lé l'heCanahdinChampo Wd.,Nov. ,19M Child services committee has effective first year te Dy Ola Daffvieh returni mnn administrative manity and tomake changes attend adbecme invoIa'd, Basic ta te nadet n te Reid. the Minntry. Lak qfdeffte itsares, butt banat panded te an t o se One ysar ag aie r eanpanbitity for services ta in tegiatation canreramng the stresneal Mr. Raiteau, a soaint devetapment ai a boady of Altiagi meenea ofte ifrmation abt tena two on cost-sharing arrange- = fU-ty u@Maivaa of rammalty children hart ta te coina we are of cildeen. monter wîit ilalln Police. toaa people taho manlal tale canmîttee are in agreement aeslmeapana t ai.Aer tfo ieaie agenc whth seve cild-Ta gais a itettar andar- -ttn an open-egtieal commit- se tite admaintrative tank. mtitlte ppalpe of locatrti- poilont, anal- gl t m %teslmeprovioril tan bas ta baud, ta yd"eBiStE wlit mdiihW mu m ltmmjimtl Iot anadagratLtn r tem. , By ment yaar lte teecing ordIInLa are an- geamon lte âaltan grop aid tcrma wite lime effglonaa paitibermin day tnanmd dey ma aan. imritnee aIotinintfaia-ecage Z lwo e me Can hi imlctaons neranar ai lte prevnent rommittee, in crnultation cerniedabatihthehnib ages ont apply forltaltan ta bena property. Altliugli bathn a d kth aoraiatdiomn at aa tofi implira N el: ta ta derentratite ail- mut Regioa aaimlmi ite Ipleed, Mr. ai te iest nites tac pilot sources ni retenue are lte Faiiie o l services iitate ai th- ie ottitnsre armeirn miniatrmtion af rtailren s drom ap a odlo Raitean natal. projects on toal ciibceon tanitayers' pocketa, tewo emOÜnà tee àI hlar ,ar serir. blltedbylit meksponaetia eeg semrvtces, lte conmittee taait peatnta Quno ar, n major msien - lte commtttees. mtosf llecim n amnly dfr Inaine ainli provincialeliool aieniet cnulya ofmommey it ude.M mimimnal ta Nrthl Italma ad pm trhl gerne n loolka aniyt timieagnat mt lre imttl-hreiitatatiilaanrlm tntn a lmltg ataen Ttepanad bnattelt ocfnaatgmaia cormn bu* oai lrcite amarn Gaptg Tiit of oin-at = Otytormalata a romte atmm i povae anal maalatpatity, taad i nmnity la basa alhffereni impliaionst. avil mi iid itai volmtary anordi- mesity anal Striai Serviras. r mnaro ine g thill- lte regian titroagi Ciai anallte standlardso aire - assame ai teint mome ai te Accaltang tai Mr. Ribein, requin trattelt bave tai 0,amt mervie sevte lim luOtaLismeng iete cegios. Administrative Offtrer Ertie base nul yet baet ceolveal by renia ofnervires tai aiilalcen ia taxation oi pcopecty datnt le seth n io milan naion la vcsa hlclOtfiis imgmise orm ithe mas airrita accoai Heopes t a roant hm. r erann foctaad an a respontu ailt opy elecu aeumd lavai favrast anas daces sonneiE laern commitmer lbs ram e Ldr t;aakiled. Jug hmo' niaincred taspayets mill ont Aumaier resterio nioIa taodnglo iavractu tnas bnrasa a te nm a1 amfr-A te oh a e c- ta nultadien rttamwrit L r g e p a r t o f p o lic e w o r k i c athe l e ax asettesb A chimadngt Of b Rabld ean, diat roolion gre omu mae vices Stering Cmmittee, an tac taeat explaiel in a Titeeefor arial' se icaet aammvrai f the in aled, thegan raeet itriew. "Th nee dou ot for sitalsvce smfO diLthiaïem eSmae if bu~ivrefeia s omte bas ard fo oncere bus socoa pro ies au ty maa t iaen ay b only ta gettlng tagedier dia iTheis cmmat bautoae avr dfiutt h oalc-riaigbd eo ve d e fetive nt ot a ia g n rt oea t i m bd oaaaaiu af a large