$1o,Mo priz.? Winning--nothing new for senior couple Wn ansosuieg new for Despte haveng recordet Duimstra. Frances and JohnDumstra the sinssg nusher, Mes. There areno greatplas for ofMilton. ourdaound tesmore thas the money a ii toce, aho 'The couple have enjoyed diffcult sooteie tise had sudit addng the couple had the henefts ou urive Wntario wot $100 retursed onlyrecetlytfronta peizes inthse astpyear, but "I ust couldsuht eleve f trp to Europe, aee cele- Thursdayeeesng was Ohe util 1 got a nemepaper tise hrating Ilseir 401h %ue<ding finale, ohen Ose couple seul morsis ad chece asoiseesarytissyeas discovereti thomourlses the osesher," shre eaid. This choque, lise Use $1, $10,tOO licher. P'riends walching tise show wio, s'ill go 10 the suan "Il's great, jsust great," wilh the couple seon spread place-the locai isanis, icher said anoecited Mrs.Dubli- the wurdlsoiever. andlthe it willheiseploutil needed Jurafthe nesfdey. senior couplesneser made i to, salid Mrs Duisostra. Past wis hase included hedutil the earlyisoarsu of iaspsielb Offese $75 priuos, a huais of Friday msrnisg. Iliawy8"etohv licisl atd a wie of S1,00. 'We viore in hed, andi litll sel asîdo, il you sisould 55 nult surprisisa, Ose lriends cameisnochusg onuour iseed il," she said, adding Osit couple teste miss huyisg doues, inanling us 10 checis il sa also ususual lu suddesly ticks for lise drain, sur du tiru nussiees," conlinued have $10,000 and issus eigh tisoy miss watciig il on Mes. Duinsîra ay short and hois lu sptnd lelevision. Their wîusing liches hiadt lise mooey. osTursday eenusg,lthe iseonpurchasodterom Bois Ms. Duimsla dosra hv îwo stalinned theesselves sn Reid,ý a residesl t liste one isinedialo plus for a par front ofthietelevision seta ht uildig andlthe sane gen- of iseirtrcenis'innisgs siseir Hermosy Court sesior tleman shu had sold lte Ohe se planning lu celeisee s citizessaparsmetson Ontario lheir peesious innfinglicsets s'issa dinntr Partylfura .1isth s. sinctiey mnsed et the rtsideos othest36suite its Jlohn Duimstra carelaisetof aparlesens bsuilding a yoar lfatmuny Court, tise building, called out tht agit. FRANCES DUIMTA is offo bOe haok- suaseeat white hie viloe urole Tise cuuple sotte isuy more m'They hure al hes sc, vry aguso -10 depost a $10,000 Wintario prize she Osees duin Ihan ont huais each ticisets sce 0 hout my bushasd an and ber lssand won in last woois's dram. The "Tisey douiso quicslymwhen andi mils $10,000 in Osoir myslf tisse we have boe lhep read ouI Ose morr, pocisols, they isill continue 10 bore. and me would lise ta couple had cotlected five smullor çsrizes in Win- thas se alsape messe Osees huy the samte numiser of show ose appoocialion," she tarso druws 10 tht puis yoar, but Ibis was the duon tickets, assureti Mes. explained. finale. New administration at Fairview Sehool Foorvie iSchocbaraleu principal and Oece-priecipal thie 5aIL Thev art John Mistihcon asd fiord Smîih Principal %îcheishuei hie had a r6yei tre achiîsg caee in1llo 's mînaery coi ryemoo Mot ret's"t5he es principaf ai i'iarksrdair Schoof