2 The Canadian Champion. Wed., Aogust 16,1978 SaIeEc K-y liedsa Klrbp The Ontario sales tan sa sched.ieci f0 jntnp bock op te sesen per cent in October, ioiinming o sto mnnth pennod ai toue per cet. F'orsonseilocaliboninrsses. the prospect ni the încreasrd tani nu noa happy one, but for cuthers, the retur orsen per cent isounlikely no affect Sales. iniicains arcn sucsey cnducted by The ('anadtas Champin The ta'. est oas part ni the ioderai budget inirndocrd ibis npning. sîthtthie intention ni prnniptng consttmer spenitg and bmosttng sag- ging ranodian econnty. Tite sureyet er dinîded nei.bquestion of the effecttnrness ni the gnsrrn- mentieno rncern wan esprnssedttnoet'. soot the lhoing ni the jattp bock t i senrn iler cent. Oittaswa agrerd tn ptck op part ni tbe lob for Qonen's Park renennelusoti itetober, and baut etes ni gnnernment noprnmise the lis former etel "The ansrrmrnt bas tax cut produces mixed reactions recase ta ibe lamer tas. tas bîke, oiihoagb Se neeis Copeiand Lonnbsr, obo did Feaseen in Mutas Mati pocked lte wong lime te Pal il bock np," accneding te Morley Rtcbardsnt presides t of Richadson t'ben'Otds. -STue ecenoon needs sttmaing poettcniariy dueîng tbe minier monnbs. and t oulad mach caltier sec al gosapîin prîng.bhe added. Cms cor soles basies Sas arroeaitad att0 pr cent te creuse duntebStnmcnth peeiod, Se sotd, 'Wr itd torecant se ri cr eiacbusinss bat lite lt redoction dtdtceOne salen sabotant taI l.t hr ichardbson Sosed bus opnioncs sots ENon sales ligures. Sotalsaote mnt cani ýsnîmrn Se notEi Mty tostumers rodtly sitd E' purebase ttme lthe itrer per cent nsvtng cm- stc [em'tititbty belteet ta. cri( up agomn Theloti liaI lthe Ian t'. duc, tu oise bock 10 set cn per cent mîi Se emphittad in- fail .tdnerlsng. said Me. Richardsn. lie , spects te Smc anobr Élseeysofsales actOdt' on tasinîtee bus te brai lte increose. mhinh mil ii o ceincîde mib the introduction eft ho 1979 modems. Anniber Mil ton cor deaier Oi Gattînger. disagrerd iboti o lowered sales tan bas marie tee botter business. "1 roupl dont fmil bai titere mon bhai mach change." noird the omner ni itottinger Mcrcory. "Sare. somte people tonk adsantageaof il, but bohre mas ce ceai flusctation te sales, as fie odded be mas nai con' cened aout the tas n "uts,-i wl mdbrbuinss o'.t asuuai ' Besides. he addrd. tbe "contnry eoildn'i brcp eaceîng ai fonue per cont, if tbe goenment needed svnper cent ovor the last Aibre per cent noies tas redacluan malles limaif ddf feec uconsamners bayîeg u'îec1tday stopte items, notr! lte, elaogr et Hoe sard- Elire on Stlones Anc. ttrspîte o "sobntaniial" tsceastin sales dw'ingibhe puai Ira mnonl.AItierman stoe manager. is sotin a barrv tît attrîbute thc in- "emple don't tiîk ton ma ch abaut tbe sales tan for items under lins." he said, and added bat he cotld memembroniy one costumer buyîng in the spring bocoose of the reduction. Th5e item masosn $500 sinne and the cosiomer saoid be manted Io 50cr lthe tan money by boyîng