IL.U,TON*S DAtRY PRINCESS Holly lurris of Campisellville îcill he î-omprling ai lise Caoadian National Éxisibillon's Ontario Doiry Prinorss prelffifSOaies fisis Friday rs-oning alO 6noclock. Sise wos ronnor-op 10 1977 I)airy Princrss Maria Boni las1 year and iser mooy supporters in Hall on uill ho Chrerlig isrr on in tibs yeat's caropoigis 10 win lise coveîrd fiie. Cyclist collides with oil truck N , -o[d lon womf0 )0,10,0 Rd . e, inoylf,1i p-olicàrdsoff0.ifMi'i)'ffhe ;,19 llgbn ifOPamld 0f,1,oIfgo te roakffordri té Milton, Nlito r*t NE ,pao1l li(onfohw 25soifbO 01 ine huit roken do)i0 soid daf Dairy Prir compete.E ay Heary 3. Staaley Te Holly Harea. Rlaln Dairy cita Prinocan, comnpelen aI the and CNE on the liraI day of coom- goni pelîfion iis Fsdday. Aug. 25. comn Holly la lise doogister of tor. si and Mes. Rosaelt istrrets, pIon R.R. 2 Campbellisille. she ae a ring isery active 4-H agriculloral Tb clis efemiser in 6001105, Ont honing cosfplelsd 13 4-H pro- beco lecta, and iis yeor na a of ths member of the Halis o-H Boal Senior Dairy Colt, Horse and ache iSleep Cloba. Shr hon lisiised snie artthUivsty omSorGephadfrth atpa fime w s te Sommer vil Extension Assistant of lise Gre, Agrîricu oral officesi Milton. Sf01 Hol y ban been thse isalfon Dairy princesa for the poil fo yeara [00f vyear shevai msot suresafual thlie CNE, m brîng rooneir-up 10 Maria no Booi, the presri Onfario ni05 Doiry Prinrena. i1, bs opedîthaf fhere oi be ornerai napportrsn Irons o isi lton 0f ii conspetiton to, e supporf Holly. o ThSe abilif y to speak fil a cir coriefy of oge grooPn andftoffilb daffr owflno or ornosal 000f Hoallon of ftaIns' s The addifional leaforen ocf krooledgr of the dofry industry. personality. poise ond apperroce are the judging arron for the 23sd Onfario Diryo Prinrrîs Coino prfffcfff r o hrblli af fhrt Carodtitr Nat isnai Nfcro fhre province of trftina 45 Coooly asd District 210ir: Princesses have brrr hard af ,coris durirg fbr paof verrnyroking tooservicarlos. ssf ros and wm n groopn. as oeIl an poblie ond bgb orbool sludenfs. Thr roperfenre giird Iroin Ibene artiflifles -11 ibea aluablrassef aithe Prrffrrary cospllfos fîrgiron Aug 25and villfaite placerdaly tallit Aug 20. nef prrlimnaries oi br field ai S ym ns rh sbrnoi judging ring in tbe 005 nxf 00t01he Col ise loess Friday snemi-finolisls asi ise Report f romn Queen's Park 31. Ffv conatestants wi11 Pao.ently LiseraI Leader dispasa la Metro Toranto. n 15 rompate in tise tinaI Stuarts Biih cataed uPOn 10f Faitura to net oa peitiIon os Sept. 1. lTe PrmerDvi are praistemais a acidificatin i-finoa and finaI nilt taise lise caginture as nana a in lise collage coainlr alr e ato6p.m. inthe main possible for diseuse tise ninsca't siie. ni tise Colinealo. Goersment's isandtiag of (71 Tise inaiity of Ontario laonesly cronnsed 1978-20 envirnnmental masters. Ha t-ncomnplywltisranmlints ati Dalry Prîscesa nslll selt oa nomiserof issues tise 10 lise Internatinnal Joint mea loti-ltime emptoyee Minister nI lise Environnaient Committe n tise Great e Ontario Mils Mariseting lacad and lise issues cited [aises cleaa-op. rd for oneyear. Heribsy sera: Stuart ismittia fatalement dole of ortivîtis, an fil Aisaence oI a provincial tnltosnad clnnety opos tise assadreas for tise doiry pnlicy foe toile liqui indus- anossommnent OI lise GOvara- mrsofntario, wil tase trial vieile diposai. metsdaniintrelaxsan l nlyîwtbîn tise pro- (2 Witisdronsal in Marris oI eigist-yeor nId air pollotin r ot Ostario, ithisit 'ato tise isan n non-istittaste pop rnrol order on Iterational nI Brifais and the United inotties. Nickel Ca. LId., iici isa& es. (31 GoernmentsOsdlingoft bean daarriised as damon- fise s35-aiition nuit againet sîrotîso lise isnpallasa iny ot Dnow Cisemnial for merrary Ontario pnllution enînre- Loral Legionnatres pollotin of Laise St. Clair- loess paliries. -nOrd in tise Veterona Day drnppad in taoof aI paltry in 1070, tise Onaos aide aitie CNE n Wad- $255000tio rinote sattlement Miniatry of tise Environment day, ails otlacted tiSisermes. n tdoi IN s I top