bî JLtANs EED St P., 0 littoton-Buticcgetît s Luat osee, t orote about a lomet the oseetployet occupation vols teaching, Canada Statistics Report an 'Tis bolds troe today for batht eployng 36 per cent of trends and prospecte for the estire labat farce and sens youag degreritolders. rernîmesa, echoat feanera, entrants, Hetseea 1974-77, Hetosees tout endt 1975 and te aber force in avcrage spriag uneeoploy ensptontesntn anageral, Caootta--tte 1960s thraagh ment of the total laber force profetaîonat and techaica the 1BOs.saich 1 outile viat lOt1 per cent for those occupatons rose about 5per ta continue diacosstg titis ott etemeafary educatioo, cent a ear.oaneryoighsrate oeeb. 8.2per centamog ttosetesth compared wittthe annuel 2. Chageintthe maapaoer secondary and 2.5per cent per cest of aoccptos. aoppty, bet imth resprn;ý,na foroaniversity deree-totders. Ttteratfe tlt 35per cent in nsmbers adeducation, have 1977 figures os graduatea 1976 and 2.2 per cent ta 1977. farreachsng conseqoeeces hired by thsefederal Pblie 'Mtenomber of laor force for the lsberforce andthe Service Commssisonshosed entrants Irons college and l.ber market. Retenant bhat tttose hirrd sererofem Uanersity, hoorner, vies nactors are: the gromth rate, Oobontested disciplinesslntch incrasgnmore qucbly 12 ogr composititon and edoc pronîde asîtls in specîtîs per cent ayear Iroin 1866 to ton ttammant, grsmth in areos- Nearly hall had 1971.droppngoaroood4per maogerialprofessional and drgrens tn commerce, cent iothermid-seeatisrs technicaljos cosparedmîth managemnset or bosiness Thteanaoal nonber oflpst- theoombenof post-secosdary admtinistration, M ana oece secondary scttocl leaseca ioanrrsaseng socs johs,' Isreeti accept tomer- more thas doohird fcom labr torne gconsts actd payssîg. troc drmaadtag jobs. 46.000 in 1966t ata,00in 1976. sotemptoyment. carrent Dtucg te frstbhallfof 1977, Itbia dîscepoocy in thc yslsth osemptoymest. thr about 30aper cent of ai appîs- gcnmttt of masogerol. reltoshp betmera edsa- unsaforclercal postion, profesatosal and techaîcal itan and aaemptoymnt, mbcce the formol edacation occupattos and tht aamrber Impact of the decreasseg rttorement is Grade 10,held of mast-secondoryn-cated demand for school trochers unersittndegrens or collegr joh-senbrrs madeintctaly son the lober manket tac dîplomas or certificotes. The imspessible for ail grodoates uclroîty grodoates, a laor marketpostion ofjob- onthe mid andlate 1970S ta possible qualification spiral neekcrs mîth BAS deterior- ocqmce emptoyens sîmîioe and m dercmplsymeat. aIesaos their oomnber in- 0 tha ni htaioed h5s thce Fsrthtost partthe stody crea s. coaterpartain the early ond dlssnass lotue changes in tn 195. the averagr star- mid-1960s thcsapplsf mnpser. Ns ting salory of aHA graduate Thte cutreat declîresinthe coreesposdisg drmaad insîadoattymoastloper cent of anouel omber of Sohoni projections haove bras mode. dtasttherasainnduttry: thît troners mît secndatn rnent and ostîcîpoted pabrd ia 196et 118 pet cent. groduotion or trac mîili con* changes