Price tag: $80,O Wii examine quarries for future garbage sites Fuiteic statiy losto Oiet aaliity of ustog qsaeees otioci Weditesdap. Cotineit gave Oie gs.abead o Oie eegin's planning neataet ta examinte ail piiee th Oe eegion Oiot aeOepatootiai ai betog sied tae garbage silos. Tise itaff ta atm tai examine Oie tes methods of sealisg Oie ttiaeeies ta, eosoee agalcet 'Thse motion mas fsewaeded oy Butittn Coejfloe Bee Clpeletti. dtitg cooscites disculesios on a motion I0 peectade lueOiee studiei on Oie stibjeot. Cipejetti maid quaecies cant be pcepaeed as waste sites and cao 6e eilectively assied ta, preveot ieaebiog. Me celeeced ta a qtiaecyi the egio ai Mamiltao-We5It- morts misicis je beisi tised os a gAcbage site. Tise regtan abostdt look jeta theeksd of garbage it wanta ta, dispoae and Oieo locale Oie quele iei are besi stab ut acetimodating il. Me sajd ta do otiseemios wostd bc a passive maY of mtlvlog Oie problemt AlOiotigb Oiere hase heeo a ssmber tif etudies doee on liodiog a suitable cita foe garbage ta Oie eegsoo, Se maid another study mas maeeae' ted. Buelingtan Coosedllir Tomt Sutherland dssageeed, sayiog qosceica dont ment MinistcY tif Ensseocment tMOEt standards. tiecatise Oie standaeds are Oie mmie foe met gaebage as they are for quaies os Oiey areforedryqiasries ctti't be ued. Miltan Mayor Don G2ordont seetised Stherlansd ai 'putttog Oie cart before Oie Me said "-We arc sayiog me dont accepi Oie recase' mendotion" as proposaid. Ciprletti went os ta gay, "Thseproblete is, Oie yrovtace tant dotog ooyOhitg.' Alttigus Oie 50E ta ceviewjog tas tegistation un moste disposai sitos, it ta op ta Oie region "ta initiale ac- tion," 6ie said. SuOierland bcosgbt sp Site H, Oie Milton Brck Qiarcy on theosast side of Teremaine Rd. jost cocus of Steeles Ave, bat mas tnoamed by Gordons t dido't ment ceitecia tac iceet Stherland sajd Oie ceaion sbmtdd go to Oie province and reopesi Oie malter nf wbethec ooumtdrytinecttmaste cod be pst tata quarries. Gordon sald Oie practice of ostog quarries an maste dtaposai silos ta sot uoique . St. CaOuicnes oses an abasdoned qosccy os a gacisage cita and scores of citieti in tise Uaited States do libemis. He said Ohece are lotie quarries wjitoi Oie region oohicb tire or son motid be stitable os waste disposai sites. Miltan Cosmecillor James Watson disagceed. He said 6e suppocted Oie ceçomimendotion Osai n futder suries be cacried o0t on wheOier or not qosecies are cstable as waste elles. Why spond anoOier $M000 on a cobject mben Oic cegional staff lents tl bas ecougis isnformation, 6e asked. Manneli said qoscries i "mSole canyons" se utied Region wants further studies of quarry sites Haitac Regional Coicil wbich are ie cociliel at vetacd Oic cecammcendotioo lime aod miii cemain ois of ita planning deportmeni tu flici toc come cime." wjihoidi any lacîber clodies Tise Nalco cite mas celec of qosecies toc maste dis- on accotinl of"high dese posa. ment coinsdue maiely tu 'Tse recommandatson mas licuit accesi." based on the report prepared Moore salid, "10e hl Sy Engtoenr R.W.J. Moore. reportcd in the poda th Moocc mld, "Il mas iotiod the Milton Brick (Site Ht that ail quarcies on top of lthe the Bsehîcgtan Badiando I escarpin nt wccc limmltooe At have limiled poîcclial quarries and an cucis mcreun- oacîe disposai at Oie pen suitoiste for landfil piieposei. lime", fi Oas atmo loucd thal ocly "TÏhir grcatcsl pocen imo of Oic shale qtiarrics in lies in Oic future aller m thecregioebladtaey ponsal maleiat6bashbenn cctcac toc ose an landfille. 'ihese briso f601r in16e future hi quarries arc on the coisting of any use t snwi Milton Brick qosrry andîthe present situation." Badiaodo acea se Beling- Hc .id, "10e question toc. " desicabilsly of, or Oies Tise Milton Brick Quarry is er additional stsdy on the easn side of Tremtaine quarries ali is ime. Itis Rd. lotit oortis of Stenies Ace. Opinion Chat me have litsa bom as Site O. lîcîel information on Thsetiadiande acea ea on the o. nodi aide of Higbcîay 403 At ils Oct. 10 ment betwmennthe existingsanitary eouocil dcsded Oihe laodlill ste and the old Bay- and ordeccd Oic leasibtiit siem lanatuli oo Ring Road. ail qtiaffies o ic hcegio (Site At) and Oic Nalco examieed for Oicir pote Quarry, abso te tiselngltn an macle lût sites. misich is on the coalh aide ttf 403 belmen Uncmorlh Aoc. Thle ofttpime aod Snake Rd. H Itotn Couoicilibscrected re Ws d àIook Oic cites. Moore mail te ressorc theE formcr 1600 mccc reiecled lie- lh hm u cause ;'te omnere hase ia' Is5e7i malersi extraction plans garbag sin tahO Uaitad Stts te;id6 adot go aiong wiOi MORs Mtlta. sbmdld 6a oa qosry md Oies go ta Oue province and sait mbat sbnsd be dos tai mabe il a "ttable woste site, 6e said. 