Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Oct 1978, p. 34

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C2 Thc Canadian Charponu Wod. Oct 18, 1978 Ml/ton Then end Now Flies, B> Met Raitiese At le hrgcceisg et liîs cerdtury MIes were a dotucito part cf oueryday Ille te the uuommer andtfatt meths. Noeeeibetttlent orebada gced wg9pd te sey fer lhent. On the uther ftand, cet tuch mas dune te combhat hotur Thry cuore geeeratty accepte1 as a kced ut ':euosary eutt" ahout uttich cetheg constructicoeltd bde e. teictetorC.J Htastmngs,scIu M.OH. tee he cctc et Toroeto, declared tlut a cm paIgc tnusu be sturted agatcst the peut. cchcch ho cstdeeu une ut the greatout tmenacre publie hOatth. In uhancetse fi hsutcius fui tt h Ue catepalg ceutd hope tfo fittte cet sueefs The edds more ettrl nthe suectuet aed tuethor prcller.tcee et the hardy lttte croaturos. Thre cuothuds more suggosted tee Ild (1 , hcusrhetd areeeetftttos Thettirstcwau (0 pcur about 2e dropseot ceau cd ce o a rc hof shoei ce ither metailaticle Tho tues more te ho attemed tu spread chceugh tli ested relatis. lttas pruhahte e f ethod ýs effctivO e dee'tsg out humas heuegu au OtOeS A craspc et rcrtttatts ina ptet et maer auggestd teetteact and ktfilfîu Asea nov 1ecccascuatyeeoticd a plateuuored îtih a flidtinuturescor homes.tIneehcwas idack, circuler pardmhschttadhbeoctroete 1th soetrhceg te kctt thtrsty tttesu This tcat acectcrket terete usuatty wr cirecicicscucettrectacuedtletu Therthced .cggcuted croattuet tuas the hureccg et puccchreec peudrer. Peuple greduutly hecatue sucre ceeý creced in ecsuceg yraru I t1912thorou'au cac.cthrehk et typhccd touer ut tho tuental hocpicci ac Mttait Hamtuttccatted the fliles, war Hamilton tunse Auytutu te thoe days)l Heatth officiats dectared thit flues more respetsthte fer the eutheeak. There more 14cases, andeone patient and a ductur ce Use staff died. Fimle more ch- sered ttyisg feem unuceee< fstth te tho kitthees and dinteg enema, efthUe ie. stitutien. This, et course, aeeased puhlic opteton ahaut the danger te Ouman heetth. Aceoss te hote country there mas e creasinegrencere. Tthe stogan tue the ceepatge that yeer tuse Seat the Fly"* Attentioe mas teuused ce the eumhor et ttcesmwhich cuutd epeented fromcoming me exstence hy the ssmpte peecesu cf ucattieg cee fty Ilrtn tehUe sessio. A hattee stogan mas devetoed fer t9sa. "Starco the Files" People more urged tu get rsd ut mesure piles and ether ac- cumsutattons et fitth. Or. Homttctf the Deominion Experimontat Fares puîeted eut tht Usles; cente eut et hibernton beteee April 5 nd April 25 Whos thoy omeege they tay their oggs sn sonne accunmutatin et fitth, and yeueg fises eterge ie theee meohs-meeh mure rapidty as the seasen advenues. Aey dtstuehasueofe the durit mtech heuts the oggs cutfatat tetee Ateoadetfmeîssroremuod ce the spring ceutd hbsug ahaut the on eppearanue cf theusands et flies. TOc Cthamepioe eetd and pahtished suds ieste accuse the peopte efthUe tume. Cunts eore made ahaut esenuro pites. and citler retuse. Attention tuas direted te the ned fer a reguter. municipal cottection ct guehage, As oarty as 19t2 Oebuctto tues uccg tts geehage cotlection as a uottcsg poititctyieg tettreet etuindustries and residestethe otu Nancy Gro i Iccc ueecdileOmreit uySadleoeclerguhPPceL'bo 'f Thccllterrible accident trft meousoeseccus. tho heucclu a c'îicedtfor fhree duys. tucbeecflvt e OtyOad ettieguaf g