BB Thit Canadian Chtampiaon, Wed., Augusi l6, 1978 -t TI-AT'S o fuany vovo. A 'Serveitta of Kîlide. O0 Nis Seriterla soaS Dog hun pays off LinLughed a - i i d ttîl Joîu h n ýItotîtî liaid maitagerd ILi -i tttttaa %%eso il shc .soamerstittI lthbe -ttttl iecitees lie vtîd hO8 ttil oltd&ti.on a door ta t ta î and an ddtttoitu OI-r, icratil ai) bi 1 hll is ahtO recolla o ttc ttiv uîtiti the lesi of the lIt h.a tllrtled ni exI ii $ t in l teea in fits t irI lit-îtk lieis0paîd 51111 flt -ao salues aitd torn îlt a t complete tha tîtîtaiLi hîa orit aam anhd thten tîticuil hecame colt tîad ahout thc latk I il t cI ha mga. Cyclist escapes injury y Mlltan man escape )us- itour tila hvl tsna ,h-l,tlrcycleitc hc tta and uahed itt lat wilttaiud 2 Hlt tOit toi rump ta 0tghwa -- ý thtî ht, ledtlmahrli ltteh aictorbaig ta Mîlt Git ftoctîlv arud o tu Mitona Dîsîci ýltaln t teatu fe mint il, toitsand vlter reuse0. ttetauprtis matattyilt - t0te at $70 Ebenezer e'rs ican SicLeas I trata -ummcc mcdd. ittdai EFl ttoli lA tht- atîcîa i lit-t all raamthavit and the hcîdrsauds o Ovnau FîtzaulcCi and Dei Daîgir. The brai man Keata SayaCtn and lte osit ,ereenuiReaOiik and rlitora Litle Leet Anne C viece otf lte bride, mas tiemer girl. Pcv Aitdresa MeKe alliciaird ai a sad ti 111e aise lac Vejay Dosai.tI da y aid site ai Mary (Mao a cd hier bushaitd, Vedt dcajag. Srrcamisg celaI usolade Irmne ami Dut Moiiai, grandparentsa Ennalville, and tps aiviers. sitarmîlla and Pril tait lite las liIt op Ilt ra HillbiliX' F relaxiflg air provides iay in Kilbride uni4o tagai literces itag tuas.5 Opim5dlaerti. Praceeds go for dm tlits aitersoas. f me m in ai. Pot Malta Mp Jullaan Co i lip eseiaimed an en- tIee asdOpit id nids =aadY eveisg as tbustasliit yaasgaer, Ciaade tta ddlgel ail 60 eniimaied 400 ta c0 ""astY -Yao bave 1 accepi tts ea8nIly Eacitgal t tripla hoiu music tams tarsed% ti ar a ton,, caaliased liter mauller. liebrrlprrmasce ita Gardie Tapu "Weil.1. ble partiei- watertnela matiit UP adf b is . Dancing an lte patiso, amesded lte pirl, aitd eatent an om an il mals part iailomed. esaitciattsP eili syllaitie siiced and itnme-taited pies 1. the sap boxderbty Braite cureiuiiy as if ont lte mord mere popalar la. Witetbam, 12, iteat aul 43 forthe irst lime. Titere mere pames ai contestas tontmiiizee And titere mus ample OP chanite and ingso and ester- wit afiieaof 3econds. Tim rportusity ta pacticipate la lte cliil b hiulntnBcet Michael Reisertiasd Hllbiiiy Fair beid sn Kilitride att y. loe SeGg Par entglwonPeit saturday. il pas sasred iteela pua bn ler clama su il respective calepores by flite upper PuclinplOs and mateap lac lte occasion. Momns and dada gai nia lte otîpist Club. Tmo macama in lteir bru-. race tone Fatter mit lie Thte sîrpa it froit ai Claver liast biue ami ced plamage, a ludst lie mas Nelsoni Fucm store mande a pooi spotsl a of I ilte Airicas Lias Grasper, mile Pal Reysoid roaa aticit ta aiem the soap dSpfayi malched praceedins capiared lte bannir lac tttadecby and litelbcd races. i~rm tieir percit abave moîbees. Olher lok op aitapepoits lisper-itiis reacit Upp Brigo ,tîtsit ded spots alOitp 0ptt Crlisl f iltoride StI itastaaretrmd. BalOP'n't la lthe aifteesea it m ile lias a cramd miîh lte air ai ilpimit it itebed race bat barwraces provided a peapie leisr-y esjayisp lie y005p people conititit lac gîpple lac kîda comnpellit and bat somme Zday te a coutry lthe Octagas tapped Ibean idlts mulehiap aibe. village. Optilmsta bape titeir bath mîith a lime ai 1 int itulitramers had trouble aital talc -ibis mas lte, aitd 31lsecondsior thectretth. Five hours to dousie fire Miltos luceliphiers speel calird aI 6 a.m. aller hoame- maad, bai ficeligtters mccli oleaciy tise boues Oalocday ta amiter Aslth00P Sailia dit- cancerard at one poit thal ltae i~uput out a stomP lire mnutihe covered lte mooti ai lte edpe tire mipit spread ta tite Eightb Line ta Hocitby. ai bis praperiy ait fice, Said seacby CN tralii fire ofiiis. The lice depacîmeal mas Damage mas limîled la lte Car fire investigatêd Ftac offictii ar estita attIliîser Maltes ait Main St. gatitig, amr tire lit de- aller lte car uas discovered ogelo Morshbail. 