Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Oct 1978, p. 4

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4 The Canaien Champion, Wed. Oct. 18,1978 Estabished 1881 ~Jiant1abiau xmpo Published hy Dilis Psitig and Puhlithing Company Limited Jimis ulfi h ot y OtDocc. Edltor; PauliBelagrJ. Adveasing mtaae 191 Main St. East, Milton, Ontario L9T 1 N7 Phone 878-2341 Testing the water The need for an induor swimming The advantages of an induor pool pool fnr Milton han been dincusned hardly need tuibe enumerated. It ils manty times, but the Parkn and the une cummuoity reource that Recreation departiment lu taking a can bu used by the youngest and the logical stop in surveying to doter- oldent citizens. It is une facility that mine a tangible indication ot iu- caters equally tu boys and girls. terest. Some uf the advantagen have There in nu doubt construction of been feit by the community in the an indoor pool would require turne limited availability ut the pool aI furm ut campoign for donations. the E. C. Drury School. For tome Those whu canvatsed for the years now acceus bas been pru- Launrier Ave. Mrena were apparent- vided, allhuugh porhapstnl au ly otten told indivîduals wtuld sup- much as would bu desired. port a poolI but flot an arena. Hopoe Had the tuwn nut required a ne% fully the survey being udertaken secund troua it lu ctnceivable that by the departmeni will clarify the a pool would have been bult. There extent ut support as welf at uAe for mas, however, ai commitiment that an indoor pool. if fundo remained affer construc- Without a clear indication of top- tion of the Laurier Ave. arena, if port not only ot a financial nature would be the foundation of a pool but alto in interest aud willinguess fond. We understand a pool fond to spoarhead a campaign. il will bu dues havesa start as a result ut that difficîlt for elected officiais f0 plan, if the cummunity chooses tu press forward on the prujeet. muve ahead. Recently, municipalities con- There should bu ut mîsunder- structed pouls iu conjonction with standing, thoogh. Pools are sot high ochools. The Buard ot cheap t0 build, nor f0 maintain. Education, in returu for use of the Locating a pool to the satisfaction pool by studenta. paid the oporating ut everyune will be difficuît, if not costs annoally. The Board os faking impossible, and unlesu there ils a another look ai thal policy. A new deeply committed group ut citizens cout sharing formula will bu spoarheading the prugram if will develuped and il wif I be 1h01 for- bu extremely difficull to achieve. mula that will apply if Milton We hopo wheu yuu are surveyed builds a new pool, in conjuniclion on the need for a pool you will with a school. Milton is the only reflecl yuur honest feelings, su the fown iu Halfon without a public in- survey cas bu a realistic haro- door pool. meter of the public moud. Commenting brie f/y West of where? Our award for the Most Glaring Omistion uf the Week gues to Glenn Plaff otho, lu Sunday's Toronto Sun msxed poutie about the beautiful homes built by Ssndbury Homes in c place called "Timbur Les Ettaft'" Plstt describet if as 'Jutt mesf ut Mississauga' aud "10g minufes' drive mest on Derry Rd. trues the Mississauga Town Con- tre" and suggestu the humus mould bu groat for "poople whu murk lu wusf Motro Toronto." How lu gef there? Drive wesf fbree miles frues Trafalgar Rd. on Derry Rd., says bu. Hey, isn't that in Milton, itu't if our nom Timburlea subdivision bu's talking abouf? Sure is - but numbere dues the article mouflon Milton. We don't tbisk Milton's sucb a bad place, but obvionsly if you're selliug ruai ostafe if's but 1er f0 bu 'musi must ut Missittauga' than in Milton. We fbînk The Sun omet Mîltonians an apology. In the wvings? By-election rosults suIf continue 10 bu iuterprotod but theru are tome bard lestons in the outcumu