lc 11tout1f ci mu horrytenglu ptuuccg ilfhi O at. Ouf oudelu cl i he car hast been scruftcd. eherere rialtc t -as au îe)tiltt(-f Tduelthink 1thane ou fr taking ceetrcie of e Ihucîcctlo al day and gcutefl me sil tir and tOe use cf balh Ileg 1 fhan ola eucl mîthail myhet. ccd tcfd me fihit alterestapptsg as the interettonltOn tuekîcga et bond turn cur car ws struk onthe drcuru dfolf ccd puuhod 15e foot dccc the stroof This lt me mvtl c i,cluc ruts. hracses and a shattred oeftfetmer winch -euclc'ct tn filfurtueethretnruction lucauertu hudu cftotutils suchffleftfilrelcts fege îîbIîîu'uuthe doitfrs cultde' pIacoe apis ce my Irmur. If the Ic-cdîuntclIrl inefractionfcuwuld haveotue fthrliber t'îcdcoretupefated, t tthe finmolc e sccitand weak tetf1 coulcdu ruupftherseuorftyof mycodtion h feu davs lafor Itv or cdon Turer, eue tutîstr. euas duiîig hîu cîsîtafîces jne OGuelph Oerrai Hospctal and bo uîicppedhcy tu se e, bearcgccith heca gft groater tbus ec encherralied fu cuv a hook hy RicOued Ghhtas, ortcfod ,et i OFer B10feBroke. Thi oohtutoeeeeyepeed mytued Your spirit through lis book md merealizen1 cas oe of 10f' mt furfecufo people us eurfh. If laid ut the people ut .ufia. chu were sturutsg hud aitucef rufhteg te cour. no h,mes ad deathueuthcleu ostat cmpanion. iclding iii' habcru f hast Isclsg parents. reltiveus. and treods chem i nevcrdteamod caed. 1haitthe hOst dtroiluatoeOed. ftood and f0e tuxury of a mccndou hesde my bed. The cccs îimportant thcug 1reattnod efhen l iut Yes'u hu ,.o cîilud me theogreatugcftfett- LfFE, lit 1 fdide'f krce But myttllechuner!d f realicerdfth i,0th slfocgih open uhtchcwehufduour iveou the oveuof m 1 cctieas.d, ,tcsustofuai]tcurluvefrVu icîciin me fouer catel tha en hupiftl t tuade manc ihcthe othu qeiceby pussed. my shsttorcd ftuutr hocamo cihcit' chie %oheoaiediey tg.That 'l'eu ineihurin tfurmoncths t rouremuorrird auhe ther ce ',l tuic hei out hoo t m'as titrdi ect îoy. taughtr lýtoi tlhe peceof mec erelax, ltîtig Ycuuandthe du coultaleareuft Nc, i ttam alete rue.cutbdane.oskatre ad ccmilise îlth'ou i ruvr tubte fhil uimeple fhccgfortu geecfrd f lw cei utîlli flue' cose 1 catue te upetcdtct cu lfît clher on ,ilies.,eiuae'heichar, tc.,c frgi e frtorftkingyech a long tisuIl t Yu ke-- hit v r efout f us fhm laicu dîd faite ctci tcf fOut riý%seluts heni ssen Safuedavcfefoeeef ',Ot atilm Ii tf onice aacchacb Yufetu c tnFEandttul houlthY Icus Theccugh ibis lofferet thuelco f hupef tlot uthers iteccut uc-ttc-ou and erctos thuf Youclicîut grout us each Nancy i hacwitîh c cu thîs offre et thackitogf teoeod. tcr ther .c'cmaucehoedon'tbcct5v chut God'sblii vO faneurYdu c.uiceco s paushr vil us and thers viat Gd ba IîcrcVo u'ietofuourrsxpeoieceandtmailttc. S HA R 1N G P.O o nerf ACTON. Ontuafio L7J 2M2 JCOma o speak 'The hutor meeting et the ret Otatto ubapter ot the ccet f Management ccuctacte t Ontario vuttt rIlt Thursday, Oct. 26 eit heHoliday tee. Oahutlto Lioel J Eonted,.Eecu ce Vicc-Presitent and 'reasuer ct Ucited Co-Oper- ttueu et Ontario, udtl ho uest speaker aftr the 6 Pým errer and ucclt upeait ce accoetsut pruojet muanage- ient )n fliles tnts Uepper reprintda itm - ftted The Oue Od Das' tefeted te Use fles smaemseg aenand food items in grueery stores and hatcher shepe. Young hays enteetaseed themetes as lhey mailed fer serce-amepsng off handtuif s et flues. Filltthesofhbacon huef, expesedl te the fises, ce hooka. Dried apptes daeglod