il nom. saild Me. Kiermon. "Sou banc tu embr o bardware stee îs ntseliing tnayiems, but saoptes- bey bo lhem desp ite se taugoingop Rinso n d Ce ode int Ier mgb ba c bmen a dîfierece if tbe notes tas bad bren rrmesed aitigeiber. "othece arr more bouss being but. more people cnming inie tbe on and baninsesopegoup" Ce i s sot lot) concerord about soies tottîng aller lthe mdycotinr i con- nîder boying Christmas items rarty if ibey pion spending a ltint mney. oelocal cnmpony bhat l nul tooking feceard te tbe tati buse ns forniiore dealer Peter (fignac. tone ni Contry Petens it'nenare mocohoone an litgbeoy '25 "Wr had o detînîle incmise te May, fane osE .tuty o tbe samne limre period tant .a." be notEli "- 1om conceened about waa miii bappee aîtb nar fait ouies s tbe cestit fbte retiien te, seven paercent. In iarncaurc puechases ai appennimateiy M.0tine, tbe bonuasfosaies tocu el; trake a dîticrence te castamers. be staled. '*il ceatip ts ntccbantngtit ;iltonr per ceS', ']'bc furnîtare, o rebouse dtsncetry $1t000.001tt in busness o t ar costumentsand in adcertising lire tacit bast the ion lu going baek ap, and people ara renpondmng fa tirait. "Septembr ebodld be a gondl macib, hecaaon ibere mdte niy benonmasibileit hefnme the iserease." he odded. For refadlensmîitbmaier prîce ticket items. thse eut did not pence. ta br as effective sains incenfine in Canadias Soies fbrougboot Iier'e ta Miltos Mail bond bren "brier" acardieg te saines cn'ordisatar Eitu Tboroion. bot ebe is qaich to peint ouf cusinmerns "uicomennt and hoy, despite the tan". "Persooiip., f fmil four per cent as ample bo pay. bot tbiemîstana lot of money aonnd and peoplercontinue tu came oui and boy wben bhey nani somoibhing"- Simidar iemu are sbored sot notice ton mach dit- foroserin salesduringlthe tant feo monthIra "Wbes lbe tomer cote first come in, il migbt bacc bren a factor, bot il ns net nom. "If iteople are buildinga nwhome, bhey buitd il- icbotber il ts f our per cent or sesea." be staird, oddtng mSit costumiers bave aleeady mode tieir piano. Mr. Brownusatd bndobuisf the iscreone wiii malke "ibat mach difjrrence" ohmni resomes aineren per cent. rinîking ntoes sneneyed i Milton admittid coniemees donntreaienotticieni nacisgs sn clothes nu offect cbange in ibis peen noies trends, "The tan drop sec o ta do nnting ai ait." satirE faces "The goneesmeni sboid hase denpped the tan otingeiber-Srpatingetber- Ithat defnitep i.ould hace bad on riteci." be added. firln enpeciing. boeeer, o gond sales menib in Sep- tembr as cosiemers become oweofeebtactlbherr on sooat sanîng and begin Sbopping toc amintier cloiben. "Il ns ceetainty seey bord te saybnew mocbdbcthpedîin noles,' noîd red Benne .oît bcipn uhis site's sbnp. 