Moyoraty reatch Four acclaimed 20 in Nov. 13 race for council, board the test rase. New laces sening conrilî seals iciade engine Dac> der Sia m>iier Dos MsMiiian oaso ssas actaased tea Ward Thee seti, and TeryGi- hans, a saiesmas seeking as uehas sail The lt ne catcer inthe eduaaian rac s Tom Hl, a eaher inlNoth York wo is sballiing incombentt Bi Lasonforii the uabain seat on th> Haluas Acclamaisassen ein- earobent Sead Ciemens, a pie-eaccveteran andiaormer Nassagaweya Tonship cce and d>paiy->eeae tin Me- Miltan in 1he cuaa Ward Thee ioassagasseyai curilscat; ta John Mit Bradley, an tI-yeas setecas trasteeawha was mosppttsed tac the sepacai> sahsai supporters' seat an Ilailtn Board of Edacatiso. and is ah> on's e>presentaive an ihe separai> schssi board, Taseli. MeMllias i aasapy th> seal vacaied b% Caunaillse Rass Paisadiak, saha reied ibis y>er Gordon serv>d an Oakstii> Counsil las esghi yeass, reprerrentiig the cual ai r ihe>s ad, beis»e his ores wsme>ged oîîh Milton sn 19ti4 R> has a toial of ta yer'casncii expei>9ce. MrsMacArthur ered dîne yeacs en the township soscail, snciadîg see>ai yea>s as seese and mas Waeden ai Halles ane yeae. ah> seesed three and a hati years an Mito Coascel oins> the formation ai >egiosai Hte san accaiiaianitheas a eetieed sahSsi leasher. Ansnte>siicg seen-ay raeshapes op lac 1he four apen a>has seats as Milton Canel tis îeac Inssin larmes Gordon Keasto and Ras> Hiarrison are the oniy tw Mes. MacArthur siepped ap ts mun for mayor and Cisaillor Art Meiansss il c>iitg Challengers isciade lirsi lime entrants ace de Spisa and Teeci Gihbbons. ans »iesg candidates Blanchs Rînias, Goradaon Cario>igh and Don McCaiern Tht cssshined rralaiWards tine i>aiaiGus Gaiiski. Watson seats is iliiih iiaaa and Tiaee aehnihheing andKceraebuineieed HiaitnIacCiiiisc iltonsi ad chattenged agais ihis year leachersno% a1ii e an cal heid Nltiias rural cegioaa haisans oppasitionss fornmer csiaie ,aýhile Joihnson i a ita cat lor rive years m hile Keri NDP canddateiaWilamtiA tioac r> gineanidiaii va elected ili segioail Johnson oi Nassagilitia tousk s a eal eslataae o ,iiiiSnioioeas ago Bo1h t S havecpo pei.1ies ee Meet candidates , sol arraei hihlih i> tw-ayi aces11 next Wednesday hgrhhcl ct o h f all oad ofi Educaiaa Bil Las ameiaher ofith Laoca voes wiigel a canc se ah ilahe cadi ia Bard siiiceiis Isc daesa ila ss I a'c d o d n 19h91 s chaiienged h: eartiing. Nas 1ai aaican1didates meetinin bal high caches n lill fo tairhs selhantgym. torrent seat represeting Thecivening iisiartai 8in ix îcaspaasaiedliý i hlîi Ta aeaer nW Chashec ai Commanecce and the Ballon Teichers cdcer Incaambeat cvas Acia atlas. Alilareawelcsniand adiinisi51111e strong, aha joiîed the dallas BarcdlofEdaio iasn 19713 lac Candidaes for mayoe. egional sas.loal cî oîclîd aaane-ea teri ad elaesed sellenbaards ae eia iiiedltoattn lliadpea A agi'n17-8rpeetn queston ad anwer erio u d fol rral as e and Thee, Miltonians heading 10 th9e Wben th9e finai nominaionts aI them won acclamations, municipal puniron Msnday, wee poutld an tse board ai leasing a field of 20 in thse Nos. 13 face ahaost a town hall Monday altersnra, race foe the >etainsg Il remateh of the 9916 electios officiels totaUed Up 24 people sass. hertie -snith many of th9e seekisg th9e 15 open saisa an Jasi four of the sandadateE saine laites seekiag th9e saine Milton Coansil, flattan Board are newoen tr local seuls in th9e 990 trente oI th9e aI Edacation and the a llon eieslinn hantlers itis year, ail ballo. Separate Scheel Board. Fo'ait>h9e test hadt theje saines i si- 111 chailesged agais as ei Joîhnson oi Deaiquin hol cas agais hisi t.. e11 ag. Jiohn Brsadley 1h> separate school cepeesesialive il lMilton and hiaiiaa Ifilis ,ni the pubilic board. la, aci aiil ahen uc