C2 The Conat/jon Champion, Wet/., Sept. 13,1978 Milton Then and Now Sehool vet Rob/ n/insn 1fucrdtturooy thetbrnttuy ofntbhocieurb ter .Me commet vacation dua mit/t tbttr bro and hum/ty cette t/rfting eo tfhe pas The uonuaf trip to/t Ex. mas 'T/trtroastbr nece tean//er, a recnon cet/b nfcousaetcf tbe prevoucacbhoot year, ant/ asaroncussa eru fecet Seblant tepned, of course, o/t the day abter Lubot f/t c eoof t/up tacabehot ont. Wteent atatocta te/tut /ome p/tc'tc Ororere freetto tdthetbtat/ofcur ctie, cer trcrtct/-moatfp tuttatie /,,teu m ouf/be movetdtoetbtrlocations 11, pilonoteparotmeffct/totandttea gbt 'fTttruucf theruauuort frgitrton l ttc'1li tun/ter, ancd or coptet/ front t/te /tblacbdthe ct/t/tftauboobsand s/uppliescee actjuttgucetntorto sonneaofthero/tds antd cunff utf sceoof fli. "Thero'r the sourdtstoftshort,u/ttapttrtPconv'rsaations in tthe'uc/e' uat/ tee otce ot tranrs ra t/tcbt ut tnetn otntr etc/se rt/t Thr aceO of t/te' reue/f otîrd louta as mmne/thino te get ocet/t- alleroacsoo/erapdtnotytin tht'tcre/tair. ,pparentf tteoai auotd tu 0eett' e t/rtuct, but if mut onuallp upp/trt/ to e" huaffe Eau/t bepteceber pou /tut c lao onemore hou' to ou/b or tl cufefp ,'otuntnuftllrrcectnortsg fte en/toof etcdteceisect/ Therhufunnrof thet/ayceac o,,tenjeyuadtat/cqur our bokseand eouppttnc ff/t/f thear coufe! be ottuiet ut et"tppfeuecsf Ct. Mca/tnntesr'atgastore. u,,a-ismn t the tend of Auguat te t'tt,ttttelecc ceuce utftrt/c/trrrettea bel- e oo 't M tte , t 't at s utep te te Thirt' e' te t/te f/ct ptuce.tfe batic tcttbng about suhooietsuppieuasrenttr/lyt/t/treft. Iu Zeut' dupe en/tout bourda acmpfy t/tt/oct t/t/te ait el bout t/te suppliea t/tut cette esdnisheuttoccea Puaretthat/toa aupp/y th'rt /tt/ttctn ofth crte/toot wrbo/a, eo nen eucteation papert tuttet'p ecute, e2 e f14. ruid on/ et ie . t/ sene cf the itrms tc Muceeoradut ,vvEcr'ccr booksa to 5ce, Lrat/ peecfc o' PI c, ttcu put/accu tueo. Ifutes 5to '. c sben/ttre t te toc', Peaptf bocto 5 to O5p. t1Lee//c. Hnâtilers un, ad Wtrr no/or - eewr coneent bu/f pocat peis ei t/tuent/upc I /cfucctoucs etoadthe/ tfeecgruades, u rouet/u/ toe int/te uppet f tg/t hunctrpert uf re/th dm/t top un- ,'uetttetatnt/ a iclrt c/t/r uit/ a uap. A supplies gtait a/me icbis atnd bhe t/apceaao adaso edui. t eed lot m/t otccorred. Muebenzceas dd u big butinessta pebctdeta, pen oi/tn, ant/ betlesnof ta/t. Wuterman' buebacbfuout/ be/tougt/forScuabboute. Ilpoo/dufmsobe uaet/ bp ct/tet n/t/denta ce//n parents too/t/ uttord a tom/taie pen tor t/tem. /lttera coutil be becg/t bot moat cette o/t/aiatd ttee-bant/ed ootut/eaderiatra A/t et reocas eaob Prit/up u/troun ceas theaspeta//timeeeatcbmeek foruart