oe;. INTERESTED IN A CABINET, or somnetb sg rle e The MilIone Centre FieS Market has .cdapted bal of lie Milion Depanîment Stare floor spae lii20 Main St. E. Jane Heer of 377A ManS exm00e a bon on Pin Wonn s dispiay table. The scrnkiy Flea Marier cil continue ait cercler at twe locatioos (200I Marir si plus tire aid lire iraitlt ait minier. esery Frida: reseing and ail day Safurday. Separate teachers wii get 8.5%/ pay hike 144444II_, i1iite ,hool tic- tcieghiicrgciiio.scci seic ici ro n-i \cogcttatic has[ lîro 4 u. fi ticS il hitl cicarichrs andc the Lop bni 44, oc,4 tetir 1-441 ic thc ed grh .,,tit tIL iitl liLic Sepcite iii Turîdar. .trrptcicher 5, .444444 44444 'o44 ntd404 cir 4ctci. iii, 1ý 1ý1 97-1 rit, tar coniitrctira 4444444 g cii i tlibtî hic ltggcit t[44. ca4444.444 ni 4440 man ncîî. othsirc4îîtc s2_ 1ii 1.44iri4i4 th, hlp t ti lui a tîider. titi [4,44t ri 1 rh4, 44rc4 tii speoci ascictacer ini bath S28 4r47 tir con cre44 (iesan rit 44,4,1444 0n4 12 >carscccpcr piiiiclirtiiciic ii(iiiithi Ilîghrot lrrrl wcc Ta, IcLîcil ahiît il4*0car 1197,7-7840. on iithi 1497778pat cnd I r Kerr quits cabinet ci4- LI esge ch rct . hi c c.. n cr Ils44 0240 ihcirrr ,..,,444ri, hc dicclocOrca i,,44',lli o.riai .44 4.ttciiig the lo- a. larit tern for cc r4iiiiltic weaIo ol Ke44...îît rr ', eiicc Satîc hicngird 4444 .1,444I"itlt meac 40 post 149fils riding bas4 hcco cylît 444444444 the I.Ith ccd cil Kerrcîcîcîîcd forcaohhort Geneîtci44î4cî4 , iit ii sainecr i,, rhi, rame ha hii kr4cd flic 44.4044 hcd c.îprr.... i otriril i Dur4 in il rtnircin aie 1144 Acthcitii iciopaîgo ,tic held hbis mîonIh each year lJli[itIti.. [ and i l. 440 rinofl .i l i4,44 i.irii4h4444444fg cîriko 4,,trs i ange 1 tiiii S-17.8624,4444 O444 a lust annuletitlraiet [hîci, e i, 444444 442lI, Si.,562 ncrtI-d atriihe, ctriki i17 ai4,4044 ea 4..4 , fi44444 Th, tic act ccaic tircsixci.ii.L ala iiiii > 4 rag ic The44 agr [Oiict Ille aîli 4t t44Ince h:0 4 es444) 444M4 per4 it 454 h peu 44444444 dentaii il phi Iî l 95444, pet4 4 44 4y.4ratu c4... prinipaclic 4iir uii, ontnoi îîîîîrî. 4;44 -l[ h4, i.iii 1 444th. bas',44 c i , i4 'f 1 1 [ P 4th Santa committele gets underway arù 0444c444a4 bolij4iiO the ýl di""ýl 1o Ohri 4t eeing o a4 pairaei fi, 40 lu 44444 444444iii4444444 y4 heIc pacrade Is t i ) in lilltriH f; millecoiMhr Effoirts aic hiiog ,,ilcîiti B 4444c44m404444-n, , vient c STOVE 1,4 . c ii IKlngic 444cr thi iiiypati,,pIi4y.i4 ad.idfttitc fli aprcicrcoytand in rit io n i 44 HOW DOES 11.143% UNTEREST ON YOUR INVESTMENT STRIKE YOU? Ifyou deposi aminimumof $500 in based on 91/ nerest com- a FidMor Mortgage Investors Cor- pounded semi.ancually and accum- poration 5 year debenture on the ulated te maturiry. lst day of any month and leave tl Applications may be made at the tirere forS 5 ears, yoo ML haoe FidMor bcad office or iry complet- carned appreaîmately t1t.431/ îng tire coupon below and mailing tl simple interest annaally on yocr with your cheque payable to, FidMor original investirent. This rate ils Moctgage Ircestors Corporation. IMC) Fq4TGAeG% <- E Fidelity Equitable Trusi Tower 1 "V-= !