B6 The Canaden Chtampion, heat., Augast 23, 1978 MEMORIES and loto of themnV wrrevivod ai the Optlm isi club Graffiti daco Salurday aighl, ait cearly 1.500fl galhcred la Votive tbm rxcitemtf0a the 5ù11s. Greased haîr for lte baya and bobby cko for thc girls wero lte ardor ai the evenoag, ait oer lte-twist- and the favoritlune oaaf ltai OptImnist graffiti celebration revives memnories of 50's Story asd pitt" ah tly Liatla Kisitî y Acorooig lO e daos it trked raeil ho L m e Ao -nl ar a sat urdt cogIto tooodfg titey itd saddrniy .tepprd bock 20 years. e Osrr 1,000 Pepe ataliy dod revivr tomne ai lteý brai armories of lte M'a as Moiton raideatsa tnd aoators r gotkered for lte bigigit i cft lte Miltas Gptimolt Cluit graffiti meriad:on co ailtse t itiggrst cd atnd mastt cooIidasosa Mitas bas eserastagra Bolackt leatiter. alocit greared hoor. hobby aOCka and saddir sitars mrr lte order of theenoi gas nerly 1.5m stomped anddancrdota toc tunes paacdrd co by lte ic'a ollytood banda; VFlash l'adoiitoc and lte Continentali Roida, tond "Lotlei Carsar and the Ccsis, ose îhaaaaad tela e toidnout'ne monib aO las the doac carat. and ttsre tore atoll iboar persistent encagit toolirada mat osto theraîtir A ag Oc Oplimoît cf- loo l M oanael, the clui Co laiBdet d ooai itave soid! atil 00cer 2.1000 tocketa, if a hall large encag to laoald cîrrycascoaald have itean -I tioa rorryoodo iad a sreat ti0cr: be sad. and added thc dance raet sI lokely tc be os the boaits las AN ACTON COUPLE wero the praad wins cf a 19500s style jukebox Salurday eveniag. wten lte Milton Oplimiol Club teld their graffiti dance and dram. Mr. and Mro. J. G. Landerkin ai 100 Churchill Rd. purchaaed teor ane wonnocg tickt earlier Salurday ai lte gai c oi the Milton clubas Rod Show and Flou Markt ai Milton fuir grounds. PVeeting lte priz is Bill Manl ote aiiton (Sptmits Kiwanis MILTON get bostProgrssiv orvtive hit h OcAGene a eting MitnKin lbi fort the eletion o lotc0di . o officer for thehoen pacst olo the0000 yea. o e e VilEah partesore Wenesday Metigut3 Cnrbsa mi lo 8:30 p.m. ..ny g os III tp,tm at heBa ris heh ,Tho for1 gooooo 1000theeleto Ave oath onds aoll o r ffofoteedor in m azDed>0 bt a RX-ner( projeSALE amiý SERVICEii ,ie,, W ae ,,k,, Ou en S r . ot be Ac 5 88-00 Tbe oly psobients tout lie pa ta do..ce tnd sufficirot qtdriben ne ea liita ar danse pace BIy il p.to .0il sesrese cf coitai tore gane. ositt lte .oceptonofatoteOcass 01 Despits lte oarge crod, Hoiton atgctl Pitor -sportrd erto icidensta he esealse VTe oniy tenon maoment of be earitg came itas lte to missing tickets tece icttfor a ilsQrcae (valued ait 8,0w tond a 190's style jakritox Nstosiy 0,o00 tickets tore ooId Oc the car, oith 1,500 tickets said! los lte jokritaa. it cothr prosýe ment ta a iGiron Htoeoocodý., tr.. Ses' botroagi, toos drciard aie l te car by Miltas Mayas Gos Gardon, tond as Ados coapi. enod Mca J. G nadei tram, 196 Chuarcill Rd. ose lte croc aara ai ltse jakeboxa il s te scnd ysar ltse Optinoal clit bas aponsoed te car deawo tond alto ltse sond tiore a hoarborcagit mas bas on te mor prias. Cas entlbiasia aisaen jcyed bhec iteydoy til ment- end, asnceonty 150 cars, ail cokes and morels made bhere way i000 the iton lois graantrosfrthe Rod Ohms tond Vina Marktl Rclla.Rcycra moocd cot Corvettes and wrll presrnd farm0 trucksas ouadatowes enterediither cacas ltdof- Titers ocere pritra for tse bes0 antiqar. 