OUR READR (oOE: pe v Fire guts house three homeless ly Olgaonorrosirh Pour montins 040 Rd and Doinhie (lIen mosed irnes tHiir apanîmet onec a Main St. business in Milton la a hoose in Ourlînglon Ai last tHir ihreo-yere-nld son Shawm laitdayard oin wich t Mondop, liney mmre hock in Milton ironicoliy seorching for accum mudalmon Tinro come t0 Thn Champion office ta ask eeos'hlp in inding tHici o place ta lice. Peîdoy olierniln usnuho Frîday the lutin lac gurd lin o miiiiy dmcliig ni lion oaiher's Uin, malin ai Matinway, ninero me rol the hock pari, ioovng tcm inuinniess Pnîday sFilit linc siayrd mîinh fieînds bnut uhr apani- mnent in oulu crumded ion thimta slay any longer Thr holnnlion Army pnonîdrd thm miln linx OrsiO niginlu accommodation in a Oholing Oui hy iloday iinoyer 04010 aulinoni a place t10ta and doapanniolo maonîorig ainrhenr ihey'd havoelîl lino la thinoî cul. Tiney mono put i cntc mîinh therdrparnlaOfl siocial and namly services a lino negîoncnoesuperoinon Jn Kîinmwond orranged anothen ima niginlu ai lino mîol.Acd liney inter ouond anahen inose tu rernt otinig nsi Haunion. th linos alre iotili in cof aniinimsuin. Ose ni moe peahirois in fiîdîsg a pilaco la sa ui Novemnmr s mhal loy are shorloflinds Theîî findu. nlinonghinvuiîsg themn o nlny. daîlt ralo hou-o thr space lue a lomilu ai threo tnr Giens sus. and moeis amilies areoin Windsor nd Dtrioit otin Mn, lion, 29 and Mos (les. 22, monO ai PCI Parhîsgîinhnîkllr. ho as o machinerapenao and shca a pacher Tin igini innae thî lie, linr o uaed lino nîgi sifî. Son Ohaw mstaiud ui n hahysîioner iledîinilo ,om lion linhe io niginin 1he0 looplinlil 211 pat i tuneh iiiohel pioc up hhamîîfo la leu roi heiaononotuninig hiîiniiît Hut Shium h.od blîîn th. ni oron olockuiandlidi i m-raiof ail houis r mokng the at :0IIin Aboiua o'claoin. Me (le mas lalkîîîg on lino phono i ther hock ni the hfaunle miner tinry linr ohen icnn otice sonîe comîog linugin lin iîcien crîlîng. Ho monnd lie lai ch nsi th atly concioded moere mon a . remained ni thie honne, minore a tire onmeahee in thie inoono, Mes. (len mon goardisg tino le hut ihooghtit mon in thie lornituce. p fuenace tnre, nne the Is thie meantime, tan a lorsoce inod ineon roPaired poonernhy gave thie esolt usly reoeotiy. Then inn moutHi-t-motH ronoscitatios 1h 4poitedithe point iiterngo on and sonod ins Ille. Tinep paid do the dine sopanolisg lin o au iiert's illiand one incariso nesîdeocen and reoioed the for theoot niihe Gieniid h lire monlas in tfront oponi. a place t0 lice. mn.AtHougn lino Glenn 41 TheollesindncOrdnoises managed t0 reseoe mont of Il orsi dine buot poid so allen- linir frsireand nlnlaig, il tionsioceitheinouse as frie s m damogednpnsmnke and a ma sudpi.i Consnoniy aer. Tiney don't Hhink linnugin. mrp didot ineor osy thll inn able t0 mean tHirs noises mant soooded lune lire cinote gan, but mhain tino Winrn they rast notidiins e s oni n ir e oies ni iineywene surprisedltose, not preseet, Mes. len sas a uniy the front ni thic inoe en FriensnMiltoenhaverstored P Biaone, but people motoining lino lorniire in a hors. dl thIinren, opporrstlp usomore Thne Glens more nltered thieT îinrre vls anonre ninrhc option ni gong In a groopa pari ai the nose. homo in Homillin But 1h01 Mes. Glies reolin pinonino aiinld haove Fino spli'g tnn lire deponimeol ai 2.10 op, ailin Mn. (lie mnig p.m., hut lîremen inod inooned inna iontel iorn nlreody hoos calird and mile Mrs Glies asd Shn T nrid ,horly. more aocomniodoied in a Mou. Gien, mina inad ineen hosillforaumes, Ticymoani o lino tirs(vi lainoe np. hoa the t0 siay logoiher il ni ail c ma inr ront pari ni the possible. S liaor lina gonr ast ho liehad Anyonc ainu con bi the i deappcd hp the Girns ernier (lns milin accommodation, la inrna a haie hennin But prefrnlp y in huoe, is Mn. Gien, usomare of mhin, anined lu