Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Nov 1978, p. 15

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Projections wrong, but Declining enrolment mnay close two Halton sohools Daeshs eschot worh eslishhed h e board. Shepherd ashed ilohard hZadBilsami moRse» = = eie showy RaI iruBear poiy re use aI rendat sscio jssrisielasaos wiBe s puiel seisac inl Oakville bas elassrcusn ma hig ime.r vengeansce iras -uI bieh rpe c aceeeta 047 m ed. Lavesder replied Balmenas mufi s e mi.- ppi I orIes1 la Rat the board supports Bhe pand Dreofa Ednaflirs 1977 daspilesa proecion sf251. bofurtmsis fandtîes Eu-Laeedrld Ballas CashRii alc selsc hy s PU pil:i and il wu laid Boardof Edacation Tharsday asesi1el ropo.l 54 Rhis e houbord polley. olgiel. yaar Irsu 61 lest, aricsaiiy Bhepiserd aise, questionad ha spila cf Ioeacaala Rare ose mare Run the 53 why long range projection of mare 357 menatsldens in the prajaciai. ilyoe cud not ha ased la sysaesRaseserld m Bordpollcy Stipalaies Rhat dalri seaIssiotd Balsbas ou reise sebol I t rh oe t s b aI f ea auI fiee yesrs. leachers. 'rhlely iameslary 100 sladens are on the Larendar said il moaid ha teaflers mare hirrdi l ilmicalicn nei. Brhisl raiR dillinsit heaase Raere mare replace Uim is whoae quit somrien esl rom 20 miii ha many factorslaaecosider sucb is the srdleary attrition rala. studird tu delarmise il Bhe as Bhe ecnomy, mmnicipal Lavener said soe clas- eseshar cmn ho improvad. suhdivision policier. semaga rmmsqe ha misi stll CamphBlla scbai bas se tresimari planas, hamsicg hava le ha dosai lisease ai far avaidad haiag dlosai sat, frtlity rates, mort- tha decBse e seoesl and hacas of inese icbbyIng gage rates, immigraticn theadmiestration f5 ai- by Parets in Rhat area af poiicy andoRhrs. lesplleg la do Rbis miRh Millan asd hy lIs large bis- Actaal enroiment figures la daiiraey by mîlifylsO the dergaclan enroimest, mlecb Rhe end cf Septemer 30 shom mmniripaliiy crvoireansd mabes ap aimait hall the 20l,elis e in te seccedary givng ail Bhe perient is- sladens. syslam '9 es R'an Bhe formatimn. Bamerer, LaveoderLotit Bhe paclcii, ard 59 highrr tha. Trsstes Judy Alesander of hoard Thuaday ba mould letyar. he lemelr oakviiladotait tanroimest ion sIcel appiyieg board figareraf 29L4 s a I..n Bean figsres sbom Imo sebaois le crilarsa ta risse schmols bu7 it t sr ha. Balln as t bailoia crilaria (ieargelan trmste Barry projecled. Junk foods out in schools Jaeh focd le Ballons rchcolo may ha art and "nunritianai" fmda ineu ot prriar deimition cf rnuiritiomi'" exise, Ballon hoard cf edaration man tld Thursday. The board passed a package aI rerammerdatices dealing miBe the execclire committee position on a re- port cf Bhe jint sehoci-heaiBe services crmittee. Pesed ere commendatiars Rhat each sccndary sehaci principal appoint a slaffîpersan eariy ir Septemhar la have responsih- dlity fcr Bhe promotion oi g0rd natrition thal ron-seeened juicas ha arailahîr in ail pop machiesr and nit Bhe natrilirnal ruha-crmmillee hae dirseled and Bee reepoacih- ility fcr nutrition he aasigeed directiy la Bhe joint echaci- healls services coacntlee. Bomerer, a recommend- cffar that Bhe tarida rad in sehoci storer ba limilad tr natritioaaites oniytnas re- larard ta Bhe rociitter 1cr larBeer rtady, heramse, - cordirg la Ban Chaperan, caporintendeet of speriai sevcs,..o an inahility g The Canadian Champion, Wed. Nov. 1, 197M 16 No supervised study for grades nine, ten Graderairand ten tdets Ini Milton a rayerried beraced tohave'codreled iihohavera sareyprtcd I stady hall cîaid rot la yrogramrnchoasoîiîenatior. nol haverteattendatman. possihle hccorcr the high Her amendimenlthal grde datary caperrtced rlody rchoois ro0ded, Laveinder ten ba daeled tram Bhe periad. 