in the morpemer A sobseqocat torsoeoutd ssnue v er the neot tra yac tappis ironi the shool meast that by 1977 arA BA aly u98athe namber noil have syslehavcprnooud impli. enadoates eoraedt88per cent lolien tothro e eel. Thc cation, Thncreport examines oI the onerage indoatrial numbecsfschwileocrrs mth ed.aanttatnctly tramn a fige. acantial ne completrd mast lober markrt standpoint . Soat ail poeontdry scosdary edocoton Ivti 1 ae t ls renognîaed thaet gradsuatra arc employed in continue ta ntsc, althnogh eduaion has a moltipltctty masagectal. professios] oc sI =nsîtri the earl t,, mid ,ilnfAacstc Oly one of whtch tcchoîcol lobs, nor do ail i9e. os prpacion toc ob,7 thrsc ields eqotre post- Il s diftîoolt na sepeolate Thc eduecottonol ottosmcnt sccondary cefccton.o Bot obeout coltege ecadoolca. ni snhoot lcosccs has shted the gromnh of soch occupa- Manyappeocstoaea el geelovthenterist decade tionsca gcseralinadicatioss of ntheiaber marketoihogh fotscstîdons tomard pest- employment opportntîes f oc satanation seo tli hase onnnndony. thereh> roîsiag otegr and oaîseraîty hcennreachedisomcoccoc., ilho ovcroilnedocationaticnel gcodootes.Forexemple.she likrcocsîneandcsocialaccr (il the laor torce. In the 1973 Oîghty Qoatîtîrd Mon- nions If tanys'nudccts noons decadr. ibic shift mîli p7wcr Surncy ceseolcd 1h01 nhnse cottrgc rathcn thon contisnu, utt a sîsmer rate. 91per cent of oomeiosrder ucnesty ailacecnumhccerof Tnadstiosatty, aocmptay- 29j emptoyed utnercîîy coitrgn grodootes coold ment bas bees negotssely gcoduates had jobstclassilted ccotr pcohtems of tabac ,occclated isth edocottos: as maagerioi, psfessonoî market absorption inta m th ghe the edaaon the Or te hial a Thc maor cîdsa TRINITs' HA PTIS T CHURCH 4372 ppooctLim Stondols, Uept. 17, 1978 9 a ms Bsie Onhoo fos ai$ fsOr os Reaoionsoed Lc CnsssssnsnOsnhetoct 7 00 p, -Dc, Donald îeggass on Ontarin Bible Coiege cessono 00.Wednesday n P n oase ntesono ana Dos ain505 ai hencoonsc of Goit CHURCH0F CHRIST Sundas, Sept, 17, 198 10 00 ont -sBie Schoos ntoasp ,1 00 ant Mornng nohnsand the LosdtaSncce, 0.00 cnt Pseannsna of the Wednesdoay no30 pn- ItbSicavn nhacsomnsheo6:1s6, onn HIGHWAY GOSPEL MILTN GOPEL ANGLICAN CHURCH HALL OCND 306 Ontaro sSt.No878 202 GRACECHURCH Chrrsas tsosnd 317 Main Si Mltn In cheNamcofînhe ISunday, Sept. 17, 1978 Lord Jeas- Chrst TrnntySXVIl Sondoy, Sept. n, 1978 800am ns oICommno 1030 ant Oseosng Beado 10 30. nt -I eassch.sc 12 15cnt SundaonSosos 9030 ont Son-o Ch.s n 700 pnt GospeliService Schnoi Wednesday 1D 0 a n -Jnior Chnînh Scnooi t 00 c n Psaoer and notle Tbansdas Raditng 1000smnt .i OoCsntntnnso Aare os e t5 ST. JOHN'S TheIt Servse NA AGW A He nost heiseneth in the Son hat N055AEY ens lsnit.. John 3 36 300 ntm MonnPacsn _______________ ST, GEORGE'S S LOWVILLE t1 00 am ns l C.itLo n n EMMANUEL Nnrsery EtChnsnh School SA PTIS5T ___________ CHURCH ContntesnsI SIMsinon Paso o, J Rntasonn0 Uunday, Sept. 17, 1978 Od45 nt Snnday School and~ O 5 se Cl50aseas o do 55 oshsn Scnton 'S.ek1.q lh 7 00 nnt Ev.nsnj