nm amer ai people t - fte n tspi e r reity- abtoole n o i l p o b e n el' i e pan d hc il n a es hb lbao repratmasi nliew a trant toce Starting six yearo ago midi oe in New Yont City, htave aaodeotafiad, oitîy sa peole midi prablemos are anmy ad ctoaoier taHata, att gtiim dmageriies ta Hatton erviti Weta a tir Youtit andl Famîty Sac- spartatly-tcatoad niquaid givan ta rime preventios and respomiba fota diir rotaih- deir otan destinies. be pce- te ame tagedher i a egional abidren Tae Chitlreo's Aid mucher midi dia paître forte, rrsDinsaiaamamtitbaS detada- otolaalia otil ttbudttntawyde ditte. pmlataf menaner prespeativaSociety anal thte Chitlreot s tao e~îtî îs titan dia urtington tarte Mr. putes. Bat ganecatty, potite tadla' tat y dia mayetla, rase, hae contiaurd, ctila dhe Pk mm ahratlm Per= ma Asaesttaotand Treatmaat itonsbatmeandihemrititaid RabeautheLi oiy sociai creoeeminimatrainingtin ie saa. example ai ciidre tall atectag rammnittea t"dti aamamer dhe cespenni Castre arr imu roampias ai and theamortpolice ofiero wocir the ltua Paître deattog midi strial profiteras. la one ai bis rarreel rotas, suie Ire eomgd a- baeliait ie u nle Mc. bility ferHN RABEAU, a surit aleeras. dal, sati a citer Jobs o ie 'o-.fe frm leabaaa h aeit embov ance r cide ormerly sarttred ~ Raimau rcalird te a rcert Parte, oa aplita bis Lime le rostrant ta dia large that ai ro-ordisator ai yottL abilîianes ere fan- tielobb feitnt dealiag Ilelt aL nenarai mîs- stcau worker wit Aifea inîresîrd rîltaes inaterve.Thermajorcpart of amuug trete crt- portioLue 8 par cen - fadfm evc iiin oilsrie areuco- miii tries, wan breuglat ander ana Hulasn petite, cttutrad have jaiseal as meSl. Walec r trieraîaluLh ment, rommueity saiceartprach diiewoktat drain midita intae Halise paîtra etmork, tîdiat anal dirfr u wt h rvie ri amataefla dia MinmeLry ai the Hulasn Ciltdren's Muihamitit, ohairmat uodi f rs thet e îiîryaut traitasd outl andl ra-urdinatise ut youdh ee-tritateai aifaenes a Mr. Rabeat hapiez La droloi vistble La dhe publie mbo, regianal Potat Of tien. CammaalLy anal Striai sec- Servicas Stearieg Itagioaa Cummesîty anald tre ce aiiy flu istu dithe mimria dvnssoalpcis ogtyfn raa rgoafcn vices . Social barviras Cammîttat raîrgacry ut striai mach, hae Sut tbe firottfur atnda itall paeraets o utheeductoaa ticrs moriig mmi yoodh marr imeid pr- durmsg ils cepeesesîs te cagîsa naî yaars ta dhe lurce, Mr. paîtra outrcer cermes at te is personnel tapaciy tetesie ie h priaot Butv teid CRPESINA CIIAN nit rmoatelLa aa Lnm iles te contact uîth paître striai praitietan Outrcera arr halitg ta assena prospectv iraUINA C M andl mas aiea tîvaivral te lait Lu daoaiap ekitis te civilia mpiiems ai te OF domentir situatios iiamily haadtteg dthee by espertenea force. o w n a v r a to p f t gbia, atîgihaor disputes) Some pickup dia cequisite NuL reani, Mc. Rabas *fiteIihCU T o n a o is u o la taitampteal suicides, mistiel* shitin battr tas udiara. The ceprasthe o di orr ns a *wood stovm pros- asythisg ithcne c itai a lt ofa nbar ofommesity bards flattan Hilas plaaning board Tht rport ais calird for mse 170.500ogaillonts itae ast Ispatur asd Zsaisf vociai Implicatios." paspia ahu aold ana bnlp. andl rommittees. Is tis f frankih heaterm idlitle tend! ta objections extensive tanstapa butter- four musîho. Thc wter sa Adnsîtîrats. bae siairil thr He mas