4 lThe Canadien Champion, Wed. Sept 13,1978 Escbisited 1861 Uit 4!tanaèxan duimpîlon Pcbltithed Cc Dilie Piniog and Publithing Companyt Limiîed 1m. D,, Oc . Pbtoh., ccc D--e Ett,ic, But ,ui M, Edo.,' Pet,, Eci . d tsc Oeq 191MainSt East MloOntaroLT 1N7 Phoe878-2341 Vie wpoints ignored Halttees Regtenat Coucoul bas uewtety îgeored the proteste et MitIon's efected officiaIs, and coetieued it move te fueridate Multon's mater euppty mithout a plebtecit e. At it tant nmeoting, the ceuccit erdered preparatien et an im- plementtng hy-lam. Mit toc's three elected effictate on the ceunctf eppoeed the move mithoot a focal plebtecite. but they are targety otntimbered on a 24-member contii. The trony ef the situation te that, wtth the exceptton cf Acton and Mtiltoc, every other muntctpattty te Hatton bac a ffuortdated mafer euppty. Represetativee then. frem those ether areae, cee the reacîten te Milton ae a tempeet te a teapot. What they fait toi underetand te that Mtlton îe ateo the ont y muetctpafity te Haf toc that deese't bave chlortee en te mater eupply. The mater. qotte eimpfy. te pure eeogb cet te eeed it. That portty es a motter et focal prîde. The ad- dittoe et aeythteg te the mater eupply te cet regarded tîghtty heme Regtoeat Ceuncît mttt have an opporfuetty te ceesîder the issue agate mhee the tmptemeetîeg hy- tam te hrought feretard. The hy-tam eeede three readtege and, et course, a majortty vote te faver le provide fer the teetaftatioe. Mittn repreectatîvee atone have lttte cbaece et reflectteg tocaf see- eittvîttee on the issue. Wilheut a recognitten et thece eeeetîvîtîee hy ether regtoeat couicttfere. the lortdattee iseue mttf he ferced. One et the pecufiartte et the regienal eetup es that mhtfe the regien te respocethfe for the mater Ele ci'o n tim e le jost over feur meeke nomtnattone fer Mitte Ceucctt and ether couicîte cn Haltn mttt he underway. Oc Nev. 13 youttl he voting fer a courctf te represent yoo for the next tme yeare. The ttme betmeen nem and then provtdee an opportuetty fer thoe tnterested te eeekteg efftce te corne forward. Somne already bave. If also provîdee an epportontty for cttzens te retfect on the paet tme yeare and the mork et the correct elected efficiate. le Miltec, voters mtf f cheoee te ceurcîtters and ene trayor. le Hatton Hîtte, 13 mitf he etected. Mtlton mill t ed ite mayer and tmo couicîttere te regionat couicît. Halton Httte sende île mayer and On the Newsbeat Health nc eoppfy. the local moeîctpattty paye the ceete. Thue it te posethle for the regtoc te force the addition et the ftuertde, and bitl Mtlton usere for the futl ceet. evec though Mtilton oeere bave net bad an epportuntty te, expreee an optnton. If Mtilton rejecte the tdea of paytng for tbe ceet, mtlt the regioc Ihen ehut off the tomc'e mater euppy< The regioc appareetly rejecla the idea et a local plebtecite. That's uctertucate. hecauee if moufd reafly provide the eely fair methed et eetahfiehicg publie optnion on the issue. Teo much bas changed from tbe t97t plehiecite te apply that vete te teday, We feef the iesue te reatty that the temeepeeple eheuld bave tbe op- portucily te express an opinion. Rîdtng reughehod ever that right mîft eet hack lecat-regionul retatioce for eome lime toi cerne. Oc the front page et thie meekes ieeoe me .ve provided an oppor- tnty te expreee an opinion. îles cet ae good ae a ptehiecite. but fic i an attempt te gauge pubtic reaction hefere the regîec ceet deate mith the prepesed hy-tacv We urge yeo te expreee