un strings, gaUserinli dean. Thinga heU heen meeso. hut they eeutd ha a geeat deat hetter. Ooupito thss hind et puhticity the flues ccttnued tcswm arund each fail Peopte ceutd set ha peesuaded te eer cf semers and a dsspse ptant. Outheeses weetehaefuindh ehind many homes ustit action mas fisatty tahes je the eaety filties. Marly familtios in tnvm had a tomai fruit trees. A lttr et decaying fruit undor maso ut îtetrees mas antteUer attraction for the busy lttt flics. What oeatty cured them as e pest mus theoincreasng ueof ethe muter car. As herues. huggies, and magons greduatie disappeared ftemthe stres themanure pites areund to diseppeaeed tu Many stahtes hecame metl hopt garages, hut soneuere attemed te fade snte shahhy etd elge Regutetiens as te the pasteurieatioî et msth ted te the diseppeerasce et semieand pitos et these mteseon tus teme prepertios. The stegan et tis3 mas right. Ycu hece se eut oft the flues et the source. The etsmcetoueofhoruses dtmows fremtem seuperties heu ecemptishod tuhat eue asuetr mut haveeeen-deeduo1 cmpueuihtttty tue ststt have fitles, hut en reesueahte cumers. Between the Wi/Iow TaIk about being 'taken' must have hall a large sign, which read "SUCKER", hasging areatd mY neck when 1 strolted crie use o car ltl on St. Clair Are., Toronto, sonne menthtailfler returnielite civilise lite in 1946. L~oga eh ot ithafastatkfg satsman, 1droeeoff iaenesmeus, shiny. black, seeopassenger Chysie. At that tires. me were renting my heothee's home in North Toronto. Adyor se aller my proud purchase, vie mere estertaiffdli Rhese'sister andher hushand. The big,hblack jobmas parhed othe street, in front ofthebuse. splendid cehsrte. -Say, Don, mhat's thut leahing out ot thte heck et yeur ear?" he asked. L.Iet's find out," t repieet Andwe sue did gasolinemas poutng out of tthegas tank et at incredihte rate. 'Lot's leek ut the engine while mo're out tseee," Les Suggested. Weutd yeu turtieco the eegtehead hadhbeen welded on' "Oit boy! Have t euer been taeeet1 moaoed Les lookedtonsympatheticlly, but id nothig. Atter mark the tcttemmng eueig. t deese the brute heck te the used cre lut. rm eether msa Indien People in the know ... Know AROUND NHE HOUE Jeul ci se r o toi ou od e lie cf cmaclufim accecuf e e c s of cln t e w ar I nt het ,dl c -oe o I 1 of a o O eoeu euoe usbesso I c Chpouk eue ce ,gh cui oul mecl., thl ed I.. fsl tY.n fi n eg ,c .,,d .ol h cc WOILL 5OETWOATOs AFEeCT MY sEPTtO TAcK? Ne ce CftfoCro sectu, I- ee, ap I V oe us tii e soet r 844a.,Chr-1fleo1 l Sus 'Ne. It's yeucarenetait Thaldidil. "O.K.,' 1 said, '111 gise yee a cheices. Yeu laite lte cae "Yeu dee'lmeantlt. " 'lWalch me," 1 ePlied, est1 gel oietc the careand staeted the engins, He rshete my mindete "MuIld lt!f Hetd il! Meyhe mite ce meek Somathies; eout ho sheelod. We did, bet1 Ùll ttg efld. A ettrteo seter, Imeas upatates gellseg deessed toe eut whoc there mas a ksecit et the foet dher. 1topeeed iltehe onfole tedhby ,aroe mana teed jacket. Ho flasitodiis ID eed eaid.' tm Seegeant Ftetcheul theRCMP." As 1tleited aibien, hegewaft46taler.l1mas aboutt have a soeare. Ae it teeeed eut, ho mas ineetigalteg the oPerallees ef lte dealer mho lid stllh itte Me. t gave hite a futt statemeot, and ho stlpped il trioea t file. I hade'thbeenthe oty emhoIldhegt lmiftaiTeLw came demshaedothe shady dealer, and ttalt asthteendaof that. Hem coeeehaeeleteeeythieg the haed ayl Wf UNITED AIRLINES PRESENTS THROUGH ARMSTRONG TOURS !