aa.e c haliesgid Mliii a, i a, sl ir- i hAgela Tasrell i ofîl Mir. ' rilhc sepacale icha1 si i Cieeh Camiphell Thasapsas. chiel eesasnîsgalficrfoaethe Nav. 13vote. reports adiasce polis ssii he held daiacdaY. \sî, iand Tusdal. Nas é The acit me»1 1h> candi- dates maeeting sahedailed la date is a Chamhec of Can- inreand dallas Teacherc Fedecalian meeting set for selt edcesday.Nov. 1lalîhe hîgh selhent audîitorium, ai i pis Morae s1y bheedilaie an Hi>adliing 1h> sas> s the laites three uece ais * - oa-ay hatle ac 1> aen 101 candidates twa>aay al or hes ' h> foar seatslas challenger, formter maYac îa'ad one lifcrme Anne MacArthur. 099e was iiahssii and Nortih ceea> ai Nassagassrya ahes iss), incaniheais itsaas me>gedssith Miltonain h'eman la teah>i 197 ntd ded the e Mitas icarad Das a lasy - Caanihcssthhiisifi>sith'e» heing challenge "Y yeas.hbeireelasing aithe Ca>eyaif eeeyRi" ig polis ta Caanciiisc Gardon unstcesssiaull saghi ioyea>s agosiatesent hack Tceeiltcaî on ccaasiibis pasi sommet, c,, akang Ose place of Emmes- Reganet seaihlde t s . son MnCready inha eesigned KerinsLriaatsWaed 1?20-uyear-sold ~Milton man dies in crash ded onteoprto tabea urdwtasoh Maudyeeig e 1 H f aur i> l'x > iist canic'laofhis WHO CAN RESIST ýlaying in a pile of golden scrunchy autumon louves9 Dacid Anthease Rean>y, ai ssihil> o aaasss> il Brothers Hobby nTers'y Cra.ig 0f Oakville hav aV fln ait W sean ApOnari S.N. pa orh andsi mieas Trais Cap o theescrprnnt.of DrryRd. as fois mataser Me. Noble and Region okays salee jail, court to Milton 0 Hlion lingianai Conss Th9e only aondition sosini sao no objection te keeptng heip deicayt1h> cas> ai th99 a agse In oller th9e nid Hlion made was fil the buildings th9e buildings fos Osreur egisa's n>sw headquarersc Jal=st Court Hsuse tih tha heep> fos thei> histiai hsstaeîaai sîgnilîsance. building. osno lMtonfor $111,00 The sîgnilicanse, oever Milton Cnlotr ~Miltas s gettsng a decsian oas made ai Hilton Mayar Dan Gorsdon James Watson disageeed, hargain,- he sad. "W> aosits meeting Weil- said if bis caunsîil agcees t0 sayisg ltotn shauid pay adpy shaaldait aaeaaharge bat se sesday, Dat. 18. pasahase Ose buildings, ho $11 if9th region espeats th9e shsadant gise il asaay. tant 1 mainlain Ose Hr iasac>d sending the buildings lac iheir hisinrîsal mraîtr brick t0 th9e ad- salue. ministraion deparsinent ta a White Watson 1>91 600,000 put a mare realistîs prise tag S I* asltonmuch, sesesaînother onithepenp>cities. >egina cnosncillnss 9>11 il Surligtas Cauncilîn> wasireslao DavidContra said bcassunt.2 Bu>iington Cnunicilin> Ben the> baaldings aaose haing sold Cipsielt said 99e ihoaght for sah.aooheaause 199e matter 600,000 oas a hargaîn. had brier, discossed hetinent Iflthehbuildings were sold ai regînnai and Miltn marketaliuethe pric ould auihnrîties. Otheroise th9e ha aimser 109$400,000, 99e saîd. $80000 is "s much ialk. Thse $400,000 is based on 1h> Hr ma.. inlosned a geoap of regions p>perty agent Visse seses businessinen had been Geraghly's calcolusins intecesîni ha purahasing th9e Geraghty said the> jaii.anurt hoose coinptes itO depremialesi reprodaction the> i9>9 of tuening i1 inb a anst ni Ose buildings plus Oshe commesaial v>enre On> ai valueofntheelandnsohich therenures oould ha a they are iosaied, snnuld a rerstaurant. appsnsintely 9400,000l Hoea>r, the businsmen Ciprietti sait! Ose $00,000 cnuldn't allo>d a $100,000 doesnt cefleet laie mtarket prca tag, let alerse the> value.S400,000 n-hiah Geraghty flt Dakaille Couneillor Cari it Oas oth il usrd b>r KEilmen said! Ose 600,000 commeraialipuepsses. menir Ose buildings are 'a Thi> area in mbich t99e lret giRt t0 Ose Ton ai buidings are inoted is nom H! ilton." znnd institutissai. Coucfilor Laasie HanseU Maynr Gordon inlsrmnti oI Dessie