Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Sep 1978, p. 5

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C WRITE: Supports NEC controls Dear Sir. dual rigitt" in matteesaof land osa, snly a 1 would like to, reply ta your article ningle plan, a single net af prnvincial guide- "Encarpisent Contrai Chantizetl 'tue- fines can accompint lte maintenance of lettded in arder ta pansent hnth nides ot lte natural enviroaient. .. aarqatred ity lte Niagara Escarponent dehate. lte act. lTe provincial plan stresnes The Niagara Encarpont in a Provincial "prenervattan and conneavatlon', ' herean satoréil resaarce whirit halangs ta us aIl, lte traditional appraach ai manicipalities inclodingltase peoplewImbuareaot repre isitasetlon grawltandlitheecnoina nenttellity any oi te 55 local manicipatities growlh. within lte encarpeant ares. The province UnIl ltere is a naitntential change la han undarteiten la prevent lte erosian and municipal attitadea and lte aiiity te resint Ions aI ibin iteautilul wild laadsrape hy ltae staang grati prensares, i la aallitely ltal creation of thte Niagara Encarponeni Com- municipalîplansnatane caald accnspîlit lte misson.preservatian af lte ancarponent. Titis saburai resoorce ns suhiasi, ta pans- Oaa Miltan Coannilînan are natuaally sures ofgrowltandrchangeic ifraot reacling tueiisaestrictian imnpoaity tte properly direcled, would resait inais provincial gaveanalent. No-one lites ta hae graduai deleriorallon and ollimate ld witat titey cannot do. 1 hope titay wilt destruction. The escaepmentla a reource try,itawever, teaeStayon4 tiar worrtns of greater titan local canceen, and ta iteep- aitout tite lcontat af flagpaten, iidiouses ing iniit lte demaocralir principten sf sua and patiose.. , and u lo osard te, pan- sasîely, lte provincial goveaomn itas saaving, for lte yaar 2000 and anwards, an gisensnpeciat praler.lias la ibis ares ity Bitl esasoent enviranent ltaI n pan- 129 1913) dmonly wîld and nalural, and ltaI witt Since il deata titIlha sanleol of land use lie a monamantlata anily of ltae ptannars lte Act inavîitly jitraduces casllicîs of oI ibis renllIay. lRane Harison peaina lar inlerent and piitaupiy. Te canflict Ian- lte Niagara Encarpeea Cammissian mas lweessitatiata andowaa's rigitl'and indeed wecme - ltuniapa tat mre hitI is lte aigit of lte publtic, nan d in cooncillons con laite libis laa-nigitd viain. lthe future, la eajay, onspeitesl, lte saesic, Yaaannsincaaely saturaI and anviaonmeatat qoatitins of lte Jan Watian escarpont regisa. EscarpeeaLandainer, Wiith mare ltan 50 municipaltiies ail tas- <Conaeavaliaaisl isg dillecing siains oI ohal ns an isdiai- and HigititcituntTeactec) Rl. R. 2, Milten. Questions hardship Dear Sic: itas titese nigitmaces oI reprannian ltaI hae lcread inYur papeita Couaciioanaad descrihan aI Niagara Escarpeea ment- Ctemests is"te mol olpoan oflrai ingn? critirs oI ltae Niagara Escarponeal Andteaaarealtcucilaensopposei o Commisnion. He compiaiss aI lte six oser- reprenant lteir etastoan liant, and nat titeir laya lit appty la itis tarm and yel sn thte owin eess laslyeariteiasmanagedtootain osa tond. Yous raly asarace andlonehars eesion on M.Crow encarpmentlands; sa osdec ity ltestiti R. R.2 IMitan. Raps 'gutless unionism' Mr. Deasis MeDrmoil, btig itosiness, itaniing asd goseramalt Peiesideni. Canadias taitor Congresa. wohite seeing la sortait ceaunnaitte iteselils I cad inîit internat voua stalements lI-ltheiatlarfrce. Inaacl some mninîerat reporled ta lte Aog. 30 eiiia oI lte îi posuitisnitas iteen recnntty sitoina lulte Georgetown Independesl sesapaper tAiOnizaliOof aI o aitrn a inestern Ostario regarding lte passiîble support a onînnim Ocdasly torte NLIFP paaly isthesclhcoming To oorledeatand Onaro goemet lederai etestios. paesoisabiy tiv ha heid heada 1 hase maîntaîsed ltaI laitsai titis nomelime titis li. cauntry has han hiind