The CenedeuaChampiton, Wed. Auguet 23, 1978 81 JIM MIDCARTNEY For Eetmpletg FR110 ILIEIENSIED Autton Service AUCTIINEER Chriu A. Schopte Se. fattpe dP-61 AUCTIONEER 689-8778 Sclit ceeeeeeced cepehece Boxc476 Tgl. 878-2576 egeecudeete7.t R. R.2, Mleee, Pet. 04t rking in herb garden is a p!easure ý ýBKlln Farm AUICTION SALE VVC SATUROAY AUG. 26 et 10:30 A.M. FOR MOS. KERNIEHAN ny omprDauecieh TO cE SuLe tIe MaLTOe et the teccrutudc au the aGIuccTUraca hWouking le the beub HALL on Roet ut. garde eakec mee fecI bet- tee.' Rachel MeLeed le Metceutdese roteaiee buot 191 Margea St. rejetteras, eue ufth1e epieg acchesite iesdeugb lue lionteud aidetlbonnesi Miloe. uoeeauy and lbpcee bueed "Il ceeedc eitly, bat Ic' IIIe uALE cacaeSTuelt OF: Ateceet et atique tCloiaist, glecse. cine, Peuhape ittc the Scuce uateeleeckeleateeuaeetekdeuu The hueed c tee ber acte heddc. lioun., mise. aec daeghtue le Heedi Arabia eed ceeeld 9e ceet vadt Icieude cacecuacE -9 tc Wutc ficetaddinn mui ut e Ibu Audteo trlavelling te 19e Middle PEs. Meglcomieut n e exilcc. tahIe.ubtna cebiet, buffet, cuheirs, 99b Mue. MuLeud, beub grae, bardoeueîeuteetteeeu.wgnwga ie ct.lreutetdtbe. ut finch cegacie geudece. leachue utccacueeuucc.cutectltutl.1battet.ueteeldueeuokeeuhcair(0ton end clecceccl gueutoe aid), Bostonerockeec4etetina velot blfnp innboiseee ttuh h lae 100uueue e becn deekceuuteedcuwthbieslifinge, bevelebeehantatleeeto lieugerdetealKcneFecutin uteauokcl7vetelegetedekallonttcctddtt.2 nurstngtroterse,1 Puebeubh. ut sceit uc e. Vct ene ted uphelcteced uesc end cheatr Tutele ycacc ega 19e apreancsos ia al omthsteu ido his McLecdc beugbt 19e Clt cube1d ceaai taindset checr, etuel cae.e abcair. ideuues and cteec.cieeccteccuteclut gtetietbe.utdcimaieutbe, top, 2letuctendse lutceo,t1eelut.tetueuaeted ttctuei aut hall teble, heul cutelle llon cead bal] fatets dle poiut A lI aida, .u finshudecer end chect ofeceramestIoumatchtuViaýjete haecueceiee ntmectanstcucet eteuce ltte becs. cotaplete cuehoaeu educeut cette. tact. double affects, etiqeetactaceec et c "c be, dtecceaned ebtltecie cee, utra. teteeucml irsclutheceetltct cO duit ceceage. coin, euh chbit, suiet, utecdîube. tueeoeua land. MOAt uteceeecuceeat dcia cabineet.ucuegbraue 2 cedepuucuntR.AN MUS. R ees Thoeautrop. US ERESEENT FREEZuE. LICE NEWu, tdLC5. CetNe, SaLVetu ceasS caLEcCucLe. cameK. PRIMcIIVS. ECc EC. u-c Sat ues THURSOAY AUGUST e-tand ute tîe actisbiae backet. ceebe tenwtet elats cueccaeecec Cceeulcccuy utneee pctcteelca tectusauk ock, 2 saopaeentt hbbal vcces, cutedl eu,. bornua e ),cu eluce. k ayt uuleu, caele cothe uba ed lcc n Checu ee taet ecaeec plucectlance ueceeeuc c ~1 eeDoIo o l pertieIcec eena ttelCaeerr lutbbe Roa cuRNtacEe -Pntsandlcucuc.eecca euelucedeakatct uscalceaecabett IeubvNeklec ioiuat ,i etucuî.utee ). u.eceqbr beike 2CEncaubeatudeoitl/celainbanec bdesbobe anectabeagond).uatuc sont<C I pueeu euthut auace) vacu pceaf ofcti Siense, Saetin eu Pn tbe,beteaueucuccceccuctr waf vae SofObeten (Inri ttern)e aui9e eteut eu, setlad Ncu omltsuuee,(nn I (ls plates,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ee tae olt ,hlrdosi h tm i.o ipn m acte.laa ,cod c. eue el bate Mctqteee ceeu Cenedien Mec9 Leaf partisau Mescie catroker tao) C chuer fi e.