6 The Canadoan Champion Wad Oct 18 1978 Ail about opte Miltona postmuoter Ed Greenan rectntiy took cave 0f Mitton for a six month aosignment-io Weiiand. Hit ausîgeament as part of a troining pregroat avuilohie to poulmosters. Hin positioo is betng temporuriiy filieti by ISasor McKinnon. 0f Fergos. Mc. Greenuo is expecteti back in Mitton 10 tht nOm yeor. Champioo staffere suid gootibyt to Newo Ediior Bob BargE tant week ou he lefE tht paper afler il yearn, togo work for tht new Kitchener paper. Ntwsday.iEveryofle tookBobufldhismift Sheila Ct Harrop 0f Milton for dinuer. Etriier, tht staff bati presenteti him mita abook. Reb reporta thingu are hectie, but exciting an Kîtchener aod getting out the firot editioo took a Sterculean tffort on the part 0f tht staff. ŽOewstiay s appeuriog weekty on Suodays and asîli eveotuaiiy go Aaity. Former Champion aporis editor Duva.Plbah is o reporter on Noms- day's staff he's beeo woriaîng in Micttund, eaetern lietacia anti tot ment omet he ieft The i 'hampian a couple 0f years ugo. Tht Burtts contioue ta lice in Mittan and Robin 401 îog it back aod forth every day. His officiai hIle is wire editor, but bts aiso been introduceti iv Kitchtoer as seoior reporter. and as assistant lv tht menaging etiutor. l'lerîîegh the ca-oporatian 0f Bec Gibson and huis Langritige, Mutons Weicame Wagon bot îî".',es. Tht Champion wiii ho weicoming 00W 'imers ta tht eoatmunity begioninif this week. Il 'iceme la Milton ta receni arrivais froat Tor 'aIr ted Mci D. Mirailti and Mr. aad Mrs. I tteaseigras'r: aisotothe Homard Ciorh famiiy îlîy cance freat Missisauga; tht i. Diebsans Irîlite Weiiand; and the L. T. Auldors famiiy ait ilît ceai Ocam Etimontot. Froat Geeiph. nom arrivais are the Keitb bieptetan tenaiiy: from Stroad the Frank Mac- Eues, tram Messisauga the A. Butitteke; froat IScamptan tht Stan MateDootîtis and the J. Dat- tire: freat Teronta the Jins Nelsoas; from tîîîîetesview the L. Sheppards: froat Niagara liv Ihe W. Bidentils. anti ail tht way froat Nova 'ai lia. tht Gardon Terrys 'ihes atay stan be caiiing him "Wrang-Way 't vaeg" het nine-year-oiti Glenn Vouag of Milten .îvtlc'drt Lasi Saterday he and other students f ram Gcergetawt District Christian Scbooi were participating ina cross cauntry race for George tel. c area sebtoit. anti be wan entereti 10 a two- hîti event. Rut he was teodint the peck anti by accident. tatk a wrong tom anti starteti o p the three km mute. Stan reaiizing bis error, fitet- lîuîîleti Glenn backtracketi anti rejoineti bis cahorta et the twa-km trait Accartiiog ta witnesnet, he manafeti to pans atvst ef theat anti entieti up second n the race. 11v'îa 'v Ihat lac tieterminatian?. Oc Hadity passeti this on, its froat an Engiinh paper anti he thought reutiers might enjoy it: if an S anti an I aoti an O anti a U with an X at Ihe enti speils Sue; Anti an E asti a Y anti an E spetis t, pray what vIl speiler ta do? 'l'hec if tisa anS anti an I anti a G anti an HED apelis vide; There'v nothing ieft fora opelier to do, but ta go anti cammit: Siaaeevesighetit Fire department has busy Sept. tee liteluettet~et~hy liii Sultan Fiee Depaciattel lic Sepîtiohot tepori 10 il,'.1 hiiet atet e tht arbun I. daneage ai if liet' t i'hicea atîteded ta tacS tnt l'au viliel ai tht meelh lot liii' teyaelaieîildaianat' 1iavî'ialiaaaighl 1er tt'Pitt viii i F tîttientiohethO ptyîttltdtttiottttttor I v ilvea dtparlattnt îiîiiîliît St Puain titittd AnypttstewStstete ilecaS inupiti CIeb iteceti whehaSthttlttddvtt ail. lita hall sept who le. lla'tîîttt Sept tl'tS. dit ilntanîîî Fiee Metehels Ottice vttilavttd a 'ogîntul lire- lighl tes eahatl et tee central laI A Persan othor eha îtdtîiît Pilitet Mîiteo htt' polling