your vîem cem and retore the "battot" te The Champioc ecn for tahofatioc. We ucdertîne that cee moot the opinion et eceryuce, mhether te faver or againet. We've provided reom fer a signature se Ihere mitl cet be ctaime that one etde or the ether "icflated" the reeute. This mcy be your enty op- portuntty te express yeur opinion and me orge yo te participote. Do fl eom The hbaltots" cac he pot threugh oer fetter efot 24 heurs a day. or maifed. tour coctcif fors te regionaf ceucicil. le addition te thie. voters mit I efect membere et the Haltn Board et Educatîce and eeparate echool supporters mîtl fbh vctieg os repreeentativee te the Halton Separate Schuef Huard. If yoc've decided tei eeek efectien or re-efectîce eer neme department es ietereeted te, hear and report on yor candi Thie area te sttff net se heavtty popufated that peopl e ignore ofectioce. They're an important part et cemmuntty lfte and me orge yeo te he intereeted te those mbo meut d represent the tome. With a fem meeke left, ictereet mit f start building te an important actîvîty. Electîcce are cet tei he taken f igbtfy. t on/y issue 0 Rmeut e, unceeccînve Sucecuceasie Thcs areeaileordsithat have eeiisd teudnseeite egunat gocnrentecinc5ahon and acecssite once But setdcm Case itfeonmstieen moeappspnuaie tta lcci cenit Htuclce guoat (cbciliugnoe pleas ieom the ennee Miltonccepeeniî and discaed lthe onstuts ci c presus pleiîcuin ana ageed lu itdenîdaie uSe Milice caine sapply. Cominicdueeceoisg inicaveofilcrieutieg te e Midso and Ânton caen euppiy ied Ceait adsasicges as thîe renon tor Ite sotung patteen. Bt ceai tey Cacenit taon chie tc gel lteaugt the seosiingly tiuct situdIe us ltai Secith isc't tee ostp issue. Miluonians mito oppose itucie. do se Cecaiseieey aenpeoad oftoinpueiiaer siippiy cnd looit iipmn i as soetchusg aimeeî scee Oppmonins ut fltmcdaecen sc ceasa contatminant. se aditive, in s coCad mhee thene are ahready tcu maey addities cnd cosntsamits. Saeofp the demmeratie cay ci itandliog tisue a te aifoce the pople unusicedand atteciod, te maite te denisios. Eces il thte decissisathtemesng decisiensussei a tee preengatie et thte poople to mie i. 'Me Clgfteasdod, dietatoriat styte densstnsted Cp thenogions ioly stp eed emstenips CoInces people and te egise. iTinie iseaiernipsemoil ne. I la t[rue titot the regio ce as ocspcneuiliy ton tCe peutision ci potabln e te ithe eegice. Oui creltiftdmuccectt pioeupies are dceiS asincc'dame. the eguontasite epostity t0 peusîde lthe type ut caine sceim thie peuple uaci. Froc ime tclimetitdcoei s ilccitcl tciu cemucded thci poiiuicians ae ntnuied lu ccenvoucttecises and caefortheceds uf She peopte. ocd Sureauseals ae ap- pounued tc eieicinepeugnams tomeniitcosn otCnaand neede. Auy illusion abta Che caei sysinm iteieg one sysemucis hiegbt aiumcitfc ap and the smiigiucteys uitsit i tetdgemeni ut pasi decusuces lmuc dame col t leo uhe Accon toiiciilonr Pal Mottensue scys ite earts Actoe tu eave tee Coeeito utoseide in the cauoe sappiy ced doosnt casi te people ihene le sutten heosuse ot nm qosiel notion Mdltoises mtgitt eavee. 