-c-t ho leu aeeu P c h er(cu vute nidt. caesjiier.,et bteces tee ,o .k, cme a n kincuh s ctcce.ehtua fcttcatncollectutonaf od satub .eetuhng al eectceCelI alcule.. I)epffs.ol qassba pn iitai, aat ofsive pl sal 3 ggrl MI5CELICCteCCb Cae,a,,a au,. ,,,,etuqcht ec, icm cCaaafie anosil utueetcc.cetaheec 1 ce4uan.tCes cacu -j eutcet, raneeuuoteaillaetretueleu aec euele as eutcel . . ceecc boefener alette ce ,al ~ ~ ~ ~ ectc cewIere caa oa --cacachf stn gondua euuuuc e aubeu&u4cue,n ccctutceeiedtto ieed euuccueectlacuuc.-de uueecdoceeeauufeet fmlbeso ectheuctaduntedeuav cd CaLeca70eesuulakSin.ldre euceue haco oet co Edtecedatealamce lle ccut. ue beuas shoeuc talc, eon he - c ,c -e l but, l,.tansl rluMeaks) 2andeCtec i ese Teculi CasheccueC.lCt Bvl 1- C ci teauofbok, 01- set ofachtuueetoencalutedncsl, c" ý hs k ulcslalcete Dee Neatal Ceoacc Scaeccic Curca Icl uucecue.plaEte tnc b.eeutteuauu. tauile Checle box. eau acte, ld? e'ecatdeý captes LAWNMCWERA uADcueItteete 2utut uceP cc.eBbcteccceecececgin elCTIEEteStNOTE: etc eie Petat, impossblcetfo eCce Chue, a etrge cale, u.ueanetcbea tut eaetuutc. Pecee cette CREDîT PPc il e t a Luc ch ev efcIa bIe. Teue accuueecucheecute.Du Ptceu5eut mseedet, Thucucceeeeolni p,ýaSdbye Town oftca Mt eud Mec AUCTIG Owne. Hllbord r ActiocernoiTHUS DAT AUGU 'PieRI."ASEAIOPUTEN MAlNSTcEuET G AUCTIONEER e. au ee bc lr.ecacc. ta cea 074,nqeae IetLCCC 25 eccC î1eclVfonuei etetlcq ltin bo dreser eu ltI AUICTION SALE car ofn ol ill e,1 îcteacceceduntrcuctuenoiee ubcauechehaehca eancd cuu0,ketnl pcucccld. ofc new ecCet anucac faill coltione Idtatee post, etc. etc cate 12 fc eeuettc l - ceeu- ucuhuacc tee c Icl e. MU, I. ERCRER finet ctes odd ,cs, i. ache SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1978 ai 11.00 n c oieu ou eaa arn. cec edeece Leeect c ccue34,t1cteufttofdheeutuHtutc Pavii FILiucofthatcueccuuxle ilt tacecIAaCES celc.Ceuklaceceu andceeucîLutieaeTutlt NAAH uaecaebaRCu57Cekc basius aeuîceeCmchiCccqt MC etno 30ue see candcy Iga ce. et .> cac d use c uhas e e ,Jinifeder Admirtai ecece Ceaeat. 1 reezet (gond), gae ocet THEIE ut,tl el.e ca ttC fcIte. Cd cuFIe17 Fode aueeachue cee 11,000tmiecsc u5lultfailiîecou- ceeIMe CeasccccCebc-l 0 cc1,cl af. etcl ccc rlad. ,I l i FuCultTUE Eat bcecLececuLueS-Cca re tabee (gaudi)j Wh.ueeeauecbetadbcchairu, beeebft lea ttaecuet c . idvn ec ecehtortcre btoute char e catuceair euei eueor chr,, eaf bele te dades uta bee fnter clte enceuheudceetetecceanddchaireFrenlh Provincial ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ et aufi table Peck Pacad tbe.woemois cntal AU O SLE.. chaeues, ucueucechetcet teck bacstel e hee eta et et"' Ceu ce.uh lc e ceInhiuaticeuiel ctcha,,pesacaeaee airtanda m --s at ado i CuLce cîpces IshboAdauec b la gndcdtn eut. Plaike. eecîe ocý CouEeeABESuuE euS