8 The CaT,, S' 18178 Misuse continues ait Hilton Fells T'Mecectvecsg qutestouo public re -Odtvtvousc ulo peopeiesne uttv Bntov Regvun C'tseF'hvo Avthucvlu uare uy uguvo ut te consecvutivonaest- ferratto lucivon avisoct brucrd reetinglatot week Buse vdisuussiutn aivtuont uceitudavdahott an utuitvSUse ut Bvlluu Fuits tutusiertu m Accu, Theypelutuvtecend fsO peoytv uhvueit uy tut au v eneteeigetuclrec oolt tut huit Becs espeueit. Bvlt Warwckvhivctottvof conser uuttu secttees. cepectcd île 'In tsivte' tand damage rus A' udt. suhtut gcuy huthuguartovof itt ut surtie ut th morttue sensitive ttutttttuttegetation. Be tuttuttueu t tthuhrineut ucar skio, visoue ace pickiog ceaves unit cemustng Btafui Bou becs osbiog toc Iwo aditvvosl peuple rabh a backgrooud vo reouc ranagerent lut ntaff Hvllon Fvtts But vummivle tumeres, uwre of HRCA's ttght budget, tucce relutant mretuoicttctocouanduok staf tBcvng fit aceport on muakiin ituFtn oal elf tus- "We'ce in a tcaoutional tvme"nuit committeeonChar ras Teccy Manneil. Tbe public bus fou mucb lime on lu banin Asiacon aslant curtes mie public holding, ils$ lui ndoabuse. The daysoci quvet oaure ntuity by o 1er The neot nlep toc te public tto lace up te, the prospect of ltusiog ta puy toc te usie ut pvublvc lons ie aitieit. -I can tlS you cigt sous. io unit big volumne uanit nnbnty but noboiy rUt boySt" Mc. Wacrick sait Sut Milloncepeell jim wutuon suite nme rus alceuiti tee i Hilton Pslictng consecvation pro- penltes bit pctale necaity ageocienbuasn'l riet Mr. Warickbsid, inespouBlu quesions about oecucily in the a cea. Cross-roads commuflity plans shown Plous tuc cuu'ttoatt "tut sIeur aud i,,euuvu equvytttv'ut. thce tavut-tuattu andittth ytutuutt l ttthe hOtaetu Agrcvvtue.t BMuseutu aut ittto Bietghtt uett (ut tvved to rvtuhbet..utthu !il tu-itstuttta utuvuetu taut vre ut T ucsitv. (t Il th i9t laies yrecrcit Nc- B TBvrpsvt, yccvdu'etttt thte metng -tun at ut' ut Th'otB-gttttg. BuS i Thauhsgtstotu thttuvltt é uvuvceeu Bt ait ytu 'ut uI t notes ut Tast tt eet'P uer- tFuithu'fttu BoutBvT TtcatuctcFr s eot Il as gt t, By \1tt O, Il ttvhvu tut thuuv t u ictttvt andua Tttevtloututhe' toit LplFu Bl ta, vtS croant uituvttvt Btn Bhe LcyFvvuvttistion 'a rvucd Bhat the ctter-ttg pces Bc e ved e, suggvttted u ut asdtuietttB tsitud the museuet tutt vtthuugh dothueus put- ',tt't t tour utf tue stte,.i toou sliue yceseotattion uutttued the deVycvpeut tuvttut tpvac' there A toyp thetuh the mavin buuiling uutt>ttuttt ion t i lcettau Sides given on Japan ilthehtguvT sutdcnttauuta tut lct Tiyye F-l tttf Berls Ttiivttt 'uvh kttuhvt, B1.ittutFtt,tBarhu tait'1 b ,rro T ttttyttt att-t Bt ttB'vtuot BF utcttttuiut tht' syvaket- Mr ,tut NI", ,ttttt NtitttugutT t taî tTtv'1, 'lh'ý Bud is big success Baturdut la Bte tvý Ic vuni to ,he cno o a pple vs the Mitun apyl tvn B T anuat appiF day sale ateu a',>vted fh More tBvF tuBI tuuan t il tt e' lac ltutdt Scotsl %tth btoshets tttted attd euttvtTtt fil otit shivty FFd vptes mavde gutvyu tin Mvlttt te rvtvnds ttt Mtnt anttheBu The cubi t su Frurdvn ourtvtudu IItoctasionuuvttthtta Belevr ot appiF o atura vtvtv F The efforts ut the tut t pvtd Ttht ottutBet yv offl, uvteFdtug ut, BuFFle a ,o uuhcdulted h. Luttuvo. yccutdvvt (it the tv' Mivltoon District Boyuuttts J vsl ttvev $1,0(X) 'tut uti tYttu