12 The Canadien Champion, Wnd.. Oct. 25,1978 New Opti centre-source of pride for memrbers aeyoe mite darne te mark the tresh mitte male ot the Optimiet hait. ln the tact fem menthe sincn mekb Sean ce te baildieg, mny mac-heers et tuber have heen pet ie by pre- tesetenate and ktn Optindst meedtere atîke. Seore the eteetricity bad ben iestattrd aed the entie tiret fluer mas lt mith te By Ua. ESSOy prtde et lte actuat mecS they lhe ilto Opimi Clu iavetdonc titemeein te5 '130 $dlee psiist eS eesrectien of the beiling. deserven te lent more 150e Wtiee Opîîmnî member sliaiedmî1515tei nad em Paul Nemeti site hîesel en yout5 centre near Bian Sent tete iecesutatv Parkbick itrepiace. Sce i iy te A great deai of feedraisng cecaii15theerneof merS 1501 effort han gene entc the eitîobauildtng it. realiaatio ofthe appcaued $1 Mtchael O'Siea, main complec, Sut more pretessîceai palieer and dm0 1501, the members Optimtnt membr, mîi themele ccn iteam m Sh p eitabty Se matching toc PAINT CPEWS mere in ful cwing thie weebend. an Optirniot Club members set about painting the sent bail in the eoon-lo-be-opeoed yeuth centre. Tbe club expects toi cave a substantial arnount ef labor cents by doing a 1ot1of the morS themitelnces an weil an receiving furiher aid tbrougb Wintarie NEARLY COMPLETED, tbe firepiace ai the Optîmîsi Youtb ('entre is the work of one of tbe club's memrbere. Sînce ihe prejeci hegan tis nummer, tbe club bac fnrmed ils 0000 merk crems le gel as rnech as possible dose on tbe building locaird near Bries Besi Park. Stricter police rules A dtirective front Setîcitc Oenecai Roy Mcencrtcy 100ail police commissions mode tl etear Otarit lamyrs che are mneSbes et nueS cene Missions must stop defeedieg clients te aey triai whece Penice are invoied, or elogn front the commissione. The order applie te ait court cases canging ficon parking effencen te murden charges. "Se this moy the publie tac Se aaeured tha1 possible cen- I _______ 01,10s belmee tac nore mnetand prîvete ivtrect wtt Se aveîded: o taird McMurtry. The nec geidetîves tetIem reet attrgateec ltaI lte cbairmae of Haltc Police Commtssion Williame Heurt- gan attemptrd te infleence police elîtece aller hS bsi-t nes cre as accested. Heurigan s appeittent cxpines ai thte ed î,t tei cocuS, and MvMectry Sas statrd Se mît t c Seeap, peinted. iaey iight haiS, as eaay as 22 menettmnedeouteone night tu son mhat they cnuld de te mach ee the building. Vicitees te the elle miSl aimape fied ceerai memhers ai merS eery meekday eveeîng andeentheeekend. Ila te cil may le gel the job doec, and as fte an Optimist efficiais are con- cered. they are delermied titeld theiritteetntgin granîs. Up on the tresile are Oplîrnisi members Bill Manuel. lf. and Gerry St. Denis. Gord Hull, on tbe greund is a profescienal cestractor and vice-presideet oi 11cr Club. He os currently organizer nf the weork cremit bucy on 11cr building. the nom hall an Tbandy, That grant han ouIl Sn rniet a Ie Ml Nev. 2. With anY tankL, t5ere delerminnd, hnchaflio Opidt lS eihm moyl een Se a rnaring fire are Sepet il cuidl Se Set- renpeeaihietfor organiaing Ihe going in the fireplace. en $M000 and $300,000. mark cite«. Malisit cnm- A striectsbudgetl ne osen Fientl opprosai o et1h01 panyhao- enand worked' serai resotsen hnd the amaaeltis epaetrii t n te a i e a1tie as a nusm of the niaS neel six wee, said Mr. doation Itoorda the niaS memhner. The effortIt Ido as Kntaonieki. huilihg. mueS os ponsible on the He enlimales Iheir ene "Tsey are dedinoteli bai"d*ag te payingo"ff ltalald , laSer efforts have saved peeople," centinaed Mr. espiai ene im Kwtada ,none appremimannly $000 ha Kwoonieki, ni lea memSer- iaS peaiel.iri coa hnaoddition te apprelti- ship. 