0aillcr hoard of raid motion laîied la pans. riocotior decided Thaca o a rtody hall ýiouId bc Trustee Bill Larreor said Trurtee Let, Cracal cho rppropriale rn vocations] the hoard shaatd slay out aI prepoceal the catern, raid schwlsinnaid trusteeEaice the adminitrrationofnchacls. roperviord stody periods toc Ehiete. addirg 1h01 il may (ire of the thirgs erpected gradenue and tern stdertr aloceomanagrahle and [romrrhiidren inrecondary crald hc or oppartortty for "perhaps harmîci for par- rrhcoir la ta ehowe rerpnn- iheri te chiait extra help, sonal grorcth." The parents cthtiity, Latrrcn raid. woaid tcach stoderts thc rhold ju c t ilied that - valeofttudytcgeand preper -tady hall te availahîr, she --Yocan't ash Btem la are oft une acd heep the raid showi rerponsihîilty wher ycorgee slodecîr, or the Tractee tvac Armstrong theyrr rn four traile and school precttces raidhbccapportedropattied superrsed"Laac-ercund.l Emrictra Larroder. stady pariade. Mort dirciplinre grade cire and 1er eladrela directe, o e ducatîer, tlid the ceirplairts cote tract grade car't ereet the challenge hoard that therc arr tac rine and trrtadertsheotd. thry cor ha po ir tracdalary hieds oflrecerdary scheet "This eeaid taire thr supatero or pacîcharent tiietohlrr theve ith tire profhlra.e andcai asa rght, C on yrried incladie lunchoand TrustcteeHt Brt)rnon raid. thoseaiihfice priiidtewith .iaid hreeaoldhberocceirnetif Tracter Barry Shepherd arnch cxtra. The traero tor rtdy pariods cere cci raid he sapportrd thecmotion tir ittrfrercrr cs that carte saparvîccd. fer capered rtadt hat an -cheaIs arr crcwed ith Tractee Judy Alexander atenerdot et hic 'that thr r1iîa areas andhave to salidthere icfetîerausethol peegarthermade efective. ha-e rrr flexihlr tie ceald be yut fer the lime- Shne Sepîraihar. 1979 filed te gel blichr. raggesid that the urne couil a secorder. ithe literatare ta gel or exact, preine delicîtier of > - ralcilioaa. . .- - A motion dhat the caler ot rhocolate hars for tard raisirghre armed Iiled la re- reire the rapport et the. trustees. The exectie ' crrmillee positton trac that the campile harrîrg cf the raie et chacciate hbrn reald turtheer creace the proeite oI tarda 1cr ertra-erriculac actiliies, Bather lt AN INTERFSTED READER in Donna Hadley, precident cf the Mlo bars rhcrid ha dscnomraged and District University Wamnen's Club. The club held a bock raie ai and alterrate farter cf fond Millen Mcli Friday cnd Sclurday tuI ruire maney for the lira rchoiarrhips raicîrg erccaragrd. the erganicotior prerents eac year, anc ci the high school anal the ather al EC. Drury. i has heau euggecled hy regian ctaff it thle homse police nom ocnapy ha mild far $65,tto aed police more tr the heaith uni hoilding. Administralor Ray Macro roted he sa carrcly stadyirg Bhe farce's hcaalngredfo Bheenexi 1 yearean jtsad ha crmplele ineabouta teceth. Catemissioner David Caurs; Indecent assault charge laid here A charge cf indereiil aller schoal hoars. Bath assaal was laid agairet a 17- partiesaatralred are sludents year-ald Miltan ycalh Thars- ai Ernest C. Draey Schacl i day alier a l4-Year-cld Milaon Milton. The girl did rot cotidy gilclaimedrhea'anasnauled autharilies ai the incident in a wooded areathhind Mil.- mtl 24 hoara Inter, said! lac sparta Certre cn Laarier police. Ave. Taesday, Ont. 17. Craig Barnes, deanof ai - 'he chargr againal Michael dence ai the schrol, salid the William Brrwr, af Milton, sladerla mare arqaainlances. lallowr a 10-day investigatian Ife said houh had lf1 the hy Ballon Regional Palice achanti hy has at afternoce 1h1. the inccidet. far their respective homes. Accrrding la police Bhe Brome mili appear in court ccurrence happrred laIe on Monday, Nav. 20 la face Taeaday allernron Oct. 17 Bhe charge. Minor injuries for Milton youth A I-year-old ltdon youlh police. Shcrlly allerwards eacaped witR nor inturtes Me. Glinnrylhuitcontrtrolha