hvadhF levted bt theFohtvhhthttend t otutscv'atstoftutt of Bhe dus . uand It Lal.vtttt r esi uvtd BF euttstdeFed thve d.ot t., the TBF ttttuF bF vtutuF5t gtu' Thetrttttt FpeotlttvFetauuaI vlttt .thtytth ut g FvcFusv tin thFtt dotionttt antv-,dent TBv Bie suvut atttittg Bat finet ttvt tt'tetin plac lu t va ble to ttuutottu thte but tt, vuttte i satn tttutttt of tuun a t uteut tl vhoul yearF desyitteutuFFasvtttust.u cm utttehBtd the Apylcu tut the bitg FvFtB veud. A'T :OuW A 'OcL. -a .otcrgetuvt Bhe ayytt tr yaaieut rtheScout tdutvve helit vuc. Otv21 peF driveuc uts vu the T our heait. theucuttof Bedet uis di Be vetut Bauk ofut the ycutuue tfeariute ine thetdt ucuvne fotheositv Ininatutee.0vui supas nteu msun gatuttue poere TBecc uce eshthtts on tbe teeyhoe ttvuetuovmeol tbe ugctcul- vydu bath vo t97,7 aod toto. idetu ce situvu ut Jupuu ,th bothLis and itrtahtng ,theee wer r0 uvuuuvctc" v Buo vok chin v uyuu duuctg the ume t-t teutiuu ln apuocue du tteshvy dois itlhougber tue tvFou'd Christian Jopun utecuetld utB 10 ttTtuu ypeoyle TheCear tut ar ueand biycles, Bat t'ainsvae airy con Bu ie- Jee eFusetom arec futvoeetccB r tutie ade uhuottetha vtocare vueutoe e hen 'hut ae te hiveCes a uuututtugaeduottBeering vuututt vcutp a rutu owuei othe tîttu Tables are o and tuauthuneTonuthe fr oa (uuhtu TBe ulter peuple ,lJayut ace Beul ovuc. bolth pyuutaTt anud syttttally. tutu vatit \iuy bouvts are tycu. t plauBOlg tittuidouf t'hr-ttau misions oot useai ktdu ofl peuyle Yvu du vot hlaue tvtl be taieu, vheu vos thuviteu Lois unitAtm oand tutu' ther a urull tvkcu of uy'ututtuu 'lis. C. Pvukct uTt haubcd the gtveus Bite vettaFht-u Bt the> hoit boait Jauyoese BeTy oucking 1fo thctt tut 1lhueact orvoe aotd thatttu eut' ulroys rtithTtuv ad hotest PvlCt andttluhuurruitteeoce aTu, thuvbed, Mc O t vF'tttatus aud uttis Aton \tuftButl tecueit u defvuvvuu lunch aotu a svolhl Bo uc ,,ut eu vy cd 9NR veterlnactOn yrcetltu te, tbe staff rerobeco Mury Robertson. City Rente uoit Jus Citambero rito cottiuctell lte toucs unit rade yossibte lte eveoise reeBtin ul the sie Peoiteot Aveu Oilos remeotsti membeco of tbe Lîbcocy whbnDotnaldWeb- ster of lte Royal Ontario Museum wiB ycouvitea preentolun on bore fuc- oisinsn lern tbe 101h 10, it celucy. Photos orcoile yvceunoîtucnitue moYbe bcuugbt tb the reing toc liting oc ietifivcution. 'lTe meetings are open to i r as canitinonneion esti a comptatt abot a rosi te aatbncvity built inuiti.Tt c.oplaint by a neibc a beouglit to te contmittee'n attention by Mc. WBatson. lThe coud vs needeit tn aBlor entcance toc tice tigitting andt tFee planititg anit manage- ment pcactices niaft sait. Altlsotgil a 25 touct oviitl clteei 0MY Pact Of Itat ns uoeit foc te coud. The cemaoitdec s planted in a tveceitntannec tuopomote vtiljife, unit is5 connistent rttninistleBPcOee Thelcraclt asnbeenifenced anit a loobeit gale put uP, ravnngte questioofpublie ausesu. Mc. Warcwickt suggesteit a suile "utaff nenit irectin about rival lu ito Peoplesec tractsnthey'oetutd foc anit led tbey have a cigt lui une ibenv" bie nuit Horesee lte matler rut droppeit ritout a iteoision TEE I0E BOX 10W OPEN SPECIAL: DONLEUSI WELL TRIMMED SIRLOIN ROAST 2.20 1b. SPECIAL: SCHNEIDER DACON .99 I LE. - 12 LE. CASE CASE LOTS O? q!AL1TT 7 10211 MEAT AID riss PRODUCTI ITOUI