iSoefIlgcIý e sier cn Barie 05oIC MrIe it hoel bae herîc Iseecleeg ICI f[liton for -c e Ileferrcoesîcc tl h',cr hoeC vle ,ie c preoiePel ai Re'on isciseec rf, efeîogt.le mafr lîeihre, hnte eCf.biie gradouae r Wilfereli i.,îe hceierrefi in %Sacrcee ,od Nie Smitlh of Nl,.Nlastcio Uniesitye inHmitn Rosiie if seCd fontlie th e clOc orllkieg -th Cearises, aeed ,tues. Mie, Csflfls' bar lhgrotad tceloder sork vi lI eeCeich- nietand reediaifdecepe cnd tho toarbCilg tifcist ..cflargoogu'are hir Sith as , woe, tr erish avito progCOCis arîfrbars [aulghf ee andlel-tehs, Placs for fise ýclir aclude le c ging ci udenfe cci fls fe' ierairo sbtdent ueior atisfor pClfci'. aned a lcleelOcpreraCe lie'5laefecepaeCegl alotcher i ,elCaifon COcis c Ii C a tiraitî bar sceeiI cr1 olt l,'coe and oîffii-ecac titatber iceleýillo' ini Ioient5 tif 41o1 kie drgartCC Ce gradfe c ioOpils \earIv ail arer .iseiI s'lîo moert arr 1is îrirere cnefudisg the priencipaf erd Commnunity hall FAIRVIEW Publie Schoot gets a new principal aod vice-principal lis your. Gorry Smith f leftf, vire-principal, and John MeGibbon. principal, sert ut their deuks in August to plan toc the coming term. Fluoride issue before council The cotoesi iseo rspectivet oser supplier. Oaer f urd t u oet butth ntirt rgionteîll5asi huître Hallon Regional ballots. Couacil loday. Tht potbIs AecoidingstPerl, ilian fiallyplossiveoissuetound It ail or othingtsituation Ifthe sayotSa o ommillee agenda people opl lu go s'ils f5aiieide attea Iillon denlistlîssued a if guet in eeryshete. and il seller os lise saisjerl. Cis reetld il mils hu saison Tht committ reous out of Georgetown, Burleng' mesded Osas necosooey sseps ion and Oaiscilît. bhulaiento havetersalerîin Counil meetafti.30luday Milton and Arlon luoesdalod. aI regiuol headquureos in Those are lise only iso hurieglue. communiliet in t masios sill sîishul fluscidaled Wedniesday ta Satu Accuedling lu regional solicitor Dennîs Peeiin, lise retional rouneCi bas Isu chuices. Il ran oulisorior lise eupetor rasen opt t: e snoliu t lise s ssr is sial the question o B e a u put tu jusl the robers ofAclon anti Miltun for Oseir 8 x Stuoke asociation Color 1 first meet Tht nesiy toemeti Hanoi, tnuie erovrnpAssociation sîli hold île linst meeting Mtoday eesig, Sept. 18, as HIrOA 7.30 p.m nsois0ye11o m rio, pO Tht oes oin st TUDAYý,0 'o rnt frîyumedforte lierre- lis ut sînoise patesonL rmcovrting antir famîies, tspfaited lasso mCliamsot, Your babp's sPeof ai r spokesmas ofthOs geou. in ciît phologrephp Tht tirst meetitg mils toalure guel speakeor, Sas - !amltp groupe, t00 Collsn, prsdntfthe Tor-n' ila Inse onto heanris ofthlie associa- oi e iiht lion. andi maet size avalila 'Stuse needing transportso' it 10lie meting are asised to otact Miss Wilfianisonit asz 845-5241 or 0420001. Tht meting sa sciseduleti for the Red Crues hall as f67 Nasy SI. h paiaed $1tiI.,Mf romý tdorretsol hovr ccieorild sefle hall en tho Meico fair eae5r Chie sotlee fa geeeeeds miteoocor Ce if Che accorieco Mr %Iao iscelî he ncsavWeiaceo geciidcoes prcotcet sa 