Merchants Gé e n FA h cl lltaec (ukccý Marchand la, d Tbe a ecan hua v Ccachamacpiou ha faciad caca t dancdit ucscectacal pay acentaticn ccd atactet have BV ARN c inLin Ccucty Bacebatl ci aegrtcthtbrgcrieof COU SO xuLeaWy gur acio agaccat tbe cbeckicg. Etobicke cndacc alltr they Marcband salid, "Tbeyuc reprtsstte kutguse rtxuctcc~ e sae d Oukucîte Oabe tace gct a gucal trnce but ce drptk Eurly rprssaeta poutoi gancesa ce ccactb a accu0 in tbe bctprc." retecrixe tc htgh throughcct southern Ontario. drubhacg ut cria crxt Park Oabsille's pctcbacg staft. Thic infcrmattcn cernes frura a report sent tc occ Satucday attereux -Tbev'rr certacxly a dattereet mnembers cf the Ontario Federetîce of Acglera Oaku urre cctbul tbrar raeaitbcut Fishacr,- bsacd. and Hunters by Rick Morgan, one cf the direc- cela, patcber Rab Fishr ceb tors Th Fedraton i hodinga gOSe em accre a noc blter aguaccal Marcband ciactceactft tcrsThe edertiucix hldin e gose emac r antcas au clabsalle a urrk accu tbe action cejtb Etebacoee ut the Pcelinch Resourcce Managemect Area onc aurler The aabu blîpra au Tbe Sterabacla base galle e-e Sucduy. Oct. t5. Top nutrh speakers and actuat alanIcd had co drpecd un agacaccthrecbcisyarbcccees demucstruticns ahil bacfeatured. This au a gecd ccacbcacccg Merubacta au take rarly in tbe xrasec. Marcbacd way tutleure mure ubdfut geuse biclugy, blicds tchrucraca Thry didcct uacdbcerralcrs a club sacbas etc. Admission je free tei utl Federetien mpm- Mtonîa ouacleggrd Oukualle Ecehaceke cail pull a tece bers. Nue members pa $2. 7 17cuucccg thcuugb leur strings ectb playera and bacc (cachaile perturcecu chu dcxte sa alrrady. Tbrs pulîrd acard lihe bhey uuuld huai in lue ptcabers, Williamce trace The lucalu trll hbccod au c an clnerceucta trace ccd Frcm aIl reports tbe eddtur cf yccr paper, Tbe acaca the ccp ofl tbe tarat iceccu eballapa stccaucalucr, Champion. as follewing it1 the fuotstepu ut bis lte au Wayccie Marchancd gut offt l ftîer Emersuc -Tcbby- ouwes ceo suas al aaîcer stara. Cuach fJehu Etebacoeenrulyrd a screcg auaid bunter and fiskermpn unI e lever ut uer thelccu pulîrd Marcancd ce tlc eao ranccd ceas b avc the gret otdors.cacar ut Roger leccîts ache coeumc lu uppîr Mlter greut~-n tudoscclherralulof theecreteb Marcancd kacecext Iby']] h Roy wascout fiuagnbLake Ontario wt a ad camedthe itr tufbb chs e aoutd. Micistry cf the Enviruement cer un e cbarter boat eut cf Part Credif. Roy lusdrd e beautifui 10 Ilb. Cube acd uays be ccld easily beceme beuked on salmes fisbisg. pIMMIM!MMMMIMMMM uml± h I305 STEELES ÎYD.I I THE ~ I CARPET L. CLEARANCE =- Miii CENTRE @Mi into semis after Oak drub On te okerband Merchant ah has onyceerd sx in look oeecad as hcr crackedcrbcccer. Merchants taveled to coch Kelman hinksMilo lc a bcgsthsyear BadiJut e bec ofMiltonbatsuen Oakvle's Deug Savic Eeobie'e Cetecial Park baving tbrar dafficuttice 'i Mark Campberll caen for in thesecond and fath innegs clubbed in feur ras for the Tuesdayeeng aduttlhct player performance and etcat hid cfwdahen tltey scoreut six cars, in Oaks ahile teamaete Teey lte Indiar Saturday et Brian tdude. NiRyd o ana lvng adeach frame. Carlson seatched four singles. Bcd Park. -Wkat Milton tecks jse th stkSreteh. Dctet ceas toced froira tke TH4E LIONS CLUB 0F MILTON fundercentals. We'ce gel Top bittera for the Mer- garte in the fifth nailng whes ccre pfety ef rew talent onth chante had Wade Bekar bie leIt the rceced fer the teercend we'reeaitfrm dricirg in five res itba secnd timente sleem n- seed je noecne ache rely ex-Oak Aady Hall breeglit in pitcber mast ke pa ced frcm kaccn ail about kal ta e rng tkree tripe te berce aatb a tace tbc garce al te Lune se the testantup." cen bercer and sacrifice fty. Oakc'ate haed cagc w 1k at CochckKeiman qceticned ScndtcnercecDon Heacs casaaalekacd hatwase' bue Oehciltc eepectcd te acte end Loris Faggicc bath mucb. cetberty ane pitchereon tbeir "If Finher acceld hasen pitched the lest gerce thanga - accutd bacc keen differeef. Wr accutde't bacc getter ta raceN' cff hirc." sacd Merckerfe coach. NY , te the kcttem, cf the tacet tace ras cff Rick Witlkinsnoo LS SVAEAN BSTRBROWN ____ NEW BAC TO SCHOOL STYLES AND COLOUS Sa IjP~dUB urc SATrURDAY. SEPT. 23, 1970 nee te AURIER AVE. AREIMA a P.N. tel1 A. 878-888.1 250 MAIN SI. MILTON 878-76 .,of.ýR ý