-rC>Il 1tu Floor OneeJames Street Soth Hamilton (4t1525-9411 Additîonal Debenfure Plans f rom t tor 5 pears asailable. PiaisritF.lo rîrntprobnia 143ipe iniees a ionnciellaai * cirnrons .. Provinicen ..... T.7503R r firtmicoita thericidnt cirro tir cIiîiictrd the Onstario potlice (commission Thr question tiicre in- diof aspese sn Hattos crmnicourtloiee irr hecame crown attorney i 1972. Hr sprculated a confit Hope to retain Bell St. trees fitipayers* coscrrs about lIIiý ic.1 of a4 lirctifu tand et tirrcsalthe prresrtsatrend ;il t Si 000 ccn ci %mpatiry ttiiidcr oigt itiaîcom. iiit tcii04rtiig t4i a4 pprcîrdil forc La Cuil of thIe trcec as îîi,,cli , thtîtclcied c 4le l r . i un tc h uelrs iruer co oh- .444 .441 u t *r iii rthr l. u lev haltrl.-uuttirr i andi bar444 ~ i tripotra .4144 ich Te a- sed ,ltef)m' ih Jacd ori,1,, , t %hoî are pro- 1- l il ii trf ti Io i cir tihe rea t1o1ý,a ai. [titi itingio th lii fi,, rithe ai-c. tri a-i twing 441 gord c; c.tI grerd tc .irctoýcii.ati thefirmhas me httriitodiscuss nStrl Prtor and Ifulda Sinr drr Bell f t. bothscpoirr al Mf44441.4 c mreting Ntrs J'arion44.44 hni hoprul ta if p i i ttIic othrcafirtcithr ho lirwilb ,eicIa i s rm Bl S'i WLES CO.LTD i 'WÂrumHourigan says he'ys rtirte sers Laurier Are. artena Sire said pedettrias ariens mouidirr alrigri "f are hoprof menasn keep Self Si. cloted, te sace firose irren," sire bld Sire atse, suffrOird a 50 fret iruffrr etrp siruuld bc mandaiory. te separair Brlt St. rruidrolo frorethe arrsa Mrs. Skinner tid cousicît sire suffrrs troretithr noisr ai tirrarrsa,rspcialy ontcrrhk ends.c I' ffsitrriire" ite said. and tf the irren tirai irparate irrr proprrtp train ther arma are out doms. if c ili br a mersr situaltion Coosicîttors frît tbe road migtbiofhavre obratfui]f0 irrt %vdr. Cousciffec Jim Kerr wondrd tfa sîdruar iresidr theronadcoud corcracouod cocrmaturre rs. taprecent cou tsf tro more Ira bicsr Wo're navIaih!bon teae on Wn..y .1tith. HALTON VILLE Mîet Country Mnaret BROOKVILLE ACTON Artn Srer Sae Roeyal Mun, nten GEORGETOZIN stn.n'n$ Stoln Joeen Tank tirer Onent nimerkntirtr SPEYSIDE SenntdnfniaelSntn HORNBY titnbyraennntoet ouantry Fern DRUMQUIN Ormqahn ttt PALERMO Cetleran Statln NELSON Nnintnteerntr LOWVILLE Nri.nnn..' nan..e Mount N.r elety Lta-Ile n,t KILBRIDE Centen toet CAMPBELVILLE Open Emreiumar MILTON HEIGI4TS Onui..a.ete iN AND AROUNO MILTON ord.i'. tarntan Mitons Dnut Marent Wetndette. Mittn Di.hnltonpt Hrine sttints 7l.11y Padttte Mittn. FniMonrnt natent Vett SUREFIRE the ENERGYCONSCIOUS woodburning fireplace with GOOD LOOKS ouaruiant for durailiity toc rcooomy U.L.C. Approond Sesoiir d4itOtlaetHtor tî4is ce, Coonrvtiuonrtrn et OOtpi4rqualce. Defer move Hatre Retiiosa Coait! has ierrop any tropes il lad ai ocrsg staff rote rieur liradqoarirrs in Oakircitt ai tire rod cf ihis moeih. Tire nocre planed fer Sept. 22 oa the afficiai operting pitoait fer