3. oI Kilhrîdtll cloeiwn Rave molîsbrd a t9t5 Maruisî on lire v o e as0er aad tht- If, my tt constiton it. Tho say cartito Fiee oficials havsiye lice1 yer 1gott ilThe Milton itcrDitparmneit deiecmtited lte cause ai lte mas cailed the paringiilt oflire. Corrctin NoicePROFIT C«ret'în Noice RAISING EA.RTHWORMS Z-ellers Dollar Days C a a, August 17-23e,1978 a, -Te Co Page 16 - Garbage Bags PERASOU CAR PECOMEAwO0MGROWER Illustration shown is for heavy dutst. IFACPI &A ODE W IFMR The Correct garbage bag is 1.3t mil Exvaae Mitah. s c Cpll tv PpttItrc plastic garbage boy wîth iwîhst ttes. ACT 7ODAYI SEND FOR YOJR FREESBROCHURE' Price 2/'l .00. d.u .a . . Il1- n 1- -l WEAPOLOGIZE TO OUR au>MTION>L CUSTOMERS FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE CA USED .nmi i Introducing Premier Sundial f rom ArmstroN sip The Rtemakrkable New NomWax Floor New Armnstronlg premier Sundiai / LIMITED is a comfortable no-wax vinl floorng TIME ONLY tiret cjoes everytfng sale Price itcan IDstaY Comfortbooêeng life new. Premtier SuadiI mis l IW Corne intodayto0 dense tacot laVer of stop SQ" YD. see an-d fte suppaîltag ctatl SUPPLIERS SGG RETAIL Premier Sundial il gîatag yoan maddatl ,iy moastil of tquiet andt 18.5OSa. YD. NO-WaX o-a ts camîmît. Premier Snilsn-a a Mirahhade surface henga lits rîcit naturel gloot-withoul buoing or 10 e waatng-ia onge 1090 hsv an th ta Ar sto Special backiflg ideal for t spectul hacttvg helpaourff kthe oringtoos ht do-i-orsfe liai, asti gaadleaiig lot years ta camne Retail * Wholesal4i Warehouse V«ý CApPE KIG'14nn o amns ,. ITitin et f * ifl 310 STILUS AVI5, MILTON 19417 E Drumquin X-S-sy time for UCW, By~~~ SIn eupte s Ited Wedsdl M53 a lr. and SIrs. Bill Baiiey "sYsaeîl t e IieHsy plie by ti omn airrtd osie Suny AUg.l Tre trFded ladAuddeyfLareecce Ohr= 1 phpeurea ta Caad nionhrý!d m a n h A.r a ev'ip ong 4. Hors Sho. Thel showeesas aiangs Ait a vr a is Liareshoe rses-e A serioas accident aceured outrides madeoa pirasing fllitaing a titcee-year slay in- on Wednesd y evnslg ai procession titraugt the Ctsad. Airica, asna Miisaisary D erry R ad a d F it Lise, streets n u day afiersao t n teacher m e mIses a vas and car mere in The magos train begaa A fame teacheiter iras callisian. The driver ai lte theirlaaursey in Penasyioania Landan, Ontaria, site bas van mas itilied and his and Niagara itorder and wiii taugit more than 60 cildren compattionserimniy inacmi pace tu Torontot toc the oftCaniadiaa mtssioaaclm A The accupants ai tite car ea a ai C.NE. an Weil- ramaso s piansed tac tse reqaireti itmiain nsa Chiidreg-and adaits former stadesis mita sam Police, ablnce and the oece an lthe Cutoatoade and ceaide in masy parla ai tire depariment quicitiy acre eajaying tii o naso ai Ontario and U.S.A. ta i be li respasded mites a pasasn amide ai traveling.p Titey 'I Waterlin taae Aligai. maîrislmiita C. . caied mece accitmitnied hyytruckts Miss Laurentce, mita itas foriteip.Titecarlatitklireatd andas ad on coipetii itee ia lthe saine Mission mas tmured oui. Palice aad titeir trip miii tract teir ch iotoat, Ciad, mii atiters stapped trafia on itorses and magmas itait ite itome os a isciaugit tac i0 Derry Raad i Fouclth asd itome. antd naitiul m thsantdmil Sistit Lises. Conigratulationts la Ward oea puent itheitameaofier Geleiiisitesitu arold lcamitcidge.ilcl autintiter aslec aitd tratitec-iitllam. (Iilclait mita fi stitl a patient who cadctcd a sale ai Mic asd Mca Bill Paiicy. in Parispton Hospital. Mit Faic Grountds on Antexcellent speakter, site fil nirtitday misites ta Scatt l-ciday eoeiii of itosebaid copraîrd ta bie saagt aller Harper mita mii ie faur yeac tucititure and dtsites tramn a lac opruita enpapemens int aid an itis spectai day fine old Miltas Clame, lic the accu. Local farmers mccc asked Peamarîidge started seliis Wr itpçie bas a pieasat ta dasate itay and fred tac (lie pramptiy ut 6 p.m. asti a sdubuppy bailiday visitisg borset; ai thc sagoaitri p vootisord noan-stop utiu 2 iend d celuehdives. Miss cavalcade, miticit passrd .m. Sauuduy mîîcann Lurcearms bacs aad * Itrampi Miltas as the Prises Oece gond. Thte sale cuised acar Payse aad ut- mereed and sayed5iiitday articlesmrereaofeitioa tcttdedPaoye Scititl. .igittal Miltonsfairrounds, quaiyand thecromd in sieitopes toreurnotiec About 20acoaeredmalons, erested and stlaieras he coua in Chadin 179. dcamn by brouiflla borises huit iems wereauc ied of muOdiorI C t4e4ppt icnd nofO ofi Iuly seaflt HME ALL NEW ZEIPHYR MAS THESE PLUS MANY MORE QUALITIES AND PRICED $ A fO FROM PLIUSj PUT YOUR TRUST IN THE FAMILY DEALER 6pSFO 878-2883 min St. E. MgRCUIy LINCOL