1cr the5 brai saub. lte bent coamrcai ochoale and the braI rstalred car.lan addition a irapby' a atoosded ta lte Car tht travrlird tram lte iactbcal doisae and on aarOIaOOO C e c fa t M t hoico. 'Mire tas no otfictaipat 'enjtlinseododsitottI.. iceounda tre proded itit a btattot ltioa ta select oerown opesnsoictce Vioc tcaphieo tort ta ose tiataonr 01a977 Costom" Citescotet pick-op uckàe.pPot Sheerodan a ootodcdhe Jest'rcki t9it o 1970; Beat Poitt Best ýommeclat 1948 and top; todies' Chc tond arat osrd by Miltos cesideat Gord Mclcttosh. ceceird lite pcice foc Best Antique. . e cac stao sec l 1it 15 cfTta it.od toc lt Mtas ()ptimist clit, but islikelit ta0 ite otinued nxt yrtr, solo Ms. Masuet. Adistoppoitg Mealture oi thctrcsesttt it arta more firs markt vendons, ite said. osly 34 vndocs, sri cladise titose selliog cons, tucord nuit dessuse redictios sevecat otItes car shtos ad graffiti weekesds asere iteing itetd ait te sater time. ated oser taU110camte out ta aira the cac s oSatacday asd StoadaYt No agac es tae yel becs rteased ta cAcats te astoatt ai tonds coilectett toc he osto Optimiat Yaalh Cuta maoiy Cetr. Viliton cop shop repaur de ayed for bids cotie dlayed itea tht eptrOictsalcHos police commission as ot liarseit. Hic totatoged la haveo sfoaird uîlh the siiser lte maltes ield ar Ifi tendr fosrtjb saurneis natdoisg titejob for as. said liorrtt. titra os Tendeonli tar lte job tas aitaod do i bondird troogi ltse reicotol Macro cecommrndsd itayong cflice tond lte single Stepitra eagit Construction qacle, tram Stepiten aogit gsI lte job tar $1.050. Cntut on as ail] ltai Macre old ltse commiOssion cameo ap. police adminis retas nmncy tiadcîth traoa Ray Manro tld ltse toasttond se bcr ecam- commisiotn, Tburodtoy, ait osocid a trasIrso aIrds. 1 were 7 payiflg 7/4%/ ON SAVINGS Hogiter Ra oTe r Gepoas of 30 Daya o 5Ynar EMPT'Y otiR COKIEAR NOVOAND sCARTEARNNG BIG INTVRESC HiALTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 44 MAN STEETMI LON 8 MAIN NORTH, GEORGETOWN 44 810 MANSREMLO MOORE PARK PLAZA) 17 WILSON DRIVE, MILTON 3138IKERR STREET, OAKVILLE Baret rriaard la belieos Obese tots bat ans proce for drapes ai ltse Oakaiis divo- soH gol ltaI matfcr beid rie. o A DenHTwih tudwre ieioHly wod ans,'FahCdlcan C nineta KGaban r'it ie l a sa th Cosl. 1787888*-0 i HALTON HILLS FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES THIS IS OUR DELIVERY VAN OUR DRIVER AND HELPER WILL DELIVER AND INSTALI VOUR NEWLY PURCHASED APPLIANCES AND FURNITURE RIGHT ON THE SPOT! YOU (THE CUSTOMER) DO NOT NEED A SERVICE MAN TO DO ANY HOOK UPS! WE WILL ALSO REMOVE VOUR 010 APPLIANCE. WHEN OUR TRUCK LEAVES YOUR HOME VOUR APPLIANCE CAN BE USED IMMEDIATELY! &#«,44d 114 oflfâ 0<a stu~t verê '7 50X NOTE: PROVINCIAL SALES TAX GOES UP TO 7% ON OCTOBER 8, 1978 Buy Now And Saveli -,HALTON HIS 1"aa, caissaN alOSE1 SaII 51 11WY 1 00. 53111