4_ Th e Canadias ChinamPion, Wed. Augos 23, 1978 Estaoh shed 1861 ïâie éanatÎau lifmpion Pblse yDil Pr ig and Publshng Compan os ite 91MainSi last Mitn ntario L9T1N7 Phn 8782341 Buildoze history? il teems intredihly presump- fitlous ltaI lte chief administrative tîllîter tif Hallos Region would ce- tîtinmend 10 a eommillee ltai lte iîstorie jaît and tourt honte on Browne SI. be demolîsited. Bol he dîd 1051 ltai and lte i-etimmesdalton is 10 he con- sidered aI a meeting loday îWed- îîestlay i Zop Itîsl lite lthaI. Thte easy way lii gel rîd of lte proitlem i5 10 de- inîlîshit i and lease lte site 10 lte lto tofi Ntlton for ose as a pubiei paît. le aîîuld relais lte otd regislry tiisfoc regios offtre spate. lte fitlite deparîment eould slay in lte tiorîtter jailers' honse. and lte Itealîi unit biuilding should be sold. Whute aetnossledgîsg ltaI nses i *vi't cmounily, groîîps wece sng- gestl. lte titef administrative tificer sîcites tem off. "Ex- pertietce wi ith publit buildings tit-tîtl oiver 10 prîvale agencies, parlittoacîx tv lubs and cilizens' groopt. bas it lte pasl 001 pro- iltied lite bet reslt' ie wrîles. Nos sopportitig esperience and nn invstigationofn alternatives flit tîîgit intînde reference 10 pro- viîîrîally funded heritage gronps. At titis wrilîng me tan't aBltii- pale shtia lte attitude of lte ad- ilitîistra Ititi tommilte of lte regitîs mîgit he witen il receives tiis report. We find il aslonising tiat sort a recomîocndalioo would s-i gel titis fatr Il reflect an in- settsitily o lte itistorir and arch- ltectoraitfealuret of lte proporly ltaI datet bact blte origîn of There is no doofl ltaI lte prîlpicîs preseitîs some proitlems. lio lie oselol il usIll reqiîre ex- pei'tites. bul il s atoBishing tit tIis properîs \vas flot worlty of titre lvii lte usoal tassassîng ofi local gis-ernmest deparîmenîs in rokitng some alternatives. 'l'lîîs isîot OusI a modemn building îiotîbîî rools or titaracler. Titis is aîbuildiîng lta han iteen lte scene of i touts' governmenl in Hallon for moile ltais o cenlorx. Ils design is unique. il fates a part and ils solid ,itile tostruttion reflets 'ltece bas bers no ceai oppor- tuntu v tic publie snpot heyond prýp ttis, iastît; pot logether, v% i.n ops aito expressed No help needed?; Atrdtsg 10 Oîntario Housing Cocrporation. tere josl aren't entîsgit lomîltes a-ho need assist- ante siith hnîîsîng accm odation 10 jnstify lte tonstrouction of a 21- unît. rent-geored-lo.income com- pIes in Milton. Thte slalement is simply and ait- sololely loditrous, Ten yeors ago wtien StUC sort î-ed lte orea. il -t i 51 iil a nes-cf i , li lit ltes cents, ail real estale have întreased dramalîîaalty. But 110W we are bold Ihere is no need. So where have att lte needy people gone. whiile lte2 wailed a decade for OEC to shuffle paper and convince footo coonicil ltai lte projeci should go? With more people on welfore and unemployment thon ai proitohly any olter lime in htory, il's difficuti bhelieve ltere is ssoneed. Could fi ite 1h01 lte poper- shuffling hureaucroa neyer lcEf Toronto in teir efforts o decter- mine need? inleresl whefl tse subjecl was firt preseoled 10 lte publie. They ihem- selvet, during the