i t paîtra t dsa't gai IL austraL hae jottai Raitun We Att FmaII t hem i Tome ai Miton, i ruta aey adjacaLt useilforinitshisf cars. voumesoftrafiîonusifbOy asmr ralis andl cutated Oa h otar httd, Mr. Cidra'sServices Stecuing IHaln cegiteal pianars andl pruparties asdilo ict bLcs Tha Oruith Unit said the 401i uud roncen the passi- ihcsugh diliaret obits aiueg Sabeat paîirtd oui, haster a Cummittea mhrre hae han cal 877-06 dhe Ministry of Agricultare Aveue, and Stghmuy 4oi. crcmashmwatrîiiiurcet a bîlîtysof raesitiai grotin s mth the afiitrs. sarial murke us dia luce ta scsad an abairmas tac te ad Pond, limis menit, mhe Mura driaird enieering dîttîrait disposai, prabem hi e iaresa Ha saîd the exten- His rasiamas Lu îdratîiy tht deaaimithsoalaprshiemsrcae pasi yac lit ley appoeain printpieas siudiermwil ieqiei asnd aiid uuld stare uader the sio nustaldaetsiatus usierlytul social peuhiamn haruostderedaaicîii -tin a _________________________ auLomobile reaseditsieg laadtsorcuad wîdeisguiihbc Mîaîstcv oi Esvîcsstst. momild ha lugirai ointe te bhat lad titheastution greotoservice, btut teras dhe Plant an Sien' Arveue, requed by theMinistry ut Sharousuhsetu, Riuaai sot ieo iha 0 nrqiigplc nevnin quastinsofrust. mi t Paurdi Lita, lThe Tranpoation asd Cuta- Piasser, quasiuad thteeed Mitun apcspasealidutcia. "Polireareifrostiisrtsoial "Puliceahavraomanas- land bacisntoaHihwav 40 mutratsons. for iuciher rctoauraoupritae He paistadlutitherneedis for chrers. Thyrainta psition ils ibat sort u o Tt ITA IA T AN DI N LU Haitur Rgîssai Heaiib agrruturaiiland, invirms ofidutiai anosemeat, andl Lu îdetify peshicts andl argumetasbemadle hat A A I C U TheaMiffstny ofAgriculture Loit la obitut if mails sn the tht prusîmîiy ut Mitsss satdil t muli sacta a audth mraite cetarrais.- be cos-ta ise typas of probleme ras amJatd tri eocLimec106ssO aresamuid sappiy theavume idtriai land tatil iL ras- miuiprapasai. asamisf the taruid addîsg iftbai iiluo ie drait midi mura apprupru- J i priut mgiutrlladwieo ater caqaiced. sîrar tha icrare tha daal Officialinîdasicy uid pruvîde ibruugh iset dose, teatey otaiy sctialiarrnerts r 11 iatn amed the idustrial Arndt- Palmer plastin rstar plan for the relise. adaquateiy fo is uts uuwater pruhit rcra sn the rammurîity -ANCE manitgnoaldbaiean itricon hubor uha yheen o1 dars A repart icuta W O. Sac- ard semafe disposai butat paître toices. litiethe Wben a toice Lorre i Topo Ra rn Inta ruraliarea, andmould ara prarss ersda h tr Chiai Buidîi iariiies. PhmsnRa rn bava a negatine impact us las Hin both Mito and- Farm accidents Tie M alt an s caslutita. S a./o v th 1 7 tarmeil ma grapen" bya nairu oy poomt enri on cost Iost time 9p.m. to1:0 .. iatibct midi dhe austrat us Famr inlaitor Reiureid itoatoîdesis last ya taiercthe bdeara an uormentormpesio Bitar hairmn Miict chae tr Dance to the souMas o! Tony Benedetti orchestra Mirceu, adabimed i oryio, si tee wrChapros e tlofiocdbainr .M raribiavi appcaoai ut ~f bh P i jurvOitis in1977 Msr.mitastauta Xfaioçer aD rawrmfo ettm uffet Lunch at 1000 P.m part nearto ilta mpa ia tht iternationai Plootnit Mmtrha i tsham.