umiag (4f Foilore to, maise tise Ianre 510-ootrsmasm HIton and distfrict eniîi Envirnooai Asoessimmft ose on-foot cics» atnd s are arive agoin ibis Art effective andnseoin9ful. mtigpa.a Cpe r aI fise canadien Nat- (sf Foilore 10 devalop a mlisg pWest adbrICoe aI Exiition. polry 10 deal ails tise nerinan Ctli, elSuiury tNCe CORNER BRONTE & ANNE STS. WHITE OAKS SHOPPING PLAZA 879-5020 FOR PICK-U OPEN DAILV 9 'tll 1 @.m. BUNDAY 12-10 isy J5JLIAN REED M.P.P. (iftos.urnagtoal kl-kk . . ... .. . ... . . .. .taek withisl 1,250 foot oisimney la 1972. Hawever lise Milty at the samne lie ordered tise ta 4,40 tons isy tise endn o" adyi t 1974 3,000 lns by lthe end of 1970 and 750 tans b tlisenmd (Casttnued an page 12) _noegmaà cs o fasdsngie it gasannscr ia liieay asy alasecfnisyisasdreds of tsasos ofisotsennes a ns NorthsAnsenia vfer!tord oMs hnatisg. M% oronoireoffyour eatsOibill . Vhodasfl and sSands m ond k îibsam And itsrne fnaofle s y fhtis li flgloing o But isat de yn iaaood in togelthbensostisbat outof fi? We'd litrtmsogilest a PisSe, The Fisors unique two-step comstion chamber secircuaifssaood gris acifnlo thesarm5es. renalting in m o ois ad feer asies. lis poîented spin drohtconots and vîooalfy nias constructios Usean y00 can regalatrs boa nsachinsilt puit rut, Andisnsaise fIs nsade fourns cansfuffyorfdied. beocy plaIn sIeal. il omîl give yos year, of rmiasiioile issoîfg ffiisesy. % have a oaiet of FisherSit.venmode], tu oîsfrnt. Srîcontefin scron n fisd rat abat mairs a Fisera Fishen enir sel! fsmcnod ochimsaysineap sensice oaaisbe -al modlets instock e HAL TONI SBiGOS e FISIsERDEALER 71 Moonta inane Rd. N. Geargetoaon 877-0551 CLEMENTS MOTORS INVITES YOU TO DROP IN AND PICK UP A COPY 0F A NATION WIDE SURVEY BASED ON 1,127,000 OWNER- DRIVEN MILES 0F AN AMERICAN MOTORS 1978 CONCORD DL AS PUBLISHED IN MAY,'78 ISSUE 0F POPULAR MECHANICS -~ . ~ NEW4-8AMC DrIsalr and panasengea f-le~allirConcordC NC RDDX fat gesesnos tsall iotost AMC's 1978 Concord replaces lise prevons Honîet fine. Basic- had o lib n ac. ety tam anns aptedal l fy similas In lise Horoat. tise Concord represents an upgraded, etabas t 1npg isotter more funurinus, more comfnrtlaf more suelnt, more opulent m lsaa isa largeur one. automoife. Fnr $200 entra lise Concord DIL package isîfadan reclisisg Iront isî,oist sarats, Sal gaugao. digital clock, extra instilatin plus mnre isserior fighiîig and faim. A Concord Sport package 0$289f inf ados mach of tise D/L equipmest plas radial titan on aI oltad wheafs, a foor-speed gearison and added ornementation iside and nat. Tise AMX coupe reprenannts the performance expression oI tise Concord fine. Tise Concordas asitized bsody ismys dloms ralliers and weigist. Engines inclade tise 304 VB and tise long-f yod, reflaiste aiso Six in tmo sizea. Tise lour-opeed ae annulle mils lise Sixan Orl y, isat ralatinely fm troyens opt lot il, perisays Secause il cosîs $111 extra and dosn't hise an overdrive ratio. A mefl-alishied Bayer Protectin Plan cooas AMC's nana cars for 12 anonliss or 12,000 miflas and goarlleea oanal if ta- pairs can't ha fisisised in ose day. Il afsoraimisurses omnera fot Tratis sparie in aampas su ert staas fond and fndgisg shoafd tisa cat break doms oul of range of a ise o tcr eopi cloas wefgis Sport option graap saclades a ea Ils0L packiage dealer. Il cas ha esîesded anoîher Veai lot $75s. fer srace-Savr spots n tie. slna.l-ned radiaisleai; rdnl front dînas are standard. separatlls The size Canada needa And right now you clan make the deal of a lifetime during our '78 clearout! UNSTC FRSELL TO THE WALL SALE! IN ST CiO - CONCORD, 2 DR. DL 3 ONCORD 4 DR. DL * 2 -CONCORD WAGONS DL IM D TE 2- PACER WAGONS DL * 1 - MATADOR STATION WAGON * 1 JEEP WAGONEER MM E I AT - JEEP PICK-UP TRUCK * 1 - JEEP CHEROKEE CHIEF D ELUVERY CLEMENTS MOTORS - WE ARE THE MID-SIZE SPECIALIST -SEE US TDY Somne '79's now in stock, others on the way, ail ritti s Must De C-et uieu CL.EMENTS MOTORS M AMERICAN MOTORS DEALER BRONTE ST. "JUST NORTH OF HIOSPITAL"' 878-2828 HOME 0F ILTON 0F '78 JEEP f f Baisses