Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Sep 1978, p. 6

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S The Cacedtan Cisampton Wed Sept 13 1978 (Ail abOU/PeopIe I Lt. Bryca Gacîcueki, A-Adjutaet mith the Higitlend Fusiliers 0f Canada is ose 0f 150 memiters, officers, NCOs and mes înclodieg fermer members 0f the Regîmeef îovîted te Scel- land te celebrate lite 3seth year cf existence 0f Use Royal Higitland Fusiliers Prîncees Marga rets Own Gisegece apsd Ayrshire RegI To commemorate tite memory 0f Uic founder, lite Earl of MarI, lite presenlation and Iroopies 0f lite colers miii be presided over by Her Royal Migitness Princese Margaret. Major ceremonies mil ~iteld ai Edjeburgit casile ah next mark. PIe. Gary Geuleasisi, aicti serving wiiit lita militia regiment, wifl aiso attend litese fune tiens. Titeir proud fatiter Oas describes t as a once.in.a-lifrlimr event. Fred Bell 0f R.R. I Biarlinglon got qoite a sur prise witen ite ment le lite Millon Steam.Era titis year and diecovered oce 0f lite Iractors on diapiay aI lite reunien formeriy belonged 10 itim Tite 1941 Minnrapeiis Moline RTi mac boogiti neta in 1941 by Fred and bis latter Carsere Bell and titey worked il entil 1953 miten il mas seld Ica Hamilton ares draier. il toms ouf ilarr~ Hem- mas cf Biebroek bougitt il four years lige and restered il for lite steam sitows i itadot seen il siece t503 bull recogniard il, as soon as i saw il going by n lite parade. said Fred. Hem9 He spotted a rear clep miticit be bad weided osto lite tractor, titose long yearc ago, witicit proved beyend a doubt il mas lite came oid tractor. Haiton Huis bas a new face n lite mayoraity race titis lime around Prie Peserres. a iifeiong Nervai resident bas annoonerd he miii rom afainat incombent Mayar Tom Hili in lise Nov. 13 e ection race. To date titey are lite oniy two candidates And in Burlinglon. voters miii be eiecting a new mayor for 1979-80 miten eiaclîon lime roiis around. Mayor Mary Munre announcrd ast wceic site is retirînli from poiitics. 10 devoir more Did you kooce HalIons Citief Administrative Offîcer Emnie Reid is a former Nemfoondiander? He ciaims ite is. and sent lite above pitoto le Milles Mayor Don Gardon 10 prove il. Ernie itad lite pitoto faken mitit a Milton îNfid ) sige on a recent vicît 10 bic bemrland. Rotary excitange clodents from Miiton are in piaco now for lite seat fem montits. Kise Kisman 5>0 tise Pitilîppines and mrites 10 lite sponsoring Milîco Rotary Club litaI peopie are friendiy and site s enroiled n scbooi ibere. ho-Anse McNeihl teiegramc simpiy litai site itas arrived safeiy and s b ber sponsor ng cinis and hoît famihy in Mes co Naturalists fav4 better NEC pol j~~toiterfamiiy~ndbopefuihyporsoeacareeC ho Fodroattci ci tiotacto bocetti cool taodooc n law. Se far, titere are mn candidates for tise job ~cttoasItitî bai toOtc oui c ootl Mait pmpta pot c s tstoottotcoogocpoitotanttt Eoooptorcttaodciet poî,toottctt ci hi- Nta13000 tlcooattttoldndstestt h -osoIcootS sogutigtioitistoooceieaistcg Toronto ares MP and Halton candidate fille bot otit iaocoeîcoco o ha tact attd t tititht teilseis appeared redfaced on imo occasions oodttood plaootce dccc iuring a receet intervirm by Giebai ~~~~5,1510fl5 îcctpttcb ho tegai chics taicci bacc set lot tic Ntagaoa Accccdtcg c nos ecler Desiserats, c:cooptcoct tTcmtotcctcO ttstt Pottroctrostal Tise interviewer recalird ena instance mitere s s batat cocpccdtag to ha tic Fitit tise pcel~ lehineis itad split bis trousers aI work mils lite TCCc Pat-itmtsats ecopo- ptcpcicicoostctc a amily business. He itad sohicited some calo. tisa ocosect'attoc gccup otîlcocetis unS ceai isaietance te bave Item seme, but net before ite siotes Tisa Escarpmrnt Wc Oece tmpressed acent titretigit mils an ansocciolment as rartier accrot Se prniected ne mac- capte misceis lise cor aged as o mccc otisisoa atore spetted oct cicacîs ci crranged. Wbat lite person on lite eliser sîde et ho icocp tiait b dcactog paokagc ci petccct tise desis didn't knom o-as, 011e mas mititeut bis ottood imottdcctac. ha Ccto tttccct tc accompiceis troileers, Il is a goed tbing il macet a unciteen ttîtsctco chocid cisc toto ibato use ci istoine engagement. ,,oottttot ho tciagctty ci icemdttoc Tise second lime Jehinek biusbed, mas wben lite ctgotttccct taticoal acras acd suc taod acee f5ooi interviewer asked if bis sister Maria bad realiv ito poctositîto ci iccece quai trittiset lattes biaisa iteceme se angry mils itim durîng tduttas ce cîth escenci figure skating performances tbatsbeitîtbim Tee Cicceprent o o acros. tacS caquisti Jelineis said lite stery m-as true. Maria bad pccttoctat crctctece. nove iceactes, Tirs aico itecome upeet mils lite may 011e bandied ber n ttc tcatao feaci. parscdaot ci dîcaoteeceeattooat partoflitesitomandclotltedbftltatsie-banderon the socs mamisec Frdecc cteot c o postitie îîttct sad cii tise coopta ci actisce mecats asstg tbebaekoftiteneckmbentiteltgittsmereeift tisa. bita s îegtîcîccîr ha ettottre îands Witen lite higitîs came back te ailom applause otakotttti c pidictcg Ccc Tise 5'tiN iseset s for lite couple, a laugistng cromed feund Otto fiai otoc ocoîlcecci piscocce toc on bis beitind. tise Csaccpmcct citai c Maria muet bave carried quîtes cleat sitidro ceapoadtie to cii ID titi) AY4ILT O DON'T BE SHV COMEJOIN US! , ELEcTRIcAL * iNOOSTRIAL PROTI CONTRACTINO MAINTENANCE POLis LINS AERIAL - cONSTRUcTiON LtOHTiNO 5 YE1 878 21348 c KA+ILOODNNO ieiu Mais 59 P MîLTON ONT 1.09 3J2 FURNITURE SHOWROOM cicced c pen- ta isebi tisose ens. tsi toc mtnccy isp tise se i se te n tatacais ,csdisy ccci cisccad tac scal ns anS lcîted to drceicp Oas. Nil ced t panticu- OUR READIRS WR UT.: ~tl Tactios disgust reader Dear Sje~ asdlisîsmashaceVcfl iseagistaiscaccin lice Il c onitis abcofute disgacl lisat I mdci n ding ta nake il legal. tise dftencttca cf Ihe Geccis-isors Canadien, Mc.Tscpeias says Ihat Utc Liserai Angle- John Tsapctas, ceho ceas ccmmalcd for Use Satains rcicccd te suppoct him. Yet, ce- Liserai candidate in lise iscarisors Centre anrding te tise USerai dccntcfne, mclii lederat eîdicg callcralfsm c lise came cf the gcccc ccd fi appeare tisai misen ise defecicli fisc ecerpene s Canadien atter fiseen pears cf isaed-pickcd candidale Spinacte Waitces, he resideece if lisep apply for oilfamcshi p. opsellheuhercfhtcrarChymitomere dien HomecerticsameIi-knisetn feel sisal Tru delermtsedtolrrmtnateistscOtscicalioe deaudecsectpreCiiCemhaliscPreceises Witenleeadlftatlfcîs peer sean mac cees Personallp. t meuid mcch preiee GrecS flocnntotitlacoaanddricenoctloiisePriltte isere Mc. Teepelesie Mc. isleccg, 1cr tUt Miecclers sommer iseme ce Harringlon enicoedonefheecslmng.ermiccliCs tpce LakclsuddenfypeeceicedTradeattasa desîheptat) Fceiiserseereimitiddhetc Fcenoh-Canadcan Godlaiisce îî nom seeme ctinedtotrcetislr Tsepeiesaiefmnee. tisa lin spile ai tise peopte mise sominaied ittcc wi di deference le tise mach icetel Britisis seeseef iair-plap, t waafdliheie asi isim, Me. Tsepef ce isas censcnled 10 rcsigtt lise îeîîomcng qoestioes~ as nomince and a Teadece iseccisman isas taken isîs ptace, amen isy fisc came ot Do lise Liherat M.P.s cufiporI fhls hics ni hehaciOrt Mearice Steong miso c a mtdli-mîlfioncire. -Wisp isasni Pierre Trudece heen cd meeisised isy lise paely tee calice tiSe lis, Godieliser' on se meny occasiens' Cong rat s Wisy de fiscs aU rim scaeed? tac tises ail laciscys' tirer Jîm Titasis yoa. Sincereit Joctanoletociieeloyoamsperscnct BetlyAifansfer coogratotations on lise amarde mon isy Tise i3l5Tisorshift Dr Champion ai tise Canadien Cammceily Ociscîti Nemepapers Assoccalion cettienlion ce Vancoocce i am certain tisai yoa andyeae dcii are paticcotaris pteascd aI tisis cecognttîon ci soce efioris SHERII Siocercty Wjiitam A. Marchait .M B A t)teectce eociness Decelopmeot Ocgîonaihlatlen THE ER ides anittaci ci poltaiet pro pcsesice nalorci erras, sag- gesttcg tises cee iisels 10 Se toiclis naifeatice As meil, ercommende cnîy infantars acqaisîtton ni lise Bruce Treit codpettctesdestgnedtodis perce, calisce lisancencen- îcatrscenicdaictng toc discassion ni ced- cosercompeesaltos ced cdrînislrcltcn of tise pfcn, tir consercciloninis qaretien tise efiraliienesi ci tise senefepseenlceetecf pecceos peeeenlty tierS isp lise cose- mtsston --me SECs assar- acces tisai 05-00 pec cent ci decalopseent cppiiacltont are asestuaifs appeeicd rases ittir doaist tisai lisis processîs a matisod ci iostering dece- icpmrnt, ccl preseciction -- Wltttr tise isrtel 51dm c pre terrîtar ina a relorn le local content tc tmpieseenf lise pico, ci atm orges tîgisI raclait attd fise piaatng ci a Irgal dat y 10 tisaI tisr piant pelicies ccc idiomeS uIU&Y1 ,555~0Iff~W~\ q c'.- 10,000 SQ. FI. THISAREA S LARGESTSI-IOWROOM 12 MO. FREE INTERESI No Money Down - Na Payment titi Navember Lai yoor feetîngecoont, tif inand reture tiseitacride opinîco pou te Tise Cisamptot tcday Lot yocr cocce ise iseard I~AIKII~ £ Eec cd ng Efeci c> Bronts i Hr. Cleanersa7u 1163 OcyliS 700 Tisas diF 900 la 600 Wh le 08k Fiscs Branle & Anse REGISTRATION For credît and specfal f nterest courses begînnîng Tuesday, October 3rd and Thursday, October 5th, you may register on either Tuesday, September 19, or Thurs- day, September 21, 7:00-8:30 p.m. at the Ernest C. Drury School, Hwy. 25 n Milton. (No matter which night your course s being held, you may register on either Tuesday or Thursday evenîng.) Course details were published as lin insert n the Sheri- dan College Faui '78 Brochure, and lire available aI the Ernest C. Drury School, your local library, or Sheridan College. Sheridan College if Commumty Services COOP OETTINOREADY FOR WINTER VALUES saLtsctaCE// 'es! Powerfuî Two Stage OecdmocktcO cacciit 84~~es - 5 HP Snow Thrower ieectestscomtelis. omet cinats coco Pact cal Casî - ctccleoueseiOOOOKcisaoccemtî ,cscictsOeedtegasetoccctcceî N I onBoxStoves - eleotnicteaki csceedaeesrtsnott, - 2spee5ceoscse Octitoottet - PcctoccactetisdOieitte 55i2f6 * SONIC ANTI-FREEZE ne I ANTI-FREEZE rm ail Seesces * Oooc esc cli scesco peececeaccît. »ITIGEL - I pcctsccceterot maests A 34 gallon Wcat sospocece, isci ot tose emet c055t0555 Gcodtcre Mccc tWC Inco, - eus. pr.s~. 5.5 aeeitaca*oeRST~50~«~ I t~jk~8782391 BRONTE ST.c MILTO~~j) REGIONAL MUNIOPAI.ITY 0F HALTON NOTICE PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE FOR PROPOSED RECONSTRUCTION 0F DERRY ROAO FROM GUELPH LINE TO TREMAINE ROAD A Pidîlc Infarnuthm Contre Wl B. Nid miii. Linry et the Kliride SdioeI Tuesday, September 12. 1978 tram 7-9 p.m. and Thursday, September 14.1978 tram 7-9 p.m. Thc Intoocetne CeoSa s besea sels c pecmt omttb essot tic poblntcoemopdcdplOtticrco dmockmiciieos bsec ooesd tolcacatis otoeoomshc0lectlicol. se ted todcp cOche Ceacte ocre istmcc.ctecsd0 ce on ha tiseisoce d 5.W J. Meete. P.Etsg. Ofescice ci PeSits Waeks JAN COLLEGE COURSES AT NEST C. DRURY SCHOOL

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