1- peecrcleites rail "e reough, accordigi ebtroccho. folthe presiedrtof theoOaCoo -lIhaveoafeadyeisrtc l .igreiuleai Societf. le c nieedreel s iou pelîclor Il ie ae tif>î thicrighf andf roul alithe fîse ce tx 1, idîoeg Ibis lise laie bocard is Marsheall. Cell tri aî peeoCitio f0 commrent . Wesfeece, granl wla f olhce tarreof h bidin5g peceoie oCnfbcld cille ro Theeeoli Pupesi' cosemunî joafedrcos[loc the bildieg 1(y hallf %Car grvec a mreneCro ___________ i> iwf ilrtbi rday September 6th ta, 9th, 1978 A tiful 10 - ortrait _ S Familp GrOUPe enfp 88$ per pefefl! harm captareti bp our special et - just the gft for everpone in the tamilyf Ail ages *Limnit one special par person. dcures - NOT PROOFS - Additional 8olO, 5x7's iba! reasonable prîtes. ELLERS MILTON MALL 55 ONTARI O STREET SOUTH 70 voer cent in favor TAo Canadiaen Champion, Wed. Sept. 6, 1978 i1 Amnbulance strike possible ic ould boibhuidown s'aof toibhe cimpany. alarday, Sept. 16. il 75 Alîbuugh Me' Lserh irouid eivrallondanli and dis- netlcomnment ontheeontents alchees mairc gond iheir of lise report. il istepecled lu seeaiioflilieisacio reimed sucnclato Theo em ploptes ufthlie board be setupltomdia te isîriel of Hollos-Missis- tlke heeentohOe 75 mm auga Ambulance Service bsers cf Local 207 of lise ti are noix in a legal pasOnt ario Puic Sevice sioc ti deelare a stie, con- Eneploytoi Usion and the ireidDonLioecb,prsonnl leiirytar-oldecompasy. mngerfrtepiaecm so pessefinme noeod of pan. H sad hatfolowng trie as begn fled hy tht Wicked WiIlie will WlimA wice Wie oon 56, isad a shot ai Johsonwil ba anddat i muicpal pliiesisn tho Novembr munieipal Nartagas'rya somnnlis ce 16 eeleton Tbr outspoisor years Ho bars Cotice ie environmentcalisl and two provincial pireies.boshfimrs simo NO' candidate oeIl ru usuetsflly. for regoial coucil in Milton on oscoineing bis cn Wards Ose andi TArot. Thar dsdaey, Johnson raid be ws seai econowbrld by J nles mmuing onhis oietand Watson oats oC reeivng aysppot flrin boeNDI He no500 tomne pi pet Torons oare rumsiog W inners NI.)?P caodidairs bul be saidbe ostfogo iialone. Johnson bas hes iseolard at marksetL 1,revnmna ru orisd to a mpeose phone Mayo ofthe Maret ervi'ecrîit Camphuli'ilt Maeor ofn rbeporsIarour rea asti ho alto, boaded a Tragoisu051 rpoîs Ar dr5rgaios 10 roues yorii prize wnns ai heaturdav Cc prterae the sature of 15 farmers' sorbet in Milton Siderroad macy yrursago. He Sheila Keshall of Ontario St. 'is appearrd lrequncly as Biarbara HiardMarticiMn egiosal rousesi meetings. Si . Ssae NlcKillop of Elliot -1 CAsisk I hart a strong Crete sud Patrieia Me- .5esse Avt., Cap belle elfe Eyes and TEA ers for MILTO: police Tuesday 'Mi grsrralhoeadquarte wa0ch teF~ doosdase "THE ON liallt- Regaîrai Poslice appreecal Thareslar . the perbche il $113 Cfoirth of close ircut 'Vad tedtraom d C'ssspsrot frocs ,is5T Sraeieity hysirer, Thse iqoîpseos sIlI becr set iip ae .iii'h the friont oeil roe daces osîft beadqusarteri di loeeedng al Oailic5 flice perchoir or coedi Cîceal. perdieg ratiication b ' rite -mooeiion ohen