A teeecau cceeeaata e aCesetaCcs ad rmoesc .l dat C cîtcedu laiems r clc ccucle ee . acecc heceeotems lspea s cua etc ame cagdele. a ccuiloi esiecdsakd elue hIte ncets debc a stuan pail pronc lot, eel beeket. cecde ceactes. vae> AUTIUNEHi frn ca eCu antecrnee antique mchet. irons, ptsec cen e cas DAN UUIî8hY klirais celo leaeot, celesctet ceetuetr, suaet jar, cats, ouate. bouche, pcularigucuet o uteuueuhciselas,.oed, rn boeeacd, GUELPH 8aiiMI, P.c aucaace cagecuo tanae mondebranditeceeeee (cu74.ca34 mcibu euCee eacalis ecaente etc., pian eceut. cee 5e7. eud eoc bO Mccc Caetcctaeîd tautew uautwet eud uetcher joe.) Watd Bîswsrîdt9 rcaht sauettetcutuceîee ceea , adec iee e-24 eccý LcedfaAuteeaec tucutjeucavd acept ceu e adee aueee ateeu ce hîîre Sales BEL COLLECTIN n ceeu cectiotne Mecy Gcegory belle, lare Phone 870-R73i eud cutetl Cteeuht o ei el al eteel bells sudellet Oltaranebee. Aucîceetes -AlTese doseIl a vl eu ,ccuteeeeucc srig eeeot ca. 74t Ters aht.ioh10cie t at. NOE& 4 t ttn AUY 010 N SALE S[ 24îhb 630 pm. ciwlcctciCca 12 hae23e t ae at9tc-t c - t e ca i a cb e ca -tac, e e x ta-c latel a dt .h e t r plted e P olia db c cc cea a 54ci a- cl e l aied vo6C PEFICE S88 cu\Nite C i m 010lid ilh U 12 Unît AptDienI Building euep hall ntme iprWllritr Ple,,ul c uitCeecu l ela Oaoloo McLP8C Ltmnitud Realtot C E te ri,t15 wutb e vieli la eakleg up lectueg . They luied eBu seuls ut tbiegc., necludieg ueieieg uebbllc. ee 19e 79-accu puen- peut> cebieb beukc acte Peuuly Sceeup. Bet elva tua utucb bed utack th util1e cueeurd. inuei Mue. MuLeud 99 o thucdeuloftekieglbhe lacet a pecetui place uthece peuple uauld cautu le gel beuk le chue cale, lieu lheugbt viet taucreale a kdeofciner- preuv e centrce. 'behd viions ut tekceg peuple au celles and ebeedeg theut tuge. A lut of peuple lookt elts soreI t ofcunatry and ee c et ascate lantd.e \J SALEa QUERT TURNER ST. ACTUN 24e 1978 ai 6.00 p.m. coln co e me5ceec .k c o cc h ac t ,leeceflrck Tcestebarilcc tn, hall- ll.e - 1 - c e r1Ib toes ol att a . - Ihc cc u , and .cc cibles Curg c-ie serra cc . t c a t -eeteac ce c ici tai hi andP 843 mo8e niiil gond LH8PYi cel eis p eet a site eteuled git'icg beeb luttehes eeldeuuc. Filty peuple checeed up lue eaeh Sittung. -luviescgîeet flt, but yuu ceue iu trouble if l S9e friund tueey peuple weeiuterected ut berbu but uueuelefaid tluuetbein.u cite biglat a "ese ut courses lu teeeh peuple ebuut het-bc eud gaedeitg. 'Me betb lunuches eue uutc gtteui curectuon uthcbtlassesti tmuretuecegeable gruupuuof 20 peuple, A cludeel ufnaue etenes a Ceabridge Uiesicty, Mue MeLeud but bed a leletcg itecest ta gaedeucegeandbheuubaduunts Hec rlliber ucac a guud 89e- detuer. Wbeu 1he MeLeede caet l Canadaei tehIe bftîeu [rucm Yuekebice,' Eegleud, bhey soitled iu Ncutluudleud Lalcu tbey cuuced ci, Pucitcgtuu cebece Mue. Mclcud, 1he uutbee offut. ceueked as e veuuteer eith1e Ruyal Pctettcl Ileedeut hbec percer ltkdcd in ueuieceuouc"madeuaptauods aed ihis dielcke cuetuthutet l hieu eteel le geucecug hechu and deuelupieg