'te ciuh renlize an onlual motly $50.000l deealed laor "On meekende, many are laSer celai navnga wst the onthe parteo one oft15er hereSebaoir .m. and mli dont trd Seip ni tSeir mnu- proiemsienot taorers. mach laIe hal e 5afteronn. Sers and Winlacio ta aiea One ofth1oe pertions la ord Hull, Se nnten prnpared ha moleS the efforts Gord Hall, profinm build-' "proctieaily liven heme." ofth5emenmwitha grant. ing cantraclair ond vice- Neotiofth5entnrk ah eau dene Sy the niaS, Set aIgl o dm1e h-e hem Inml=ed in odditl cth5eil.n and painting, memkers Save. cal and masatnd ail the moflheard and assisatd contractone wherever possible. They napet tuheve the meetingha hai gondekhape for th@icoenoraimeetianon No. .la nýent yout5 centre mli conh fOur sqaam courtes to eanaa. an enerea reem, a catI en house, lunge and Sac, and the Su In ai- enmmodole 400 people. Te flaesm wl Se utllized Sy mare tita the yea15 oI Milton. Ille Mtonh Kinamen hae alredY arronged ha use the Sali for mentings, as meS as the Milton llaian-Canadlon CluS and o15her aires ornonsi. EVERY OPTIMIST knows bo n 10 bp in sorte way, and regular work cers cas be found ai tbe club's sent youtb centre on weekday eveningo and weekendc, as the Oplimist Club attempis te do as mucb work as possible on tbe sent building. Burt Hull, refi and Danny Bowen fit a pince of waIl board. Poppy Week, parade given COulCiI's okay Mitceon ,idelad thewee of Nv. 3ttlaetoppy eacgtt.Pmdbdppdtspetîad ciekon bhialf ofthe Ryal Caadian Legioe. Onttedecapree at. Pwdu rpelhsopsto n Permissione t,, hctd a Reniembrance 11ay Parade on Saturday. Nov. l.aaasograeted,, p Canvtt,,v Ruc. Poccdiak qaeotioeed thetetospecyetf p7ota the fll cost of the prcameation lie said the t.eg,,c, ite everyitedy ner s "deecong et coe c'sspport Wtee ea the fine drawe t,, deedr ,ehieh WEDNESDAV. OCT. 25 revetvves ods and whch deesn't heasked. ('miS Camcpbell 'Thmpsen eaid the town bas alwaye t'te Phelen.aphyToday Conese er oeppertcd th, Reneembranve Day Parade, and ne-spensers 7:00-Magazee TtePevvt,, the' er'emvwvththelt.gion 730 Oolltaytetdc(3i He' sid if i ddelt sevh thiegs moetd iteveme "myr THURSDAY. OCT. 26 isusThe clerksaid the prcltamation cetvlt $575. 5 30-Hg t'hnhSvh Fotbiall(replii FULL GOSPEL BUSINESS MEN'S FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST SATURDAY, OCT. 28178 8.45 arn. "KENNEDY ROOM" POOR WALLV'S FAMILY RESTAURANT 83 Kennedy Rd. S. Brampton Ladies Welcome SPECIAL SPEAKER BENNY HINN Thousands have found Salvetton, Healitt and thte nfîlng of the Hoty Spirit et the Betty Hinn Meet- ings in Canada, U.S.A. andi aroutd the vorld. DON'T MISS THESE SPECIAL EVENTS NEXT MONTH NOV. 25th. 1978,8:45 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER: ERNIE HOLLANDS Taien.eeeetSund Evumne en Ct.nn.l11 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F HALTON HILIS 1978 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS NOTICE TC ELECTORS The Regular Polling Day for the Municipal Council and School Board Trustee Elections is to be held on November 131h, 1978 during the hours of il1:00 a.rm. to 8:00 p. m. A notice has been mailed to qualified electors in the Municipality advising of the location of their Polling Places. Advance Poils neili be held on November 4th, 1978 during the hours 0f 9:00 ar. 10 t 8:00 p.m. for electois neho espect 10 be unable 10 vote on November 13th, 1978 at the following two 1k..,ations: Trinity United Church, Mili St. (Action) Municipal Administration Building, Region Road No. 3 Subject 10 certain conditions, an elector may vote by prosy by appointing in writing on the prescribed form a person neho is entitled toi vote in Ibis election. Such appointment is not nalid unless certified by the Clerk not latec than 5 o'clock in the afternoon on November 131h, 1978. Formo referred toi are obtainable frorn the Clerk's office. K. R. RICHARDSON, Clerk Administrator and Returnlng Officer V16 Mountainview Road S. I GORQUETOWN 8768