holiday period, have nBi hod lime for the defailed siudy whîch would prodocB more coocrete plans. There seemo 10 have been no consideraioO or reference to lte Ontario Herilage Foundalion or olher sucit groupo 1h01 mighl be oieresled in lte future of the building. lndeed. the region ilseif has sol apporenlly esen consîdered a feasihilily stdy oi lte properiy whicit migit oscover lte very praclicol watt in whith lte pro- perlv conld continne 10 he osed. If sucit a slodv cool a few ltaousand dollars it îvoold sîjîl be dwarfed hy tome stodies on olter projecîs otîderlakeit hy lthe regîoo. Il is no lthaI lthe commnmly ias iteen complelely silenl on lte issoe. The Legion itas indicaled ils sn leresl in lte properly. lte Kinsmen and Senior Cîlizens hase indicalcd ait isteresl in the original rtgtstcy offitce, The Milton Cooscîl has vo- ordinaled reqtests 10 lte cegion. Thte Hislorical Society has ai lft lised lte important hisîttriec aspects of lte propeti. Il lte region is serions ahout doîîîg tomelhing sti ralther flit sîmply destroyîsg la rîd ilself of a prohlem. il cotld pullcly seeit inpot from aIl aras oif lte region. Cerlasnly ihose wîlh an appre- cialion of lte ctiîny's itors are aware tif lte importanîce of fle îîld ail and cort hionse. no maller witere lhey may îve in lte region. Il han bees logicol for local groopt and loleresils 10 tommuni- ctle toiith lteir local toonicil et- peeling tome hearing aI lthe reglos. From lte regioflal Irealmeol of local input, and lte rcomnoend- altio of a staff member. ltis clear ltaI lte region mulst bs lthe Iocas t'or input. itstever dîllicoîl ltaI may ite for volonleer organîza- lions. Hopefnlly clearer polilîcal misds will tee lte tertouness sf0a recom- mendalion lto deslroy lthe Coonly Coort Honte and Jaîl. Hopefolly tibey stilI reqoîre more ltan a flp tuggestioni a parking lot is itler. Hopefully ltey toill be prepared 10 gis-e lte stifiet mort mitre -îerioot sludy. Bot clearly. lime is tO55t5g out and indîsîdoat cîlîzent are non' reqnîred 10 make lteir cotte heard for lte preseci atos of lte itorie buildings beffîre lte ý.41dtoers lise op. Newsbeat He'll/ livi Ri' Mis-rit oit hstished a rputation s oa strapper sheti> aler lits det in rnnii pal pobtiti sortte iii tearsaft. Diio histerni toithe ehaioatitt fice h1so l,, of aiît,î foi h S t ub- sortsessoitoîtttoiotidths puesuetitthroogh the opprtpetate chanel. They orre or shochrd. disappited and angry oith Mori-ows hehaviour on the theone. Theyhad rtteteedhbis pedecssor for a lckof ladrship ad corOoovr crsen t01 for thsse oho disoppeosed of Moreow's performance, il masost heroose oIa lask ofleadership. oe Morrotrestab- lishedsshich wayhewasgoingon aly issue. he poureod evry oune o eergy osto the lîghl. pushine. piliing. dopiof sotteagoro alose the mon. ffy oo were revieswing his prformance al thehbelliof the Ottosit motister you'd hase iogioiehim flt marks for gaIs. Morroso bus takes leadeship and shodred the toit beutoolritioismi for stanîd, ohasltaonoon ftampîofl SCENIC POND graces lte village of campitellville on a oonny oummeros doy:- 1Sugar and Spice BygBili SmiIey # Guest column: Highway paranoiaW. titi'.. ... ... i.. a,, i. T he. tysisi