'FrOO'.'n"* in Miltn Mati. ",Il dîues loob an lbnngb El bas betprd. bolt 1tbînk tbe rs itsil]b beler knoo in tbe loit, aller tbe relr I, senen pr cent." be addrd. tins Kngbt. oncr et tan Ktnnigttr nsbWear ntMain Si- des lel lite, cal made a siemili dttterecein îctbtg sair'. et bis shiton criticizing Bottes Regtone Choieman HicMorrcnmin't imprssect s'ilS a report on regtan ai goneenornit prpoeed Sp a Tank Force et itbero In o onx-page bni sent ta ttbrat Leader Stuort Smith and rogienat ebairmen areundIlle province. MNarenm taken a sipe alth ibtasonterce tee mitaI t eresis t anex Iremeit. blased report Store Saîd thererportmwas bosed onslnatements mode aI brarnsnofIllerTOsk Force aronod lie province' Hr dlaims the oidrspreud dtssatisianfinn otith regienat gonernrni ître Lthcrats Ilaimto tehase found o nul representative et lte geneai publie, aid bemas dis appoisird lite Lîbereats nrsut a natpsed lthe nny rrgtonat gosernrent mnred. bat rot er based a report iEn critîcsos mode by peuple ai lte metings. .."'is untîkrtp.- Soeee bhat o ereseOtOtir sooflîr et lthe publie nnstd base attended tile beoetngn. an tbe compostittini lte 'tank Force mas itacdty csndseîm'r t aOfraeSOg a large proportion et lthe publie te i meessos." Marino notE Mrromusaidtheriosktnerce sas arongobhen il saggrstrd t ai rural people esenird tiete amaigarntion otith arban ocraS. oras aestitoned bar- monnoonty e ibmi and as part If a eennty long biere lite incrptie ofiegionat goccer ment;- itîscesmrgard "Prepi's inlercS'. and cners arr no longer Imlizerd on bhey ,cre- ai oie oc i ol hunier'., and Ile concept ofthe self csntotned t on or vilage bon dîm- tnîsbed tiattoots carat esîdents do est cling su o '.afibencp and cealune beebils St br deeîscd to eestding in s rrgton ltaI combine'. thercocceeneeof arban scen sath lte pirasares Et carat livitng,- Moreowss. teutueusm et îteregions' spndng record osnt însdiied "Te greup taired te eecogntr ltati n Baollon poeiicaiartp. regtonat faiitlsare ofien merry a replacrement sf former RELECTRICITY ýIs Our Business'% D onst Se a Tinkee oaS j AdeCationu Iuf eaOOutnaet Iihi SFEATIIERSTONE S ELECTRIC 878MI38 RIC MORROW says the region dores merk mcl. "Ttlasit tEt'ncEp.t itaI eîueîeîpalîtîeýtendrtu spend mole teelt. rcsliziod lit ts Isl Se hiaredl petople. IRation Sos ilIated ltaI lte res mtetîcipalîitten base spect mcie l ort'. theertltttoctaiutrett'.ttmettl lhitet t e'.pEo'.tittls lThe changes Itesugit aitil itssCitîregOt.nalcctenet trvcttEet c)pPO)tlueltt lt' .ts'ca ac'patte. tu rediît~t tes letel tE'.pendmtg, Sol Ira btd. legion Ioro Ersa id te bis brief lthaI ceprcesnn ban not brrîta pctubtert in ]litoin. 'UItîlîb lte iîeds etotmrd Iltb'l tssk Fuereprsent- cîttreestsrsd asoasourcenof tinsattstacton its reridents te St t'ttiitllors inteon Tl'ie î'.eistitttonattmîcdi scat, ottg lthe aie cîttettîipsîties peectdes a balanre hertîteo antan and tua Etterests tnd han ctasîiored '.îootity ic the toar tcrs stoce lthe rrgtnn's t-ieion,' Nlorowîsoud. lTe tanS terce rcteased ils report ai the end of Jonc and tdeettttrd Stve peobiros atith lthe prer'en int : t. i lseece ti commsndty ni ltllerest ec'ssartf the5 cminEl.ctisn sf arbon and m.oce cotly bat trss e'ffic'ient'srtices brcoonr ni .