________________________ Arumli-Pimer tetesaitseriatirsof utheb WCS scia prerin ut titi Match so Ali Ptvtieeds Go To Titi Building Fundi oAnt tnt.ta nerat dess fm irjuis prubIemsmand Io prootsthe iam rafti I K T V I A L oa n.l ekth e rga The uBord fiacssfeyorivto* T C E SAV I A L m-msaimig aidte 53 acras tac shoug t the proince, irriodirg thc Farta bafty dhe paitinag anal rcassi-Aücaon Tonyt I aroliop, IMtg :88a or mrm bt Cauaatnlt Nuaeru Llmaing ai ieaaenl tarasa for Mr tr miinvcmid the 5Sliaitpend outsovcs$5tatmilioni CImmynecCanada LLdi. A 20,00 i iicdta i ammuihiivisrac iea "Ioffesi so mquare lest plant, empisytigVuta lcfrigm " a ton impotne bi an ept tavnc sta permi hac boul m a ltar oti ie sitarg, praietrt an uh a sili mu wiiieh maieltaie. famr utpec aeyI h ailsanal bhr cm Whendtheieaaad neaty em blye n te utpaýieca eýpec. rars are reatealitinneal dry Ovr2.0 nai arsaecvrdiie Ws tmens areaimciapie nears CompH E REon ansre pr l nte r deiean~a~ Krp adteproposai bat mnilm ndl warraniafavoorableiaR cosdrt.Ha natal an far 9,ý a htknew it wald bcaadry 1 = dentiopeal ta a tigt standard W E GG aapeattgeese, Heata- woulil bave La eedoraes=Y E GO turn atatamenia baisce usnailO I F L S V N apavit ta aiaen. BELL CANADA EMPLOVEES mere hard ai mark lhrse pas feta waeks % -Wiae ituyecn sbsp Ave. Fcsm ett Eddie Bravo, Sahino C sacreras, and Gabrniet CacaS dig sp L1 mhmin ls itidwera lte rut astate on Woodarrd Av.peaao oela yn of the ca¶ie. $ 2 3 d . % htbmrgaiem are. The morkers mare scheduird la have fiiîhad t e prajeal yentrrday G A I junior cnampioni from Dixon farm____ Higit qelity hceealtag mas pla ia r si h ulCl evideot amaeg dia 157 stass fo weS et HEADOUARTERS FOR Haataan saon by 57 Stea t onyadlar Daifi là Cia. Cauntry SM ki m esiibitrs onctrday, Ont. l ai Moore Terrag~ Cotmm lim Wesat-Central Ontarioso 981nSa Cbaanpiomlsip Holstein Sbom Fis inteYarigBl inaErn. Top animalsfromd rthe 15OMI()LLSTREET Gade 878-482 ama tonerel ty dhe 10 Jari awe b i e Iic 15 MLLSRE temities East ai Oxford anal Faim, co West ai Yont rompetai foc distrtat honora. Visiters front Cina mare ataceade iarge interta LIGHTING FIXTURES SALE Bieroi islgi dhim Show. Cliade F. Pichet, Geonrge- M N FCUESED0 IE lam bail tnt tiret pacers. M N A TR SEDOFU S Ose wama it thee-year-ttl. Nemit NaSle Roante analT BEdA P lteotericaSeenr Yearling TAL-A P piabial loanhe Cryntal. Gerge E. Oixn,AN Gereat on JuniorAN =lamnon bun ApaC AN ELEe Citatioa Stylemaster CH ND LIR doiiaimLa, Mardix Jamie tymste. Thin damry, clamaJesia.r Yearing man dwarel Juiara Cbampon ALSO IpiDUSTRIAL FIXTURES -nme dhe final prise 'Unique' Hihie Ciii, illtaigroe I Unique Cai ban iy Mi). teomesuai d LA .d i WWro, Caanpbetirde. 21 ARMSTRONG AVE. E Xwlgr aima tappel dhe ~. =mla Reifer Cali rimat nid GEORGETOWN LG TN ~ - M langcoe Veatua "maipamaie aim 877-0880 àso lmaI Mlgmir mn New 2000 Sq. Ff. ULTRA MODERN PAINT SHGP For Your Botter Service WE CAN HANDLE ANY JOB . latta a scapad leader in a major collision. Our large quatlîtald staff etîli basa pour sac bath ta shape wtt a minimum asaitivg itas. We aller: free entiateis f rais rouctasy sehicias a rsmpatitîsa ratas a flly eqaippel 16,000 sq. Il. mot n, shsp ins ualng tha se Lu, do any site liame job ath great apeail aval accriacay BILL'S AUTO BODY lui NIPISSIMI oal- ILON, ONTARIO MILTON EQUIPMEN7 COMPANY LIMITED ,063 STUI 1 F S AV[ NUF MI[ TON 878 2121 Homelite chairi savis, mantifactured in Canada are available at these super value t)reak-through pricps at all participating Homeille dealers Act now, this offer terrninates Noýember 30 1978 HOMELITE-TERRY