reeth fsiooe o 'hî iieatf orfitîî'oii postis toei.bo.ier. tîeeO i asu ti1et1e tell has becone tetprd iat am aos lîîgtto stad oine hiiîghO flîttoi torrodtio.anviemt iîcitoppeesaly ostryltieItor ibi tieat andr ehailaraOn soht oosi lte 5ly, y someer id.sbis f oo n ecte ,ine hved gas- o eii t itîtor osib> ait- smsig eeiiyanheiamofailaohitibt îlopsycois] atti bit oldd llha a ba toi rao-oor atd rbr t haposhdh loisl oherre t1qorsitîop ot1 0 f if Ih)h e e pîlt or l e o oî sos oser asthîsoin Ihilisstot o S Oayps oe e r f a b Orîter la w i lsîseonotis cnait îf ie 0ser tht ta0 a ibwtoas.0 fr thati lhoaîts ta dsprutiaon Gocihecles lisfenoes eiln thoîrs pracet tSomleeleh Abius Ihrd ie rthe s ihose run 0ove nthintrahihithesl in ther feasedtneof iveingtabe e eenofi lbi haosedeathesh teret tafritand Others mthare reciects erpem 'ri tai-re lnietis t r hase s o bitîsoego "ThîsA tuetey. yaapisth graîrhs fiene ot ofd shesi dsera"tio aot Aw tot ibe feli 1hve tn 0river to fight agi Marre.o poshediofer ewheadioartett.hne n k the tandfii isue hy the horns and il is tatgety due ta hils pothiog the issue that the thiog tottt ftoattt' 000fr t an nas MunicipaltBoardOHeaeitf. The routetliehas abnoe r toiadttt sburt tt îtt ail lIe , ther Otts t taire a '.îasd wii ltr t d -un tilors wr cosftrot ta tet t hitf. tie it th nothooustttter athand. tht stand on atîtoeot aater rates has caser! ppotentsto heop ahuse and pet- satlritirlsfs on ht Morow, lieo Altasi Masson hotore hit, costinusiy batited agotoost o salir]d of resistoore when ho lried ta esplin the vir- turs ofreogionaiism 000 Opeofitrat y sharitte costf forwatee and sewers. 'Memrost eerttclash onitacotatcameo Wedoeoday wheo courinci oBOe 0801 turned doosi a bid for eqtalîsed oir rotes. Morrom is houlad and determiord flhat uoiform rates is thetsoottogo. He moyhave huit the hauite on firat one, hut fhr tsar wl age on and ou abe cerin Moeew wîll have aooher stab aot1ha1 one hefore conB clading his termi lOis toit. asasntho toek in the asphait jungle strrotîisgtiybt(,t 'Thisoartt hastoll typesilktfoleets.rai irained in isitoottspenialtsethod attan Tlteee are tise snales. those deceeated demotr wha paie 01000. ooîtiof for sortie orsoopeciiof sastitI to hutte toto thets traiîn hohisd and gel a siaUthfUt of tait- AI thesoppsit end oflite spoctroto are Sec qoîsksisees, oho feel 1h01 rings. hids and ltIffe otO ladies art hîsdeeisg hiemri theiraltemtst 0f souhait o set hundtsieed renard. The gaokeesosouaty tobabît noostrys eoads, Thee areerhherneikers. who. stackfawoeOa nature's beoiy otr taxi- cated isv She arrtsa of tresh 000 doag. altîta tiretr sehiotesta fi troder drookeely arsce trfires. otto the shoolder. mhers- are alto the oreepers. those îtsmoroos saufs oho haitlal stop sîgîts. lhen nos ooeardarîidaîotraffis. and tiruhlank- theeptaousins the ignorans, wa fret 1h01ba God pot theot or earth ta ho affesîse Wiiy shoold Ihes itetd tho rîght i tay' loet the othrr stoh stop. Wie hase the apposîles. a hasch itho tigrai a rift ioes. thenswn 5515 ighi. e0tf ohm8g oitoey foots who tolasw the rates hy surpeise. tbnnosîoootti boy oif crosstp poteltial siotts hy Îlot osialling aI ait. thon ahroptty ohasfîsf directiaon