Suoday morring, whenhe losl car und il slrach mmie racle contraI of hie car in a high and rolled ocr. noming hu sp;= cihaise alrrg MnNiven rrrl againsl alree. Rd. Prior 10 Bhe vehirle rolling Therdore Ghinney, cf 3B9 Me. Glinney wasRthr Irain Williams Avr. mas rorlh- the car, hut mas pied andri honnid on McNiver Rd. norlh a rear aiheel. oi Derry Rd. teher the ac- Hallon Regional Proli cident caurred, smid fltalln corhed mith Bhe Milton Fie, Regional Police. Deparlacenl la free the you] A craiser lolloed Me. fromt acder theltire. Heriano ftlinney aller heing notilird of recorerlng frate minor i a speeder in the aires. said buries. ICO. ELECTRICAL * INDUSTRIAL CONTRACTING MAINTENANCE POLE LINE AERIAL CONSTRUCTION LIGHTING 878-2048 583A MAIN ST. E: MILTON, ONT. L9T 3J2 16 Mountainview Road S. region Local teacher hiring ta be care fui 1$ BZ M0T0R&N rtTI Ir ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t idc chr er rîaîdteclt al rc 199 GELPHSTREETGO ETW o u e irn loal recîdecîr or Milaon tractee W A r ira tirai applicirir tahr iIi liîey continue. Lamrncsaidhe arhed prnct sdthoc iave iat lllcchari mudr SHO 1U COULD BETHE LUCKY CUSTOMER te erg dlrdwith care, accarding They mtght hare ce altrfpernedtofisuc UMYYdV gatid dut frthe olie cimte dtio ai Bariirgttonedelao ÀA V EM 5 0 % heaith oeil hbuiding. Con arrc n lierd eeatingerthe91 aise raggerted il might ha a catThudmeieOhe- M IJ the house theyretrauserealiyt the trend, chirh run e ha cr isel a prpar police haidirg. inrieigbn Ball rdaswl 5 N O R E Coaitattor htara clhs -'il car ha durgeecar if NIONTS A% congultatdotee terre rait rorefl"sai t WEEK TILL KITCHEN CABINETS hie ad oey Bareett îchý ehred crcruhi Neîghlaeîcg hoards hie 9:311 p. rerorattars are neededihhattchethyar haera police noaid go me, the acd ihey loch ai locai rec 55 Ontrieo St, Sauth hea. ccihîdîgBrar dentr. and al] thîcgr haicg aira cncerried ahout the age quai hîre thete tilrslîetefrrace, AHtt hirgc hairg equai t plombîi and airced ihceitherraer îieeîrg. dents, Boîch tld the Barrett caggrrled potine meeing. mighlt ardier ahead ifhath .ast yerv43lof the75pparle Beethemoeeylfromtthecsale Thîeenderalc cf hoth huildings, aiocg mtth Tteer r hrdî the morcy corral onietardc ateoread me reercatioee la the hralth unit ireard leehîrg attitude, hauiding, coutid pav fera heard rete huilding ehirh -RetneeehranceDayncere- coutl rerve as potine heud- maies wcilihrchetdeonSatr quartere for theraorth. duto. Icr in Malter *wi CLIP AND SAVE THISA 7 j is tihe company that gives you a MIUL LIFETIME WABRANTY) on the. muf f 1er, tailpipe, exhaust pipe and labor! <for as long as you own your car) Th a ts a gu aran tee. So don't waste your time shopping around. Nobody's going to bea tthis offer! NO WAITING FOR PARTS Your mafl fer, taipipe andl exhausi pipe are alctays in siacki CUSTOM PIPE BENDING 9 DUAL CONVERSIONS CLEMENT'S MOTIORS 0F MILTON 500BRONTEST S. a JUSTNORTH OFHOSPITAL * 61523MM TON Police worried will seil their h natlan Police Commissian hopes the regin darsnit jamp the gain and mare Bhe forces Miltnaerachmetaoutlofthe home il pert'y - ar Unit Baiidieg. Tarday, Bhe cammilssion drdd ta rater indarataion aboat Bhe 1r buildings la staff far cm mrent. ONLY 4 DAYS LEFT---e*%Ný, CONTEST DETAILS AVAl LABLE N ANY 0F OUR STORES OFFER EXPIRES NVOVEMBER 4th, 1970 DRA WTO BEMADENOVEMBERllth 1579 ALL CUSTOMERS WILL SAVE 10%Yb Instali themn yourself and save even more. We'II show you how!. BRAMPTON GEORGETOWN MILTON 456-0580 877-0244 878-9775 Squire Mews Plaza Guelphview Square 248 Ma. St. 239 Qume Si. Eust (mat ie Neptune Rauant)l (Rlliait théCrack & Isluloarantl -Il Bores to do your oren inslolling- wel l show you hoar Sute X_ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ GEORGETOWN 877-698li re h

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