'Mau neises as ienesSing point. Sialîsiies os the Cesefts et fluonido eave tan assifatfo sîse Metmentie mas iteitee hugh e ia geistppern If Ce Ieeia tis s the map te go and Cas ite suppor t ofCii peepte mey, oh mhy Cas he ai tomeo the tm satten ait eftihese yeanst fias tho coasetîflée Cees segligent? titei change she siiCfeci a mes bit, Sugar and Spice One year ago Peoto Sept. ta.97 usesuo Pacents living te Che Miiiccne Octales dntclcpmenet teesuuîtand eascofMiltn Nilu are angey itecase lthee cilden anc Cocîngîccclitceasefairam1. eilt atnd ANM. tienes cCcul. WCee scitool siaeied tcsiuccit.ibueccerviceicoraalitheisudeeistn Ccai ae uas pecsdied. But miten cnier ceomdingcsituaicemcsceped Sq the Sus liento te ecitci bcard, c dnctsico uac mcadeIopccidetuciegcoreideoceien and grade one stcdeelecelqy The Tocmcîoc Ociaenia Citizees' GIop, suiteeed a ceiheet je ithe SigCi agamthe c P landfiî cite mcdoesdcs witen Calice Itegioncl Coco eesed o dectecen i mcade ltee mceitcs age tc Case Che en- cuconmnita tmpact et uSe dump Ctudted taiden lit cEceromenial Assossmcct Act saîd AretSuetg, assistanet avisd sttc. theo goopes tawee Cilice's uldesi ticone cscct. the Pcit Fcie ouIl celebrte ils 12515 îitday te to onets anductluitfcaclyeccmcc a ase A taictncoîg teedays -thtnetitlme i ha, du ce ce ut ils itoq, atccerdiogits Ctalicen Agetctunal Society Pesîdeet Ltced Stcken, Nuieticnversion Cas bti Miltoc. Lasi onci the pultt ost dnpaetotent Cegen, tCecitv acta ofitcisucigcseaout l75 cuîdaied miles pner tcuostgncuin Milton ce [iteneucer klcttcîc fie pcou soucgec ttcgceîîees ae itnpng tlu ei c nec ercecuob, Kîcoots Iteenationa.i 20 years ago nom. the sept. il, 58 Isone Rtaymnîcd C. Bryanl ci BooSngson mas ecmed Chitcmae aithetnugurai meeing ofthe 12 Mile Ceei Consereation Autiiity Puida>. The meetingcrdeneci n vset ga- tcen of Che wain te teei, te Ccd C'e cauceo ltpcunc StemSeeaaise nspesed cnenabtout geave] pats and clone quaeeîns cn uSe oes caucsg a poNnm, onecataedced, A graodtotaltf 1,10oesiudensseiaesodtc classes on Milton soCoots test meit. Sue- sâmîe Scheel Cas eneeiiod nigit Ediieeiot3mhiet ni 'te Chamtpion' NA Dtismwasonamed an Heoecan Ltte Motsito et tee Canadien meeiy Neospapns Asociation ai lthe coneention je Torno. Byi What to worry about in Europ< iTînne are îoily tus ieaity tmportaet oisdetieyocaidteciier isepi Eep EicS is a csco t source ofanii y taecieatoncandierustracione te genect. the tadines uted about the tiels and uSe mon cabout the mocet. As5 set icous euide, Anotte.in tioîcd u.sou do skîonethe cetinent cCeoc the itcieem te, ce ycuee apt tu gel a nesponce sceinte Iite, mWaiso malle cou Iad. eu casnaenekaehSin tea resaurant' . N, ycc Steeln Nlurt "Toiet?I' Sethe ecme te eseey tceeiiaoe. seY cci an i go icelay. SucýI haCd contoitaete eeats, ciecuedi- tionîeg. a scpeeit driver, But no -balth re-m iiiice eare veusadedeoffci t ..M., full ot mnleieg ce e, and etaity cn the iteoucedge ltai ycu mtghi Se un thai btusiforiIwoorlheeeursesiooecaland lthe mcgiet muids TtIiLttT teaped oico clay linecp ftue l adies', lthe dotr sfeogcardedcy a tierceolditaesidac chu demcoded toc lira orc irac pince Cetune, titey unie esen odmtted lu the tnec Eeum .eiat i teaed ced sine. tite tectiiieseraeged leum upcniîg tco ut itot scner aed uots eftucets, deie titeougit peiy steaty. mth tissue lte texture of uctipaper, le lthe cey puts, chicS une icet ltai. hues te lte geued. ftei ciîc Che tcdies emeeged iseitîeg a it ciuned. cutiong back deumitelescoftiîpn atic cet stup. ced Ccd Che disinecion itf hain oa t iitie eigit itcctde the cdu eîuice 'Mtesecnducvsttitco Grahamo.cacoueg Sustectice. tproucecd Grieton t al iengucget cce hi( St c udoïcnattitk ut iatcdtumms andcspeeitcteeanhu eoi toge o ocd tend cn a5 eictodcîdc tilti Nsiuide mîoded nîtee stop. Sng es out toitete, sue[*e Nuu. aboeut ctuuey. Pursit ol te ore itan tu .