piano hos h. lialîlteC eeecîved certîticatea otwhertpttaîsItn Tht dtpaetmeot asaisitti pont of toctiaiCg eh Se Millet Respîtal clati îo eaedeclingafieedeillStpt on hi A pttstC atho ina anA an Sept. aa lirttightee v toredicate f lied wî Leeleen tale Ibret et' pollieg placo; latte te tht etoît on dit nIA persan absoCi i i" apte est et lite tO' adecatienal menti. îîtgaithoeî .51 tht lait taie dit tire meniciptlîey et bei îîghlece pet an a fiet peenen dl A pamot atho tnp lien dîspiay huodi tltttitC peritti inn Tht deporimont carrird oui heieg atgagod foc thete tegolar inapentians, ~ ~ or motor hec visita to contetticlina cites, ont amahe dotector inuptatiot, ton ra-inupectinas mav. on fotios obtaini and tee plan appronat. tant. Miltoe, appointa A total of 125 mat bouta same maniciptliey. aertepaCttnttainiOf. - SucS pemanu muat ho dering tht porioti folfc EEIG OLiSLITY p.m. te pafling day Mo tut qeality aI an cgt la iota di-lettitata hy lin aise. Mi eggo atld as Orade A tattot meel tht muent manstiordo of geulîte, nihediat they att siotil. mndiosa. orge clt entra latte Reporter Rod Lamb joins staff ted Lcmh itian tht stafi et Tht Cuocdtan Champion Ibis uteh an a eeparter'pbeto' geaphot Rtsecattdsllytct neteeco Oeh Batit. asha hue gtnttetethcictttpopat 10 Kîtaheote Pttmttty ieith Tht Guectaqet Repeelte. e ueehty etelpapat localcd tait ai ciegitet iii 15e Theesatd lalanda. Lcmb Soi lice ytcti ai tepatitoat ce i Rt eptet Iheot enA hall yecre asîlh Tht Roportot Peine te ibat Se boA hoen c et tbe edîtatîci italie alThtGectdîataodKvttiag Puletal ehîab att daîly neasepopets le CSctlatttlatn, pc t lit lice aise tîth Tht Dennîttit Fhtteialt. a arehit te lîcidîmanA NeelalE anti Tht WellcnA Petelof Teibaso. a daity e tht Rogien .1 N cga et cctah. Ct. oua Sent iii Statittat. 'taiE. asd ernoîved Su lunlet ana scoute iecitiaeielatte la Drillia holeet cilendîng Acadia Leîeeesîty o Wolleîllt. tAS eheethe geadacted eeilh c nachelte et Sets Degene n te cames Item a tee opapet lcmîly Ris icihet la l.urnhîîcltemtt palîllehte ond geetral aianugttalTht0eillicDoilh Puakel anA Timet uod bis aely benîhte tumît. 00. s a etpeeitettihTbtvutvtevet Lacho test leste ai tet'epapcc tee astiS TSt tcatbtidgt Daîle Repatîce ce a relate n tht cdvrriîsîng depatlottot te tac theen tee menthe n 1071 Seteet letacleettag ta shellatA l.îeling a vctioty ai epetie und inteeteis LatiS hue leceelled toittiletil theeegbael canada ced Eaeapt bis ast leîp aheecd Sti îîg ut iaautd a Cii y eue aid chuelci huai la St Settudînte. a geaep et elcede n Se West ladies Ask ban on nudies OAKVILLE Otheille enue il aili seeh tht auppol ai ail eîhei' mania, hiiel n Oniaile e petltneing Ihe peaeiieeol gnearnnieei tnt legisiolino hanning loplene and ltemleeenailieeti.51t1p neanddanaet'n Tht achat as cEnt Mitndav eighl n 'ce net la a lellci'friiiti SI Onoeeic'ieavehackîegaeanvllla ban nadile and pai'negraphv n litai' eheive an puSSe eoevîandeandîeallelhei'tltdia Aniniilacpeliven ellîr ptavievîalgevei'nmttlaai tiade Sa tht Aie allen ai ctee.nîpalîlîie et Onlaile Iaclltdl'Aîlhnai'eeClll L CLEAN SWEEP PROFESSIONAL CLEANIN ai *fireplacea * f rankilo heafers Cal 877-0561 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON APPOINIMENT 0F VDTING PROXY o non e eden hope ng s o apelleg sahdeînoe te 'tîfîtate te ho îecleded et tht lite e the maeîvîpalîty and e net iohe 5 e a hespîtal et othor lentîtailot, whnro a tee pteeîdod ne nec h peomnon fer the puepose ef pellîeg hache et made te aetoed apte sach pettees for tht put ton ballet, ted ,trtîfîod by a logallv qualified modical peactîtienne, 1ev a th tht Cltrb, te he physîcalîs lecapablo ef atinedîno a tam hîs rogalar rosîdonco hi' toaste et atetndîtg an tînt aed tapotes by toaste el nach abseeca feern tht jeablo 10 toto aI tht adeance poil acte polling day; et acta ta ha absent Item hîs pollieg sabdieisite darîeg tht laditg tht adeunca polI atd pollieg day hy toaste et his hiro or camard je tho basieOss of teanspoteatite hy railwty, tohiclo, ible at tht Offico ot tho Rotueeîeg Offîcor, 251 Maie Stroot ey porson et etto je 515 staad atho s oetîtlod et etto je tht e appointati ted cortifîod hy tht Clotb of tht Manicîptiies .ming nomination day lFtiday. Octobte 23td, 1978 et 500 andoy. Notembot 13. 