#l&-Las Vegas loin in the non-stop fun and excitement of Las Vegas. WWESu E siS E N MID ROIS aONe miss 4 Dey .33 ighttt 5 Dey.4 N555t 8 Deys.7t55555 h-cee ITUA7tuf 8 ricley ta M5oU.e Mseonta Io Frld. Moays.05, PessIda e useet. e - 4it te Ilit e 15t . e 5. a 1 NS $369. $39. $49. e ceeuee s DecuucRIsCu $29. $32." $379."t MGf GRAND Sigle.c1100 t Sing.e siu $14 a0 aSglse .$50t MOLA ss3i49 $290 29.0 $3398 LA EA ITN $269."0 $289.0 $329." FADNO ILTONN55SSTYNLAVIAAO E O.WO esturo ar i i. u Sci.c Singlec $0 5.00 $1.91lîrfeotarO <RPcAANRVE BUREA LIMI TED 5 OTEL STO MIN OMI 27416) 8299 8 560 International Credit Union Day October 19, 1978 to lmdn As members, Ive own our Credît Union, and we work together democratically to provide ourhelves with financial services which benefit us ail. We are among over 8 million Credit Union members acrosc Canada, and millions more around the globe. Credit Union Day, October 19, celebrates a great ideal: people helping one another. why notjoifl us ... 1978 MUNICIPAL li AND SCHDOL BOARD ELECTIONS POLLING NOTICE The Rogutar Pottîeg Day for 1978 Municipeaad ShoolflBoard Etectîce sbati ho: MDNDAYI NOVEMBER 13t, 1978 Botwooo f0e Houues of 110 Sao tu.and 8p . A notiue bus boe suaîtod te eueS Dwettîeg Oeiti he 0 Munîutpaith aduccîrs f00 location of f0e Pctlieg Place and f00 Aduasico Pclitg Ptace fof tho olousces ie f0e respect ive Ometief Uetts. ADVANCS POLL For f00 pueposo ut eouofuîeg Votes ut Elctufus hO aspect tu be ucablto vot ucon Ncuesubee 13, 1978. THERE WtLL BE TSNO ADVANCc POLLS -SATURONs'. NOVEMBER 4f0, 1978Et T0c50AY, NOVcMBcR 7tb. 1978 Betwueefbethe useofi9u.t and 8p.m. At each ot tho futluwîotg locafions tfo Eteuteru ufthO respective Wards, WARD f (TRAFALGiAR) Boces Cemeounife Cestre, Britarell Road. Mitone Ontaro WAR 2 (MILTON) -TowneofMtone Munictpal Offices, 251 Mate Streef East, Milton. Ontario WORD 3 (NASSAGAWE5'A) Campbeltiîtie Lices Hialt, Catupheluttte, Ontarto NAMES NOT ON POLLING LIST Aev peesor mite bas quatifiod tu Oece bis rame etaerd onr100 polites t dueieg the peiud ot erumeraties (September 4, 1978 nu Sepfemitee 30, 1978t and lieds tOut bts sarro is eut enteeed theteor ce wbo bac ot tited fhe euessaey foetus fc bacs bts rame estered durîsu lte portod tee corecttions tu sucS itienedies Outobor 2710, 1978) cast atteed et soc office 10 socure a ceetîticato mbicb sutît attosu bis rame te be etoeod uit the pulite stafion. tn additiun te ts, qualfitd eetors metifho entitted 10 bacc tboer rame added fo f00 tsft ut tOc pottisa stetion or petties day. Quatitied ceufeo meens a peesor wbc durteg f00 portud ut Septombor 4f b, 1978 ne Sopteesher 30, 1978 mes a Casedies citizen or ether British subtemi, e resideet ot M itîn oe a sus eestdest umer or tenanf or a spcuse tboeot and bas attaed f0e age of 18yearsby NcosrhO 13t0. 1978 PROXY VOTING Furms are aceitebte el me office tue the eppoietmet et a cottes peonot. A certiti- cale te, cote by pîooy muust Os cerltiid by THE CLERK. Titis ueo onty 0e dore beimees Octobot24tb, 1878 and h p.m. Mosday, Nouember 13t0, 1978. C. Tbompson, Ctert t Retuening Officie, Tomnt Mitos. r583 MAIN ST. E. 878-7978 ?ROTECT TOUR R 5YEAR-50,OOO MILE SGUAIRANTEE tialton Communfity Credit Union 44 Mets Street, Mtlton 17 Wilson Drisse, Mitton 80 Mats N. Georgetown 338 Kerr Street, Oebcctte 878-4168 878-883 877-8926 844-080

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