disageed, saylng asunsilt1h> nesa offiriai plan the gS,000 ia a "lair" peine so for Hilton ouid designale long asOse bildingsueare pl the aesa loo desity 9> Oeie historierai rsidenial and itmnuld be sigisiia-e zoned R-3. Ke1 o repliad Ose rogion Dîissionnon the sale of Ose should gel as mugit as il cas for Ose buildings, in order t0 (Cotinait. on page 16) r ort ci oh tes Ji Ila' ai id lissas oc- roundarc aihobe. Ralias le Noble liai Did- i he road mlis Os hîs tsar urlinglas. dîd sot notae ny sertus injuries. Dama s the Noble sehîirl ntimaed ai $1,000. t'> nooeeewsdenalinhe Davià iieasey mas 1h> si il talc and Mrs. Ambra i>asei ai Milton. Hr ilehis ed hy bis sistr Monts it baille. and h>oOsers Geu I hot» and Gary Fsseeai seiica>s held .tnly Rasact Roinan Catho ChurcahTuesday mninlog.i sas haeîed at Ese>gce Cemetecyina Hilton. HALTON REGICiNAL POLICE DETECTIVES xaoded area of Chudteigh's Apple Farm on worked with plastic bags ta recaser the badix t-lîghway 25. Three childreri hiking through the decompased bodya of a chîtd. tound fll clad inaà hilSds di scovered the body on Sunday afternoon. Discovred by hikers Child's body found is ssal hrcghlthe îalithe Chodlergh appll arno d Rgha*y 25i .tl cil on airrstr hil tîhe dis a, chhldinthebu' il egiEa Kasclaha iif Madollansd ai Brian Trer ix\Ir li tnahîag iherr -I> i hi îgh the He bh are ciich or t1w pplc en trroi entîac. i heu docî can 19pn he hiidî 1111111 CAPTURING a bat trick plus one, Kim Middlî father Maurice Middieton. Named an Ontario&S Milton District High Schonl Staff Bursary, the JO Scholallslip, andi the Terry Deslaurier Cil mencemntt Friday. ii iiiclliili,- ic iepii- tl shokIf t,1ha ait l îiiii,,, ci teril, iif the reciaised cii ho i Il ýIl , afriîsiikidil it scih lxf 1thlg I a arc 1~i 'tih hoa Iuîig îic iidliesiiicilitiihoiclashicl plthehbok c blas and accideffils putihis hildaoii il îing andiio hile Il vaua l s th tmidir, t, 1%lig uîidi li, 1 iiithitarotic l its lis t, h", Ia ciilîîîd io hieii sglh shîîeicath,i kod lh ihc aci i- -I, ilid hcî iha heceiheiccicii1a- ciked ~ih li i-iuiuuiillccilili The snali aiiild vieîol ahdiii~ii ,sldilisiii hItlasn agiinail luI. c 1 sKîiselak îîiîfld Msillooi huis aftheîi fnd Foe the tesi o cil alleesîsua and eîcîîîag ici th ihcîi's mscaîsg. police oaed ai h plastic hags, rcciiecilg lthe might pcîîîdeinfortioniiiaiî ahaithe child s ,and hua th, body caasit ci tic, Pasiiols appie iaci poiticiscspecl samcin d-, iass. itec lila police iaccasic exat>iaesitheiîîidi Atiihciîssesoflhe dîscla eaý Milton iiPP aies aireiig icafic sn and ai (if Ihelfaci lacre. ils ihosasadsaoisisiiis -p,îîd a Soadai i su la the appicacrchacds Tass i'hadieigh, lamier of thcifaca oashblstercihaaa'iee o 1h sales liul oaa sut pr 11iieea oSes tic heacrd ais crisrs iie akcd aiaag th> highitai scac hi, ..1knes il aas a bs>day, bai t thasaghi samnease had iteasgiscaaaied. oh»n the:, said slxcrulises ee t clos is congratulaied by He ierced thecreasssfo tholur, Kirn received 1he the>miroitier ai police. ah»n a hn Milton Chapter IODE Blîon Regrettai Polce dirce izesship Cop ut Coin rise a>cisrd as hi, caacn>p, Monday maesîng ta tel] hum aves aboutthehilo thing Feu peoplc e hik> hreugh thai area he aîd.hb> as if he swampy concdu Th, latltol a ha, sii> th rahc,ic iissil 1> Therlsa-11 an *dOy casr fis aila -19-I An ec adititla madsei. ioýv,d nt%,ht- heeagh hir dîd glear i ca ch-Il gru iihitei> a m c 'h ilh wash laeoud i bu, in a i s imh>d ,At he imeida m di îag laki phol ic ad pl Clcks backrmd re trams wedeokendhruh h entijitasand dl95959en>5 9 (hdiolh b nas ed te se.rh pareti 9-ombe.995r pinte Inc oft 9e499s9 Saa dat n't 9>99 peefe..mis haaeig lis .Ieop >99 sa92 ine othse>k o9end94 99,9999on an district adel standard lfisne ti 9.9 ek- 0994. mstbetue