mot/t W//ut aenart/tut tbat most bave liet for moat ttacettnt tamereaed apeciat aupp/p prob/ema. Yoo balltt buve an rcg/t eu/ar box ni crayons and/ ou aut/toriard art btoob (latge or sait aitef. Gfder popts cliat ttaaeaupa/n/ bruand atfou co/or boxof ua/erecototpanta. For ceoat atudt/tt t/ ma a part ot t/te aphouf meeb to lookt forcard tu c'ub pfeaur. T/te usau rifes of efassroum diceiplioe mere momembat reface/ Hf poui t/tt sot tu/tr pour urtt/e aimes fou certout/ youecou/t//tvetaucertainuamoutof/ouni ther percot/ Pirat tbrre oas t/te peeci/ ootltae te be drame et t/ toc mue/t attentioa tu u nceeaarpt/etut/ andst//enoug/ton gtntta rffet Then t/te foutecotot putet box a cpesrt/ Tht /tt/ aaert/ as ceictg trape Yeroc uct/ b/cle, for insaunce, prct/uedt/ scm/t/prtos. Opout/it/sot mcc escugh.eceu eouct/eot/matchtatecofutceit/tpourcccxt mitxture. Tou uaet/our/trusaoettoOt, c/tett o't/ a u'rt oaa/t, t/tee upp/trt/ peut eu/uta. Tht paper tcetiatr/p hcrvd O5neesyptgtveeou otk/teappertuet oftatrelifceap wt/ta ictfpess fectcces t/tut casl cugefter, Atita// tl eue u crao/eu/tP rcptterc tc the fielt/ ut ctertt1Lav'/ert reieerratcerudth t aertouctinfertcritpncompfee-a au -'Most Therr ma m/to/rte vau nthe fuet tuat pupt/e asd parets/acrd ftertecpecac/itttt for c/ou/couppliesouse/I fstecet/ sns cf pereona ptcptrtp te a oia bac/tgroound. Most pupcfc /tcew chut th-tc paretscouftlot a/ford uastefune sa mttch f se/tout supplies. Thete mrr prct/ boxte, for thteceotettttorfOtintruenets.f andt//erere ceoo//tag toecatty booka, puper, ant/ ceabe a truit o an/tout C/tcftree erset/ to part for ther booksanud suppliea retruatad oa /hrm, aot/ tep terced te tespect fte ptopertp c/g/te cf t/trfr apcu/omatra. hast/cote from tht front et modecc t/up Pc ueg tfor pub/te and prt et proprcc Rock Ella Jersey Farm is Premier Breeder Ou/itus Jrsrys cette ce/f E//a eautp'c Amnetia c/tome Tht Junior Jersey 'S/tom ut cnptrcrdi ut t/ttc peares /p Sue/t E/ta Jerseys, mu/hth brUNE ,/trft/thrsccxt t/up t't/thrtou eit/e Cestentuf te tttct p/ucr amart/edt/ /0 au tut/ted /tp en Elfe, ttlt c Cenut/tas National tfct Ta//ey Apetf Betub Hors/tp Fcratk Robtnsmc cf Exhibition on Torento, cetb emerd /p ('bris attd Taferte fmtigtocm pfueed fcetth Peur Hal/cc /trt/ te ut- Rtchardson ut/th /t a euf, Sprce Aeur tendance. Tht ratrve Jutior /t/rrptr tc/ud. un sd sm (etf then hcghf'g/tc ct/t Champion eue second/ prtar yearling. Spruen in i Ceg.3/e/tee mu/t t/te mtaatng cserpyerling, Roe/t EOla tantra tee. uas P ued 'lt hn' "'Pretier oeet"r' Staute Gem, enr of Sue/t four/th ,tuurdhey ock/tEOuJtraey E/fa. Pfuetgtfout/uan a Parte Ltt/ , Hors/tp Sue/t Sue/t Eltu eetrp, Suc/t E//a -Wint bupera e/tp Et/e