOt o- ttOtu'orto tu r ou top. rallioe' t Koth McfKion topp d 'tOIt T'iliftLOttl\NTtI' 0,000**i tohuitttguott roit the' thootium aîd Mifttuiupoooplot u ait ,3 f100 Ifl'00 InuMitonttohoutott[ogaintoutuggoing haItwa tut tOh, trooJohnuArolod and hoo'OhD ['arts. tuoot .ou',oto'ol foui- piletuc to ouiplotothou'outfoo TiOh liesttlic'second pood Tridnt tood at-ulad Tridentu. fuhn 'ofougot Miltttto t'itIt ttoo' outo Iiito'ît.too teu, alle u to he opootug pootod suouoduo oreuoinuaotott Sthftt'us Toidetsu loutloug [tottood. hauruday ou \Nutoodouto. au cttuoftut f o atiodotu i uth P[oItutttt lithto.,ut'btot'toto oet on toto'uLotuk stotoounoa ooghtinutesouoo ngitaououfo \oHoooot hfiu tuanto,'uuot'ouu coac'h pooooplul uppotoouutty hooug tho gaitu and tho fttly 7-3 Au oooho [fncr to t ted ho oau utot set up hy t,d itY.ns John Tracuu 000 ou tho Paois "o 'ou, supoooo'o bu( p[ou',uutt Eaît'tinutheuosecod pood bh o[iauk up Ti'y(Co[e OffOt o tu p[oauoo -tth te'uuooo.ot tuutoodoui ouud the'oqual- uufuodayTraouu 'as giod 1 00Mil '00' tov lat toto eaoo ut 18430 as OhBoit 'rmToronto oud p[ayod TEAI'. **'Thoottoo'tu'ot utuuthuas too JaggaodhoeaCle seoruouko tot lt or lar tu s tio'ho'i ho'the r'tOltttothe postive Lyout roleasd tho ti Thunder Bay Tta'tuu He Shhottotto't attitud,'ootthe p[uuoos. huake, ut 8.40 roit Jit ptayud uoth fhe Outarooofille Charoto [tot They"ouktllOlut htothouoo Ruoettson and Louuk and tho htouutuuoltu Derby suot sx Ruusell o i, ooooking astauit [hotus the- thidperiod openodu'tth a 2-1 liars agu aid p[oyod hou C[ooh Claire, secret ll t'utoldch Thet' ll f000 hocukoy ou Streefuoo[tO J&J t;i'ttg(ttttot living 0000000 spOttOOt Ilyir oauf tttho ileuit as plugge onie toto ut s kutoun ooututo,,u Goaitooodoot 'iou oe lotî s Itouho plao oog undio 0h0, pou gaine. tut, hashocct poottottgutthout ahoockup koop'ti tt[uoot[ly whou Todts ooquooud tho uevisof ouotthooduotooodeu ou Joohn '[o'tuu the.. poit icrueo heoaohktu spot htou' 'otohutt gaoiood ut, Clubh," goaut uittîuotod. Kooth Mottot and Itou ftî'uouuoootho stars foi the Chaoles [totoot as they expunitooncluh. the ffJ Brutu', 5-u Nlouuuaîd tho uhutotutuaod fourth fho oo poit day. ooth thonï goals and too atutut', Pault Kituo uie otuhod thouu usit, ou laoot' goats .uoth Stef0 toîuo and At Fooftuly Joi iddou had hua assises Rick MuTrach single asstuts. totoottoo. ll çon'utd pootd . Loou> Eltotauood Skop 00,0 uotlontg 'singles todout, umipod on lit, o'u, tht G.ood Llou' sistilig voth Looui Lut thi ot t oust goal soreod ho o ', gouls and o top dofou- ve toot cood Paorisooffthe ut vttttu dtanddgave Tridets e Oto'lic tullood oni reboard w! *1lel TEE BOUNCING PUCE eluded Georgefoti's has recetved uponsoruhip for their entry in the netmindur as Charles Enfel's Bruce Brown is White Oaks Hockey Leaguî. Charles claimed parked on the doirstep. The Georgetowen club Iheir socond uein if the ucason. I r ag pro sfg Te t 3'e AI hc as fth St a f1, If le M or i