-od lnu'i ieedi iiiythetumei1getact tutc dsc u ccenditcoits csed. t mcs sc breteiitdttte bro eu pucs teoicthte haltctt era ,cr ttueln neetie toegin yuo trtp. uiblat [ruoi yorteeset agent ce etottsc a ittie citeet. otablte, shoucietthecapprcuiicte valuecof Y.rondottce te Puopotttctteeî Is cuoit eptcuct.ttt ilot it bteecmetiie icciicngicinitîttte etîtrit utf o i tidtcestcurecces ctîegtcgtvaueieuct dcyltcdcy Poreeeampc. 1tchaned seie dollces toc ttec ihee ties te une dav. i tely Nie snt im guI 850 lieu foe a dcttce. second imc con. tiîd lme tt0t. lieteîidttfettur otocccangeteuceusuu cosa border. ccen il tcu haee boyu snme ccodyand pacettouediithe bus Ecicouoint icnegppernîcneybut istuiiecested incins. Yeucwufdoînd cp mth euiticae tutl of dIne ucetese fra cslia machs. sciling. etc. t have enoug tu c sicca coi olcin ilionscoftcutis anceitceey lu Olies foe lthe inenaticoctl picktpocitke t wotnesi Acecelin, caoned us su iCcoagitly, espoec te o lutt mue titan ,oco mules, cely lcc ialiy as ce Cecdod icuaed Rome, Ccit me emergenc stops cern mcdo. One mas ton cee a sight t0 Cchld afeeelo doq eroc Lary 8,mtcitad dun thCee cen cf p e Philosobits a ttKyF dite Site b Burt ' Georeowomecouiioc oy Booth a vssitty upe dscieg uSe scmne meeing becouse egiosal Ciiccais had etised permission tc a Goretown luuhs reqiiesi le close a euad. Othen cuilthue regios esee pay ctteetion tu theedeoîeesoftelocal peope?"itnactno a C scoldod the eeguee loi ils CuigCiandnd ana dîicna] atitiiude. TSataay oyp ta, Yca toit*em Nom itees a telotiw oto ciii uodectaed Miiuun's pncttem cuiS Oluueude. tihciigCi Baticiytboucate, in thesamtemeeting andîte sainecamaîhe eoeddvote mas eaited, meuld yoii tatioce te doeeden ot ail itigs geuandmesonteruimicldig lcal auonosiy, ccled 10 uceecule them Milcon ceaoions and the expeessed desie of lthe uos toit. Meý BootiC usecognatcon ci your gond tgCIt ton ail ihiegs geai and moodetfu,tomuoate yoahypocraIite h Becase il Sotieces popie sCciiid hiîe tCe eughi te ceot a baloti cnd indican le map iCey feil, the papon Cao peesidea a coupon on toefrost page. White ibis us se sabtitate ton a pliie il mut otten pesple a toruat i express iCein suppoet ton. on oppooitios to. imnoidalmen mn ac il lu e bc led and, if possible, lcscd m enceoitcc cnilcte s tlcieeluimportantcnd cteisted. Samnien Cand, scme of ce ecen buy bocts thai tel] us ite c epepuice and pleasmng c citons. 'Me booit saye ar ec agreabe meCh oltes, dcnitoflenorhrtuntem. t Case codccee She tecestihalt i ae not iited,no armantiof iecungot.tutcing pcuseiotcis goueg f ' ,k î ainy dd teeence Ili otf .dcý t) ceasco ihai me eannot hu tied Ce al people.I i s oct ecoug t cus t c etited.,w m s fe litedtandtnsedtcfor ica eoett eo, et tue ceci citeet %onct us c Ce. Pce the suitecofiecteg Icplnase.ccmnwa mome iudcofmaeteandteepcour eeeles liiddee One peeteod co Se citll. iteiptu oe eritc ut s e'I bc oppecited and pcpulae. me accmpCisS nctiitng cdCh ibtis ccc ut living. duC Se ycuref nl.cd ce do lthai yca ned no ceering. It people are gocnte tu ae fcc yci ithey ccci loe iu auis and oc.cs dovua n tiîce and Set ceesu ouityouientand cithees WCy cuece aboiaut.f sreene out mc are luiig te c cccid ci peemanent uhange. Eccedae.eeecchu*ancd eccy mnt s diieeent teom Che uos taioee. t oten mcndnc cit Che iaitees ciii do, miton tho gicees quit gtsingl If ycado(taitcer tvnyu.len yomcni Thetioirinen aett aitucîpScitd teom ithIuteipuocentctherimotis tit btici icodse mes Icoe ttce c gocup of epectit. tettiegitokep thehbandstermi in tlithee fcue icctigt pcit i e C Juet the