nsase ana bible ono Ss .n o s S.odso Services THE PRESBSYTERlA N CHU RC H IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH MILTON Sanday, Sept, 17, 1978 Ral, Dais 1000o n adoI,, he Sndy 1100m M.nnnWossnsn New fesens &bl oeas wel BOSTON and CHURCH OMAGH Pente- .tosAfsnlss THE PRESHYTERIAN ..,.,taa Cdana no 5 REUHYTERIAN CHURCHES Mîtîco CHURCHES OF i newnesa 0e Potsorn, hsaen ST. DAVID'S 07064428 f267CMBLLILEE Soniday, Sept. 17, 1978 Sucndoy, Sept, 17, 1978 NASOAGAWEYA a, dO4Sa nsS.ndaySosoot Sonday, Sept. 17, 1978 BHOUTON 1 00 ant Monmintss oh, 7tb Annîoersary 9 300 an Wosn.s Servics hf 6.00snp Fantily ros, NASOAGAWEYA ,ChnîncSchoo' 7 M. m.t Ev.oennSsn st0 an nntnCrb-ed nA, Nursery Fachhses t:00Pm.- Wetnadon tîbl is nscsanyServices OMAGH .t.do andrsonyes vnesece he rsefenoAn,s a mo WnasnServices h 8:00 ce mtsaoay nsgrt -McCntbie, A, 8 a o nhuoh Sch..i Young reosoa Confaeoussnssoosno Nurserytansissses nooa.ree.asnont "d5,e ou, Sa. îî, Msnsten Rac M.- P Fc,-nte. andfitonSnnainsoi Joîa Mi ST. PAULfS THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA PLEASEBDE ai AIB ÎBI Main Si e Jais t.e CEMEROSJS. anday, Sept. 17, 1978 00 - -Wsnshîc Sentine t 8Sceokers Moi. Esosi 878 -234 11:0 m .MsCoc Scoti ara as"nn Snodnt ENJOYING TEA AND CONVERSATION ore Aaxiliory Lama Port y Sottorday. Edith Joye, three ladies as the Milton District Hospital Morion Eveo and Moble Cîifton sip and munch. Uosîcecit.s gcoduains oslh graccai degrens are con- frnotcd hy dclnine dcmntod fon coachers aod slcorg compctitson front the lare nurnber ofcoIIcgc,înd peotes sal aduatrs. With or cocessof ni olee antdaaesistii eaduates in s e aras.1 nny t na n a n cpt los not ceqotnstse pool- oecoodonn training. Tis informai escaIlatîn on Innth edossolsonai reqosnrrntst ton loý ositions -. oalsît not on spircal Once a tend l o duaaion bas ennonîpossaca largce nio l the popuaion, ils cnedeolsais anc pecnnînc 10 iocc Ihcîc î aloc Acqnuisition ni sunh cedestsiIî cia tend Io benonte qtsssnnnpt Ilsct. pechopns ls t cise a seei hniiaoi beg pntnize At s, poisn, the esn ia oînnning t compiIinn forc joins copsts. t cise, i îsdsîssss eml,,* t - odtini THE CANADIAN FILM FESTIVAL at MILTON CENTRAL LIBRARY Tuesday, Septeember l9th, 1978 at 8 p.m. "WHY ROCK THE BOAT" cf armît t S8tuart UjEllarti ands ETtti Lek ADMISSION FREE Sponsored by the SoutEh Centfral Regîcoaf Lsbrary Systcm O PLEASE TAKE NOTICE II~n tcaWadctnîain et.,. l iiI1 I s and kesp erelsoeDrpianlokard L5~for botter s;vings on fine foods Spestofs 0at" r.n Wed ta Sot. 6 p. & emaeyurpks Fresh Daiy Doniand's 3GOssasîSspc Ban <nsJoy 'pitisdoi 2% MILK h85q1f Lsnsl2Per Cuone Donlands Ceantcy $.q BUlER b1h ksI à&1Io Primn 128 oz Galion Tic 100%/ VEG. OIL $ ,9 Mannsngs "Assn nol" 15n oz.ny BISCUITS89 Psrnto Piusn Itlian -TOATO 59 oz u Red RoseO.PF Fkg o ols TEA BAGS $7,59à Hneeord 12oz. Tsn CORNED BEEF $1 Sisod Wbste- BREAD 324 oz Iodn Cnsstaiin Lonndny 1FRote Voaro BRoe Valle 3Idr FRENCH FRIES 32 th. k ISchneiden s Lh. Tnh MARGARINE eahf65f Ucneider's Ceilo Lb. Fit0 BEEF