for the Liburals. Perbas the bardeut may bu that the ma.gic of Pierre Trudeau bas losf ifs spoikle. And mill John Turner romain lu the miugs? Dark curb There's a sharp narroming cf Commercial St. Bus as you drive nortb poot Sydney St., a roader poiuted ouf the othor day. The curbiug, pointed white, mighf catch more attention and keep tomeene frues taking a notedive uver the bank. Currontly the dark culored curb can bu bard f0 tee lu the dark. More vandalism We- sent, to aclenu a lot about utreet vaudalises but if really gripeu us. Prior lu the JuIy t evens un the utreet oto hsd the waute container repainhad sud lettered. If lauted about 24 boucs beture some- une with a uharp point engraved oh- scenifies. We opted fo beave if. Someone else ubliterated if. Recently the container was turned around, exposiug another un- toucbed side. Thai bas alto buen vandalîced. Paint spray cans have bee used fo trausform dlean brick maIls sf0o graffiti displays. Doesuft anysue evor tee if happen? Shortsighted Halfon Recovory Houso, the local hume for recovering maIe alcu- bulles, milI likely have f0i cloue by Chrisfmnas, due f0 provincial spondiug restrainta ISu a uhame the fondu had f0 bu eut off, for in lest than three yoars the Houso bas atsitd 34 mon mho would other- mise have had lu bu hmspitalized, jailed, or left withouf aid. Ita wurk probably taved the oquivalent uf ita annuel $26,100 budget, but ils oss muant the end of anuther god heclth care aguucy. Healthy sign More candidates are emergiug for olecfed positions and the dead- lino is nt Monday for the filiug ut nomination papoers. if appears thore mont bu a shortage osf can- didates for the positions, which indicates a heallhy community. The date for overyone f0 remembur is Monday, Nov. 13 when you have a chance to mark your hallot for counicil and huard ut education repretontation. Suitable honor Driving arud the roads ut the nom Timburlea ares f oast oaf Ou- tario St.* and north of Derry Rd.)I we more pleased fe, tee une ot the streeta ilu Gowlaud Cres. The narie honoru a family that han had con- sidorablo invulvemeut in the com- muuity. By way of inlorest if mas Dr. M. E. Gowland wbu ws preaideut ufthUe private f ires that built the uuw-demuliuhed Brown St. situa. In tboae days the tomu didn't build moucht lu the wsy ut uporta facilities. L3~îou LOVELY WEATHER for a Sunday drive in the countrytide to grasp a final glimpte of the colorful faîl upleudor mother nature bas pointed. The carniage aud poriod dress is a promotion for the 1978 Royal Winter Fair tu bu held at the Canadian National Exhibition Nov. 9 lu 17. Sugar and Spice By Bill SmiIey -Ia The pleasures of being a writer Ose oi tie deepeof satisfacions i ledge tha f Ai are gel cîsg ict feic ttc cegees ccd frustratico cf c Ici ci thee people, utc tavi no ceccuise Ici teir reetens, and csequentlyfitketherr out on the ld man or thecfd ladyý ouA dc ysctu knwis' Well, trcacte people ucite f cc leileit cteerisgfc c5 on t icthet cîlcits, cnd cter people ccoe UP tu ycc. peeleci slecsgero. stahi hccds uaeinlf. and tcf, "ty te Rco fivle icmin Btill, foc ieclly ht thi naît on the head. This cas lu c liiile discsscerig, as Yeu cre cecer quille sure utict ncliui cc ar rcierrîsg is. Il ttc ccsgecicfcicr is a Iv oiri1 îmle erakly ced changi thi subfeci teccusi ocre as gcs Ihougt cf r orctls Acre csuti ci male tuiin cctli ueeh, she'il turn onyo le a sntake e ote rcads ominricut papir cith fîi column exposing femelle chaiistm. Speaisgireceslly iccaclastcofpoteicl uierinatc'cceeiig course.l1leied tepcsscalosgth, perona]saltiacionsone gels lecin thit type ci pectsaf îscrcclîtin I einptasiied ttc 'pesoccal' sais- faction. lucacce tere's a lot mocre ci tAt îsscoed Ihae tere is of the cte tîsd. lîsascial satisfacticon Ccfuses acd lrcilaceeueîtees have no union ucring forlthenvairaf pesio al asociaio. as