a/c eue fte rucerup Dtintctton Cumarea. Champiooecuassf/t fer fPremiec Ec/tttoc m/ttc/t tflucog ce to t/te mnsalle eue won /p Ortan Cuyfea, clucsea, Soc/t E/fa Jerseps Tarnte liait the beast pt/ar fo peur Firtractacu f ftre day for etd, Suc/t E//a Oraotp'a Jut/gr C/tep/ Lueheoggr cf fic/d,tourtt/prt/tttterpture 'cttcnc Springs Pare, 'Ad, Sec/t Et/a Seau/pcs \racse ew 'c'r/teucbhe Silhoute.ad/tefr/apt -'i 1natcrc. Su/tes pfaetns fcucpteat'ett cedth HTP E fctnnf eetrtd, Aevo Pattat/p "Paf/at/p 'ams de- tee Caret/tee C'te/t c/te/n /tp e/arrd fte tet Ut/t/r Pnachtrern Stuc, O/t- Chuampiooffthe Jersey e/tee t tttl ttt fftte/Roc Effa Stg/t Nrc E/tacet Rebinsme. on. c'chit/tcd tp Sue/t E//a George/oun ra/itc/cd t/te ,tnrseccrcett, Ste/t seconsd prtor tourpyeatuft/, /t]etfn Dititon't Opa. E/r/eut Edna NI Paabtoe Tht eee't e f'/Crtc und Cu/ertele h/riebos for second ptt/tt tete/trdepe. Milton. i te reet/ere Hrrd ment/to Thted ptaen sfte Senor Rce/ E/ta Jerseyp urm. cetI ere Ete/turcone praros cbow ma t/te S/tcL 'etet /t Ri/t Va/try A/tM Hert HutonJrscysatru/eed 'ette, T/ee/las et jacisr tu he part cf t/te Cee/raf te' utfege eue won tp Sue/t OtarwoHercdtopfacesecosd. Between the WViIIows The friendly Or Do. Bp et f menft//nedfastceetf hou /tttntefourmid f/he peopletof Ta/crf/ar/r Wemo/aet/abtout/heEfty a g/ea/t/tufl bp/font.by busant/ orratoafybyeub. Wheteeer me went me ceere tteafet/ topa//y, deapite fthe fttbat/1faeaays been undterbthemta/eted im- pression tat taadt/fyou we'e [rom/fOntaro wasa ano.-to ouf there. Au eunt/raire Waitera ant/oaifttaata, cafta cee//c ant/ ubea cette utbout eceptiont tourteoun at/ befptfu. s cete Rf cc'a apartmretauperitta/ttt andt//tfe. To gi ne you a be/fer ct/ru o/ cebat t'mn tafbfng about t't/ tf/te fta ee/rbefwotof atottaf icit/toto One/htfterntnnSRhea and/1Oere stttfngaontefrontatatt o/a/tus. Direetfy bmit/e un noita eery youog mot/ter, bu/ding ber /tat/ty t/iaabfet/ lofe bu/tp en bte arma. S/te oa t/rab/y t/renaet/inrleao,tfat/etjeanstafot/teed bouse At ber/tcft was matf, eoffapnibfe eefobai r Sot/t/e/y. ut me tufle ftt ong. t/te baby ecet/ out, t/ttt eoni//et/ Witbm cecunds a eery ceef-t/recott/, m/t/t/f raget/ uoman apttearet/from thetbat/tof/thebus. Opeotngbhrputae abt reacettin andttuaitoutuapabuoed "wet-/oweeiand/ geti/o tefrnttc, youog//ote. ~t Ha/ton Museum Attractive commode Tht" stende naplreu/ moe/tuait uas cetfy sot ot>fnhgtb/ ned \'ousfpeuitttietypat ictf' temas/lsea tespectaty uttactr ptece cf fur'mf wr. Wcfb, nefotelnt/t celthepo/ct,/anthet efo/t dooa sshot*n her. thisca ehutth onte /of tf/nafpf/eceof uniuinthe house. ff' onof tousndc offntiqesftem felton s Puet. us rs/ttbtt ai Huf/on Rrgtoeul