thte eigit hall for Voit maite ltae alatamea lit "Te ave 100 years and ltere han iteen ns Caaadiaaahaor movemesl mostand wii coserament inteeni*onon lteiritatailf itecome more îavolsed in lte demarralic Il iitamasthe esestua pasing outaad pelîlîsat procesa titan il h as aever itren lte ollimnale deatit aI ontoninon il las vtera hafare. - lai]tul suppert ltaose la initom il ta oittigalad V.os votre slcasg support toc lte NI)P os fon att lte hanalils sacrad for lte labor le itasis lta itis Party ta lte oaiy ose ltat tories lever nînce Ontaanm itecame a has cassseallyinoried onohat fail rerogtiied lactinCanada. Casadias Titis ta I sascriha ta titis assesamant of ltat Thtis is noltaassumelditlieinan tusea pary an ils mort Ion lthe paîl 25 yers or btig Unionison supptaat btig buasinss or ig moreibutl1mootdsaggesliita yaodoano goserimes, narihiletuiaesoiscplithe itsld yoc itrealit inig lac uioin support Place Of btig btusiness eilthea. Aaf Itaitias Ian lte NIP. deraaîe oflany gaoopa-ouldhaedisastous ta (liesa anionîson han proard ta se pasi lte countay. tai arradiag ta lthe îotîsg aI etestions ils Vasas laaty. nemharsip itas sida-slepped ils support of Ed A. Pelers lte LIP an lavor oI goseramestas ihoar 31 Byron Si osiy ialeresis areofmaing iitiosoces in Georgetoin. Legion Notes First gen By M. Gacenlleld Paie Relatios Olficar Sepleshar ta iter, and thiaga are slorlîsg ta get underaa in Orasci îaa. FiraI of ait, aur fiast gesarai meeting la gai ltae sein seasniuanunder ifn Man- daySepI.1 i8ap.m. sap. Thneaeinportantlthisgs ta hae dniidad upas, asd il f00 have lhtsgs ta add, werd ail lietataeaaboautil saplansta aed. l0u riranaithu haen * iosared titraugit lte somr aitihvisitais train alther parla oI lte muald. Os Thuandof aigitt a plaqua and a ltler tram lte Rayai Baillith Lagion Cluit, Lld. Nuio Rd., Chaloal, St. PeIna a-as presesîrd la lthe pre aident oI Brunît 136 ity Ma. and Mrs. Tye vitifrontv Eagîand. Mas. Tyn ta a Rayai Novai service, and Ma, Tye us a strlaa oI ltae Roao Marins. Titane sica peaple ae visiting relatives in Miltan, and itraugt lthe ploque and lellar tramn thitai Legias. Thecealoi hava hca viiostrain Wales, ltae Grimsy aeand frntEt- liaoi, aina tram SîaIo asdlcniond. ltaatinwaystrir ta inairain visitais sain aitraad and aisu Irain alter Pars oI Canada ta oua Brancit Oua golf trsa a-htci quailied a wintîtag 6ta go as ta ltae distnrt tournoasl nt s ouit y a very aoamtaagia. Titase loua gallers ccpresantndaourhbanritvery ail and otttaugi tSey dîdalt rhthita goal itis fan, tan doarangratlute tem and say, weltidonc mas! Salurdaf nigit danses ara haîng watt oltendad and avarfase tsenjayittgltn igit oui la ltae munir ity Haraf Ailes, aur enlerlaismesl ritoirman. Coma os dos and asiaf lte munis, and coam- paniaasitip. Te aumrmea btinga lta ltae transit netks aller han han weiltaaganiad andcrusty an annactate mamhar. lIon memhars,' înrtuding Oadinaay, Assate and Hos oary and l'raternal. Titis is a tjItlitaI tatas quit a it aI eral meet sîummr timeand aig ltant 16 yau n ten ardea Ian ail lhnse peaple. Te Ladies Auttitiary Saine Shanosna titis fear, and ha hon sain laites chtarge lac lte seai hais ossislnd ity o itaad- 10amanîtusanda-emtisi tim GEORGE or c fBampus 1 o6 cmeer Fm disIvtysmot &~libodedcot à fuwnwl<w M nI Leave water atone Dear Sic: 1ans miting itis intar about Iltunridatiso aOurgondmuatecsuppy, Weoraitîavsaof Miltas and Our ltiees hetare us paid tu have this ndrfultaater systeinput intv haing and il ta lthe hast sn ltae noid, sa inhy do me halle, namnee faons (lakitait and Bucliagton diclate la as an lthe natta? 