The Canadian Champion, Wed. Augosr 23, 1978 B7 Optimist graffiti days in Milton REAUTIFUL CARS there were plentv of. but _____________________________________this 1934 Ford Cahriolet dresc plenlv iii potes for the hest pre 1948 open car, and won iLs ' categorv. Awards were viven ta automohiles CAR ENTHUSIASTS corne in ail different age groopo. wîîh one thing 0n in 18 d1iffereet calegories. swith ail prizes hv common-the adoration of weIl kept or reolored "older' vehicles This people's chaire" Each vi îtor 10 the groondo 1961 Corvette drew the attention of BîiIy McGili, rime. frorn Guelph an received a hallal 10 record their favorite in the his cousin Timothy Klinck, 14 from Milton. varioos classes. Authority qives flood plain regulations lics sri. Ecee year the 1 lia Iton Cegial Copinservaioni Ahorily's a(aershed as erihiecled Ioa pxtenive danmage h5peope mho ddal p reali the aeceeiiy o hi Dumping filih ackyard raieor cr .. trlieg a hbuiding an a flaod plain seens iennocent eoagh. tiiiiiiuateiy. o,îeh actipo secerey damagfe the flaod paiiic atier slc age capacIlSý Som lainds ar, nrialliy requiiedhi a creekaoriakeli hy il deiif tincals.i If he.e larids are fiiied and eliîinîaied the creeh has la lake lands vihich preioaul apient susceptible Io fond- in1. Unsiicpecing daae- siream neghhain hecaiop, the Even illing inoa saOp cari have severe epepauslîll soalops redupe flooainge h1 criiig %alep durnOcplOO runoif. Thisalla is eleaed sommieer erlontsý Smamelp upcs praSîde laid, heller and prulePi isidlain foer a , de airl ofPiaeo anid ildldfe speces il es tho> liation iegioni reecpaeiit to PiîlecI Ihe ieaiiiuai aeeàs i bath Ihe leeei îrdho anihe anhd- The Cpiosrvationi ,Allîioiiles ,%i gîces the OAlhorilypris- dictlin ocer flL ontrcto and ilteralli Iaaierals. Il yiai peapeely as in a reguaaled area yiii ai reqaire a permait iroarlto Oegiae Conerviaion OAihaeili la: ia place ore peepereeegeadefiifrî aiiy lype of maieeîai. hib cae- streianc tcturleîricloig additiones or extensiaons la diceel, daim. aideni. deepee. or :r an ;o alleer amater '[tse 1hi, permitil reqiîedîin iiiliiiplilheailIh unit and mucipalhblinga permits Ta liedit0 ou heiher or o pour propertp is regulated. coetact the llaliee Regiae conseraion Aaiherity ai 310 Maie Street ie Milton. Orsideri anserig yoar questionso, yea oh11 0 provided aih a00001Ce ierrialiori Aaihoriiy beochare enlitied "Flood Plaie aed Headwaior Area lRegula la .Quetioes. such ai à.W de tKew if 1lamien tloa plaie or ollier rigolote4 aires., Do 1 reqaire a Per t. and iovdoaiPK ~or p eril' are ansered ai s brochure le. xtteniplîpfîcostrucion a flood plain orp orhep guataed area a ihoul i Osecutipo under thei l- priSon .huIhoities Ad In addition y0 mil! lie tuhavedahmpedA con actop ma clamphilan aP ropert, iaoriree. liicharges irppp l'sol Ailack. Environ ental lumaer ai 878041:W -Dis aut yoae aid ashîoeed claihes. 1114 ashioeed Days relai 10 t tillac n oaodayw erd 4any stores min have iperiai isplays. h re te re ' VI tr p fi p f F *C a or Pick-up *Coe inenais 5Pc~ *Bobcats - RET-A-CAR no a *Zepha - *E-3014'Val *CougarSwih *F-5M14'Vafl ai ponditonin * 600 16'Van L 600 16.,18' Et %JK20'autorratics euipped with -j'm lO ee ripUl railgate 4 w lo ader 655 Main St. E. (it Wison) For a D)aV' a Weekl a Mon*! a Yeu'm Drop in and Check our economvy rates. *SPECIAL WEEKEND RA TES* hafolpp seionsflOa Hîghcay 25 betaeep Mitoe aed Aelae A WINNER! Milton resident Pat Sheridan proud owner of a 1977 ,Customn Chevrolet pick- cleaned Up the dis Sunday afternoon il the Op- up. bc left he show with five awards for lus timis Club Rod Show and Flia Maîrket The syihtuk SThinking about dooorating in your homo? Why flot start by having your Àt_ favourite chair or sofa reupholstered CALLTODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 878-9094 ~ Milton Upholstering 751 Steeles Avenue Mon.-Sat. 9-5 si FiL. 9-9 BONUS OFFER DURING TH-E MONTH 0F AUGUST BONUS SPECIAL BONUS if your order lfs *SOO t 180010 if your ordor as greater than î8000 you peili receîvo you will receivO FREE FREE 1 CHARLES CRAFI LIFESAVER 2 CHARLES CRAFT LIFESAVER $MORE DETECTOR SMOKE DETECTORS <Retai) Value 03005) 1 <Rotail Value *6100) EXTRA PLUS 10%/ DISCOUNT ON AIL Iel.1I CABINETS & COUNTERTOPS SOLD UNTIL SEPT. 2, 1978 FORA N CHR6ECONSULA TION IN VOUR OWN7fi th.%GUbiflet &XnSwer Lb GEREONCHARGX BRAMPTON 877-0244 VISA Sur w lz Gueiphoiew Square 239ie Maies, Plaza Il savpsIodoavoura owieslaliag. WeIlshaowyou ho. . Ma ... à ;.- - :ý 1.1. i - Reg. '21.95 NOW Unwashed 95;1 JEANS 128-Guelph SI PIii/ýi 8771818 Tack a Togs Gtý,)rgptowil