eecpeu tue theu use. Au hfib ce au mite ucclul pleut. Mue. McLcud ptacue. S9e promotuues 1he ;h ut lcecýb. but eeyc leeccug hu h uceet ceas cret lucerb eue uued lu caukicug. jucdiccue, dyec, cueeueticu and petpoueecc Muut hierbs lIeue au tempecateares Spcceu, uu 1 thue haur od, ae cuaduccu ut the duîed peut ut pieuts geuceel lu trupical luuucutty, bleu bîCLeucisc ucudecug the cuedccuai peu ccc hec et herbce Alec chu appîues lu cuui elcuge and harius Sage luc le ueed lu c h ee tu uiud cuil Sh,- ac-leae huceraice cleeu appeai I i l erg lui ble lecuds aituauceugauic gacdeecug 'i aclh chcugc t due t fletl cale ecthchcsie saec uetceecegcIc ueceucreporctserit ree hairuid b> checuccel sprays anucoelakec polletl bu cep cge af chutîcaet t mr Oigiale gacdeucug au eceuply geedeetugbyuataurel ucethecle uciug uatucai ucaleal. "Yeu duiai cdd cuyhcgenaturceettcldul* cdd. Iduec bady viac au arugeuiu geedeeu 50yer aigu THE FOM Rbore ut Kîln Feru uiakee au idea plece Ce dry and clore floutere end chuede Recbel McLed cees for erranemeete. She aIse leeches caurses te use ef flueceru Cor decoratceg. Paving rip-offs can be avoided te Every sain nierhueds oftace crced chuer chu paver fhaclelceca. cat caculer cccI cpres., ha-ecal pýccîeg beau placItece -Siccagi caecribces il acte tel eueth cltt[efuc tc--cy Ii f-accacadi-ait calke a paaccccu lac e tht- uttuce ni cccith lide ta-ct aaca c Iýpcc ad Comercial acet profient aeldd Tulc-c peeceg pfatele ccnuc r ti catuccdccca cefi Iaxplaal hecc l chut uc d infcegeatocr 1th e =îh he cuepa>. ba t e apuecaa tfy-yih lac au thuectaut and bu Sieaîdhd tcc h biddetaradteid a cate u reued lac chuc tub. Il elcu chuelet are informuatiuon poiutescoueruighteeund ccdueg. Peu tCe copies uutîechcîciccites ritet Consumer Informetion acuItaaetaonuuer erces ufficet eccd Comercl Ruelats hec leut ecauy calte eu-55Yne S I..Yaugc>t.Tac Ont. sumesu-hece duccuoaye s17A a11te paielebl moreu luei 19eo igbeehallpudu giuccu ecgeucll. schuai eey th -Il lbcek teete ce un ceeteece Mue MuLeud ceplies cben eeked webee ucgaeicelly-gueeta fond fecte. bettue. **ttc saler, 9119th(ler cubaI chu additivee aee -Oegeetuelly gueutu pueducu e etmoe ickuly ta bacc cucuet dchagag and a lt ut peuple eue lucuud off by Gruciere ce the Uited Statues eue hendcug lects ae guttceg cimmunet nect cdes,.aud areuuutuuuceglua htulugicl mtcbde ut ausct coetret. chn repcorts. lIe cacin ucethad lue haute gareeuc ce the Cee ut dîetunncuccea eertheuanturel sautance whcch gue rid ut eateupciiccue Dueelupcug acnd man leachceg pcpcccc Scrteu aucch chue MS. Melccd eau baudie herecî S9e' cneu plautcdl eue ibcs ceeuba Ta hc eg e etno euhrheugh fiA fil c pace c fucait plcat cucutucud acîS cugetehice Tio lue hucccaincdegeucu lIeus uapccccuceug ,tch c cugetahices A ceue reci cecit ucaeu el peccable ccr spc pI acte cluce cttfethuerc huuhcgimectoa cecti c cc laities.anciucovctionuci SIte aleLedu Ahc catie chcc hec' c cach cug g aede .beuugceg thceccac a fc, chuc piaule aed flc hfilh eueu hute if ce ee ilcc seccthc pliaite