kePlaytex - deoclorant o auge uies fihk'6 Stak1or super ar regular Neilson Newt Orleaca style kidney beans tampons noveltieS 19f 660 1 0 e mi (I az. tin box box 9 m MÉM r b tiironeh bo 0 watsfl 2.06 ed box oanqep was 3.19 powdered anr c,(. ý x29 detergent 2O tea bags .1mducaufUSA was 9 Yort, lau was.37 a b 30 89 c ing h 19s fudi. a7 p ha o. uo.615 peara z fn .67 ryehtw 2 oe .99 dg 3 4 120 oz. 9HM un2s tea mix zpi 1 biUL2lbng 2.19 Qcr ôýddý«,fWtbom 150 mi. tube Alm too0thpaste Pariaten miik ltion ace Bounti 2 lb, SofS margarine Black Damcor go0uda pias bta 9 tub WU:ê4f s t.93 1o 13 delo cOU aiiehn brpe .68 tornatoes bsl 1.98 g- ". ", 111111ý as 48 Carrota ncu3 Cottanelle no. fa1 grade bahroomnpace tissue ail calaurs pace Saiie 40 Ontario grown no. 1 grade caulitlower 'd)for the price of oAe -plus meplacent Kodak flm This affer includes two sets of prints for the regular price af ane plus a repiacement rail of film (regular film oruly). Ail prints are borderless, and cantaured on Kodak paper with a lustretfinish. Weaoffer 24 hourservice baoked by afree raill of film guarantee in most Lablaws markets*. 24 hour service backed by a frse film roli guarantes *check your store for qualifying pickup Urne (roll colour film C41i process only. Prices effective ta Tues. Aug. 22 except produce& bakery effective ta Sat. Aug. 19. We reserve ffie uight ta limit quantities. millio outiy Lblaws owDfC plus... aWlole lo more