utite dcc. nue lionme guide teStenîed us, c gentemce itod itcd iu cciiit uueitning tc5c Ausieciton. tlifterd t tgtt cn Si. Peton e. lthe tcegest citurcin thte oid.W 5hcd acîiceioc momentsof niaisexcitîeent citen (iiyeîs, icom Ausiectia, dîscoceeed Sec colce. ceois ccco. and a giS tei ten Ccchubcod 00e ciceifeintites rst Shecotd sited tell accc it sllgt mcscmeei, incited dcus, ccd ite calct as gone Cite uce dis- iccugit. i oereci cit. Tuenlîccinutes toteo. eite icod i te hee tcf, lthe uoitey. il Card sttpped offhter motet and fllee in Sec Saîm uth lcadîces cci e eneccoue itey louithCe uepeecedeeied stop ci pînetea te condit cceds teeide Shein brace t ittaced it cat, 1 oesegaeempmifoeore titaoacsofo tetohnitsandt1kept mpcash te one pcit, my leceeees' chequtes je annie. and my ceedicand in a titd. se tad t wuudot C made itasitp Speone cetti ocp. El ocscaiad year esisit Europemilith tnfltcicncampant titee tooppa cette on lCite oeil csver $1.0t, the Casadiso dollar diddliogceooonds8entss, andite Amei- cndollce sidîng. Htusets rn semasd $45to t6t c cîgit, ced thatis net the Saooy er the itii Oui sciotnOel, Archie, ats osfy lthe peton oa ew car. and a smail ose, ait titat. Taite nomr tip and drieiheoled Ceap Ion aeclthee coopte of poes. Yes esst it anccndni anctd care20eeaes eomcno, and ecicgeiitîegs lite: Rerneisitee pmncty-pecy paeiy en tRoie,miteethe uaîiee,cieaîigttced, piscitedeaeetladp's hum ao cereeediteesoapeorpssst'? Lcsi yecr c Ce ac naesed meeitty Noms- papoe mnocf thte vean. Tecfalgae Coioe Cao iied a Tornto puie relations fue- ai a cesl t ofti11,e ie 6mceths -tegicethe townsipsonne faaecei puStîouip and Ceip odolsteja ccmmtscioe Georege Finlap te atict sîmeindastries. Docn Tcylor et Baeisgteo and Bent 5peeit of ticoitiy Caco ieen ceoses te represesi caoîi tehe jnior sectios ai tho Inter- catioa Ptcmîsg Match itis yean. Ross Peen, formner oceifin d Maycer ci Miltes, Cas heen appsisted Prcmoions Manager Icr Miltes t3tasCee ut liommece. He eeetfp oegssisod te uoss eccnssiol eesia ceteheatise. The muo ine Sucs Regiment itands witO pcciîctpaîe in the annoa msssed mOfitis btandseconcert ai tee Exhibition Groesseins Toronto titis eucday sight. mtllicm tieCseth ofcnasiiiem De. tt klnd 5aiacday eîght ohons car teasited ne aCclPtrainsa Meademnate. 75 years agio i nom the eep. 10. 1903 issue le plam ceep us se lange theeagheat Onlaceo Cci cîiy markits are giotted asd geccees htavei]eteceey, peieneetsg se co ticoner cosis et pieitg, Sasteti, exprescitarges and commission. A ge dente fuitiucenglefttteerot oneetees and il te reporer!d thitani me plaees pfsm tr cc Creîbeg geaitied op. Saahcitdcito, amwidemagod 93,sent t ladt ascapocpeeieeom Actestco ees sigo, ood ietnp Coco ecee sne, died oo Saisedayt AcnumSetofadtcouiansmwestitoTooto o aime ilcy tc attend tee Coidsteci iucedcCbanconcet aassepfl. issuA.deso eeunoeitoontstmeet I euecitaege of Htousitae and Son's îctlineoc depanimeni. Edmecd McCans itegs te cenousiso titat itec lthe sec nievaie ai tCe G.TE. station Cas Ceen compioied. ceuce wiii Se mithis s tec daes.itnmdl b Cpeepaeedttopsy n quaniy of geain on Cap et lthe eteesien. mtiîg is Sassea ce tee os sideofe MainSt.iteenays, patieotryaetptoeesîi. Macit dithe moodes sidemsfititasitoen tan op aed tCe cntrastea are tsptsg tho tondaicon toc tee nom pavessent. is bsse us discaeded and Cbruitaiteics tront the cocra seitrs, ottiet miti, il sspttisg, C Sonne ltaèse Seoie stase. Turning the Pages of the Past Feom the files cf The Canadien Champion 1~