STEAKElTES$7 9 BLADE or CHUCK STEAKS 95"e Fnesb Leao Rsoneinss- STEWING BEEF h .0 Fnesb GROUND BEEF h b.5"f 1 PRDU " Yelions BANANAS So1U.S.A. Sweet RED GRAPES 10 lg 55"ç No. 1 Ontarion Qu.artHBasket BARTLEIT PEARS $117,9 No 1 Ontario Bahy Goid 4i Qnart Basknt PEACHES $1 99 No. t Ontarso CELERY 2hnbes lot No. 1 Ontario 3 5 LETIUCE ha NOTICE WENOLONGERACCEPT TEL EPRONE ORDERS ON GROCERIES 910 Thte Canadien Chtampion, Wed., Sept. 13, 1978 Report f rom Queen's Park ALCONOLkS3 ANONYMOUS WE5T5 EVsmy TUEUAY 9 il. Grâce, Anglican Haateg a problem? Puelab Hall Drop i. AL-AMON ALATEEN Dovrave haorelative levyou, parents' vith a drinking prablem? drinking batherisg yoo? Mlets Tbaesdlays IsR Meets Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. Graoe Ctumh P .m. Grace Churas Paorish Hall Parish Hall KAISER mm««tai Enhansaann hain, aoanornew s5550e. madfmemaebick e Navrne@"paiting *21leg.at * Chroef cloa.end flneha LOW FACTORY PRICES ON OTHER ALUINIIIIIIIIIUM PRODUCTS a Alumnlnumn Doorfs f DGT es Comrbination Windows ITERMSI a ot VABLE CrPr *Alumlnum Awnings FEDERAL INDUSTIES «CCANADA Foot of ForsythieStmt lOokaa OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS PHONE COLLECT Khoà docet H. 0. MULLIN Gene's Antenna Service Chatrlee Annooctant Iîormprly Richardsoîn SosIe 3.310 Mas SIt Msiton Anlenna Service) 8766542 *ea, AService GORDON, LUMAX Antennssa Renoved Don 1S.11 Y-n T.-r HYDE AND CALLURA MOse fi Wt o 7lsartedAounants ALL WOR5 GUARANTEED 17 Wilson Drive 8783400 Corner of Main Street 878-7251 ar 219 Main Street, Miton HYDE, HOUGHTON ___________ William R. Argue, C.A. ___ Mitn8812 MVIlLTON APPLIANCE George A. Jenkins SnsnosoCat CHARTERED WASHERS ACCOLIN1ANT DRYERS î83Msn5I. Mîton RANGES Bus. 878-0162 REFRIGERATORIS Res. 845-8178 0ISHWASHERS Rodney B. MclTaggar 795 Secord Cri. 487 Ke,, St, Oabsoel Milton Bus.842 1795 878- 7908 E9ès. 878 72ý1ý i APPLIANCE AID nep o ci Airerations Et Repaiîs Rear of 275 Main St To Men's Clothing 8785£228 ast KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR 202 Main St. Milton ILSAUOBO 676447 COLLISION EXERTnS H.-n 7 30 5 30 c s KAISER ALUMINUM d_______ SIOINU R EPR Sufft Fanas WiOos aa PO EPER outs, AonsngaI Casrost 0,1d Collision Service P.oh Bslane ody secaira and .ftni.hing, Ran-sngIaoecson.ghi9 ,nigho trained todeenen, o Federal Industries bodyeshop qalfed ta rosot sf Canada fantosntsnshndosk. FootofIForsntsn St, Gaîllnger Motons CLie CAKVI11E 655 Main E. 845 0318 At Wilson Ane. ALUMINUM 87828____3 an WINDOWS & DOORS DAN'S AUTO BODT npssroes Cntiai W.sO GLASS andREPAIRS 24 Hou, nooîna SnOIEFROnoS Snowontsile Repas 8785145 W. J. KOSKI 75 stLin., Milton LIMITcO il n-1. nons otSt-IeoAne.dIt 60.1 Main Street E. 878 9452 - MARK IV AUTO MASTER GLOSS COLLISION ALIJMINUM TUhe ..soak ni sr0er Miitne "Slected AOsis,"atr 3peuialiscng in s' "oamie" e Wtakecnrde in Ouîr o, hni se.tO coneta Auto Body and Pent a Sidnge Sffite Faca %ars. Austomnobile.and trucks, e iîg olrs acis 145 Nîpissîng Rood PHONE ERROL MacPHEE UntN.1,Milton, Ont. 8785337 878-8883 dit, d