Library index wiII locate Milton people and events P -t- &S~e c~se~~~eZ7 SPENiIIN(i the ,,ulititier hîîrîed in thse paci att (,clc Ktrkwctîi asid Sosco Eîlit- T(,ht lc tstocleefs.hired ihrocghit 7ttExperienle'711gr1îîli.' Lorne Scots welcome LtCoI Beckon as C.OM cr0 alo to itst g îtlt alr t g I'l coi 1, 1 fcl-t l Itteerc ttîee dcc tt tis tlîrît nîd ttt tilt neist o m n n St t t t t t I t ili iltilt ilnc and theise ittt t lise ptp htratt bard ploord tlr t ilse lt toîljudeeli ottl trtt trtt, O Style and good fit the Meillt rea ttt t Major 110rt i-t I fly Oies Ilereetieh Oeudiog fbrough micro N '0 sude fforeîerîb sme d copile. of Ws s so e cEpeeceesden 8 are reordine andS grani ar helpg 0PC abello izseg birfhs effs fi fogefher cissfry fil e for ocrces . ce q ff Miftfon public Lifsrary. G arse ie cd Pro- iSusco Edoardu and Goeo minent peuple, cedTcoeoto Ktrood are osorfece ce a such a, elios, Tfey're p=o tl mfih hea coins getting a kick Ontf o the old a vltd uifpoide cpapiers -as Weil as reportieg reei dcc. f0 articres in crel s in the coosmuify.the Old copies of The Chmpion.errypcpes idfttel ot Mcre ced oace pp NO trase f0t ifo Merelce tee fml ta ar, s. Edwards, if, I ree kc uing the fibeary bac preitusi y oene esc for onforooattoe thaf moulId Plur e pe is hi hý^hein o t rcce fcmtify cr0 eoicen A eraduafe o f o boters, cuYs Chie Mtlo Dtfcc Ilh eec fîhrcrtuo Stelcgh Ceayi site eImite '0'eiy lcf The index, hih otil poe Toronto this fcitlacfor ofde ! henssetgrtî t e irato tochrýe> suheo cfd ouw eh hh rà .~ ýcegedIegrer. heIn cd A residee of Lmrhcu Queen'fS Park )se6 Nti lCompcny os oereiy (Coetieaedfean em 6 doteestheoco uai es erycce ni 1370. Accerdtef s the risc - toorovr the 1 250 foot iicty thi, order was cobetclhas diepeesed the isacrdcoorrA fo esst etoeics5 lotog scrion c u 10 t iseoth hcs Mioooiced the (.opc eîctahtsion dfAoeue tt ocerrohich prosepsed the latdce t'C'abeathe Ocoodifcn scai,ocf th. 1070 order. -on oeP ý1isofecttaladrse tsfucay idaunt. LAcerai citete e sertatco.cci ced f7oiroesoret Cr5150, heltecrc ater m a laree tires thctifthe Gotterooent ico sureocodief SudhurY. -- pradtcagcre tue oter- Tttdcî lNCt> contiuls tu geî ue eh the not culot :îtoo tonscadey.Yet the nitai o tat order "thte ttttsilO hastootedua'% isct thtee ocould he for dcc tt, INUit c Geore MoCugu (Enviotn- tttttaohrrebi Jur tOnon estt Mtctcter tu ttrcigtt f ttt. B.tcstotply requesttoea thinohrs colA ott o hte report Ny Decrother 197h hbutiness (in that hec I agrerd -ataiethe lrottlt ottt attoot fice liesuth t-vuttottt tý lhe lestoieco pacoclcslot foctn îotrolttno fotatfpeto trt tcr veac. - I tto1 the tîtteoderý the Goero goîue hac etoor broc ,a rted rae andb Lesa edt ve ori tc catetoom plyotith tar fc reod or!ne tttt 1970 pollctcon cooteci puhliity ceceotlY I f^lîcie t At-t ectrace of a report is' t ,Ittarettl 197 t0 tattcs Ltttt,ýati0o st tacto C c odct [that Sudbury sulphur lcîtte (u _ îti Pl aoîcotcd foront>, dlate, at lotit, the United i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e ttacîoNciAtce itto ce laada have tsttteiad cufNothotttoo a sacjuaeacttstupcevect labr t.3 prenrt ttt global !