1878.1 C. Thompsoe. Rotateing Off cor, Tome ot Milton, /~~ s fisclo ercial- residential St. project is rejected 10 taon ouste endolloto. "Wtt dont need more tom- TaNks underway today Comm ta settie lumber dispute Bronte Taiho oct uadtcascy toduy et tht Dabtîlle Heisduy latta hnaith plut tanelîtn. secs ci lohrîngahuultpnosibbtsobe' Aiscats mege anA enmpaoy pold prencriptite lot ten' Tbevatenaaaneaimte lias tan auttene bahut diapole honefit plosa playeno echea Milita Ceeacd quiche hototea 70 lumber yard Wttherswaihedalldelt Worhee'shaveolstcbargtli teitatedu denelopatapti assebtO anA manogomene aI lohsMoadoy.Oct.aeoptaOtse dit campany s ahuol 10 panai lot co n seatey con Milton anti Oohs'dbt Main cotrent muge rueta anti bath ahortehonge employeta midi mercial-tesîdtattcl compte Lumbet alcompany hotofias. a prapoutti nom ontreimo enîhtmostnideefOronbtS Tht preneat constate achedula.,,, beeemeenietngaadMotyttî Menibete aI dit Cor- agrermene inaluden osaI' Thentrîhtîsthtltrutol lis lia mentîne uni Tstidoy. penitra Union. Local 2670 cottrago hy die atmpany. histi for ait compaay. tbich Otinots S Pocin nad t Milluorboti anA aompaty but tht union membeta O~e hegon OtOt 20 yeure OtO la Cestît praposed c con manogtmoatmdlmtetttduy hnrgoia'ng o atidata Oubtît mecciol Orne off eut store anA allîces o lt.t3t squut fort on thegeaund natr. asti Third striker charged _______ CoundilBriefs t layentalA Botiiogion ollîcet attempted la osaisi a Mdtonemployen isuccuatd aI mon tOS actesitti anA cehicltiatotbtlunaheryard ibtoatagarathut a CNR WiII '--' ehuegeti Manduy motoîne prepetly. naid poliet atuecta. bain puilîng loto tht lumhor rouI lalboaiingascidfiehotttetc Tht ineideni mathtd lite yard, coda ibird employet Habita Regianol Police ol- Ibîtd charge siace tht sitihe mua churgeti tub assouli by Dutinif iii meebîag MenA lîcer anA tht etrehîag em hugattasttceohsagtmheaît tht ctmpany management tigbt.Miiteniiaaneilu ployer ai Main Leathor s omployeti aI tht Milita bolboasine o scelto hotactea Milita lembet eempcny anA lia iho rmplayte atd tht tom AOrocd lu ettd pub. sîstet plant s Ouhaîblo panys dîtîriel manager. Bob asarbidîttelatdetifnctt.l me mus mas amang s tecibtd aIl theit jota. Wîen Pîtesbbc ta a pichelers gathered nueside The mat liai iihatgtd milS Worhersboeehttsolldirir eoleec collection anA dîspat îheontttneotIMtint~eachre ahsteeetîos cod s due ru înhotînerOel oîapretcsîet assrnîutîene'aebsbep anA cppcttolly ahoned a apptaeteatutllhismtthioeatrrattagrsttdetmptny llovetîeuleocdîngîtn palier ullîcer aside. ca the nopatate incîdeata. anodior heetelite be laie ehencîna ho neme lathct Gecene Rd te Oheela' italat Way dppteerilaetdeetdettt italeîelpetiedtîielhtlaee antd Fine gae Italien le ;umphrllaîlle Ilpetalat teenttWaliînehtb Ialdîîeenaii c tue anabît la aube tee neetv.yeiiegev'i.