Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Sep 1978, p. 2

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2 The Canadien Champion, Wed. Sept. 13,1978, Region plan Ieft gutless planning lic BoitaBull haaiauoahthuaboo aahaaun uoue ahan Rioaual Caauad u'i[iauad it" appaauad ie istetongme] Plananigaumittaaahair- offaaial plan W>duatday, hua utan Put MatLaughie eaaid ha PIaaa Daa>atuaF Cm>ý waaaguaduoe Milieu Maya> aaalg und se>'emhaac ai Don Gorudon,.aut>mhauoftahe tha planning aciimitaae pilanning acmauae, noterd upst ahat [e aili otha pahlia uett haut> ua>iahaa mua> ap. enga au au> ahîaatad ta ah> palir! ahea auuaail a'emua>d nox tah[as Iauu ah> plan fihit midi laiuli l.uaiallaa Atahi> caid ah> of ut h noag ie 1i>aaaghay uuaad ah> pauiuaa thua han agaua auadd ta had paid EuI.Ouafer a h uaaa g plu a> aur [nha auuaîag y>u>e. ciady la Saiaua. Thae xprou liaku ile i.aiaiu ilua (od put>dîchuae>duaa heahadaaga Reade raaad tha issuean ofdu he study, ah[>aa>d ta [ha ratio. ur noax Pauagh>u auted paajeca paapsed mt elancaaaue tinh owea h ah> eage bus- il>a>ueane o uah tu'ard îegit il]i[ihau upiadhay hagh and aaedium duacaity 2.8puapi>and h>a[eil d>aa[uputaaa 'sacl dacult asate aay caua a a>f gu u'ath ihic mail [o aillidfur haduuu hamac haeauuwhaumcuad apaa- ahafpaei>aa'[t a>duand aueaaacmi utaaur aa>a da'ia»ed j hh'>auu'aluct gahhaidly ahaad Fatuuaeng tha maeting laaaaag 1h> ahulu uaa[d liaaaghay ahaag>d that upcad dauut. haaaueoutauset aouuaîl hudiak>a ah> guascuti oftahble ,aofaheuhuagptr[lly and li ."mTisehouudaihabpartaofi aaith ahauad phiumphal ah> houîag puha>. I ibi ahî e ttme pused il ouid ha teau- Duagh>a aid il auc matir. Reade eaad. îaaaiiaaia'haap>ap> ha>e a a> caiitud [heu> a»e chuîaa ut lat>ciyaes and plaaces alaaada 5 to au valla n au l hua "tuve a>aa eaîd a> iuuuthuae lu liOa*iii and chuid ha'> ail kinda ai concdominiaua high>itue uutua apa>tuaaia ad iuauhauues. gaîag haukaupi. hut people hua'> ta hua'> a " Tait h> tahlat out ufth a h> ahua» polial aeaaion and put iaa ut[ha a> salid ah> plan aa' puis Milton are a rmie utanud agaiaca ua> [uta>m, îcctad ai aucaud aîi icsrantu Peter la> haut Brauah ili cau»> hac a>- Sraachtaaditheaîad position la tha aagauc'a ai- ai autyiauthg th> lîcaul plan lu tha Outario agaaaailaaai po[iaî>u ai mou» Munaiaipal fiuud. han$2 liu onu a ah> haut[ people uho h av> aaiauaiia "mue polices a»e a hîadua. appucud agaaiutul puhalea ihuual ofe aalaaaaaiaayac ha>e la tha' plan Ha and Red uta»r uaahîug îhaî cal: P,înhau y haah laid aouriailleat u[>aada 1h»>e The prouvaac' ihal [hac pohaa a'>ta aiaciuswr o iotsadlaarîhueidc restitieaanduualdauahk aa reautriacn aond>aiataa Photo or no photo? lto omillue s lI caîluc aa'i maln a aua'iluaas bha.tisi utalleaupithaautîedeîia hey hud'atmadeaîhuaumicdc up [ah> a gaaup phota ai ah> cup e t luTh> utionu wa lual. on a ail. lakue aae[tly hy uaau 3- uvula. ait th»> a»>mo nat sPhuiag>aphy, Maton. aaucaa[laoa nud utinag Pauuie ut»> cuppiad hua uhuautmaa Braid ['laut [ha phaligaphua puiaiad out prescit llaaauîiiaa Riait Da, au Auhauahaaap 'claghaiy ua ttae'uda> ah r ph tion, au> pi p ota utl hua Icai lan th u th htula s loloio -lheaconIfuu u riea - look ihauaplat auuu î u t eso fllua iiîyîg hic hauda ai tha cflllringuud ataîdu. thaîla ailuîa, 'huautîan aaig iamuitîauteau[u llaami luaa [ foraath> auai Incas ,aadua ai huainess, and tha A utia> mac pua Forth. lu photo caper a c 1> high. have ah> yhotos