20 The Cavadien Chamnpion, 504.. Nov. t, 1978 PARENTS AND STUDENTS roamed around W. I. Dick Middle Sehool Modav es'ensg. o-hon the receotly expanded schoof heid as open house. If opesed 20 years ago as a junior school but 0h10 fa11 o-as transformed >oto ao middle school for I y ~ grades 6, 7 aod 8 o-hen several classrooms, shops. Iihrary, gym and music room o-ere added. This vieo- is in fhe studeot concoorse in fhe oestre of the new section. j: Ô !~ÇI MODERN GYMNASIUM fac>ilf f77 were added f0 W. 1. 17cR Sehool wheo il became a middle school fhis faou Opeo house vis> fors are shown o-n the stage and gym floor. Survey resuits show region is key issue poogo7>7and educaf>7 ere0a 4>7ong the ko> items to 7f777h770 of the ffaffon L>hooal Asociation,7 as the 77001>t of a surve on>duc>od Roopo-o-o », the questifonnaire fooooola>od b> han0 Rond. H Iton L>beoo o> oeoOal 177777> Theosoooo> -as givoo out lu Julian Reed garirzafnon ho said, and I ol f77 704 >70 47pproxima>71y 370700 f>pose pnion. butf1d>47f77f>7 F77>507 expansion of Mo R774 cont»7774fff7> Hydoos nclear program> inch 7007700 oo>vfooood 75 poo cent opposition reoo saidhb ould continue o 70707 to the issue fight for o uc 70770777077 1 la, interested here wa 7ooe foodf>ffste tha> >705 opposition- 04>4 >n the queon,)[ >1 ho>he f> Rood, add>vg ho fol>t >5 iagara0 Escaopo-of pooplo hav7 certain leurs >047>7>00>77 ohould bo and cooooovs' %o»R nuoofoo a bo»oRod or ovoodod, tho dooofopmeovf >40>77>70 vote >740 spl»t 57 st>7f74 pooooo> poogooo> oofo>hufo -ThereifO70077fOf7.7>7»h 27 por centof th >57 ofoo>o»Y co>ovoood>inOntario,acord- BE THE TALK >74 tu Mo Rood 0>570770777070s >odicated OFTHETOWN prset tae fedcaio ti HIRE f h p ov c , h o 7771>77 C L ? W Mooe fol> the pre7577>r goverion>7fv 4>4 no> foil >f f LOW N 7777707 in 47070>74 more Lgt Cherties & Chesteo e07rg> to cote7ubh0cts Entertain, Saur Child's oooooy.Mr. Roodoovo>ooed P4rCHty M, for >haf >77a7s of >7777 dis- Staven Savon posaifa 70 pse 7PIo5 nf 4 1 853-1447 or 853-8820 M4ILTOWNE CENTRE AT THE OLO FIRE HALL AND 200 MAIN STREET, MILTON Fridays 7-9 p.m. Saturdays 9-5 p.m. Vendora2 Cal 78-1834 ha> no»odo >577>5 thefsiuatio .t prescrit Meffh70777 veeaso asked if ubhect Response >74>77>74 fille s4pp00> for >ha> 47oa, The pu77707 offthe surve7 ,as >7 1>74 ou> v-ha> the asoitoni >h>ok>og ahout surine off thekev7 7 isue,7s Diained Mr. 0774. ~Two advance polls plannsd To-o advance polls wil4>b hefd in the next f7oo days. The first w7>11 Saturday. ¶ No 4 ando the second ( Tuesdd77 Nov. 7, Timeso of boh are 9 a.. f8777m Polling stations for the f77 days w04f >7 af the Bo7yn Coo-ouna. Cntreffn 07ff77>ffa Rd. in Waod One, the fown hallin Ward77 To and fhe (Ofvpb7fff ,II Lios fHall in W704 Th777. 5575777 707 feelf o f 5 won'f b 7ble f7 vote on fhe Efoofo-n date of Mo->day. Nov. 13 is asked f7 casf his baffotf Rf igibf7 are feople m ho7 are on fhe pofif7gfOfi They may asoertaifffs7foofgfhtblogo f7 fh b fc k 7fff>7 tf fh f70'7 h;7 MILTON RE-ELECT fVAN ARMSTRONG W>70 Eoperience " d Scre 7707 0vo77777>7 Voting 11.00 ar. 8.00 p.rn. Nov. 13 >07>Phone ho8-9769 IIToI Informatio LOVE YOU AND> LEAVE YOUI I~f7.o JSTM.UM274AMISA.4Y ~CUWOAN MN 715 Main St East 878-2474 %, ALLPURP0SE ýe GLASS & MIRRO&-, SPECIAL Saveon 77 507 heating bill two ways 0h17 winter. Gel Sft7rm Windows and Storm doors to redoce yooo homo's heat foss and, if You order now, you cas have themn instalfed froee of Charge. Save2O%/ Off the Regular L>stedPrice Carl Lonesberry 416-878-5642 MIL-TON ONTARIO VOUR COMPLETE INSURANCE PROGRAM ...Ar ..should inclodo dopendabl>ty and roî>ability. Placed with our indepen- dent agoncy yoo benofit from the best of several f7070007. Discuss your needs w>th dror4 44e ISURANCI 208 1Main Street Milton 878-289 RETAIL *WHOLESALE - WAREHOUSE [1310-St=..e Av-., Milton 878-417"8-4179 I I * Il MASTER GLOSS ALUMINIUM Mi fa is "Selec77 Alcan Dealer" -SpecafzngfIn5" Soo-ofe s Eavestr070hng eSIDING e FASCIAS " SOFFITS " AWNINGS " DOORS PHONE ERROL MacPHEE I. 878-5337___, WE OFFER: * 24 hour service * complete clearing and removal * condominiums, fodustrfal and commercial lots Cail: AI Cain 878-1441 Milton VES, YOU CAN HAVE A UNIQUE KITCHEN FROM UNIQUE LAMINATE KITCHENS No. 1 Eo>opean sfyl e faminated ktchens. We also do fadiinal Wood f»fchen cabinefs. Choose fronm 350 cabinet s w>th every access07v y70 00714 th>ok of. We invite70 yo077077>ou sho0w ro0nn 531 MAIN ST. E., MILTON 878-8707 Show Room Hlouos. Weekdays 9-5 Satudys FUELS UMED A,,t~ -Ih jPANELLUNG FOR YOUR HOME F ROM $7?58 ShO COMFORTNEEDS IN MAIN ST. Cali 878-6380 E8PEAN MlT Milton RA . E CTIAL CEA ICT £ 'S I RDCS FRAENESPNIN 1 _1 11 For Holton Board of Education Word 1 and 3