have dcclst lauyrrs. icacteco. Ttey havesnlyteirsusfctlentanduwi and peesseaecit fichtcpeniliafi the ttîct headt and tichrstîce cf edîlces ccd pchlitheet. Bti il's c greai feeling utes f5A ivent fcAiAicth, tcf, about te iapaciosness of mechanics, and yo are btton-hoiedix tmsithe sesi thee days ty people ut tureco scoiet abut uectacs ycA cas scacceif teliese. Troublei e. tcfy cil cccioutaWrt cstecclucnabutisectatics,and put sonne cccl meat ict il. This iencas, un eiiect, nitit thon ccocid tappily stand ini the ins.ad applaudcheii yîîî ccii sued fci Soncie iaders uccld lite yiA lu b coistatlf cficrhicg chteie il is tcl thry dccit lhie Capilalisl frîrcdt are cgtcoit uhrc ycii refuse co lcunco as ctsali capital gaies fates. Wl rct frieds tictsccarecla rairand afinit cci prcsiding clcc'ifcoisttfiryoiso ttc ica tchinature ansatcer andi1 tintheie isccfhicgcicortciicg thonc wrileccof acf kindwhcitriesicta tice crecer ofteicg a tardhiiA jccrnal- oince in at whle Af gcnlff ficttfîg natureettclscirer Tteccîcg cacicc acd syîicci tthe wicdt. leti uf spleen face c field dafcandr ctru hrwsescd initie grecoecithîticc ayspectof scief are rfvicgfc fieu a cosu job. And tAto one if ttc linst paiaOiapto l'or ve wrifuis, il siord uclaptues are your hcg. Fair gains 1cr tie ted-htler are gaeage mirtîcico, plusters. postal ucihiro. oîipeiucekett, civilsevn, ccd pofîtîcîacs. Most ci thein cas' i t hart. ccd esiiftcdf hast the, escepi garage urchasico aîîd iheir vives, pîcintero ccd teir uivsl. ec. etc. Smuifr ify cri dctici-, laufees, feachirs. cccd car sclesuen They ail sqcucal li dyicg rattîts utis afched, bt iictcdy pafs siich attintion tc thein escepi dcfceo asd dtir cives. etc. etc, Ttere aie a lewes athai eors the tardesitilt cr0 a5 cd. Whec hase ycc. IleIf, ricd c sacage aifact os grecdf lariners, calloccinureoriccisg incihec' And fif. teicare lots cf tem ie of hcte days. peitcpo. one cf the tced-tisg ucîtees oi nuoier ecccghf goto, allier about lice brandies, il laucct anccli-u attackcronsthecodcity fclucuen tîhîcui tef'r as gocd as cuis toy, thai fel ,i lear uht a l fard httîsu is al atccL IT NEVER FA...... tome birds . Uet don t appreciate modemn conven- loses. A M4iltun family bas erechad a nifty two-storey bîrdhouse stop an old tree stump but the birds utill favor the neuf thoy made in the branches ait loft. long enough tchc a voce ofhetpeople, sica pAblio trh-dsg, or coy ci Ihose ch- soos orocures uho try telu otcier peuple huA they shuld leel The only costant i o ty rage l the bila tant manipulationî of selitseekicg polit- cicsAwhoAliliAtistladap nd wigle ad stuirmandhbribe fortelf-peetPelcclîu cn silice. l>iheie. 1 ,getcaOreat daimoreoy traintslchrisg the endicidual lice chas inflassitg the motses. Whee i gel a leller trai an cld lady ini tospîlcl, ripplcd uîlh arthtis, uts tas maeagcd lu gel a cturtle out oif myrelain il mates me fiel gurd. Sos tA thas itcigralcd ta Canada. Ho scys: htaveleredmore aoutCanada acd Ccccdiane trcsg readieg yotr talonna thalthaccaclailwidom, Ircu the Canadian e osumagazie, navals and TV program 1 ave aurOd." No tece ts a mas uit his heaci trrewed os eigt. Il i, as a tlewmet, tried tagetmy impreions of hi countrcy lrsst neseAtogozes and TV peugrame, i'd catch the test boat sr piane home. A, i guetu lIil laul icy lo go on tlilg lu pesple, gelîling suce, taring usime fan, loino 1r syicpalhy en the wtc heimoon lhe texes. Thatos uha fIlle is ail abut, li pîcitiees ced pcliliciansanduitho hoccuet of thati lk 2 Turnin g the Pages of the Past Prom tht filet ut The Canadien Champion One year agio "coin ihe lIac. 1 97su Deselopeis holdingu ilote 10 lllOacres of land is Milton jot crai of the Thicci Line liadt ceaotri sc texecîed tsverai moniho cgs istes a tir manti iai ci hcarîng cllucersirecommesded deleliBe chaI lcsd srai ttc Pactuaf Bell iegolcatos Ttc decelopee's gles tas lsred ut il te shsellised. A report releateci ts ueet ironm provincial Ireeceser Daci MiKeoagt shoots î ilot acces is the poctuaf ted icoues once agais. Ttc Witiaii gala eoeîeg ie Milice sas no bigutenees fronn the adience,ut fur morcle tn o people uho came ouI lu lAc decu.