a>chut, hua dri, and a[îghi[a aut ai taauc. Buy or rent ... fCuehcuaed latta page 1) hauuel aa uisc laid tha uhoudhaauaaîaand haalthdu buahaidingaonKing Ai [ ha eiaflî > i» lis>d hI ad tha poliae station au ot ha pahîing lut, thua utuaca iiugh Si ta»e aaaaardîg la aah parhing apa>e ui rh augutcaiua aler,..iahaputaoa su 10u, aiaimud CouclluaJi utihaupea utarkat lra>cla atscoe [y ah> camae auket ha utaaitd utl ah>ey pa> e ' paringîcaa[ftheaaldhSuaaa > '7 Ç gasaiona lui hucîdaithaeataw [aaa charges daculupa»s WEDNESDAY, SEp a*hua o ai nga an-i>e au [ha 5:3h The Bîhîtta Vaut a ucuacl rai> ahaagad daaal h00 Onaaas u'ciadaacc sapu»l hald la hat utli>ha h30 1Phutugay Ca l,'auua'îiiaa Accu MacArthur THURSOAV, SEPT. 14 aic d tha aid auat haua 5:30 Gicla' Sulihaîl shaui1d cal b hdamahsed, Shu auneaad if 1h> Lugiumupaird Georgtowna vs. Sha caad aauaaai a latta>ri uteau .rihpauauo attuchaa il Il IC aaghtutatua[auahpuaa iehe icouurettat e aion tae rn a cArhe t huor $ " to1 fuceor M ia yr? -- e muh ofureuauheon eae a he . eu W*,3l. 4fMC5t a, hae tait qouie et uuanud Taea sutaffiutiasla conine itu15>. aiegotha> io au-t eu a Muhac Arathuerau meetiucad asamaeoft aantedii utmpae1 Pep978 hacio he asegME t> sayut ago ut.uk Mon- FiSu.7tr9pmYS Wifhiam tAf. Johsd antoid- thtici faits hto "pase. Bu mifT ions.ea s. tur f ahle mad u oaamffo thewluaU heesef, foa pehffeeaoet utL >d id SatIII f eoe, taegf "oece turerI. member charges aeauy uaaphasit au sngle 'lTe aaaahddy ut a aulda "Yuu, hl auid, uta eud aucas. Watseu fhei ihne iaaaily deuaoipetta haueutfhuciug typestidi hath hae aauug," Cummieg aaieeshouid appfytthbaret Plaucuat and Sncama raa- atmaycheaumajur atrin aaphad andaiageauttemacie. eiiuaus h ave ahauged filut autating cea inaduefe>, Huac flhi u u> Hiu Di Cauaeiiiua indhea pan dahea itumau of agu balam- [aud ahae uillea aaea le [ha u. pputd the plan uahapl blaa.tutyelpahuau nin Diamia>r Ed augionu ahu nI l ap heaause h4asnausatified ag a'al ha [eh tahe Cuamieg [aid aouead tha piad. the aimpaut ai ihe haut'- eu ch uiies au agaluai- "Tha uta ail au uum,[ha tahlas tiautd utay au tha e a aag eaux pliuiet muaad affect turut laed. Ha fuit tha pdau baavdualupeaaadthay aae aud uha gradua] nciva thataarea[thegaatuui. caaaadliuauyauetit onuu aalyaiatestiuau hauuail ioaadta haghua dutcitaa 'f ontheulaud. '>1 adi at uhtaugud houuug ta etaauty dafacuihia. Duuughuy apputad ap- Ouavlta Cauuiualo Lauuia ,elody.nt ha i d "f uhe tah[es aau out ai tha pauaat ai tha plan au tha haule Mauua[il uiua h rua, oah> e aauuati u h l plan e uuaa't ha ahla ta du [hua thu hucieg puiuaa uta> aestitation appaaaaug tha plan a> taid ibic uaacpapae uft[ha tait ac auali as I'd [[ha ta a>auaad. auaahuut ciaiyiug tha atua ai a nha Unitad Statut cie i doru. [t aitutu a dagaaa Jaim Watson ai Mitun op- [ha plan ha uppucad. aher uaa aîpayae geaupa ai itauiity thua aredtiec [ha puaed tha plan au mati Ha 'Mu plae eue gulet t aaae uaag muataipaidiat tua plan auatiaatuai au [hua ucat upsai mith a putia> ihat QU>e'a Parhuthua> itac ta ha Fualiagiar pau'd coaa ree. " u'uuld atau t ati typa auaciduaud hy a aaiuy ai tîaaaaaata au huataa teasat "Local piaccaut sa difuar duueliumat adjacenta tu vil uitalita and agucles Dliuaghay dapiua>d aolin eut, a.uid i ha juci a muttea [agua and haiets. mle plat Rita ofiii s acilaîpatu aaU hai btSg ed the ai plaunang phiophyl" dasc>uagac actata typa dace- i takicg a yaae hatua> ah> Regct a duae atitud [aumeet adjacaent ta turbau plan te hfial appauaadt pauua a plan "au tc i alaa îudicahcg a id tha puhie> and au iaad tuppuutad tha haaug peuple liing king au Haitue hut poresadutua tuuhg, -ha aaut ua ah>y uhe aptuha gaca>- Hidutaa adi aaqul»e indue tuar[ut asd ah> haghinae tld tha auuaail Pî îî hay [aid couaaci bcha amauadaao thinehthe ouil aaaid pase tha plan utthaa[ allai lapuaylu Io imet 'Da auu tiaa paiple a afl'dhîasfrauîaguoflaed' t Pinkaaa aiaud tha unraaalel an d aey aeeec oi ahaaald ha aautaad in theplan. Th> pliga mmtt aad plin sagtaff had aie- wihi'uacrand aneapeal sessionalhal lactad hait a day inan eot ta conneup wth a plan îhaiaaoud aat plan ring paincplue and ah> The aauaaaîtaa haaked apt a aaaahaao ai agîd pulacaut rautid In pautut fpriea agraaiîaaai land frett haîaaaîîtaa ahairaa Put Maughlaa caîd aaeahae ai tha Hahuan Fadaarataua ai Ahgraiultur eaanned catiched aîlh bha plan 'i haaa thua Ma. Pauka» aad Ma. Baaah aaaaat saticîld. hua aa haaa tiid andauaavedneaaaa ythag weposacl aa du. W> ail nvrhua'> a plan ahat ai T.1 878-3272 878-3208 16 S.aU M..8 fai 0f 1.,m ANai l titi NAil Ru IIII 10111 9l 111N 1 (S li .ME ADMISSIONS: Ch dut. $3tu.t.0 e Mst2s. 2"25 M' -2 r -10 m- toThuna. i pe.. 7 p.m. bS9 pe. _ provincp aulacaag ides ai and mua paicialu typa ai j aaad a 11Um15l2 H5aton'e uesry rtoncees cor eue putt smo yfflra. new Princees Marie Murray Seturday morninfi et thue Ontario of Agriculture sud Foeod officee os Main St. in Milton. Miss is a grade 13 etudeut et Atos igs Sebool. BURLINGTON TOYOTA INC. BEAT THI TAX MAN.0 BUT N@WU BIFORI OCT. 7th & SAVE 3% TAX 'eac-BURLINGTONF-TOYOTA-SPECIAL EDITION- pl .sous h, eigtE d a Seau ea e >[eayDl tiaaie Af tytltea T.at 1200 ccs egn ceautK502961 S eaRp lccDfrs tý wltBtel ev uyHae cunuai csccat I w ALL THIS FOR 4 BURLINGTON TOYOTK-SPECIAL EDITION LIFTBACK f'l.aee0alay >ltaaeSutyEltae So emu vaett catu»I. t. . 78,05> .1 t cuettele Sîu ootusye.i a... M SS d Co $4978ALL THIS FOR plJ'ý 'rir wcîidF PpoTacaalN Thetuhuuaag siîuadaaucrprotecuttionufestiesare thea,,,, 0ul etenivcetua ttc lnuaaa and a Eleuctai cac utadu ar ataue *e Saut rester aatas * aa seuly 3asuae d etc ildwesinld intermauittnt ataaîeuuaaacuîaa ~~~-BURLINGTOTOOTA--1978 CELICA- FEATURES Theatuiiuulcgtfesitoesuaaarduequpmact ano * Pocterfotaaiseira daumhbaet a Hddenuaiutantenett * Sceel hellaei raditl plu tiret Mttaf au hetadlicta *AMIFM Saule Ke lct[uk liue lu>p *Taeted glass uliS siaushada * Dua/elsSt mr Cui pileutaltouall uapeSeg [eenide hoauucelease F ull icstrumentatiun a Fau-tcatugtavetilation *Styled Stetl autatls Pull uttiaut ke>td letelua EEitutea quautzuuuit *AutumtetasmeisiSrT oaa *auaa rcehttîafronet tuehet ets pit celd ttaaamcceat GTael F ul ettnsole a Pusener aida uaih'la $t i a *cauauaaual' * itreauadcleld aaeiak Plusccteituda ttaa utcast.daaaaa * uay dulyualtecala a uuadaaaccaaa eeevi a42lU W luuctaum ditx t * yu du> sltarttr e Aluutacaad uula and lail papa GT COUPE GT LI? Cl *Daetcaaaauuorce e acr aauade>aauatn andcseas ieaa Iition , aolcoe Pluchasi rn tnce» iners 7 1 2 *FiaacaaulltassoieitionaaaaWaaccauld auuca ultae8 * 11 ahieacarcuel romp iaeSamiru NO i IN VALUE&8tDEPENDABILITY B U R I N GTO Il DEALER HOUAS: BUALINGTON TOYOTAA INC Frda tTAura TOYOTA NCO L at..6p m 1249 GUULPH LUNE HOMIE 0F VITAL RUsOT INHIBITOR 3354022ý Prîe affect" antSPa. 19u Farm politics threat to free enterprise

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