contact Tino t iîoid in lin eigihons dine. Chnampion. Auwalilfheat knaked iiitl Thenlîiris usdlle invstniga-I inn geond and prevroled tion hy Ooliisguon Pire ini loua g0154 Ono uruiner. Doparnlaro Mes. len Hînarner. hy ineahisg the links on electie Inhaelr duar, ho nnieaned the neigin mhich hdbhroale n inhe laie's dog min aind hem fronst aponimnof aie liohase neipprd s inoth inorîg ma hnave hoenrsesponsiinio aparhueni Tin om ina ourled] iny Tino (liens, mina hitnodc Terry oglgas. lormcrly ni inuacconountrated us Milton. He occupird lino Iront saving ns mnp ni linrir pari ni lino home buti mas possessions an thep cutid amnynaitmnrimhenitheilire Thoh haderecooii purhsOd inoeouti. a nom hedroni suite and a ________ Me. Gies reinenersonusy 0n feoling inysernirni and pait, On ios stuleon oaîne ofisltripslato O paulineo sn thhouso. hlfundithe ent. uuang9 iao unosnino Cawlîog aiasg shape -osa tho fline, hr asoiabla sondt, oorh îîghîamaringlthedoor andhrc erodab s long theeatlutl. e Justtl n m m.onie osgifed nnnoou linoe dinomnay andine mas nr sne. h iîiaded. Lasiiin e stocke,hoi hept craaiing oeil ho k Inoaprdinisinendnna hîlci n ( o upinnard This latid hia k uhlerc lie mas and lie luusd paniPaunOO Firnin av fni, xyen Sou and Save et tihe sceneand he was tken t hi ambnince lu Hurlîsgtoc's Tell and Know J arp Heani Hospital, ainer ho wou irenled ior sauhe i n Rolrased, biino may ai 72hk Io ,, on le grîîrg hcin tu finls homne.~ 0o 4~iI d Lncily, n doduer noliced is le predîcamoni and hindi0 Dial8782341 1-draur hua hock la ma lot l"personat' orMe EHtor: n yone edîtorînt n if nc. captind peoilgShots", yoo accuse me ofmaing rsnnal aicksnn on epeentnnayor ndribienIael im ahidiinnedit oie ho the ry type of personai naninc non snpposedlY hon. * hav0e nonce altacked Mn. Gordon in the amryon onggmlt. An a persn, hie iaa te citinen, and 10 my hnomedge a fine roy man and repectedinciher ofhils uech. Peuple sch as Me. Gordon anc an set t0 ooy coommnîy aod 1 stale 1h01 îcereiy and unenluinoahiy.I is his îilty asmayor ofMiltonam a ngo Id fon iht 1trmaite no apolagY. i hope dneiog the campaigo fial pour poeting and editoniaincomment ill moine ai disiniono. Ifl he hoid perlormed wcii ere woulidhe no eeita challengerhim. 01at m hy Ed Broadhcol and noe Clarh le ttanhîng leadersip ai thie leoleral nieil Me. Smith and Mn. Cassîdy ai the rvnillesel. Are tiney ail wrang and old the Edîlor ni tino Champion chantine ,emnAs lortuas 1icn juiitifPy byexmpl et my riicisms arehonest.mwhinh I cai ,ihen 1h01 is wao leadeship is ail] aout.i 1 quote tromn yoon odîlonnai *aithoUgh sho as penmied tareeoasone piiiciesin ood timo."May 1 reer yeu tamy mninita liepress, f which vol have ia cpy.I iynu addîolerprcled myFrmianoeeniv hre ne some very clean polinies indiiuaînd i, Slow down reidentiai goolh inîthe use ni oea recîdeelial gniiih ihere houldhbra oataorium planeon il fat esnione yonnitaiaaneanainnstlhe nsimiiled moin nue nommaniy and rentola futher steain on ae senvines. 2. Ourwhoe emphasis mius iroisthein- untrini developmieol la the nonlin oi 401, hie mayl naicd ta putl indusien ta the eani )utside judge 'o the Edilae: Wr rend milh inicrotlihat COief hinrel FId the Police Commissin hâane necrîned onfirmati0n frontHi HaonourJudgoA H ipragne, 1hni1 ho miii deai îinh the niiogo- ions and charges tahnelaid agaiooi the Ian plcofiirin the ha-oui Box malter. Woaooild iiota pointloi tnntherpuhlie, hoe lalloming: i 3 ndge AB. Sprague as aine ilmea inhce ni tho Pnlicen Commissoan in Hal- 2n tlheoonihat a ciil tonis nroughinagaioolreiihrnliltheoaiicers bylino parties ncoiaed. iha aciloa Onutl lic bronghl oui ai the Jurisictnian ai the Couny Caurt oi the Jndinol Distiîct ai Hailon. Jndg A. H. Speagor i tnhe Senior ,ldgr ai attacks ot Dorset Park. This o 3. looldmwork topr Town Hall and the Pin presenlin the hintoriea d..onii sahaiiianWU pooiiint fo pirit oi i 4. Horni ronds progro tuecs, hon heen in e Thereonon to hane heeo tocing prngrnm. This shali soc thnt tl dnteo 5. 