tieeeier have irath bren set barir dae te a carpenseet' ntrike tirai bas bersi druegieti on for reeks. Regienai officiait have moenitored the strire andihe profrestat the regiona bilrding forWeers, but finailp hart te, defer tire renne. Work han reanired tire peint cirere if iv entratiai tel hase campemeneron the job. lThe rnm snow tentatisely st for Oct. 27 and Ont. 2t, irai tirait eninh hase te ire ciraned if tire trihe draft on marrlnger. The reElon ni ander ne romedraterveladi te trace tire iroird irnadqaarters thep ooc capy, ire ani mentir iirry otap represente ren they har oi irudgeted fer. loal ALBUM f 94 ('dor Ma.in 199 s tt io a i tn e78-2526d Liht, a n roandr Gn(i uss.Ar d o Co enntre nw Bill ~ Du anynn i or mO and S;iv .1-r un Gioen CenprWBot RESET of HI .SnowmbLe Sut 1 .bet WAIVE PREMUM FI ANC E PA F I lDY FREE innocent of wrong ilciios Policr Commistion cretîgalers ns rhetirer Mr. et interemi efir arisr if lire Warrdrr resîford rarir Cbcîcmao William Hourifas, Heurifanrian actinf an thr police commission ireurt tris yrar cerrsfily being iscestigaird dretor't tancer or asngise mn epresenîrd a client in a Tbe iteurîfas inestifation hy ther Ontario Provincial position an police commissin Haltes crîmîsai cou rt, as iscmpieatrd by ther fart bris Police ccci aliefra incolce. chairrean le inflorne taping opinion sired by Police Cbîrf a close tcroed of tormer souici- ment vitrthe ib ayinf et ofrirarfes. Oherrcif focr nrcalGeorgeKrrirho charges cfcist a ucinton HaltfeeCromn Attorneypir Mc. Soarigans is onrcesîford rivcr a miain rir ocr ed,cay thivestiTreleaven is quofrd as commîffrs draisg murh cident onrther erd, Mr. f44144I io il sirwcli iresfdis- quentionrnf miretirer potie promotions in tirr Haillfo roc Houcigans cred as Mr. ocerticiccogdoiog, officiers, eoutd regard Mr. and asa dfeeiacyer may Kerroeirrief fioasciai ofiter Soocigasicos calird lu tbe Hourigas an a pricait, citizen, irave luoquesion the conduct of oin r th 175 and 1977 etlectios Soniîsngtii policr staionof or asntieirirboss policeroficers dociof as in ciimpaignsi Ballon, Regiecai Polie by a Ther police commission irrad vestigtfion afaioot c clirnt. Fortirer compicaions corsi dortor chacgrd m ilS impaired prunties tam murh Surtinfion the rn cttorey s qoed b rrcose Satalis Police dr4irOngthe eîfbt ot Aufont 24. Refionat Couneciller T. Suthrr as saylof il Assciation members, ail Acc4rdiftu BallioPoie land,.irtimmitof hidearnn Nocmaiiy the biadt of a policmn, havebeersfeudin i'bief Kec Sierecil Mc. are in reat enfuie. Souresn police commission cs a judgc wîibh the Salto Potie Com- Ilioigceremaicr trrthir chlet bemecasiosaity prueý cppoted byh ieurtenant- missons a4 situation tirai doctor %hilchrges wrrlaid flore cîmîanai tam but Mr, gersortiococi. bul Me, mworrîrs* cors Attofry- aniditheman rlruord Cir Triracrssays beeunitrcel] Hourîgae bashccon ctingac Genriul c Murtcv.com Skerretiitiue the investi- neeine Mr torieteu delco- chiriman sinerJuduciWilliam alsc ictim Solicitor General,