Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Aug 1978, p. 5

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The Canadien Chaompion, Wed. Auousî 23, 1978 5 f'ADIRr~t'ITI: Ail abouiepe Citizens want Tite lolloolsa lotoe cros sent 10 Mayor ordon atit copies 10 'lite Chtamtpion, and coannciltors Jia Kerr and Jim Watson. 00e Mc. Mayor: Suhiet Extension of Bell Street Foilowisa a Jsoe meeting mt residents of Bel] and MeadowbrokSit Oreels, and a vopesetative of lte developer for lte sbdivision itanded ity Derry and Broote Streels, lte article in 'lTe Canadian Ctsmpion, folîsaina an inteview alit yosrsel, reportei tIsaI eschit 'dividoal 0110 had shoan ellter aritten or votai concerna tor lte extension of Bell Street and ltse changes inlthe ptpsed sbdivision wosld Canada, unity Dear Editor: Yoar to correoodenta are eacit repreeflatve of ose Frencht and Engiish foodigcultures. Tbey have cent soute 25 ycars io as maoy tontigo counîries wiit tltoseexcntcialing problemrs arisingtfront politios, poocron and social adjonîmeols aiticit onty loci oflen restt in revoistion. Whes prenenling our observations os Our distant and itetovod country, se hno lta se reflecl lte feelings of lhousands of ose ntmpalriots who,liheous, are engaged in divente pntfensional activilies aitroali. We are aiseofullytsnciou ofithe many regional, emonmie and culturat profitteras iticit tend 10 divide osr nation, but or firmly iteliete ltat in reatîty Canada ixno ito sny means a dymng country. 'lo lte contrarys e are convînced tit Canada la on lte wav t0 ils on Renaissante. As distance dses n01 alo os 10 parlicipale direcly in titis ao'abening, ote banc wanled to malte ose contrihution ity sending itis cItter t0 ltre on1 Englinit and Frentit langaage neotopapero te Canada. Wr simply refonclo helieve ltaI Canadians are cxxs intelligcnt ltao olter people. OSeely Canadiano resiior ltaI a united Canada ix a strong Canada and lit a divided Canada tan only litra oteai country obicit project among lis foretgn Iriendo and tuolomers a feeling of nhep' t oim ncertainty and confusion. Thte dîsueîty of a country, of anyrcountry, oniy invites lotit of respect aitroad for ltaI country. A divided Canada clesrly nishv seing ahsorited andi disappearisg con pieely in lte big American mailing pot. Il ia aiomairtatteolntyo ot ountry oa ixlimslely lnted lx lis identily and image aitroad, Thte comoon esperience of your 100 correspondntn demontralen cieorly and aitndanlly ltaI ados of gondoili and joint efforts ity lte conflicling parties tan snly leadto a hetter mutai ndersatdilg and respect. 0000 to friendsitip, wtit ail lte sdvantageslibis impures. How else cosidon çopiais the dursitle and numeroas triend- sitipo ltai r osrselvs itave desciopeli in vo many countroe speshing sucit dilirreni meeting tteeontactod by lte Town o ltat the tons plans andaour concernascouildie revieed. lihave sloco learoed tiat represostatves of the Ton and lte devetoper hane met at the foot of Bel] Street ta disouss the proposed estension of the Street. it sa requesteli that yas in snme way advlse as lte residents alto bave sitoan 011110e arilles or verbal tonnen, how pas propose 10 have lte tsar's plans coplaineal and ose conterns heard. 1 amn suggesting that we plan 10 do eo ie earty September, aI ose muta conveoienee. We shal limait yole repîy n jei tmnatter. JackA. Seeney and you iaogtiages? It seemo 10 us that lte slsrling point looscltn anity lana resi andi drastir change of attitude toaardo tanguago nd oa simple aploreciation and recognition af the ad- tanlages wih lte itoooledge oI langoages tarrnes in Canada or aywhere else. A second ianguagela arecognized neessity foran edscated and taitared porIon, mont particaly wheonasch iangsagen are as aniversatly sel as are Enclinit andi Frentit. If lte Chinese, the Russiaos, lte Germons, the Amenican 10 lite se, and msny other nattons itad thal samne "linguistie" oppsrlonity as have Canadian, yo woulddsechow quiciy and etficientty titey ansid exploit il tlotheir very it advanlage. Il in a Otatter of meeting lte challenge. Ocre are a lew tf lte siffait and stmplr means wotin the reatit of ail of os. t. Pont notices ai oppropriate places reading: "On parle trancaîs" or "coglîsit spahen". 2. Write tndividually or coiieccit'ely t0 your editor. Memiter of Parliament, scitool itoard (or ait titrer) rrqoestivg lthaI itolt coglinit aod F'rench ite etlerlîseiy agit and usaedinte tiretgrades ofvtitoot Ose lamoun Or. Pentirld has demonnîcoîrd ltaI the aitility 10 term anguagen ts grestent in yoong pupin. 3. Organior andi or support in terprotinttl visits. 4. Promote the inlercitange oflnguage tracitero. 