1 Sen ana mon Inmbu laites vaater train Miltan la Burliaglon se ltaI iis faity,. hase gond inulea la drink. Il Ma. t mn inanîn fluneide, lt hum isal itis oin ;ys- tain in itis haine. Bt lie may. itancotidaone leIter spart sarita aontravswen 75itîper cntlofthe Congratu lates LIaar Sias: Onace again, 1 mont saagalate lte Canadian Milton Chtampion lac aaieisîng liant priz plaques ai lte Canadias Coin- monilf Remapapers Assocition ras- vention.. Congratulaltios la aIl] meshaca oI four staff woa hase sonlaihslcd itn iating yaon mi, Jusine ViiPemskiHwarh eaFaiik Mrs. Susan Jacobs of Ouitvilla la picard 10 un- noance the gradation of itar daghtrs. Justine and Jane, fram the Uaiversity of Toronto ia Jane, 1978. Junîlina reccivad o Mosicr's Degrea from the U af T facully of social work and ha ucceptad the position of Co-Ordînator of tha Durham Raglan Development Foondulios. June grodald with o Buchalor af Arts degrea an Ges- graphy and is prasantly ampiayad tilt ltae Town af Ou kvilla Planning Dearîmeal. Sita wilt ha ralurnisg la U of T for postgradsulr siudies. Bot ure former studeais of Miltovn District Higit School. QUILI INSULATION A Camplene Hanse lnsalaîîan Servicae. 00e can shows yaa hans la nane enacqy andi maney. CALL NOW ESTIMATES ARE FREE 877-6803 OR 791-8058 vataes aid "na"in 1971? Bolth sidesof the blanide stoaf ahauid ha mode osatiahie lv lth- peupyle of Miltas lthu balel asnd lthe gon, îithaeay) by înidial dcttîs, ltait titi l ti o fi Miltonseu decîda ohalthea ar val Ithey and thaîr citdres sitauid drinit titis tauts pullulaat. Set1 urgeatheettiaansaof Milton ta aai up itaara ltey pattute ltae asiy gond inalea suppiy ltera is Rit do fsu hava ta loft? -yaua gond nuppiy of sas peitutat 001cr. vasas siacreai A.JRtggias 25l1oas St Miltos Champion w-etly lthe test, sot osIy ta Ontaria but aisa su Canada. Plaase aiiaiumeltaantesdntf hast asîshas for caatîsued surirass 'l'ursasiacraey. LIa ranskA. Phîitbront Mem beaoftPciiam lent natas Hoois spesaka leia ai eaeiutîaaof ficas for ltae Miltas Fadera Pragressive Consranuisve Associatian has han peut- porait untittaaatinaeit Osiy sain meines turard atut ta a slhaduird ineeting aI ltae nayaisaitea Rat Restaurnt as Wadaaa- dayaevaaiagAug. 30l iaiet itîltiers. 'Me Miltos ritapler has uppnaaiinataf 150 memrauac Elmîtios of allîscn lac ltae astîra Oultas aîdîag a-ii hai itnid Thuaadayaaasîng. Sept. t1u4î ai t itae Wfidamond Gall and Country Cluit Gorge Sien a satean Torf MP a-iil ha speaiîg ut ltae meeting. -Milton Fain ta Sept 22-23 24 tit fan 33% oToO 0% SAVINGS AT ~TSH IRS j 377" PULLOVRJ S 14.97 ~Speca ÇSedmnsnn8and R.EFILL SHEETSs tiedman'n Scanë [BALIPOINT - PENS R99 770 13 RIN GBINDERI AS aaWD OLR PUMAVY'MORE UIADVERMISED SffCIALS j M9 MAIN ST. T IRTSà T4URTLEPlýCKS~ MI CIILDREN'S LUNCH KITS WITH THERMOSI Regula $6.99 *~4.991a 878-4463~ ¾v7j ExcptonaI Value at Wa tait ltaI a ung tan nitotih haves a crduraf al ItI as ltmd aut tilta un insshae an his altne iltaes. Sa ta saelete as eacepoaalp fian snd anl ivavan aocdaay uît atleli iy invleraiap larnaos 1I Cosna Observe ts attention taldelaW aleeve eIn pobvites; Patch aad liap panlotla nîcit lapea stmal thtsg 11150 ait Ic; athar-hite steee andjacnel btnons.I t itres, cduray caoons, trams, camaIt btlack A 7"droptfitinstzen 36 l adle solmallit. AI JF a prive ifs enceptioual saine. Came saseS yvursetl tait non' I h dtsappated! INM7J'ý Thte Canadian Champion, Weli Sept. g,1978 5 YOURE SIN VI TED WHITE OAK PLAZA BRONTE & ANNE YOUR FAMILY NEIGHBORHOOD PLAZA NOW OPEN Bantam OPEN 7DAYSA WEEK9YO 10-30 WHITE OAK LIC.UNO)ERLLBO RESTAURANT 878-5020 9'til i ans DAI LY SUNLIAI 12 -10 Bronte 1 Hr. Cloaners 878-1163 LIAILY7:30 7THURS.&FRI.tl9 SAT.ti6 HAIR 2000 878-1530 Mas Saiy Appa vasant WINITE OAK DRUGY MART 878-8107 LIAI LY 9:30 -6 THURS. & FRI. lii 9 * Easy convenient parking for over 200 cars " Weekly money saving specials * Friendly helpful clerks and merchants ADDITIONAL STORES OPENING SOON " LARGE FOOD STORE * BANKING FACILITIES a BAKERY îe, , /aZrre/ ïý (4; 4a&cs.a/ j»aneann Mountainview Road S.' ETOWN 877-6984 --------- - D 1 5N

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