'Tis ta sat a soobescreen foe alto F." dist r n Sjtosted ai Oue corner ni Trenotae and Britoosta Rda. ta sathOiescern Milton, il meisa Oue MOE's crilela. Homever, Oie location bas excitaid Oue opposition ai local ratepayec and ocer orgasations. Site F bas sien a questlion markfb tacbrce yeacs and anodce meeting midi Oie ontac Menicipal Board th03 n ie sabjeci le p ine tuhOe ec fattice. HiIais MI Couiellor Garset MeKenole qtiestioned potting gacisage toto a qtsarcy. "Hons do yo sal off tise f00e tof Ohe quarcy?" bie asfed. He mus inoritee Ose floor cotiid be assied. Bactisgtoe Cotatittor Jack itafie supported Ciprietti. Me sid "t betieve Ose planinlg staff cmild do Oie etudy." "We hsave ta do mome ie- ternai worb ... ten iolow il tip wiO the 500E." Regiotiai Solicitor Dessus Peelto wos asbed wheOiee the eegioe lied enough je- foremation oe Oie subject tu go beore the 0MB. Peelto said Oie regioYI'5 constiltants on the matoc said Oiey hadl esougs in- formatioe. Momever, miten asked wheOie qtiaeeies wotstd maire tittabte maste disposai sits, Se aid Se couldo't commeet. Fotloioeîg Peetines ae- seres, counteil deieated the motion ta preettide futicOer etudy on qurses Ciprieti Ioemaeded tas motiens laoetog a study miie mas supported Sy Raltis. Altiotgis Otitvitie Cotie cille Mac Anderson teemed the motion "a mahemocis peojeci lue Oie planinig staff," Oie motion mue carried. The Canadian Champion, Wed.. Oct. 25, 1918 11 Trailer approved ilr ay owes G.olt Club ovti 5e able to use the traiter se thitet pcepeety as home tor an eotployee octit a O home os coecteucteti on a eeceetty seeed lti Haitoe Oite finance con- esuieetmade the eecommeed- atîoo thîs week, aftee Hattoe Land Divison Committee geaoted the ceparation. The ttier must be remoed afe one yer or on othe ýompIetce of tie Sause. ohiSe er ces fis MisTi TEMPiRAovrttS Agriutr o aeada citer the flow ng emperatie guide tiad youi c n vectieg ta ocetsi sookisa: Seat traces pues in a 220 HALTON COUNTY JAIL is up for grabs. Ifogional courtcil have given the degcec Co oes, cat tat ut town the rîght of firsi refusai by offering it for a price of $806000 providei 160 degees t. kecp She cetet- hîsorial ignfîcccegeeator atuttegrees C andthe it and the court house are kept for their titrclsgiiac.feee ut o1 derees C. "Sound Alikes Music From The Moviesl LP's or 8-Tracks '30 0 . Tops h is by the rock group Oddysey. Sala day Night Feaer Grcase and more. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 27, 28. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT GUANTITIES ted oted 12 350 1.50ET SI'1 1$ iai t Dis os i ni Replcra"em e ctrî Kettis Pac o uf TieSiaots k 7Pastc KîStche.Deware uchn adet S a ware "Gad" Gabge ager led, 5 5C 2qlh caac2 Bo eepo b otte a oe tclcsloo staao c olu els Vakeupa en s, pieoS es PaCkaeoft 12 3 ted~ eettop-2f sutf-r ave5~ 115 nu b aDoueRtiNRc PatcHagrSt 5haisd tdaee R 0 '~ rs aaGretBg CotsSgietaee4PeTm lrSt ~ os2 s e2st ? 150heeeo for hOsoi 5 a uee oa g 0 dOato30k a 2 0 0sd~agt j 21 Wafle Weavo Tee Toosets 31$1 Fiat Weae Tes TooselS $5 Bath Shoot Coton ery App 30 x60 k 31$1 Jacquard Face Clotha Caltan letty Calotr chace 1.25 Jacquard Bath Towels Cottont terty App. 20" o 40' 1.75 "Mod Art" Pitione Chtpped toast flltd _ FOR1.75~ '2YOU CHOICE 41$ 26s.5 OAc 2Speglu eor 1.50OE& Natile Weave Dish Ctoths FO Lb1rdedFa Lb. "Polystut!" Pee Wee Hockey Stick OsposablO flas lght ....$ CushionMede csor l00% cottIse Cheek App.îgededFor Non-attergeeto 100% polyeslt 45* 48" stutdy straight Stade Assore cdde cssr 1Multi-purpose. Non-allergeeîc. fl cli k Screwdrier ...... 21$1 j8- sc sos lot Itoocehotd use. ZELLERS MILTON MALL The 'GET-IT-NOW", Card 55 Ontario Street South Ma1111ste1r Charge and Charges also accepted Open Monday-Friday 9:30-9:30 e Saturday 9-9 a Phone 878-8178 ~t Iî kT~ 13 gsi i±~~ r±~ Lri 1