DOUE!: TU!!., ElD., BAT. 148 TERU., TE!. 5-8 159 MILL ST. 7-3454 W7thout knoingmrit ayou could be a min-off., &Do you ahwaya taie a bath, inittead o! a tihower wbîch uses hesit poswer? Do you fll a<Sette full to maie a single eup? Tum on the wauhing machine for juat a fet iinga? ONE MDONALDS BtIB MAC evthTVo hn ooèslacig rnrrICOUPON FOR EVERY $5X me4+ i n r PURCHASE0F PLANTS 6 A E ROEEMABIE A TMil TON OR GEORGETOeeWeN NEEO ASSISTANCE TO LANOSCAPE YOUR HOME? OUR HONEST ADVICE AND EXPERIENCE IS EBLE £-nF Sulod.y .--FREE COFFEE rhi. .u b,-om.- osoaigh - et s nas..Ile And do yu often forg-t lui tur of th porcb lIght ee ane ospe ar pool 55555 , ad i,10lck, Sntone lithways, w thlai. lanh thougb everynes home in bed7 fort %mu.S h o e ,55 do yourow pla.obou ComoeO ine. of od.svockvng 550555 Onr ONILOCK .nobile.frot v- andit..on, h o 5t st istructiont ,. on kethof your o o l5tts, .i mnOt ART BOW M o tAN No YURSERYA -4 *ç Any of these tboughtless hlîte habits can make ys3u I Yn o O ItAI or aua tumnoi. Because peaste of electrîoity ie anytbing SEE US- FOR ALL VOUR PLAN'r t that eveoybody really. needa. can tum people off. ING NEEDS AND RECElE VA FREEF ee COUPON FOR A MCDONALdS "eWouldnït you rather tum, off a hgbht bulb tban tum 40G MACI off a frtend? Tbink about bots you use electricity. PLL3.G E OWN. ouARl 01 ode ai we16emaa a dwÉI tItwm rbf- r l'h.unos.age . amhmvaovou hi, -, sson nboaïf OditmFb nim.5Q t Pictures, costume shown from trip to Japan ..». The Jobs Miton Citaptec diteng Ste ointer mouds Mltec buning mate Ivwo ninits 1. Oi itocsmei Mani ionely articles e i tere te oinsi ber an. To day, Sept. 20 ut Ihe bum,;et, oMites toc p ouistin b c..MGe ma laeue ia M s . M . R s b c y th e i b t i n . b e a u t i i t p u r p e k im o n o a sd Rrgesl, Mcns. O. aunSi oas An isteresing brockure d itbed becostume kn o agr nI lte meeting asd sent out by lte Nationul itetait. cosdtcet lte businso Ciatope on 'Os» Ceantry's ier talt na illoateatet hy peciot. Reperts of suciori FIag" rus shoro hy te many slites ot Japun ont commillees oece pceoesteit Regerd. The bruchure gave covereit aspects et Japaoeae The tremblais wre pleoset iMformation on te hiatoct Mf lite, neenery, gacies to relcntc hach o former the Slagt ohal ose Slag malins shcines, temples, thillers, membec, Bics. tOcico ar S ac 10~usan ota ouse our fag macketu ast musy eters. oued. o valuable souceo eti- AtteconclionMofMbt Bics G. F. Ttomson nul- formation toc scbools. Mes. MeGee tiaptavet anmte voS lte pcogccsb mute vo Thte speaker ot te eoenmg beasîiu iapusese artistes plasniog foc te bcidtge ast oas Mes. Gertcuite icOe et ofkwic eeofst peefal islerest euce gares to, Be platSd Narvaul tto spoie, on Japun, b ait. NOMINATIONS THE TOWN 0F MILTON 1918 MUNICIPAUITY AND SCHDDL BOARD ELECTIONS Notvicte ht giuen thitu Cunditdates eay ite Nontuet ton lte fsfiortng vfis by filivg r ith tce Reluonvos Ollvten ul lte Town ef Milton Municipaf Dfiues, 251 Moin Stoeet East, Miton, Ontauo, itonng bts ornmal ooie bouts, a NominatioC Payn vn tite yoesotnbet taoir: MONDAS, OCTOBER lOtit, 1978 thîugh tv FRtOAY, OCT013ER 20th, 1978 eltee te HOURB of 8:30 a.r t0 4:30 p. MONOAT, OCTOHER 23oit, 1978 Belrue lte HOURS of 8:30 vo 5:00 Nomitvattons ray Be iteit for the fltorteg ofites: THIETOWNOF MILTON Mayon Tu be eletoucu ai large ani sesve as a mombs on both the ReuuvnaandiTown Cvuuts. 