B14 The Canadian Champion, Wed. Oct. 25,1978 Private Sale w~ $95,000. paeur yoc onsss 50 x40 amnt bic. k3 bey gal Rleal Es t- t bun" mavo.vbda apertint 91% blank c In a uiess ngd 2s H. FOBERT REAL ESTATE LTD. lakes pleasur in announcing the appoittmefl of cr. Bruce Hood to its staff as a Real Estata Sales TREMENOGUS BUY Representative. He is a ltelong resident af Milton toS s, ft t ivri 05 2 dn, oth ss on la6bind se extremeiy active in community affairs with A$178,500.00,EW eted the Real Estate Introductutv Coutse this FcsO AsE5alvv5b oGEU VIEW e aummer at Shneridan College in Oakville and invites VImt, 1 ceEWtt Lot Gudte ORGIA Ofy $5000 yoat enqairies as ta yoat teal estate needs foc this 20 E\ a OF. ssncbleN sAY neSl vn ee. A 16 year vetecan of refeteeing professional 26s arsaslabfoi nncd ci-a r 5 o, hoeMrgg ockey, Btace viil be combinina hsm two careers. 10%~~ ~ ~ ~ csie seinlda,$3,00 detahdfeavurnga2 sapaistaspart bmv, esnaisinlaavceld This appointvccnt reflects the continaiva gtawth F,,ENEI PRIE no apmngî em.dn hdvns 55e dood full bae- o professioac people fot one af Multon's tastest IRNE PR1 oem, Imrl c19 gaae aheli5 B3 growims and moat progressive reai estate Repasvlîn 821360 N ordn Rîl9 R' STELLA PARTON 878-6705 otearrizations. Reprsenmgý erbNeumnn pà Etai Lid Relio Luuking For A New Pad WoPisTiicAnoc FAMîInY DcVELOPMENn TIse ixisn vthis3bedcssv whmeiti>,ý. sîin fls bccadlcslied, cencn nImldes .nis aencnoag andl nonernnl ltcs ('l1-s 1. avccios andIsopping P-end m Ici llckvly$39,900 b. ad ccve an c.- 5 lIn l s j: ci, n 1cl' An hts 15e aIssds hmi home ha 35ncs1, at " s e e s s s n c S fn . l a I s s n I ' c. î c n S s c n Ibaai. S92 500 Gais Thaemas, Mgr. 8828 Sandi Kinsaie 9927 Joav Johnstcn 87r7-7210 Bill Ccctîe 878-4944 Mary Villa 978-0381 Broc, NooxI 878-2773 878-2365 Tor. [mne 826-1030 TIîS ns îNneT IF Y70560 THRIFn' 1, uInI danîsi esven v ar)lthiY-- - im ca GOOD mm osaia 12W nsce. Blse skiene d al fn ew of the bcnuss y.s gai in bhis 2=ba ,.an, bungalow neair ow $53,500. PUceIR p.eai side s ta, s o tcna favîls This fis- yean ld 3 bcdrssv bsngalow ns Issaced in snesfîsonisfiesdcn ,nlde-abshui n ga age, aeillsitecedvyard, countrsolekitnh c da self th seavvcslate homeo New listing Actan couvtry, 3,000 sq. fi. custom brick rancher,pad lae EUCD UT EL pod aesite, 2 fireploces, 3 car Ratage. Mair extIls. 719 acres. ROver ttantsfevred. Raduced fo' immediole sl. $122900-00 JakHle Ral Estala BraSai 883-1861) ROYAL TRUST CORP. 0Bame4 WILFRED MCINTEE COMPANY LTD. 52 Main St., Dundalk Stevî Lookl Lastavi OlR $42,00! LARGE SOUND 2Xi STOREY BRICK btoandaiCecKaivaBl 5 comont a.0 y, ac. loI. Vilage oalto and sasiais. lag 5M37 an 853-0341 toc yor mcontccnanaati.A avnvoidck.as î.ostavm Look aitbs 3 pid- vto 2apa0a5157its $46.000-tr $9,001)danim Imeediat. man obnouse, iocat.d russ posaession. th.sa ents an dot hoi Fr appovnratcal ur DUNOALK OFFICE 1-519-923-3136 Evevîvgs caîl RETA RITCHIE 519-923-2904 MJN ZONGE 878-2888 878-2888 REAL ESTATE INC. BOB CROSS Real Estate and Insarance Lsd. 3287 Mais Street Wett, R.R. 6, Miltos, Ont. Lacs cf main in b.i 2 stocey brick and a.cinvîcno itb 4adicie. nalslgs 1e1 ( ' and completevfaeccoatedd$c 162,5S Caei Mal fatncallita. CENTURY 21 Jas Zorgo 877 0155 or 4572 22 HIGHSIDE DRIVE a BcEDOOM BRICK .ntS 3 piea batboeccai wccksbcp o..a ccvbicad. teîced air gas futs seth nee ilS ieplac ahd ld ns eet c ave fia.s Iv1 aie .a bcr ,055e t ana anaiýnee The a lars. Pedro-con 2v pec leverareservatby a S.ccal halloas. four pasae bath anda ampile closaspac,bigle cac garage avd tcc sbedt basE rendaeacndalirecopen. nhs. s plaasact sina s.,90 COU NTRY BUILDING LOTS Onecri iceîcce oodaesa bevavs Miltonc OGeorgetown ac l/,acre lot soutbofMil oEA BILL KELLY 878-6800 RA SAEBOKEîia '7 John Ma 1761900. Rob Colback Carcie Horton Norma Sonnenbeca Muriel t3ubien Waccen Ccassiord Gail Pollen 878-4526 878-5108 1-659-7852 877-8281 877-1491 878-e11e s -i4iUO. For Classical Beauty '27,900. Ywo tibieR, 2 betifolet row house. May be purchaned for es Inde as 5% clown. For Tweîoe Large Rooms For Persosalzed Caurseous Service Bob c: Doc CROSS GOWLANO 078-4892 L80 78-9265 q'aier ZEAL ESTATEBROKER Wisonc Drive. Milon 878-2811 r 878-0178 Ge"t Rotzal 877-3196 jas 1124,00: $184,900. Listings Waedee- If Yeu Naed A Bayer Cati)J Mater MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE