Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Sep 1978, p. 5

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aStorm Can't tolerate Dear Airc: We bave aitlibeen tlId erer the years bec lunby me are le lire la a demanratin srniety aed Im an cernederiag il aur elerted members uf regieral goreernmeet fer Hllle frai Ahaf lbey are a part of Ibis dernerrany? Tbc sayiag goe "yea can fret cernie ef the peeple serne ulUlhe lime" but in my epinioe fbry lthe Regirri banc gre fer fer mher lhey berarne dirlelerat Mileen ResidraIs ihefere Ahie ferre ralled reglerai gerrelrnal firrny eepresaed tbeir opinion onre befere Ibel lhry cerîrd rer "parc" mater suppfy lert aire ire Ilueridet. Tbis mas dering e lime aber people anluelly bad e say la muncipal alfa ira. AryoeereediegMTbrsay'e Toronto Star meald bere dianrvred tbat the fate aI Miltoer9 a eer sycemn resa soel y an Itbe miabes aI Burlingfar, Sebrîtte, Antren and Georgeton. Te mraie malfera merce "Ihoe" reaideafe are rat erre gelling a rbaence te reine fbetr opinions on tbe flarride isse. Their elrnted repreren talires denided fer Ibece adie dring ce, atme dcded fer us-tbe people et Miltonr De Ibear peple cn ebet fluenide reaiiy sa and de lbey lerrver oder mby aur dertistu are prnbirg fl ce bard? Fluoride ia by-peedant et aluminuet and oeof thedeadlircl poisonsbeacrlrt mer. Il narmet ha clord and le dealrey il by haryirg tl, ceeld narre deetb te hurnr Pure water is a Tic Edîfer: Did yralcrcl helhe compositin rIeur body le lue-Ihîrde culer' Wr nheuid drink aeleaet tlcitreseotueîerery dy .Pure water la neeserry forneuch et ac te cuir- laie gord beilth. Pr herereuro ee cer amry pieed le tere Ihul Miltliaihu an maelet orne aif pure r cuer cher we mered heretfouryeureuage Wr arerenry upserît lerare Ibul Iha Hulern Regieei Couii a sihred teedd luoide le Our pure drnking caler. Durîeg aur vucation thir aommer ce rualîeed heu prrcirar gurdcuaelrîaudcerrcry hppy taeleune lont e ge a dnkoftpue, good Iaalîrg muter. Wr undertud thet l (latin he legai pewer et the regierai goerenemn le im poe uor idutiar on the cîlîrena et Miller. Thercitiaeereof theTownofitonue tuned Setnridutire dece ererai yern egoanud arc ce une hrîng tld ce muet hune tflredaled culer.l I ii drmcrcy en enlier' Iftueyercarîse iueurdeîthey nou eblnain thrc in alohpeelne ner as a tet ment ai Iheîe denîtitîfce. Wr qaestbon the hrneblts fung People should Deur Air: l ac mrtîe8ghibi etrer.e Sluoridulîrerof trilleraculter euppiy. Il i' laie le tanne as le petuleraur arpenter mater cliboul een giving usruchainr Bynchece Ide'l meregienevte,i1 reanavte mîthir Arte et ofrilton-the people cennered f lhinh tf ce are erre gong le comblere fletridelion Ihul eil farta -gerd and baid rheeid te prerraîrd le tbe public. The Caradurn Champion, Weil ,Sept. 13, 1978 5 àbrews over UUUoIU« o ,: LIUU. Two sonsor f luoride Fluoride supporter speaks The Arthrlscamp orNito ge ,nuderw biýay ja il 1 lik c hesubtace e i i i I f n foihehnirdtri a aie olelnrtbi'iinntrtyttlgttîtti!ttc sread le serrrardieg mater ares.cano Tberr ere peopte chese nyrtemanee teterete ftmride ineey amerri end la Ae peopte Are nbemninet cetremely dageroua. Why Iber sheuid tbcar peopte hie seb' irnîrd te Ibis priser cher Arseeof us who reeiiy vient tl cn gel if in ererai ditterent ferme' fIt ayel teble prver abat the erng tcrmi effenla rf fireride erer onbte buma bedy. Donered pentadgradprent raiycurn esee ur chider uredeas guiee pigea te prrrihly lied rut rn e 1 yeere Ihet mc made e "big mîrlehe"? If Ihere ie raturai flueride rn the mater uireedy end ce edd ibis aluirm by- prdant, Ahe dy ea arable le Ihra rîftIhe rnnre cinmears itmiljuelncontinuertr huid op le rer bodies. If the denal a ssoniatior ires doerery reerchn flreride Aren 1leenid lîbe le arr a eletrmeel îetieg the publineta chef lime ard ai chef plece li research Look plane. One test peint tee the puhble h e amure et le Ibe Nationel Researnh Asociation wchin eref the frdregermel prhîicty cerdecan flerride rn rater sap- pliles' One egaîr. mbal hepprard le u drmoreuy' Resecntulyrrhbmilled, Dnieres Melarere, 627 Churchill Anc., Milton Must fluerîdea. Dîd yen hennw Ihal Srîde eue Oncebrnnasaerife acach poison' Fluorne ie henew le drnireoy hrrrhrîiai bacîcrîaî hehcuî Peoleewhe drnk tluerîdatrd culer leet fre tn carnce acre curdy tcugun' un nse are (nid yeuple hune iruen cunîlîres cher ibey dern tlurdaîrd caler. Pînacîdatîca te a eycy- laalatîineuiet rlaitrminaltrarri iaalh. Ilghrconsompntinn sgur ehm fitlagerratheuthrane niythr habh ai o r elth. Se lre* rai drero cn- eucpntmaofnugar and]cavenn puce caler aire Whi huppersen ber edreeeadcuale cn aur bodies, aur nul] ald aur (aber' Pluoriei (n ay are nicnaay eherrecain whîch are peltng ur enrene l naI trîcbriraaPh.Daprofesseer o utrition ut Milchîgan tuIe Unrsity:. tld a caler cîality nytmpeesatm en Washington, en a974 >Iîmal;ynethb eey longhbeloerther ter glane tecmer un antîque. Ai the prerit ratleaofdenlîre, hy thenruar nain. ne shati nrtîbedrrhîng anyuwater aiaila anueh iiaiyh ('rab. hune Cookh, 7W Frohîsher Stnd, Mriller. have vote Peretaiy, i cril Ihut trîllara aur bac heehfiner yane anduhrfieaccdwhnct tlurîde. Wehaveîthe punecuîatr rnend snachyrnet beepl hulcay' i hepe nîben peuple uhe oppoe fluonîdulîre cîi ae fil la ratre heîr apinton brimre it'ton tac e Yeurelnuily. S. Cherhry Mrs. 155 OntarioSt. MilIce. Conratultionsr an yeer fie article o tridatuan tAug. te, trie,, fI nlerly rultîres the tentera thel mari ie con- sidcrcd. il Thal the pepuletion et the accun bas checged inr serra yeeee-riec rendraIts front erear cilh fluoridalier ciii prehahiy tuner it fer Miller. 2) That flueridet us r aturai suaeein teîiy bigb quantilier in cary tonds and sonn mair maurner, SiThel the lieglears Heeith and nocial Servicer, the Onterio Dental Assctionîr andcmary drelrtsaerfurfelicr, ai Thal eludire oere pA en m yearc hare proen les etety and rîtenere tee-en per cent reducnin le leh denuyt. Cniderirg Ih hee brrrti ere ccii epreeiiîersurprieîegte read leîee wch npeuh et rcrîrg, pelling and cntruaniaîîrg eue pure dlean caler, queeneenirg chether there are aey gerd liIme bad hed