5. lttrcaoe communicationity oraniing peo-pol clubs titrotgit newnpapern or stitools, Wett ivîe ovests ae made a irnt geolore hy otniting ihis irîter. I na oplt yos to rosore ils nuttesn trotgit yoorin dividoal or collecttve efforts. Whet tre staite sa lterorivl of the country, noitody can refusne toaner the callorltontahran effort. Long itve Canada! o. c. Lenoîrot. Madrtd, Spain. M. F. Rodman, Santiagode los Caballeros. Domotîcan Republitt CAR SHOWS are sot jusola place 101look at cars. They are alsooa popular spot to find a little different model Ihan those lbe found in the local car lot. This 1983 Corvette imported from Texas, was one of severol in Milton Fair grounds to display a "For Sale" sign. ' J THURSDAY e FRIDAY e SATURDAY a SPECIAL daringl And yei so elegant! Darit and lighl finishes. Now on dts- play. Suites are 5 pieceo and include night tables, triple dresser, chest on chesl, full size mirror. Available with regular or qucon sîze bed. 1 i~ l 1 _ ec u- 10#000 Sù. FF. TI-ITIS AREA S LARGESTS-I0WROOM OPEN A CAMPBELL ACCOUNT No Monev Down - No Payment'tili October Bill "Wlcked WillIle" Johnson, a keen obaer- ver of the municipal scese, called up the other day 10 express hia happiness with the resignation Of Ontaro Tressurr Darcy MceKeough. "They should declare a national holiday," quoth Willie. He claims MeKeough was the instrument of regional goveroment in Ibis ares, and regional- i!.tion haa, don. a lot of hares to the rural areaa. "That's ose down, and 20 more to go," chuckled BiII-who'a also known as an N. . Glad to sec local NHL officiaIs Bruce Hood and Leon Stlekle taking such an active rote in the NHL OfficiaIs softbaIl leses which Ile two games in town on the weekend. Bth are good sports, and n01 even half-bad softbaîl players - ohen they aresIt clowning around on the field with their fellow whistle-tooters. Aflor Sundsy night's game, aIl the NHL crew were hesding over bo Stickle's home for an elbow-bending session. Hood admitted the only way they cao keep the referees and linesmen coming ýouI 10, play hall with the group, was to promise them a psrty afterward. Hala off also 10 uimpîres Dave Smsitht and Bill Presnisk, announcera Kevin Hood and Dave Brush and the Robert Newman Slags teant who contributed so much to the night otf fun and frivolity. Therýe are many local people active aI the Canadian National Exhibition agais this year, but one of the busielit io Sherwood Hume of Main St. E. oho il operalisg a display of steant powered antique farming equipment in front of the Coliseum's east entrance. I l'o a pretty good display, arranged partly to help, salute the CNE's 1001h birthday and partly 10 promote the Steam- Ers reunios in Milton Ibis labor day weekend. One group of people in this town deservisg a hearly pst on the back Ibis sommer in a group ton large toi name individually bore - we're talking about lte merchants of Milton who have becs exceedingly generous sn Iheir support of muscular dystrophy carsivals being staged by local children. Within as bouc of each other one day Ibis week we heard frons two very happy parents, wbose children are involved in MD carnivals. They junt coulds't believe the generosity of our local merchants who, wbes approached ta donate F mzes for thc carnivals, wcre rcally helpful. Il's isld tif hesrtwarmisg 10 hear rtf ouch wonderful prizes coming from, the store owners, somne of whom are already having a bard time making ends meet due 10 the current economical sit- uation. Congratulations 10 ail of you! The Amocvgq '78 rabbit BEATUT/E TAXINCREASEWH/LiE SÈEETOM IS 6000 -QUALITY PERFORMANCE&1 ECONOMY' -GOD SELECTION 0F MODELS & COLOURS SALEON NO W' ____ AT sAz mOTORS WE CARI" EW!vBAz MOTrORS LTD. 1l9 GUELPH STEET, GEORGETOWN à on-Sm or Toronto 601813 ~a~oes! :O BACK TO SCHOOL 0 SAVAGE AND BUSTER BROWN IACK TO SCHOOL STYLES AND COLOURS, ALL Suooestcd Relail il.98 10 25.00 % Sizes LU0 OFF!l Special Selected Grouping q Mo gfl oo I Regulor to $13.00 Regulor to $20.00 VVHILE STOCK LASTS V0 WHILE STOCK LASTS tMlLTOWNE CENTRE ON FARMERS MARKET ON NEW FLEA MARKETL CHRE DAILY 9.6 THURS. & FI. TILL 9 FOOT WIAR 0O MAIN ST. MLTON 878-7665 Ptt Office OVER 80,000 PEOPLE were in Olympie Stadiunt sented 53 different countries, camped out in a in Montreal on the weekend for the closing trailer city that held about 20,000. Sessions were assembly of the "Victorious Faith" Inter- transiated into seven languagea for delegatea. national Convention 0f Jehovah's Witneoses, Mr. Hornoby said highlighto included the bap- including about 20 te, 25 from the Milton congre- lism rof 831 new Witnesoes at Olympic Pool, and B t. Preoiding Minioter of the Milton group, the main address by Frederick W. Franc, preai- erreck Hornsby, said i t wao a five-day family dent of the Watch Tower Society. affair and many of the delegates, who repre- ALS NEWE o SHOF " MILTI " MILTI FREEMARESS &OX SPRING -eSuggqcted %ce~ $279 90 Forr -ho i- h T! il 21

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