tîsatis. se exatsine tho jut plain tsatînîaou bhote imîttes sho detight in teaeithelbel[t oaltitersohy appeaoh- tog al Warp Faotr cite troin hhiod her tailgattogftor tise otites. Thois gleotottis sprd op wher sotstsoe oltemtst 5 pos thoa etniasthe passererandedand [air Mrrois avoided being tagged as a parochiat hira durisg ho trat. Il woood't b arao auaetsa ht he dîd ts sort of speciai taoos for the autrui But h dtd crry ith han a perception of the osth thit probohîtl woiol he oqualled bv ,htteer h,, issî Th, ,ber voiof etri1 lisit Issl,îîih, fias IO il itmpassihle for a chaira s0 shotshift tht( stoth, -but the covse isnt tneessarily Morotsttstieatd byhfis ohorton CosUOt cilias apoitîraanimsal tottoeeds poiitirs ta kepthe adrenoalin Borio Tttey atmoot uanBmosy agree tiiot what Morrow tt tookisig for is a rest, Bot mreent. They vitita thot ttett tise t light moter day. There's Butte doaht thai Morrom mOt enoo the saortity of hos home aod the sooity of ropioe oith ooty one joba for a white. Hiow lonf. oa the question, and jasi where teI oit u p sa osother question 81fil Borest aireody heeo coooerted with the Ha1100 His trayoros office, the rogion and the iegisiatue the Ours or squas h sotstsoeO family pet They are theoItost formidable anddangr. otseroad oppotiets hecaose. îosteod of h e i e f ti i o i p e te t , h e y a e itra t io al tt'at irighteos me more is 1ha1, îostead of deoliotof. ihîs horde of motoriord iasos prolieratig. In tien of ibis. 1 hase mme soltitons for seli-drese 1 ould msouri areoillessi30 mmtankh cno nmis hasdiehaes. Whetteter the oeed arase, t isoold hiaSl the offender fta Kîogdomt tome, anid tait obtîsîousty ti- tord. tearlesls atosig, cronhiof stails and opposites ooderiroad. oeore tin the hsioo- gtedg fhor obooserra iots mee sooald suiiertsore thasi1 The gaserstotldome tomy aid andisitîtttte a ew ieesieg systemttoth îoly toto naîrgarirs tlood and Bcbng sn hor Amshulaoces. Those drirers sn ttc latterecaiegary oldte rqieedaOhae tlathitgreoattgot or thete cor roofs to tare gaod drioers of 5he01 pree. gising as lunse ta seeir 5000f ary. Ilis tolikofis, hoseer. 1h01 ltOrse salu- uins it prose aceeptahle t0 the posiors thatoies otinue my prseoiataches of selti-detose-ridiogaoagsih ferainmy tiothand aowattof pranity aroumdtme si thînh 1h01 a jet-poisered Mack trusik cooldof peretrato. Turning the Pages of the Past Froot the files of The Corodiar Champion J One year ago Takes fom the Wedsosday, Aug. 24. 1910 About 173 oorrs on the Milton and soarboeaitgh plants of Frookol Steel Lld. avalkrd aat t'eidoy ai 10.30 pn m'sher regittiatiosivoer a seot sommtcsreanhod anoipasse. The main siomii ock anos far assoorkors are ooscrrirdisathe vomt pany'sproposât foraitree-eareorrat. tEheetarator tarporationi of Canada Ui., msanufacturera of eaisg maeriais and rosirasmieotalt ofoils far air pollution conreat, tas eeaohrd an agreemseat osîth Barber-Gtreen Canada Ltd. ta porehase tireurbiingand popeety. The fate ofthte GI os Eden Ski expansion ai Kelso Cosrvation Aiea is preseotlins litsho asaiting the Mînsten if Coltuee and ilenreatiosis approsot of a $f33,330 Win- tario grat furthe rPrtect. Otaorio rotin ilts Nures have horo tithoatanasiteactlaoter Iwo yeaeo and son ussare feeling the piont. 