tluerîdelîre oer the yren.s eludres shoc Ihel rarîher et tee ceai et Mtrller lderiliere culd nuil banc lherr on leeih'" Thte tant muat a 1cm people curry Mriller crater te oher arear proeeeenlythelrnet in0 per ceaint ofte pepulion helienre Iha evîdence an fletridutîre. ey rit meare, re held eue piehisie Snrce the majority et parente uiready tarer iluenîde trealcenl nhre cbelri,henvote cdll prchahly br in tarer et tiuordetîer. le uryrce ce muet fuiiy he iefermcd oflthe emite of (ne aludîca ai tietrideneon and bher decîde the irare ce irgîcal raiher thur emenineaignounds. Yeueeinily. Peter K. auriar 750iCabot Trail, triller cc:rayor Donald Gordea. Who needs region anyway? Der fuiter to an e tea banc tetnîde chrîner yau lîhe relie ibl D (.r r uIremut il onetc 1 notice that Dr. Grn s1urdertnd il they une drning uith tluenîde uidrcan idiidus].2 nats brvenepartrculterîsyetececdh Mriller but uhut alutnItatllation rente' bavng Itnhe est. ne hy rue't ce decîde I urderslard thal the intala nalest anrelet il arnet ce cruel te pelinle nue arr quille hîgh arduwe cdli be yaycng a lot gaadeyniangcalerc hyecarll heyicaveeus hîghr lucres on tI Tber une ritrerule aire and lt tillan c Mtiller anti bar hemn cayenoftubirg luride siu htif ilrene tan acr10 t are? cuetsteaubrdlheyeuruî ienutmrhîg Wboaaeedc rngieei gornenet ayuuy, eneryrretabe il. a]]thrybhavedoner ee ne te rîre ur Huiler Hilti negîreel canrtier Pal lucres acay entaif nîght. IMilto ilreceideele trene nue quoîrd en acnthen payer an anu atite tbe tran te bcnd eut hem tlurîde cuytegt~unhs crbhae tnutnrhrrrnne il ernveillheycenld toileaulnginookra uitcrdûes etnia taouridr't'beame waat i eirgtoreednus. 1iieed Milton te le about MilIce. Ares Mdilton brrhavet thn %aît sed ta e ad the uuy il ebautd enlfier beaue Antre carte tluanîde'1 c[li be Yrurnrîrnenrely l (ink h e peuple ta Antre ehantld rate an A iJSggîrr abriber onet t he a mitrde and the nunThoar St. triller camne ebautld apiy ta Mitre peuple, rai cal ilA rendrait afitre sn 1913) Supports fluoride move Der tidînr; tCanada and rnd the centd (but tluer Dr Coaar the dernels ana tank the ilatnilcaerbaeaaadnrseraffret oenr intaiete urge Mbilton Cearnîl la irnlîtule ai bratn atr tluerîdaliar is e la hrrrgratland. li' n rac i îl (aberne se lerg ta rentie Wîthrul ies effort. the terne ai water tl but brimer foie thon erer' tluanîdatîn cauid ctli ha-ne brrr un- For vaur bidrers tubie, I urge yen ta resolved. sbow yanr nappent tan caler tluuntdatiar. Nue a a reeubthhnia b y-apaser!d h ruiler Itegîrrai Ceunît. Mituer boces ciii Very îrceerl' hune cuir tluerîdutîca. Milac chitlder Mr C. MrDerutd null hune Ier c untien. urdMtiller yurercrrntsn0eBrh Arr. triller c-ili hune rataller drnan bille ta yay. The cari t c aler tlueriduatrn igril- terri andîthe benebite arr meaurauhe r i tillac c Note: Segîrrt reuncil hue rut beuithier tertb tee a lîftielîc yaened the hy-lac, but rallier a rslto Therargumentfrtlaaernnncduarn r atîrng Inn the preparunern nIa hytuew. brrr daeumetedb tmrandb(mrugie Passg tenrlbhntwruetjutrrestb ra Lîbewire, il hue