hcirec deuistit, c. hai SI cI Si iecc gccec son piedccc boaqccetcceeufiltre piaule hcueicll cccl the gruccccci ticccc li c hirai hebeae Iccclaceec cltheutables Stuc SIc icel ce cucalcgthe floae decuurlacccn iccu apecd dce, i vcd ahcicv ethue arcc cc crin acuuacgcalnt alule ol teacicg eut aol a,,hecicuheb are sccteucd ticle t scruece cc, duc Ttcs cc le hboules ced cuite -- -------- ---------------------------- GROWING herbs ce tutlti le cotaicers mokes il possible fer caîcîlere la gel a aose-p euok eit tbe plants, uoyc Ratchel Mct,eud. She bute mare Ibes 1110differeut kieduaf herbei le er gerdueut Kilo Foru. tmicicc chaugîl tIud Ftcu cl fîcat> placeue tte.chný aceun '. a uucci/ fho dots it ce7inatc27Wtl ca feu the ACCOUNTANTS and aeuclhua- wrT Ceea. H. D. MULLIN Cîîîos AnilîCa Serie apecîcatila usac- cea331f Ih- dIlue, tact causes cb.ughi c - - D, c - StîItafe ciugu 008005 den GRDN LOMUX ~ hua t rc lacn hocig ep, 810 PNU CLLURA c- *CRtI e--e claýIe111ok cîch l iftcae au gît eaec lccde 87R AlP lu- calti thecuaeofcegP 17 Wison DburiMve 5r-d a a Cornet ut Mein DStet AIc ,I 878-7291 cad __________ WHUHO SERIC Y..ccd cule-e.l. . vat MILTON APPLIANGE a e cbesucnee Penc ihe lacteetc Ruarqueaca HALTONVILLE ececuS Mcees' Countru Markcet Gecorge Aý igîkaîs RCAGES eCceCcuED MICecWcCbCEuEN RROOKVtLLE AClCCuCuTA ucEacIEceaeauS eteekadde si-e tu lieu lua M'bon DclauWCSttEe ACTON Bus 878 0162 Acte cuuuccciuEue Acîetio coeOhep Ouî 845 8170 795 SecCld Cet cEecali MId ote Uc dnîy 8 MrTaggaoi Milon GEORGETOWN cla-5aI. etceueceestoc Be>Us.8110 APPt cANOT AIT aecCtrukee Bian, hh 878 738 tc - c a SPEVSIOE AITERATIONS P.1 I M,- cueceade Oceeeed Heten Plîeraetac Et OupdccS HORNRV O MICAs CUthaCg R. F. SerUice eeucbyneraideee c - e Tele on- Country Ft. Ceke cetSIu ORUMOUIN KNIGOT'S MENS WEAUR 1i - i ceaceqou setr 202 mate Ut Mitocnai-t PALERMO 878 447?cia Cedlceg. ceeties ALUMINUU 878-7454 NELSON ALITGMGILI N.1.. KAISER AUMINUM mODY uaoIIIIIIII LOWVILLE S'lac iWn.laI iU UOBD Nickels.. c eceece Do.,, Acta ccc, Cea cea,,,, caIL O EXET Mocscleccalckc5 P eaec cc Cuca KILRIDE Fedotaf Ifldusttris c -- CeeI.s Ce , of Canada. 'e - eacl CAMPRELIVILLE CeAKVLLI PRO]8XCURI Op-Emcporiumc ALUMINUM 2 dltuc.C te-I MtLTON HEIGHTS y ci" l Ici eceavcelcefite WINOWS B aO, iOR 2X.~2Z c tinéAND AROUNO GLehAetueel Pc.t.nýea c; -lI MILTON latuccla... 658 MatnE cedeetReWacces At Wilsone Acuý Moeede Dieai W, J KUSKt 1I8 Aueecec.Fuit Mackee 601 MaS Ciau E e 878 ca Wes Ed Mcet jU 0U BODY80 Fil ee Stoep MUOE0 PLUS Cometcac of Viccait Thecheampi.. Melion lacccecueica ececcu e ubecc s"' d-- -"I Ledutathe Saucer e. .....cIc Bond Seceeccey coeecCcUCvnqc MARK IO AUTU MeI Mctk. Beeecit Set Mace. M5lk.Sieste.Ans. PHONE URRUL MeePOLE COLLISION Mh etle 87801 lU5Mte Scî&t M oec Disct teCettd dit 10-2 ScerviSsce uo vce ke cieu tut--t eut about 1-CCa' PRec tort Dial 878-234j\ t 45N' scgAo Lcblces Tope e I& 0 Unît Ne iD, Milton, Ont. Mîtepe Ft Mcret Clcestfd .lftecCourtNec Hous. a, 878-8883 vcariectee ChampIon - lt a ckc2ettc Delueo