îlu as aeighio eienter, One o the nicsltcsuprisesifor Milton 1h01 csotling wa nassoonemetl 1cm Pied Oasis, confiring aWitaio gcnt to $21,000ta lAc fîplîmît Cltub foe tci nos youth centreltclccalte iBiant Park. Wac sas deulace ine Miltos os Mosday sight-oceihe pigeons utîch mision suhlA fous hall rosI . Iils a terrible mes." sad Cccedloe Gord Kiasla. Os pccpotcd lAc tous gela local rai and 8011 clubta come te lAc 15mB hall and shoot cli tomne shtgAco. t carclhthe ids aucy. Hallos Board of Educatise etpectcd a drap in erolntt lis feai, Acf lAc deceaoclccenedstt ciorcethcnies- pecled. Acreport sas presesfod 10 tiutilent Thuesday sAsleecingerlent as dspped c.u24 siscionie frein lisai yeae, Thee sce ,2488 pupilslu inHalluon poblic sitsslt lest 20 years ago Pcoaathe net. 1t, 195ttieea Skunks hase tee stees arousd tosn lalely. Tins ucce caught in a tcap on Lydia Ace. Fciday and one w00ttO5 un auîindsu uel n OaA St. Stlcday. Ail Acre cp- preheded anîd etrorcci out of loin A girl us Oattulle may hase sel c e uccld rcoredwith a hla huop. ttc made il resoite 1,181 fiimeo-shileshbc ceai c nri Duck and peasan uning seasclsare opon. tahhitcsassn saels Oit. 25ý Samn Nadaliat of Milton leout in ushlA Trafalgar Goif and Country Club chats piointip Sunday, te Bocige Wcclaed of Oct- Miltn Arooa opena lis din se Moaaday, headei hy a em tronc board mhict milI pilut the local ice palace through anuler saccessfal sascri. A comanilles oflloms ctcord en 156, Houard Geiswold a chaurmas of the cea boardi uilh Broie McKeii socieliy-lieaoce and ntemhees (ilys Roberts, Harold Kelson. tact Ctaeltce ced Ctaelîe Johnton. ciaksille's oeA $5,000 toshinchile hegan ssiclat ueeh. Il wili oisif 19 tops sn Oilaolr. Trafalgar ced tesele. cardies a,5cu books and wili secte the poople lite days ccd thee sigt a ueeh. The Chamber ofCommerce einailton is peslcstisg c proposai tl naine tte nos shyucy bridge ttc Ocringlon Ohywaon Ttc Hlamilton C ci C mants i nameci the Jcdgee tcd quite c lime StlAday aI a hba hospisg cosisot en tae laie groueda. flser 60ctldenentered fourclasses. oman Catholîrs en Miltce oserseci tAc drat ci Pope Pics XII uîlh asaeo Rlequiem tîgt Mass Mosday mscsing. Me. ccd Mis. MI J. Carton ceicbraied trîr 601h uiddisgcssîvsaey st as open bocte. 75 years agio F'csa the Oci.t. 501isu Neus was ieceised haine os Wednesday morning ci the deat ci Rohert Bes utîct tcch place cit Hamilton. Deroaoci ca n f Miltonos oldesl cesidonia anid .a inîhs 671h fnac. He had heon ii for tomne lime and hîs deat vst 0f es. pectcd. Miss Mary Feegutonsiofthelhscee, agoci f4. rmplcyed ty Jý R. Lindsay, mat sirco acd hilled us Mcnday oighi ichen maiting on the fiait c mile uet oi Georgeownm. 5ho lin a eu hes the easl'Ooand expess came Ohe tid 10 assîd il ty ciing ap the sleep hasti, but tipped andi foBl hait cedce the uteels. The commencement ci the puhlic sotool, lirld on Tuesday ececîco as the tome hall, dieu surt a large ailendanre that ana peuplelit t Sis sad ccd aihiers coolci .01 chiais admison. Ttc Milton trastut of thc Halls. Wo'me's inolîlole wili hold a mneeing aI the tome sf Mes (Dr.i itabertson n. Wednetday . 1 ci ai pes. A tory in- lereeisg popor ce "tints on Home Lufe", uîll bceeadhby MeS. LAsice. Fisenminutie cddresesuili be giseny oherssetes ululhe intitue on peaciiil sutjoei suotas "The Careof Lamps '3ecorttiig the tHome"and'"Beadinahtg", lullomodby a short discuicon on each notioci. Ail the ladiesof Milton and iciitynare invited to attendi the mneeing, hethec moaaahrs ut ths inlîlalte ce nol. Ijw/ î

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