îîdectîreoaetac;and osee sert LIng I dtsotserecprenntatioO Etu ruego l couricil c4treroternens ofgoseen- ,tt and tas'.f cout shilt the pablte însotsed. ,, and iîornecttt'rlandse 1ls ctiieg. THE J & R TOUR CLUB is nowctabeg rescrtlaitis for * Sept. 4 Tom Joncs Melndy " Sept. 9 Bîedee TwoPetial, Kleîeibsîg * O)ct. 1 Antîqar Ciafts Mysiner Tour " Oct. 15 Color Tout/ Terra Colls tee " Nov, il Royal Wîeter Fatr, DEinneî For Furit'er Detaits and Brochures Cali 335-9343 Boringon 8 ar..10 p.mn. *WEWILBEAWAYEUtS 271o SEPT 1 878-3272 878-3208 s...20IllOr..2s22 wse23 is,.24 ist~hthe word JOHN IRAVOLTO OLEOANEWTONJEO5 COOS STOCKARDCH5,IMINCG"ý'. LVEý thons Thue 7Jpm. &O9p.m Eonry Dap ADMISSION ,kdni$.O OSodonîn $250 - ChuOnce $175 show Times @un. to Thune. S p.m. Il and Set? p.m. &BS p.m. il Sr "A NO. 1-'ý '76 CAPI Il-' '76 FORD F-150 * V8 standard' t adio * sirp up bampiter * ptnntetpr * bi'tosri mirenes Lic V188 *4,388 '77 COROLLA (LIFTBACK) *i Einciric tetnggoe e E Sperd * Bodp Side Moîuidings e AUR Rdîin * Rost Iniiterd Undee 19,0 Mîtes * Ttind Glass Li.MF070 $3,888 * body stde mnuldtngs * itntnd glass -elnîcrc demIser e wite wais - Shetdiss Lin. NHF-211 *2,688 'Il tbink t dlonse teip-snore peoplerarennnusciosof it, and bhey get unei ta if being of tour per cent." -ltjoetoieh it ond stay at tinspite tho benefits ni tbe ton incentice, if ase coais etoitens enoney to change tiriurcash registere,heniotd "Wr just gel ueed no t,. ana il tncbanged agatn." TIME SAVER TIP... Shop the pagea of' Iht dieu 8782341 USED CAR VALUES. Automatic. AM/FPMRadno Vîcyt Rani * Sido Moatding TîcîedGtiass* Radiai Tires '73 TOYOTA MARK Il *4 Door Station Wagon *Automotus.- Am/PM 8admo * OCytundner* Pomer Sinoring Lis. KTM-033 *2,88800 '74 CUTLASS SALON(OLDS] * utly Lnadod * AMIPU Radin * Aie Conditioning * Bockni Snais * Ctock * Elsoirie Oetogger * Titnd Gltans * Remnun Miernes L. 7K-50 3, A '75 LAND CRUISER WAGON * he drive edco4*doot * Cînclerdce*powneteae widow *Espene *O Lîs. KNY-823 $5,08W '69 FIREBIRD * 350tV-8e PowerîStenrg&lSes * Atiomatîc * AMIFM Radio * Remoe Micro, e Tîsmed Glass * Vtnp Roof Li. A-97 $AVE 74 COROLLA - 2.DR. * esanomtcat i250ns engine * C sp e wite malts e tîtd glass * sidr meatduegs Ltc. HJJ-853 2,3880 '74 HI-LUX PICK-UP e AM Raoa West Cnast Mtîers *i Wite Wal Tirns* StrpBsmbr * 4dSped Tansmission# Lie C0-8 *28808 '76 CHEV SCOlTTDALE PICK-UP per pnsteerinSapower brakes *AMtradio'eV 8 aLEtOMat *suttrt"of *4,488 Lis. A36-405 '76 COROLL SZde. baedtnp r adalt irtes ei ectris dn cee * îîted glas' AM-FM stee c8 trac *3,381 '74 MGB FUN MACHINE *AU c M Radin * May bitons * Radtat Tires e Under 34,000 Mtlon " Rag Top& TunneltCnoee * os Ra n i itid * 3 ,ftfl< q LîL. JNLOS05900 J uontc AM/MRai '75 DUSTER CUSTOM *senai V8 outemoitic * powerestescC* -witensain *'spots whecls eAMeradio * u n ate tl'l'p es $ 2 0 0 LJPZE4t3 1 BU RLI NGTOII TOYOTA INC. 1249 GUULPH LINU HOME 0F VITAL flUST INHIBIToR 338-022 Morrow blasts Liberals for -' - ~ IN im