Museum ut The Amaig '78 rabbit SEA T TUE TAX IàCREASE WH41IE SELECTIONIS GOOD O UALITY PERFORMANCE Et ECONOMYI 0000O SELECTION 0F MODELS Et COLOURS SALE ONNO0W' ____ "AT BAZ MOTORS WE CARS" fMOTORS LTD. L I19 OUELP/4 STREET, GEORGETOWN 877-5M0 or Toronto 0761813 folk of Van ":Yec, tbanbyoa. /tbcabao." "W/y t/un/pyou get offtbe bua aitue ua/ta? t/fl be hauppy topy t/te/are." "T/taabyoo erymatb. We'ff btflK," "Yoo'msunote /ar?" "Yes,tbueb pou." T/te lat/y /be/ re/uret to /tet neat and a/tort/y t/tertee orteac//et our desnt ion and t/f nnar/te. On/te//g/tet ait/e, tbeee ma t/te day m/tee Rie/t got tue/tp unt/managet//nacore topackstof Ametican/teetnat/te Croaning a bap in/rsection on themway/tome, t/te bo/tom of oe case betame oaa/urb, t/ropping tooftbe rate bef//en to thtepavement. Ontoobera, a/tc/ted ait/e aigbt in /ben /teer-a/ri/tt-oond tfty,tcommentot/wtt/taymatty un Rib'mi/orune. Prom noce/ere appearet/ a cebi/e-batrr/ tut/y ctaaping a farge. emp/y, ptaatieastopping /tagm/tir/ts/te fietd ou/ /ofimo. "O/t, po pour t/eut Put pour be/tles in /tere. T/tey't/ br Ht taabet ber and promptty tif ted the bagl Ah. yes.the riendlfyolk ofVan. Fai IJecoratinqg CIL NEW CIL SUPER LATEX PLAT SUPER LATEX SEM/'GLOSS Mo/te pcec malts cn otrn beutifo Ar caap tu apptn, cacp te cloe und hcop ctoem beutfof Toçh pucct tue//te glccey tue/t cn M /tucehctd stta ccmpletetp ceuftc und ti maoffc Agato anud ooucu $3 Urad ugato.$M gal. SALE ENDS SEPT 30, 1978 gat WE HAVE t/LL T//E ACCESS OR/ES POU WfLL NEEO TO COMPLETE POUR OECORA TINO PROJECT Sao4p - POlyf -. Mtma111lig Taqnpe-h" Dma SueMI-Stap1 LMd.a-AaIee R-TmIoe OEEOURCOMPLETE SELECT/ON. WALLPAPER 50% OFF AiL ÏWALLPRAPER IN OUR STOCK HA SBEEN REDUCED TO CLEA R 1 "to 4" From $1.45 too'i.95 DOORS HARDBOARD andi MAHOGANY FACTORY SECONDS A Il Sizes At *n One Lowv Price 0.095 MAHOGANY SHELVES Stooo from 6"xo24" $1.95 To 12" o 48" $2.95 Castie bulgc nsutns the knowledgeable staff Th e Corporation of the, Town of Milfon TAX NOTICE Rutepuyer of the Town of Milton are ren nded chat FINAL INSTALMENT 0F 191 TAXES IS DUE SEPT. 18, 1978 Penalty of f pet cent per monf b, or anp pur/con thereo/, wilf be charged on each overdue tnataff ment. f ntereaf at t/te ra te off1 per cent per montS mifi be added on t/te firaf day of rach mon/h /o any ocerdue bafance un/il paid. DONA LD E. LOUGM EE D TR SAS UtE R This Littie Piggy Goes to COMUITCREDIT UNION whes'e mIn sovcngs en//P narn wt/ intereetpwid monT/c/y on 3 minimum balance4 u HALTON COMIMUNITY CRIEDIT UNION 44t/MA/N STREET, MfLTON 80 MAtN NORTH, GEORGETOWN 676-4166 (MOORE PARKCPLAZAf 17 WILSON DR/ME, MfLTON 338 K/aR/R STREET, OAKV/LLS 8784MU 84466 7ý cdàstie building centre