2 Counicitos Tu serue on Boh lthe Regiocat unit Toro Counutto. Ove BuuB Cvuuutttvs t obe eluct roor lte uombiooit Wuoits 1 tTtaflagar), and 3tiNasoouorehdt. unit i uch Couvutlorto Be eiCuteit isor Wuîit 2 tMitBon). 8 Coanoiloro Tvseruvei he TownOCoBvBlOlB 2 such CucilliooOlo ho elct loe Wait 1 (Trafulgur), 4 sucit Cousotittons tu it ecteeifvontWuoit2t(Mitltn, anit2suctCouiltlot 'TH-E BOARD 0F EDUCATION FOR THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F HALTON 2 Menthecs t 'uuh Memesitet obe etesct by Publtu SuBvot Supporters Itr the vsbtoeit Wooits 1 tTrafalgart anit 3 Ilulusaun- voctad andit isuh Membovlto l h eleuct four Wast 2 i Menthes Tu be ofoucitd by Rorman Cuihottu Soivuodie Suhoot Svp- yvrtets Isor lthe Cosbtveit Muttvctputliois of Hutive His and Milton, NOTE: Au the Tovwn of Mitonv is utotbite vtith the Toro of Hallon Htfls tv vuctoe Memberta tvhu Boatrd of itualtio for lthe Rogtooul Muotctpaily of ltîve tv îoyocsei Roesatt Coîhottu Scysoule 5v'itof Suporteros ithe vesyctive MsvttyipltOes Nvomivnatiovs lot Canitcos lirthe savit Merbes rttt be vetei it l te Reîurtvg Offiuco of lthe Corporoof nilthe Tows ni Miton ut the Mitov Munitctyal Offiuos, 251 Mois Stoeet Et, Miluon, Ootasio, hetrece the Bvvvts of S 30 arm avnd 4:30 B.m Moviatosibouait Fritoy. Dulohet lit, 19781va Duiohot 20, 1978usnd on Moodos, Ocoobes 23, 1978 front THE ROMAN CATH0LIC SCHOOL BOARD FOR THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F HALTON 1 Menthes lobe efelet ni laoge lroe the Coesbtneit Waoits i (Toalfa guot, 2 tMtltont, and 3 tNdoodgdOiOBdt Att of the attve ofilces are lys a Tro Yens Teves Candtdates arc ocquttei ta lroe ohe Offiue of the Rcovng Oltuet Tory of Mitoln, Munituipal Offvues, 251 MatvnBStret, Eaut, Mtlton, Ostario, tecen tBo Bouts of 8:30 arm and 4-30 y. r Moviata1 Ftvddy. Octoeo 16th, 19781va Outobeo 2BiB, 1978, andi 8:30 a.mr lu 5:00 y.nt ov MosituB. Ouoobeo 23od, 1978 ontu. Nottce tu aiseB gtuen tBat lte MvuTicipal EfeutionO Aut, 1977 ytoutites lBdl a Nomitnation Payet: eigibte ta be entered suvb;ect ta the tuecessaFv affidit, in th 9ln i ofetetOu enîtitieit ivoute tn au oelton tv ouvit office; itht Bhulttete ndru, andtaititess oftheOçandidtuetin svsa mes aosrtff tdeetvif Btes anttiho offiue lot witcb Buts nomnttueit asnd tut Attait utale tBe Camne aund udnso of ecvi efeclti signteg tBe nominaution yayeo avd, woievo ohe offic fon ritu lthe canitae vs Cuoit os yuhttc shinoa oelvo oa sopalae scitoot efeclor, as lthe lad is, unit TaBcunottcelBat the ComitOioC pupet obutt sînie for riui offiue aCin ritu wrti ot arCs, eouoyl toso tOCiCOn ai longe, lte cunitue To poopoosg t0 ho uurtuatet ACnd ivvtitO tuile Cotice taI ritee the uanidate is nunning in a aat ut doon iominavtilou pupet esust be otgseit by people on lte Pofling Lit of ETeuos tn ohal speuttuc wro or urs. Andt luvohertîakll notice lte onus vs os lthe persan nomnted Ion etocîton ou un office o fiTe a itonu Iite nominaion papen. C. TH0MPSON, Reunng Oier Er Reising 0fficier Tomnto Miltsn Dutei bis 1 lob day ni Ocînitet, 1978. The sentes ni Canitues Nonntieeitnli ho postein ste lobby ni ste Tomn nf Milles Municipuf Offices as obev use receiset. Scout apple day 1 A ROUND IN BLA U 7-Y A,11 ;Sf?()WSE I, , A TURAZ