îîtllutochut thertaws ilocld -nsin. Alvt "thec senrforced mtuîre slctetly. tlletttîttf htoîgcdror lvl Thse gcop cs trgice hrcadee cocnrt ot Ofsphcc aodc5cccgerctroi ettttstdraddepead acutr ttc-accres ttgtttoî datmage le tAc DarIne th, lest Psroviciatl suduryara hve ssnt-E etin Premier caii ,ir*regsIacor te cnsi ae. IlA i nai oene-t ,ceM i-teitentoa hoes VWBTIn SALE STARTS NEXT WEEK -WEDNESDAY AGST 30fh h Robert Newman Shoes 164 MAIN STREET, MILTON 878-9877 [ ThursicO & Feidy eill 9 - Member of Mîflemes Contre CA RiRBEA Nl HO IDJA Y c. ATLANTIC -t-C~0 E~ EA mc liCUANI) Îo SAVE THIS ~ Y iHELPFIJL MAF OT MRC COURTESY 0F ...UT4aMRC 1 COMPLETS TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS i FOR AIR, OCEAN, SUS AND RAIL TU I. 379 QUEEN STREET EAST, ACTON SoRVICE Acton: 853-1553 Toronto: 364-1034 -L....I brelee u s echiuesde nei year cf ftbe cere ibis Tise referrece iex lerc oee-ferm po eof flc comayecysý Lfýsceleml jb lud cemplelice dcte miI tlp o ce f he rcia fyc unae mos c iakfle Po se pscbrd up ced aorbrd on er short prsds wheespare bote is acastabie. riteproirlct a sa cced loy Oc euirc. c mbe r1r hie liscacy isoard. N. iscitre se ideig; the rcîter copîrs cf lise Champicolce .rin frocs tise issues of IMo Nhe reso cf the Cacadice Us Greas Lcbec cafes qualisy ageeentetsprolid for mssivce t(milion dollar fitoc0 o be pcsd toto anenr vio ienlclenup fand admîisfred isy tel 10trisI asd poifuttes teseach.i An offitcsai of tht srcrcotIy desrtse s eafe :,lent y fle Premi e as a hi If Idranartfie ocisîtu As lrc itils i sdscafet oe iero thai the recet INC dcroe te fle laI -trc oa ee'ee 01i an pe od of d ti a.t tise recuIte c o îcIl cou tave lac cearite a' delteriocttconsuencroîrf ie, ise todtraed Ocat ut Pcrty told m0cr tisat if StucAislaîîototffer t RrcotOce itroenct ocrrt woîfot drlay tttreoîs lise INClI dectscels 1 it Letiftris t portal ,e, hcgttslvcii omîfr 0 la mipoceslcc ,îscis c recbeO pctttr^ cicier. chre thec Le lauei ipreerit cisedul fo rcocilrc e Halton polio checks negative A nember cf Huls s ediblt fu Ias. der f5 ced le. aLdgif ise de ne tbs c br e. cbe bed fer ,s e ld cfi es i po li cr e er a eCl 5 s Me n Ne Iîdee refrer p olio ne lisee p aslt y Teeb b u l sesie fibere ie ee slee of tbe disease He scid Mess of fbe people l r eei .Ts ies ie tbe regiee, Hall&0 Meditef mite bace bers ceel bcd bircM:ou esfesriertissIflmer officer c Heallb O.eeph be m eie esNlsrSdasPel C mbrîie id bsmr Dr C inabfi scid polio o mb have ceefraed Il ie Ne wueld et speciiy hem ieeeculclsee sisets mill clin- Osie bd celel mi soaep Nalîceresideel s bacv e a s e ube giee Ile Poersn peepie from, Flttedat b e n c e c k ' e o r s y vi bil pars cf lisegioe tey corme Irem Drc Chambserlin scsd fice, are ca oumber fpol wis care tf cralel cd- dsoef heccbrbsr er tol cc Oit bpelefe ef.~r Ocord Couef y misere tbe diecolir bas brosen cai. He sasd mle'lIab reporte le Mountainview Road S. arrped-iveg art clil epiet t-hcbd for pl e.cepfl ut orwI Drche lck a 'aes87- Bouse a s et ce0s5eOC~ Super School SpeciasupTo550/oOFF REGUAR PICE 5.WREGULAR pesCE W.50 REGlA PRICE 30!0 50yc_ýNW 051 8 50 ALEVIN ctces~I8< AD eses 8 REGULAPRICE33.50REGULORPAICE 31.50 LE NWOLY19!0 MANDV N 19!. 218 Main St., Milton 878-5923 1 WE ACCEPT THE BLUE CROSS VISION CARE PLA rIHINTON'S 5* te 1"0 STORE IOpen Mon. Turs. Wed. Sal. 9 toU 6 Thcrs. & Frî. 9 t 7i tre at AtnrT9REj/ f t Corbett9S tri Oakville Ski & Ski Boot S-aliel VV,,,ýdnedav Auqust 23 M e e si Pt id L Id id or ui fil hi .1 t, v h, 1: oi 1, u t Il e Dr Chamberlain clin- ORDERED SOLD TO BARE WALLS OF NEARLY EVERY ITEM IN OUR ENTIRE STOCK /à (à W SALE STARTS THURSUAY, AUGUSI 24 NCIIN IS YOUR CHANCE 10 SAVE DOLLARS DLJRIN(ý THF NEXI FEW DAYS LIKE YOU HAVE NEVER IN YGOR [IFE SAVED BEFOREI SAVI '-AVE, SAVE DURING IHF NEXT FE\N DAYSI OUR FNI iKL STOCK MUST GO' NOIHING HELD BACK 1 VVE OFFER OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT REDUCIIONS UP TO 50 ;, THERE'S BARGAINS GAI ORF THROUGHOUT THLSIORFI COME IN AND BROVVSE AROUND à M , 12 kids love