sf bas (Thssfil eceiugb membhure fur a quorum. fiorgesmots Glenno 'i.gnso tavoas reront as Ifs ake lie Maor Narre"vA baod for corea Williar Spooiored bylt Horg1t fBulnto.t The cieiabrrehip arr epeommret domansid for equal hours of o in tshe lire eompany divisions, rotecii of t creo teck-tare lime and as extra am bulance on duiy cn Osrlisgioo tiurssg theo eîgbt shift The srie is the tires of ie kind for the compose. said Me Liereb.s'bio ddedbhe a hopfor ae oluin .., am net rea55y in a run sirrionafity and I bart cedibility ai 'the reoa and iltonc and ttaiioe Oilie lit roe landfii. Slouridatia of matr. grave[ pars asti athrentrirosmoenal issues asrrioghrey partsrof the 197e easpaigs. Local poet appears on TV Local Poe( and oetbor of Tht Cbaspions Pbîlcrobi. Eti Sharpco olf appoe os Kitchener ioeririon rtaion CKCO Mootiar sorcico hotooro Il a.m. asd 12 caos os tho Jcbnny Walorirshcow Shb hasbhitnitei teread ronne of ber pottre aond l'hC5okobits pscitio fit lersCcomnt un Che rs possible tc sogostaCo." Contract issibroisttiownC Thurrday, Aug. 10 acd memhurs sales roltd 70 per cectin le r of srIue action Cc back Cheir eOans The omhulance ervaice loche aCi er bout rmeegene: ralli anti thetirasportation cf hboodîraspoti patets ta aea bospiCals for roamosi itho faisrore arai boCarer Hlamilton and ToronCo A ccCîcgrefc plaCn has hero rrstbfirhrd, raid NIe Lierch.Ccodral aifîl a srrîb .situaCioni. bui ho dîd nct dicolgo atel deCoîlr oi the 5feian Seado. adsîcîetraCee cer 'illor DiseCrict Horpifal, ro id he le saCisfird anh chai le beCcO doot and cil 55ars Ce i a strik doer ocrr Me Hrady added haft fise harpiai oîf1 go ahead c CCL tho iccirgoiiy plac erCalised ho tho ambulace serviîce.ebau l theo bo a sCribe The Mltonc horpîfal aira bar a Georgton cfacCary ambulaceosrvice tofi hac on. should CheOcostiC genre plar oi sortal Georeowna and Distiect osital es sereerd bf the fiin ls Volunteor Asbulance Serrie winhC hasnconnCerectosihLcalf FADIAN FILM FESTIVAL at N CENTRAL LIBRARY ,September 12, 1978 at 8 p.m. LV THING YOU KNOW" starring Ann Knox and rected by Clarke Mackay also 'SAND CASTLE" irected by Co Hoedeman in won anAcademvYA ward in 1978) R'ISSION FREE he South Central Regionai Library System Vou Don't Shop BUY NOW Et SAV E EXCELLENT OUALf TP Baldwin Piano Model No. 331 ti FINS/EDON WALNUT * REGU LAR * PRICE $2,26500 I RC SALE PR/CE INCL UDES BALDWIN'S FAMOUS GUARANTEE *FREE DELIVERY sTUNING AFIER DELIVERP 1 0 YEAR PARTS At LABOUR GUARANTEEIN WRITfNO We ar.enow acceping egistationls for verjous types of musi tessons -Balchdin Pianos [ffOrgans SERVICE LL U LESSONS ACROSS FROM THE RAVARIAN INN Milton Mail 878-8202 752 GUELPH LINE Burlington 632-5131 oprt 8.eo M.1 Il ne Bal divin BEFORE YOU BUY YOU'LL BE SORRYI! MILTON MALL STUDIO ami BURLINGION STUDIO EXCLUSIVE e LIMITED lIME OFFER * 6 FREE PIANO LESSONS wvith each new instrument purchased * FREE 20% DISCOUNT CARD APPLICABLE ON ALL FUTURE MUSIC PURCHASES " AS LONG AS YOU OWN YOUR INSTRUMENT " THIS OFFER G000 AT THE MILTON MALL STUDIO Et THE BURLINGTON STUDIO ONLY