1 wili prnvideinead anmce ai the regin aga1 ment sn 1h01 MOto antononnind itndee teinted. Me. Edine, yon hnne penple ni Miltn t prl binoedand[air fashion. inte onomn eleit more and 1 t f or o Opening 'It uot ot happen. eevthie exstiof The Canadian Champion, Wed . Oct. 18, 1978 5 Second time in race for Johnson t Oficeinonder ta A 3i.îrnr.id inaccialoana 1 charactof iOur ls ,thn th,- liim uliloeniainlhoeînoil ùLinpanna-lulli 1 irecomunicill lino t ionn Barid of l-liii, mdespîte cupoodi- lion irai fan Inn perm. Neo Johnon of HnilacclO a onining reue- Rd West inluriord Tino hosnni hopprned. i Champion Turnday inr lu erhpnatog sreking lino position ai esiana tog Truntee in Wnrds lise and int one-tier govers Tinr, n can remais ils Hernnid Evesofathelfil socratic rights pro- îmapcears coocînced me ihnl Mion's rural vaeds norda an ohigigon tu the truster linos non aggresîo.ve sentiasinoans un- eprisntlheOiesof aIllaa 1 charge pou do ihis parnsn and has thlinohlli ti on. i especi nohing îdenlîly arasno i cal0 tHiisg lin. wse Yorsitruly. iiscr 1972 rdnoOln has Anse. J. MacArthur incrconed grrailylitshare i Box 71. Milton. aur peaprl nu dollar and yri tino Hallun Hourd of lt" Educulias sprsn alciost $1 os million Oc an administratinî bilidngrexpansion uhicîfil noaîimpruoe the duýoilit aur niildreon aao iebi Johnson s lu sien of t Ballun Cncîl ni in, anid iniool Assocîitiun and pani ipesidrsi iii th-oonO hl, MeliiiHomeiand iiiM H needed lino Counip Court ai the Judciol Distictd of Hniio.andhis Conurtuld lieadjudicatling upen an issuea ofinicin inn han toit hsomlrgr and acms. 3.In ail pnohObiliiiy iinesenîfiioos havne pncnîousio, anîd miii uino hefuur, ppeso heiar he CuntyCourt Hednhonciminal malices in Halion. Undr the ccomitns, and su liait moere is no question 1ii h1me malien mou deuil milin iairly, 1 ialo suggest t0 Chie1 Siner, lino Polioe Commission, and Ili,h Honne Jndge AHB Speague, 1h01t inn cnharges ai hand hoe heard hp n Judge lenm aulsîde the junîndîictio a iof thegional Muoîcîpaiiy ai Hailan. S iMlo n. Grahanm, Honlînglan. Milton Musc IS EXPANDING AGAIN 'FORTHETALENTS BORN WITHIN US" TO BRING YOU HAMMOND ORGAN COME IN AND SEE THE LATEST DESIGNS i i FOR 1979. I WEALSO FEA TURE PR/VA TELESSONS Guitar, Bas., Piano, Drums, 223MO5 nString Banjo and Organ spiohis Taesday 10-6 A Wednasday, Thursday, Friday 10-9 * Saturday 10fi Phone 878-1620 Closed Mondays NEIL J un ilion îlot O ni- rnenîd ad fiher oi lue tli lo li,, ug1hln,nniinoo aitiinga A nirnnîoi iithenîokille Schinan onanat Maniclaîn ,Oî1oinCa Iluie is n coachn f. Senior Pubien Scinoi HecIls tl ilansinî pearo girls' Fchaident af Word One. sofîlîhli loa aod ca-ordiso- Tis the second iimc hie tor11 inoh Haniy Min Soit- hois raon ion the position. He halAsscion. nlost vnArmstrong in the A gat othe Usir c 1976 eloniios. Holiday5s by Wardair Lowos ai" at non-stop via WardairOC-'l $2I9$1I99 ovrshdl d uarae taL. els *.ký L 11-1v Lo .* a lns .......i. i. i i. i. ...i~. i. i.i.i -. 0.i ~i~0 .ii ..0 ---------------- -. OHNSON Wants f0 Save You Monsyl Clip the coupon at the bottom of this page or bring in this ad and w. wiIl give you $2.50 off the price of a service cail on your television. FuIIy Quallflod Professional -Sterso' s -Converters -ohrhome units Ail our o rkni is goosanleic Soins of convmnmmes and Ion: quoliiy used T.V.s 30 dnys on iuboumr 90 doys on porno Clip This Coupon Todayl You don't have to miss those new fali programs, hockey games or football games. Make sure your T.V. iis in good working order. 1 This coupon entities you to: I$2n' OFF ' 1th.IIprdceofsel 465 Main St. E. Hours: Milton 800530o 878-77 76 3:00.5:00 --------------- -«11>.