heer prver te etadîre cn epanate vte be tuber. Communist dictators? Dueseunyarni eellthey are li'ing te a ccc- t i omu ity l esure cemn [bat euy, uith usnein to(nd chai ur ai drink inaur caler Wr haie teaubtile by the Segîceai Ccnrrmn r e tlhry Ceci ne dc Ait ve, ihe peuple are ary gond [m Ian paycigitaeseand cria Ne harve a% i anyîbîrg aîanl Wea t rare cnbued but abat nhaii nI shahl rai be Deme i (ai naurui b be t he raunrieryn hylthrc'cetnrintc'Iladeetaand an*ac athene. Asniltieen and tuepayerna e bure ne nîght. ribainner the bîgehntsinrrgîceai gerrieert carl. (bey gel, artake Wiha do lhey lhîag bhey are. la coake un drîik înelued aar adcakewith il' île lie un- the peuple niaad op and soulte nul i 'AfteraiL t what are oft1ensfor?. BURT REYNOLDS -THE ENI, puppetn. mèeuare bumain teîegn cîlh uteda alauraca. Wedon'Irreedihere peoplerhe suri ofiîces Ielitg ne chut la deý I neye thare ena arr agaîret ibis 'ttuaortdrb haaeuiin peautnl dcubre eourne(rec lueur. Yen cn be sure cher narang nue cures agua.n mcmr cd(l he a lange mrrber ut people uhe cill net bc nebing toan urye Tulh about luire and ail ihoe eaurmrien a-ha rel people chut (bey uregrîrgada, arr urary heller' Net ai ail,ougoenenralunldce iinracmore nubile ar. but (île ctli calird dîctalarehîp an cammunisce and il eceite the ramne: 'inure Iruly I(dîib Shurpe 429 Perl SI., Mltler v j> e et- Tube the raurut noitne ni a lire cool itannel, hune il etyled weuh contînenal iflui, ihett tuilre by Curudiar cruiftmur and the neenli, tiî sapent JF cecird nuit. in' ebupeil tor tbe yoang mule stlhouette, a 7' drop ft. wîb sr soueders, certre terme. eeli'belt paI und the ull-impcirlunt cent. Grey, limer, tuay ard black (aeiy breirenllme nolture) in ies 36 t 44; ither petteme uraileble. Brutinllp pnicril tor 10 short dupe Y'<il te bard yîeeced bo lied comparable caue. check umourd. Bat shop ne betore Seplember 2btb cher the pnîce changes! ,$pyi &Tv4 ZiIkC~ÉUTR T* m Ci-t-m n malmolfane Reg $18 lksed Suit àa BUNS MASTER NOW OPEN IN MILTON eKAISERS 790 c DINNER RDLLS 450dz FRESH BAKED OAS. V ON THE PREMISES Iine Rol ils o 7 0 I ar i0' Wh'leaBra ,45 BUNS MASTER BAKERV "M ~$A VE$ YOU MONEY... 751 MAIN STREET EAST UNIT 9 REAR) MILTON, ONTARIO 8 813 IST I/ I Merder ehra Sala day ITODA Y,//t.,. Sca ilSO .M e, 400 p.r ci Canada cdll gel urdray nrMitonerrre ee, er all ihaîrman Neville Jchenler ueeeurced. Again ihis vcar In ca l ergarîruneers, the Keignîn ni Calancher ai rein ttceany Church and Inn Mtiln acd District Kinsien w ili lie the sponsoring ingarlraieae Zoeerhainmrenrguith Mr. Jeheeler anc John tindun ard anarn Robton ni the Kîrseer* and Dcr Lambert, JohnrKriand PnirrHairnof the KetCý Miltn .Cournu l han tant, claîced tnn perid Sept l a Sept. 30ue Arthri tei Werb rn triller andl eupporder nhe a yaigc, A fiailarnningeetng eue nnid Tnnnnday an the Lîbren. ethn Aninnîncu Socîit nepresenir es ce bonai fro Kitehenrn fîid ofice la show anilm on the enb ni the nociety Zonee rapîcres ard erhmn atîreilei the ssin Mnr .nrtn epornid

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