'Wr are liingon 1975 salaries,"'toplind Sharon tCtopbellthe peesirt oftte folocaal ai the Otario Narses Associationi. Il i honooso of the pohie hoalt siarse's job, quaifications 1h01 thernrses are detsoodisig toge poeiiy isith hospital Construon0 oit ltoos lîrsi msajor yaath centtre us oopecied ta hogfisino aboat tait wsi Bab sves, peesîdesil of the Mlot Optutsist luh ohîeh sa sposing the Sti7ti00 pIs-trot. said tho centre tas horo the dream of the Gptîmîsto siOO 1967. 20 years ago V. toni th, tifg. 21, 10058 issue lt, 'tissl Sas accepied a gft oi îlot acres of tarIstarad, for Rforestationt and cioservationt purpotet. 'Me tord is hoisf dosoird ty De. juet Trror and Mes. Haze Mathes, anddi0onthe BaS Une of Trafalgar heissiors the nfth and Sixth Littet Gaseror E. G. yder nI flattant Jad appeared hefore couety courtoetthis wehot saitaor higher guard salies. tHr biamcd his faitreltire anoextra goard for a positian open sisne Apil, os the $2,8W siaeig rate. A sotan air sonditionr sa orokig tasiders thrse hot and stickY Monday eeoiogs, in Milton Cototel ch3arribr. The machine soiit $421. MiltoBos wterig restiions bY-iow mas giresi some "roUih" onsday, ie the form ol a $50 ite for those otho disohon- th e fait [oir prîto tisI ii yeoe. fattao ' atolneer cisif defec orgaoioaio îsahloig for motre soitoter. I'herr aretOBBsoo adOtig. G.E. R.nSmith isoots 0.096. Danny Kye. -lon rinte of omedi heodilires the tC sbuîh rues Aag. 200t0 Sept. 6t1h15 yrar. tConstruton of road orerposssCvain bhoseeohbytsotoeiststhraoghosft iisaies. Higlittyi25 Sot isbeiogitorn tp andaon the Bose Lise hotoreit Trafalgar aod Esquîesiitf.suiorronreeoreciog a cmet otorpoot. 124 tl liog aith a at-fmit cleran e Srte i-rit ieaoks. mers arr hongto clof dtioi Iighisay 25toonth oftato arddtsekmer are'ittss buildingorerpostes for ighisay 001. Jtot oser amilo dollars' sorts tf gradias and arpass conrîrOts foribis area wee eentlsy given ot y the tîcpoteltot ofuittgOoays, far psetlitOelr %otkoi 40it 75 years ago teoî te tsf. 2t.1903 issue Mes. MtîtlS Cietoosts dird or Sunday osesog aitaboutt oa3of prietoania. fie frud ieet acidet na doubl aticeirratrd her deoibil wassat is diect nolise. Wý N. bctl gat home on tunday frot his trip 10 (ie tasadior Sarttrit He muas; os lhougb il afreed tilt hitsan eOr sons ho wax geatly impessed wlthssiatht50100 f thet-tounley ard beurtves ut has o gea ftture hrlnre if. thaagb en is opinon the whrai crîp oibhis year is 00f asfood as lirOti titdrn h aain neisd aîîîdork tat hees point0d asd ses, hall beaetîtp todîsîdoat deoko for pupuis hase horit pot toto Miss poîtisos deroet. fobert Pestrois, of raofalgar. leh last oseek for a tteee mauit trip ta the Pacifiei Bobert Duvrah it e0 ta Hmiton o Mordto. îoteodisg ta remain sutl the end af thecarnisat. hutthe reteitd Yrsleedap eerrtired ot.TheOrash watSgreat fitr hto. M. E. Mitcheill Bf the Quers s Hotet. Bramppton paid Mittosi a vsit On Stoday. A nuimber of the meothors of the Milton Bi lu ttia ie out escrl Satrdoy hor Peactîuea therangessoear theworks of Toasnta Preoird Brick and Terra Clins IGO., and the tyroes are itsPrOstIn fiit. - ' ,,- im . ..ýw