îd matIS Ageted la chat hîgh ehati eledtele le ecîl aSace aie clînande aeeaad aclîce "ta le ta île ieiidî g ELECTRICAL * INOUSTRIAL CD NI if ACT INO POLE LINE CONSTRUCTION M Lia MAINTENANCE AERIAL * LfGHTING 8782048 503A MAIN ST E MILTON, ONT. tnT 332 701 Main St. E.3 Milton (right across from Copeland Lumber) Are You Down a Quart! $ .99 REOULAR $1485 Includos: 4 qi. QUAKER STATE (10W30) FRAM Filter, Chamois, Lube HOURS Mou. tlutkPa MILTON 878-8819 ~z~w modatiagasetatai aparemoat otils "Wtbantaooactssstmogt troatenont plane capacity," taon piacînor Bah Zsadaayi laid tht appilcant. Ho on- piaited ail tee capatity la tithot totaaiittod 10 dtteiop- mots alroady appooted hy lbtctaacilotsatadîattht indaticîti parb ai tht sorth 'e rentai Appeeced beldiag tht itît veantil'sitaagattlmttitng an Metday De t In memory tittiiîhtiîe el Stillan Ceoncil ehseeeodaioiaOtt'asiltatt doeîeg Iho Taosdty. Oct. 10 ttettîingînmtmorytlLattlî Dathi, a toast building a eptalet tht dîod no Oct. a alite iheto vears ot streaico aîlh ho loto fie tact taloodatembor el Ihe alati und aboya îiaet'îtd eai hîs dalles 0011.' eaîdneeelîngabairmeaCoat itîlat Rîth Day Mayor Ott Geeden anA sococol etalitea allttdtd tht letorti aI vîveeT Ceteh te Wrdoee da o "te wtoid ho irreoponaihit matelot." torahisetoocil toapprave la." bit. Poehe talA commet ho added Coonciliar atian Pen- hadowned Ose tond, knout on mon. Ho tait ihe taon mute ahe Hilion ptapetty, fat about halanet lis induotriai gtawth Sm ytotm ond om'lgktOlty and dit job potantlat agabsat ptonned la fat nichai dit rauldoatial gtawah, ot dtnetopmemat. Bat ha ah. Miltan moold hocomt "a htd- metotime stettot oUata ratio anme". tommetelot prolecto boet Othtraweremoteiedouaho tpenedondbodhln'tfetiit prajaca coaid moto taoitg wouldtoifitwommttlttiy ucroago but catIti ho att' cantosettiot nom. lia ooid bo ticeal la tht indootriOl poth. utdti'atotd Site bout bod o Clerh Campholl Thompoat ahortage ut routai accaut' aaid dit preleet moold eqoul modation, hue Zuodonyl nid 100 acres eî îndatti'iOt md. db mas Ittorteet, os akate "Renidential dotelopiotat ara over 308 attifa comitg isaotînlhthesliatateataot soanandtigkttawttaetnut dit loto," cddtd Councillor hua etout tat00 attifa vocoat. Rosa Potodîoh. "Cotte bock iii fiee yeoto" Mayar Det Gotdon aaid dit mua Coondiliot Shah Oay'm towtdttsn'tttanhantmuch auggoualoa. sorpias taler îtrouah Zaadonyi 5014 Ose tauto projeces ptmmt hy'tow data aiiow Porbape et uli-otaidontial rotidentiat uuea ta go mare projeat teeld ho alrlght, atiti dion amo statepo obove Coatîcillet Gerdot tttuata groanditettatatta ~LAURADIXON~'~Ij iveatidie atetaetmttolsttthaa teretoata IL île vattetet thatîto adulte et hat topelar v~* u~ aaîîîitnîatna LATEWAYS aaatîllaeelailaetltaoloatlOtmot bttileeîtetbnaalhoi 335 9247 MOVE UP in business and government Ah a Matagement Accountant yoa cat wo k at the centre of dc on whe e the malor dac sons a e matie To.b eeg that day close yoe can beg n vota RIA stade atatcd ately But you il have 10 dcl qu ckiv becauso eg St ai on closes Nocembe i lis a tact that teso oh rds of ail p ofes onal accoeatants are n the dyeam c f titi of Matagamont A oeet rtg work ng as cot olie s gene ai matagers management conseitants anti peb c se v cep ofess onais lis a tact that oniy the RIA p ~g dat 5 des gned spec f caiiy b tht h oad oppo tantes of the Mdnageateet Account eg p oIes OS lis a tact that oniy the RfA p og arn s ava table th oegh seve ai ateans nciud ag co espontience and avec eeg lecte e The Socîety of Management Accountants of Ontarmo Acf nom Courses atari mmmedîately Information mn avouable Iocally by telephonmng RAtematabi 451-hZOtlAaysl 335 BifB7lecgsl Tocteto eflîct Strie Hall te tan Berb, 3h3-t191 Hamîltot tilînt Att Thîheae, 525-4100 idayel Setter at iii, attend tht apecial Information and Regiatration Eeening. - Holiday Inn, iRtoat aspostedi Geelph tee & Q.E W - Beaiingtoe WodeosdayOctobor25 - StoOpu. Et Holiday Inn, iRtoat as postodi l'i Hîgheccy 427 te guenhamthorpt I-t WodntsdayOctohte25- Stotpm